Wait What?
by JustAnotherSeat

“Dude i dont know that’s kind of weird” doe said as she sat in her room playing her switch. She was sitting on her bed bored before the upcoming weekend when her friend Arthur called. They had been friends for years and even dated for a short while. Nowadays they occasionally hung out at bars or movies. More recently a bit more.

“Cant we just do movie night like normal” She said “there’s that new movie out on hbomax ive been dying to watch”

Doe knew they had a strange relationship. Her and arthur were sometimes closer than you’d expect. Sure they cuddled once or twice but there was never an agreement to be more, but Arthur had just tried to change that a few weeks ago.

He had suggested to doe that they fool around occasionally. “We’re practically doing it already” was his exact phrasing. He wasn’t wrong. Since then they cuddled less and played around a bit more. Nothing involving genitalia & no kissing was how they established it.

Doe would sometimes be tied up by Arthur and teased. Doe had enjoyed the ropes, the massages, & even the brief stint with ice. As for Arthur he was usually in control. That’s why it came as such a surprise when he asked her to sit on him.

“No genitals, plus like i dont really feel comfortable with you eating me out. Its a bit much. We’re not lovers “ She texted Arthur

“I’m not asking you to take your pants off. Just come over, keep your pants on & we watch any movie you want, except I’m under you.” He said

She thought it over in her head. They had been having fun & I guess it could be ok. “Fine but if I’m uncomfortable we stop & we just watch the movie. Ok?” She messaged

“Of course of course. But there’s one more thing” his message read

After he said his peace doe was stunned. Seriously?! He was weirder than she thought but i mean. I guess it didn’t change much.

“You’re asking alot here. I better be getting something more out of this. Next time I choose what we do and you Dont get to say no.” She said. She had always wanted to try asking him to flog her before but he always said he was afraid to hurt her or maybe she could finally get a full body massage that lasted a good long time. He had been doing a good job tying her up, but when she wanted something else like a good massage he was a bit lazier.

Fuck it. Whats the worst that can happen. “My ass isnt that big and I’m not too heavy” she thought to herself “he’ll live & maybe itll be fun. Or at least I’ll get him to give me a good hour long massage as payment”

— The dawn of the final day —

When she arrived at his house later that night she was surprised. He had snacks, extra drinks laid out, & was in the kitchen when she’d arrived. He was usually relaxing on the couch, guess he was trying to make this go perfect.

He usually was good at cooking & made her feel welcome. It was part of the reason she enjoyed these night. He always cooked something tasty & his apartment was always clean. Too bad they hadn’t been more but that ship sailed long ago. At least they could have fun & he was actually a good friend. This kind of caused issues when they first started doing this sort of thing. It was always dicey if anyone caught feelings.

“Come in and sit down” arthur said from the kitchen as he stirred a large pot. The smells of spices warmed the air & doe spotted a bag of hot cheetos on the dining table.

She took off her shoes & walked into the living room. It was a small apartment so she watched arthur run around the kitchen while she booted up his ps5. He was going back and forth between a pot on the stove and the fridge.

She decided to catch up on the new season of the witcher while he cooked.

Halfway through the show he brought her a bowl of soup and some coke. It was very soupy and she couldn’t tell eat exactly was in it but it was alot of veggies and not much meat. “What is this?” She asked as she took a sip.

“Peel a pound soup” He said as he poured himself a bowl.

“You know what this will do to my stomach right?” She laughed.

“That’s the point” He said as he ate his soup. He seemed nervous and shaky. He was either excited or scared. Doe was having fun watching him like a nervous puppy.

They watched the rest of the Witcher and she eyes arthur. She could tell he was dying to say something but she found it funnier to let him stew. They usually hung out all night so he would have plenty of time for his fun.

“Uhhh.. so can we like?” He said awkwardly

“Sorry what?” She asked. “Oh do you want me to sit on you now?”

“I don’t know man. I’m kind of tired.” She joked as she watched arthur squirm.

“Please doe. I’m embarrassed enough as it is.” Arthur said as he wriggled in his embarrassment.

“Fine Fine. Hurry up.” Doe said watching arthur spring up and run to the other room. She was confused as she was getting ready to sit up and let him slide under her Butt.

He came back with a wooden box with a red leather cushion on top. “What the fuck is that?” Doe said.

“Its a… its uh… a smotherbox. Like I go inside and you sit on it” Arthur said and he set the box down.

“Dude this is a bit much” doe said

“Oh.. uh shit. Sorry. Should we maybe do it without it or like..” he stammered

Doe mulled it over for a moment. “Fine but same rules. If i don’t like it we stop.” She said as she got up from the couch

Arthur quickly moved the box to the base of her feet and crawled inside. He looked so funny below her like his head was in a toilet.

“I see handcuffs should i use them” She asked as she watched arthur adjust himself inside the box. She closed the lid

“Id like to be able to tail if i need air” He said. She only heard part of what he said as she sat down in the box. “Your ass looks huge from down here” His voice echoed from under her ass

The seat was comfortable as least. “You can use the pedal to raise my head and smother me you know” She heard arthurs echoing voice.

“Yeah i know but I’m comfortable right now. You said i can take my time.” She said getting settled and turning back on the witcher.

She could feel the soup doing a number on her stomach. She was nervous about having to fart on him with him deep in her ass. After all he made the damn thing just so she was gassy.

“Are you ready?” She asked as she farted suddenly

“Oh sorry” She said “you ok?”

She could hear coughing and gagging. She farted again. Followed by more coughing.

“I told you my farts were bad but you asked for this. You alive?” She asked trying not to laugh. If she laughed she might fart again and he needed to breathe if he was to reply. After a minute or so She asked again “You ok?”

“No. Not really.” His voice strained from the box under her butt. “I dont know how long I’ll last under you if you keep doing that”

“Well sorry. Jeez don’t forget you asked me to go this” She said letting another one loose. No point holding back since he seemed to be fine.

She looked down at him under her. She saw the tent in his pants. “Damn dude. I can’t believe you can get hard smelling that it’s awful.” She laughed.

Blehhj. He gagged again. “Its … yghh. Its not easy “ He said “i didn’t even… fuck… yeahghj. Jesus i can taste it. I didn’t realize”

She laughed again. Poor thing. She almost felt sorry for him but that damn soup she gave him was killing her stomach plus the smell was starting to escape from the box. “Sorry for that one” She said as she tried not to laugh again. She let loose a silent one.

“Why.. oh god. Ugghh…what the… i can taste it. Ok get up. I need fresh air. That one was nasty “ arthur cried out and began to push doe off.

She grasped his hands. “Hold on hold on” She let loose a long ripper that echoed loudly in the box. That probably hurt his ears as much as it would his nose. “You fed me that soup so you can last a bit longer. My stomachs still killing me”

He began to thrash and try to rock her off the seat but she was too heavy. “Jesus. Ok please. I’m sorry this was fun but ugghh.. ok just like let it all out then get up. The soup might have been a bad idea.” He said

She laughed as she let loose another silent one. Arthur was beginning to feel faint. He tapped her ass.

“Ok. Im serious please no more farting. I can’t handle it anymore. I even bought boba for you but i think you’d Kill me” He said. She got up and looked into the box. His eyes and face was red from the coughing. She cracked up laughing.

“ I didn’t even get to sit on you” She said as she went to the kitchen for more snacks.

“If you let me catch my breath and don’t fart anymore do you wanna?” He said from the box. He lifted the lid to allow some more air in but remained on his back. “If you pump it up it shove me head higher”

“Sure but you need to give me a bit. Im too gassy from that soup. I mean unless you want me gassy” she said shaking her butt in his direction

“Please no” He said as he suddenly got up and out of the box. “Anything you want in the meantime. After i can breathe again”

“Sure. Open a window and massage my back. Its been a rough week at work and Itd help out” she said and she walked back to the living room and laid face down on the floor.

Arthur massaged her back as she listened to her show. Occasionally she would fart and demand arthur smell it. Arthur would laugh and try or get up until the smell was gone. “Dude you asked for it. Dont leave me alone her suffering. If im forced to smell it so are you” she said.

After a decent massage arthur asked again “so… Youve seem empty. Round 2?” He smiled

“Fine” she said “get in your fart box and ill be right back. I need more snacks. You said to pump to get you up right?” She called from kitchen

“Yeah” he said. She could hear the excitement in his voice. As she raided his fridge she eyed the boba. It would be good but poor arthur. Milk made things much much worse. She brought it alongside a coke. She could decide once she was seated.

She sat down on the box and began to pump as she grabbed the remote to find the next thing to watch. “Pumping this is hard. It is working” She asked

“Yeah. Your ass is much ..clommmpp” his echo suddenly ceasing as she felt him drive into her ass. She kept pumping and could feel herself lifting slightly. “I think its working. Can you breathe at all?” She asked

*mmph mppgg*

“One for yes. Two for no” she said realizing she was in fact sitting on his face this time. He couldn’t really speak.

*mmph mpph*

“How about” she adjusted herself “now?” She asked


She smiled. She could feel something coming from her ass but it was hard to tell through her pants. She figured it must be him breathing. “Tap if i start to suffocate you” she said “i dont want you dead. Also just real fast” she farted

*mmpgo ofmfpp mmphph*

Arthur began to thrash hard under her as she laughed. “I know i know. You said no farting but i swear its the last one. I just wanted to do it on your face at least once” she said

She could hear him breathing deeply between her cheeks. Then the smell wafted up. “Oh dude. I’m so sorry. Is that what your smelling?” She laughed and she found a decent horror movie.

“Remember you said dont get up right? Your a chair? The smell will be gone soon so just like suck it up. Literally and metaphorically” she said as she let her body weight sag as she got more comfortable.

Arthur was trying his best to breathe but the air around him was all farts. It took a few minutes before it dissipated.

After all the farting before the smell was nearly embedded in her clothes but Arthur knew better than to complain. The farting wasn’t awful if it just wasn’t so constant. If he wanted to do this again he knew he would just need to keep quiet and enjoy it as best he could.

Doe got real into her show. It was some new horror. Possession. Demons. It was great. Once off twice she forgot she was sitting on arthur until his panicked rapping reminded her to move or else arthur was going to die. She was right though. Just sitting on his was boring. He seemed to be enjoying it. He had been so quiet under her. As she debated on how to make this a bit more enjoyable for herself she remembered the boba. She leaned over to grab it only to see it was empty.

She didn’t remember drinking it but whatever. It would all work out. She waited till she could feel her stomach turning over. She scooted back pretending she was getting comfortable again. She tried too time it so he would run out of air just as she farted but she timed it wrong and let loose early. She knew he felt it.

“I’m sorry. Look if you want i can just not get up. At least until it all dissipates” She said fanning the air behind her. She let loose another then asked “do you need air yet?”


She scooted up and felt him take a deep inhale then begin to try to shove her off again. “Wow dude. You breathed so deep. You really wanted that fart didn’t you” She laughed as she stood up

“Why did that smell worse. I thought i was going to die” He said

“Blame the boba. I drank it on accident” she said “you need to decide though. I can keep sitting or not but I’m gassy again. Ill try not to do it so much but its no fun just sitting on you. At least its funny hearing you choke and squirm.”

“What do you think” she asked

Arthur debated. “No. I think thats enough” he said lifting the lid when doe grabbed ot suddenly and sat down

“Fine but just like 2-3 more” she laughed and she farted several more times. Arthur fought her off but couldnt buck her. After a few minutes doe stopped and let him free.

“I couldn’t resist” she said

— epilogue —

Arthur wasn’t sure if he made a good choice or not. Doe had enjoyed sitting on him, but really liked farting on him. She found it quite funny to hear him cough and choke and cry to mercy.

Arthur very much enjoyed the domination but was iffy on the gas. He knew they would be forever interwoven so he simply accepted his fate. It wasn’t all bad. It mainly depended on what she ate so Arthur made sure to cook dishes that were easier on does stomach. As long as she avoided certain foods he could handle it.

And doe had opened up a new world. She was excited to try her hand at new things. Her and arthur were going to have a fun time together.