Overnight Camp Gas
by TijuanaPancake


"Ok sweet, I think I got it. Dinner time!"

Miranda slowly lifted the sauce pan onto the table. She had accidentally burned herself without her hot pad so she was being extra cautious. Cooking with a portable gas heater while camping had its challenges but it was very much worth the wait.

Miranda got out the bowls and silverware from her tupperware box and looked over at the campfire.

"Sarah, I got a bowl for you here." Sarah looked up from her camping chair curiously. She had been nose deep in her book to take her mind off of her social anxiety. She was 5'4", blonde hair with average breasts and a small but cute ass. Despite looking pretty adorable she dressed inconspicuously because she didn't like too much attention on her.

"What is that," Sarah sniffed. "Chilli?"

"Uh, does it SMELL like chilli?" Kayla quipped in a snarky tone.

Sarah's face got slightly pink. She had agreed to go on this camping trip at the insistence of her roommate Miranda. Miranda thought it would be a good bonding experience and a chance for Sarah to get out of her shell a little. Unfortunately, she happened to invite Kayla to this trip as well.

"Oh come on Kayla, she was close," Miranda scolded. "It's my mom's lentil soup recipe. Black lentils, asparagus, broccoli, garlic and potatoes with tomato paste, water and vegetable oil. Not too shabby if I do say so myself!"

Kayla walked over to the table and took a spoonful, letting it simmer. Kayla was white, about 5'6" with red hair and an incredible butt, even visible in her sweat pants. Sarah was not sure why Kayla decided to pick on her so much. It certainly didn't help that Sarah had an intense bullying fetish. It was part of the reason she didn't stick up for herself as much; made her an easier target. Nevertheless, the bullying did make her uneasy.

"Hmm," Kayla mused. "this is actually pretty good! Nice job Miranda!"

"Hey don't eat it too fast," Justine warned as she walked over to get her bowl. "I have a feeling it's gonna go right through you.."

"Shut up." Kayla laughed. She looked over at Sarah who qucickly looked down at her book.

The four of them sat around the camp fire eating their lentils in peaceful silence. For some reason everyone staring at the fire without talking didn't feel awkward. It was the one time you could get away with not being talkative.

Miranda smiled and looked over at Sarah.

"Like it?"

"Yeah," she said in mid bite. "It's pretty good".

"Ugh close your mouth when you chew" Kayla chided her. "and could you wipe up the slobber from your face?"

Sarah instinctively grabbed her napkin to wipe up any food she missed but there was none. Kayla grinned mischievously.

"Ah ha, made you...nap. Made you napkin? What is the verb there?" she laughed. Miranda and Justine laughed and the tension settled somewhat but Sarah's cheeks were pink again.

"So I'm crashing in your tent right Miranda," Justine asked. Sarah looked up. Oh no, she thought nervously. Does this mean I have to sleep with Kayla?

"Aww I wanted to sleep with you," Kayla pouted. Suddenly a large gurgling noise came from Kayla's stomach. Justine looked at her with her eyes raised.

"I TOLD you those lentils would go through you!"

Mirana rolled her eyes and laughed as she started taking the bowls away to wash out. What did she mean by go through you? Sarah wondered. Suddenly Kayla looked over at Sarah and smiled a devious smirk.

"Hm. Guess that means you're stuck with me."



As Sarah entered the tent she saw Kayla had already spread out her sleeping bag covering most of the floor, meaning the only place for Sarah to set up was squished on the side near the door. She sat down and unrolled her sleeping bag. I just have to get through tonight and tomorrow and then I can go home, she told herself.

Just then Kayla entered the tent and walked right over Sarah's sleeping bag as if it wasn't there. She wore a pink tank top and somewhat snug sweatpants that really accentuated her cheeks. For a white girl Kayla had an amazing body.

"If you snore I'm going to be really pissed. Do you saw logs in your sleep?"

Sarah thought for a moment. "I don't think so. But if I do you can jus-"

"You better not snore, got it? I can barely get comfy on the ground as it is so keep it to yourself."

Sarah nodded and looked down at her sleeping bag.

The tent was particularly small so Kayla was basically crossing over onto Sarah's side of the sleeping bag. They both had decided to use their bags as blankets in case it got hot. Kayla got out her phone and stared at her screen with illuminated the entire tent. She obnoxiously typed away with that irritating clicking sound, no regard to the fact that Sarah was trying to sleep.

"D-do you even get reception here?" Sarah asked.

Kayla was silent and realized she was right, there was no reception at the campground.

"God damnit, ugh. Thanks a lot." she grumbled and put her phone down next to her.

Kayla laid on her side with her back facing Sarah with her butt touching Sarah's hip. Sarah laid on her back, hoping she would somehow be able to pass out.

"God Sarah, can you scoot over? I have like no room, seriously." This was a blatant lie and they both knew it.

"S-sorry I'm feeling a little cramped myself" Sarah said nervously.

Kayla's stomach let out a loud grumble. She groaned slightly and shifted on her side. Great, Justine was right, those lentils were going to make her bloated all night. Just then she suddenly had an idea.

With her back still facing Sarah and butt touching her side, Kayla looked back at Sarah and shifted her butt so it was closer. Then it happened.


Kayla cut what started out as a long puffy gasser that ended up with a girly sounding poot at the end.

Oh my god, Sarah groaned internally. Did she really fart on me? Maybe Kayla hadn't noticed or meant to do it.

She looked over at Kayla who was looking at her with an evil smirk.

It smelled of a beany lentil scent mixed with eggs and poop. I can't believe she did that, Sarah wretched internally to herself.

Kayla looked back at Sarah. No expression, no sound, no "ew dude what the fuck". Sarah had taken the fart with 0 resistance. What a loser, Kayla thought to herself, almost laughing. Let's see how far I can take this, she thought to herself.

She stuck out her bottom, blatantly now pressed against Sarah's leg.


This time Kayla sighed just loud enough for Sarah to hear. The feeling of the fart vibrate against her grossed Sarah out more than anything in a long time, and now the tent smelled entirely of lentils and fart. She felt her eyes begin to tear up, not from the stench but the fact that Kayla was literally farting on her and didn't apologize or anything.

"ungh, where's my Advil," Kayla asked. Sarah quickly became alert. ANYTHING to break the tension.

"Uhhh, I don't know, do you remember where you put it last?"

Kayla got up and walked over to her bag which was above Sarah's head and squatted down. Her gray sweat pant clad bottom hovering centimeters away from her face. Sarah began to panic. Oh no, please no, please don't do it she prayed. Kayla was rummaging around in her bag when she looked over at Sarah lying beneath her. Their eyes met and Kayla looked at her for a moment, considering mercy. Nah.


Kayla effortlessly let out a double bass note toot that instantly invaded Sarah's nostrils. This stench was truly horrific, like poop, death and something nasty she couldn't place. She audibly gagged this time despite not wanting to cause conflict.

Kayla looked at her with that same sadistic smirk. She HAD to acknowledge that one, it sounded like a tuba. "Oops," she said in the most sarcastic tone. She kept her butt right above Sarah's head for a few more seconds while rummaging, then stood up and walked back over to her sleeping bag. Sarah, still in shock, looked over at Kayla.

"D-did you find your Advil.."

"Nope. Guess I forgot it." Kayla then looked over at her with an expression of mock concern. "Oh Sarah, you look a little green around the gills, what's wrong?"

Sarah was now sweating and screaming internally. YOU KNOW WHAT'S WRONG, YOU FARTED IN MY FUCKING FACE.

"Uh...n...nothing," she sighed weakly.

"Oh sweetie, you must be cold. Here, let me get in there with you and we'll warm each other up," Kayla grinned as she scooted over into Sarah's sleeping bag.

"Oh n-no I'm not cold I'm actually f-fine."

"Nooo no no come on now, we have to stick together here. What are friends for?"

Kayla had now zipped up her side of the sleeping bag and had her butt cushioning Sarah's pussy. Despite how stinky her butt was it did feel so soft and warm against her. But Sarah knew better.

"Hey Sar Bear, do you hear that?"

Sarah looked up at the ceiling of the tent with a miserable expression on her face.

"Hear what..."



Kayla pushed out a deep and bassy poot onto Sarah's lap. This was better than the face but still humiliating and cruel. It was her absolute lack of manners and treating Sarah with 0 respect that was so demeaning. Kayla sighed and laughed.

"Oops, must have slipped out again," she giggled sarcastically. Sarah was silent, hoping she would run out of gas soon.

"Sarah, do you care if I keep letting out these farts?" Kayla asked her point blank.


"I mean, my stomach is killing me. Those lentils are giving me bad gas."

"Oh...well, if it makes you feel better-"

"Oh good." Poot? "ungh, I feel so much better. Hey Sarah, can you do a favor for me?"

Sarah paused. What could this be. What could she possibly ask of her.

"What is it?"

"My leg itches real bad, my left leg. Do you think you could itch it for me?"

Sarah stared at her with the most hopeless expression.

"Well, I can't reach it from here"

"Oh, I know, why don't you just crawl down to the bottom of the bag and you can scratch it for me there?"

Sarah's eyes were welling up with tears. You'd have to be the biggest loser in the world to agree to this, knowing exactly where it's going.

"Oh boy...you know Kayla, I'm really tired.."

"Oh come on Sarah, just one little scratch! Don't be so selfish!" She glared.

With a grim expression on her face Sarah sighed and crawled down into the sleeping bag. She was instantly hit with the funk of Kayla's previous poots which had some truly awful staying power.

"Uh, which leg is it?" Sarah asked from inside the sleeping bag.

"Oh, did I say my leg?" Kayla answered barely containing her laughter. "I actually meant my ass"

Suddenly Sarah felt Kayla's hand grab the back of her head and push her right into her sweat pants bottom. Her nose pushed into the fabric, Sarah began to full on panic; whimpering and struggling.

"Hold still, give it a second," Kayla grinned.


Kayla let loose the bassiest fart of the night which rumbled on Sarah's poor nose. This smell made her head feel light and she burst into tears. "I can't believe you would do that!" she sobbed. Kayla still held her head.

"What's that? I can't," BOOOP. "ahhh, hear you down there," she sighed as she cut a follow-up fart right in her face.

Sarah stopped struggling and just lay there. Kayla's farts smelled so terrible but she knew she wasn't getting out of this, she was stronger than her and if she caused a scene the other women would find out and that would be absolutely humiliating. If I can get through tonight and tomorrow night, then I can go home she thought to herself miserably.

"Hey, Sarah, now that you're accustomed to the smell of my ass, how about you give it a bath." Kayla called down into the sleeping bag. Sarah didn't move.

"...if you don't rim my ass right now I'll shit down your mouth, and you know I'm not joking." Sarah began to sob again as she pulled down Kayla's sweat pants revealing her freckled white cheeks.

"Good girl," Kayla moaned, now scratching Sarah's head as she licked her butthole.

Hm. Well this part wasn't so bad, Sarah thought to herself. I mean this was a nightmare but she did get to lick a pretty girl's a-


A hot gasser coated the inside of her mouth. She gagged while Kayla laughed hysterically.

"This is gonna be a long night, hope you brought your appetite" she giggled.

Sarah groaned.



"Man Sarah, the bags under your eyes...you sleep ok?" Miranda asked in a concerned tone.

Sarah stared ahead into the campfire and just mumbled something inaudible.

"Oh she slept fine, it was me who had to put up with her fucking snoring all night," Kayla groaned. Sarah didn't even react. She knew there was no point in putting up a fight or arguing, that would just make it worse. Kayla did an over the top impression of Sarah violently snoring and choking which made Justine giggle.

"well, she wasn't the only one making noise then," Miranda glared over at Kayla. Kayla gave her a confused look.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I heard some pretty loud farts coming from your tent. I live with Sarah and I haven't heard a toot out of her yet, so..."

Sarah's face got bright red and she put her head in her knees. Now memories of taking Kayla's wicked farts all night were flooding her memory. Every disgusting musical tuba blast that blared in her nose and mouth, Kayla's orgasmic moans mixed with devilish giggles. The worst part of all of this was that on some level Sarah enjoyed being completely bullied like this; she just needed her god damn sleep.

Kayla frowned. "What, it's not my fault you keep feeding us lentils!" She then leaned to the side and cut a cute sounding PARP? which caused her to break down laughing. Miranda and Justine were not amused.

"Nice, real nice. I'm sure everyone here wanted to hear the sound of your butthole" Justine said rolling her eyes. Kayla stood up and grinned.

"Hey Miranda, toss me the flash light. I'm gonna use the outhouse down the road."

Miranda threw her the flashlight and Kayla turned and walked out, but not before stopping and cutting a puffy, hot gasser right by Sarah's face (pfffffffFFFffft) , looking back at her with that evil smirk. Sarah looked down and her face turned slightly greenish. "Oops," Kayla laughed. "Skunked ya!" Kayla was fucking brutal.

"Ugh, get out of here farty pants," Mirana coughed, waving away the invisible fart cloud. Kayla walked away laughing and was now gone. Justine looked over at Miranda.

"Honestly, I'm glad you're a deep sleeper cause I was cutting some bad ones last night. And you were too. Sorry to be gross" Justine said with eyebrows raised as she sipped her hot cocoa.

"Damn, really?" Miranda said, slightly taken aback and mildly embarrassed. "I guess I was so tired I just didn't register it." She looked over at Sarah laughing. "What about you Sarah? Gassy like the rest of us? S...Sarah?"

Sarah had tears streaming down her face and was trying to hold back sniffles. Justine and Miranda rushed over to her.

"Oh my god, baby what's wrong?" Mirana said with a concerned expression.

"K....K.." Sarah couldn't even finish her sentence without crying. This was the most humiliating thing she'd ever had to admit but it was just too brutal, she had to come clean. "Kayla kept....farting on me..."

The three of them were dead silent. Justine looked at Sarah with a bemused expression.

"Uhhh..heh," she said trying to stifle her giggles. "W...well, I guess it's gross but, to bring you to tears?"

"No," Sarah shook her head as she blew her nose into a tissue handed to her by Mirana. "she...." Sarah took a big gulp. "She farted...on my face. And my mouth. A-and...she bullied..m-"

Sarah was now full on sobbing. Miranda held her close and rubbed her back then looked up at Justine who had the most disturbed expression on her face. They knew Kayla was kind of a bitchy lesbian but they didn't think she would do anything this fucked up.

"Sarah baby," Miranda said with her chin resting on Sarah's head as she hugged her, in full comforting mother mode. "How long did this go on for?"

"Hours," she sobbed. The two of them were shocked.

Justine balled her hand into a fist. "That bitch," she growled.

Miranda looked up at Justine with a fire in her eyes. "Hours, you say?"


Kayla returned to the campground after taking her dump and noticed the fire was out and everyone was inside their respective tents with their flashlights illuminating the tents. Fuck yes, she grinned to herself. Those wet wipes helped, but I think Sarah should do a once over just to be sure.

She unzipped her tent, ready to release more sadistic fart bombs when she was surprised to see none other than Miranda lying in Kayla's previous spot.

"Hey roomie!" Miranda beamed. Kayla looked over at her slightly disappointed.

"Huh, I thought I was bunking with the mute."

"Oh I asked Sarah to switch with me, Justine kept kicking me at night. You don't mind, right?"

"Nah," Kayla shrugged. Well, that's too bad but it was fun for one night she thought to herself.

They both settled down into their sleeping bags and turned off the light. Miranda was wearing her a blue night shirt with aqua marine fuzzy pajama bottoms. Her Armenian heritage gave her a slightly exotic white girl body, olive skin with nice breasts and very huggable cheeks. Kayla had always wanted to fuck her but Miranda always had a partner. Plus she was more normal in her interests and not as kinky as Kayla, at least that was her assumption.

As they both lay their suddenly Miranda's stomach groaned loudly.

"Unnnghh..." she moaned. "WHY did I make so many lentils."

Kayla laughed. "Ugh yeah, they did a number on me too". Miranda's butt was gently resting on Kayla's thigh. It felt extra soft and fuzzy against her leg, started to turn her on slightly.

"Hey Kayla," Miranda looked over her shoulder. "You mind if I let off some steam?"

"Well, don't do it on m-"


Miranda had already cut a squawking gasser on Kayla's leg. Kayla was more shocked than she was disgusting. She had NEVER heard Miranda fart. Miranda was the out going head of plan parenthood chapter at their college, always the responsible one at any party, and never, EVER displayed any kind of gross human behavior like this.

"Oh god, Kayla, I'm so sorry!" Miranda laughed, slightly blushing. "It just slipped out of me!" The stench was pretty rank. It smelled like Miranda had just cooked some popcorn mixed with eggs and butthole.

"Well shit, if you're gonna fart I will too," Kayla insisted. Lying on her back she lifted her butt off the ground slightly and let loose.


Another pussy stinker. For some reason Kayla's weren't very bassy tonight.

"Ooh that sounded pretty bad Kay," Miranda laughed. "I didn't know you were so gassy."

"Uh, I didn't know YOU even had the ability to fart!"

"Oh, trust me. Growing up in my house my grandma would call me satana, because she said it smelled like I just let out the devil." Miranda grinned.

Kayla looked over at her with a surprised expression. Why was Miranda being so gross? This was drastically out of character for her. Miranda sat up and leaned over to one side.

bbbbbbBBBrrrrruuMMPPTTT She cut a bassy rumbler against Kayla which ended in a crackle. Her nostrils were immediately assaulted with the smell of shit, lentils and burning rubber. Kayla audibly gagged. What the FUCK?

"Sorry Kayla, but not only did I have lentils, I also had that creamer with my decaf coffee earlier." She then cocked her head to the side. "Oh, did I mention I'm," bbuuuuuuuurmrmmrpt- "ungh, lactose intolerant?" Kayla was now dry heaving. These weren't even in her face and they made her want to throw up.

"Uugh, Miranda," she coughed. "can't you do that outside?"

"Oh, you're saying, you don't like my farts?" Miranda asked innocently with her eyebrows raised.

"No, I don't like your farts, what the fuck!"

"Oh, so, you wouldn't like for example, if I forced you to smell them?"

Kayla suddenly froze. Oh fuck...does she know about last night? That little bitch snitched on me?>

"Cause it seems like you're all about making people smell your butthole," Miranda said coldly as she pushed Kayla onto the ground. "But when it's somebody else's ass, suddenly you don't seem as into it."

"Miranda, ugh. Get the fuck off me!" she said struggling.

"Ah ah ah, no you don't bitch!" Justine laughed as she held her down. Kayla looked up at Justine, horrified. Why was she here?!

"W-what the fuck is this?!" she stammered.

"You know what this is," Miranda growled as she brought her leg over Kayla's face and straddled her. "You think you can bully my fucking roomate and get away with it?"

Kayla's face turned slightly red. "H-hey, all she had to do was tell me to stop!"

"But she didn't. You know damn well she's not that kind of person." Miranda's ass was now a centimeter away from Kayla's nose. Suddenly she was filled with an intense panic. So this is what it felt like, moments before a face fart.

"Brace yourself Justine, I think this is gonna be a hot one," Miranda warned. Justine made sure Kayla was not going anywhere. "Oh I'm gonna enjoy this" Justine grinned.

Miranda slowly put her ass down on top of Kayla's nose. Kayla was now desperately trying to thrash and let out muffled yells into Miranda's juicy, soft pajama butt, but it was no use.

bOOOOOOOOoouuuuuMmMMMM? Miranda let loose a long, deep bassy fart whose pitch slowly went up at the end. I say let loose because it took no effort at all for the comically musical fart to escape her sphincter. It had a warm and bouncy quality to it but smelled like complete and utter poop. Kayla was in complete agony, thrashing about wildly.

"Oof," Miranda sighed smiling. "That was a really big one. Kind of sounded like a bass note sliding up." She laughed and then imitated the 'bouuuuum' sound with her voice. Justine was in tears laughing but also waving away the stink. Despite Kayla taking the brunt of it it was impossible not to smell some of it.

Miranda looked down at Kayla. "Aw, pumpkin? How did that smell? Do you want to breathe?" she said in a mocking tone. Kayla continued her muffled screaming, almost out of oxygen. "Here, let's get you some air," she said as she slowly lifted her butt off of Kayla's nose.

"GAAAAAAAH" Kayla gasped. Big mistake.

BRAAAMP.....BOMP.....baaaaAAAAAaooowwwrtTTT! Miranda cut two short bass puffers and one final long duck like fart that ended in a wet thump at the end, right into Kayla's mouth. Kayla began gagging as the noxious farts coated the inside of her mouth. This was grosser than anything she could imagine. Tears were just starting to form in her eyes.

"Oh ho ho, Kayla! I didn't know you liked to eat farts!" Miranda laughed, squeezing out one more bassy bOOuup? into her mouth. She looked over at Justine. "What about you girl, got any food for Kay Kay?" Justine nodded her head silently with an evil grin.

Justine stood up and they switched places, quickly sitting down on Kayla so she couldn't escape. Justine was wearing green and orange booty shorts. Her ass wasn't as big as Miranda's but she did have a highly percussive asshole. Ever since she was young she was able to fart and make the clothing move, a talent she obviously kept to herself. Now Kayla was about to experience it in full force.

As Miranda held down the distressed Kayla Justine saddled her cheeks right up to her nose.

"Ok bitch," Justine laughed. "you can just beg for mercy if you want this to stop." I'm gonna beat their asses I swear Kayla fumed as she held back her tears. When they let me up I'm gonna-

POouNt- PFFfft- pOOooooUUnt- PFFffft-

Justine had violently pushed out 4 hot eggy blasts that actually kind of hurt Kayla's nose. Her farts were not as lazy and bassy sounding as Miranda, they had a real force to them like a gunshot. Kayla groaned loudly as the smell hit her face.

"Like that bitch?" Justine laughed as she grinded her asshole against Kayla's nose. Kayla had never felt like such a pathetic piece of shit in her life.

"I thought you were gonna fart in her mouth?" Miranda frowned.

"Oh I will, let me build one up and you take over for now."

Now Miranda lay flat on her stomach and Justine forcibly pushed Kayla's face into her ass. Miranda's ass was still very stinky but god was it juicy. In any other circumstance Kayla would love to have her face in these cheeks.

"Kayla, let's play a little game." Miranda said as she relaxed her head on her arms. "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. You guess the number, we stop. Ok?" She looked back at Justine who was trying to hold back her laughter. Kayla yelled a muffled "FUCK YOU" into Miranda's cheeks which caused them both to laugh.

"no come on Kay, I really will stop. Just guess." Kayla lay there completely humiliated with her face in her ass. She wanted this to end for the life of her but would be devastated if she guessed the wrong number. After waiting a few seconds Kayla answered a muffled "three".

"Wait, say that again Kayla?" Mirana said almost on the verge of laughing.

"THREE" she screamed into her ass, this time clearly audible.

"Huh, I couldn't hear that. Oh well, guess you have to take this fart now." Miranda smiled as she let out a musky hot puffer in Kayla's face. PffffFFFFFFFFfffft. It would have been bassier but Kayla's face being pushed in there had muffled it. Kayla let out a muffled scream of distress. This one was a nightmare fart, pure methane ravaging her nostrils.

"Oh fuck Miranda, I got the best idea."

Miranda looked up at Justine. "What, shit on her face?" As soon as Kayla heard this she began violently thrashing.

"No no, let me get our tool kit".


Kayla looked up at the ceiling in utter misery. They had tied her arms and legs together, taped her mouth and both lay on either side of her face with their butts directly on her cheek, both snoring sounding.


Miranda letting out a bassy tuba poot right in Kayla's face that she had no choice but to smell.


3 of justine's percussive gunshot blasts. Kayla groaned.


Miranda letting out 3 short bass bombs followed by a rumbler. Tears were now streaming down Kayla's face. This was absolute hell.

Meanwhile, in the other tent, Sarah snored softly with almost a small smile on her face. It was the greatest sleep of her life.



Miranda grunted as she reached down to put on her sandals. She was still sore from her camping trip a few days prior; turns out sleeping on a pad on the ground is actually not very comfortable. Who knew?

She took her towel from out of her locker and wrapped it around the waist. One of the perks of going to this gym was the fact that it was in a relatively safe neighborhood so there was no need for her to keep a padlock on her locker. Although technically anybody could steal her stuff if they wanted to. As she dried off her black hair in the mirror she suddenly heard a buzz from her purse.

Miranda took out her phone. It was a text from Justine.

2:38 pm: "Dude, I told Sarah what we did to Kayla. She is STUNNED LOL"

Miranda started giggling. She still couldn't believe she and Justine had tortured Kayla like that. Granted, that bitch deserved it but that was a bit much. And that car ride home was so terribly awkward. But she was secretly glad Sarah knew what they did for her. Sarah was one of her closest friends and she was fiercely protective. Just then Miranda's stomach gurgled slightly. Oof, she thought concerned. Maybe I need to eat less protein shakes and lentils.

Miranda decided today was the perfect time to relax in the sauna after being exposed to all that nature those last few days. This way her pores could breathe and she could sweat out any stress or funkiness she had carrying around inside of her.

She opened the door to the sauna and noticed a latina woman was sitting by herself in the corner. She was tan, and though her towel was covering her breasts and bottom she could tell she had an amazing body. Her legs were certainly nice to look at. The woman looked kind of startled and shifted.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Miranda apologized. "Should I- do you want to be alone?"

"No, it's fine," the woman replied calmly. "Just didn't think anyone else would come in today."

Miranda nodded and smiled and sat across from her. The warm wooden seat was startling at first but she got used to it pretty quickly, laid back and closed her eyes. This is sooooo good, she said to herself. The air was humid and she could already feel herself start to sweat but she eased back into it.

As she took a deep breath in, she noticed a strange smell. What is that? she wondered. Smelled kind of like...beans? No, that couldn't be it, there was no food in here. It's probably nothing.

She looked over to the latina woman who had her eyes closed, legs crossed and arms behind her resting on the back wood panel. God damn would I love to eat that, she mused, feeling herself get slightly tingly in her crotch. It had been awhile since Miranda had gotten laid, maybe she could work her magic here.

"You do this a lot?" Miranda asked.

The woman breathed in and exhaled slowly before responding. "I used to, but work has been taking up my time," she replied.

"Ah yeah, I think my job should offer free sauna days after lunch. I mean, after the bullshit my boss gives us it's only fair,"

The woman laughed with her eyes closed in agreement. "Well, when you're the boss, trust me, you need these days too."

Then, with her legs crossed, the woman leaned slightly to the left.


The woman let out a long puffy toot that comically went up in pitch. Miranda looked up at her startled. The woman cleared her throat immediately.

"Excuse me," she said with her eyes still closed and face relaxed. "guess I forgot where I was". She didn't really seem embarrassed at all, more like she really just farted and didn't know she wasn't in the privacy of her own home.

"Hey, that's ok with me," Miranda laughed, think of how she had forced Kayla to sniff her rank trombone farts a few days prior. "we all do it".

"Mmmm," the woman smiled. "That we do." She then looked over at Miranda somewhat strangely, as if she was challenging her. Miranda was taken aback. Oh, okay, this lady wants to go with me? she mused with a smile on her face. It just so happened she felt a big one come on.

Miranda sat back slightly and lifted her cheeks juuuuust a little off the wood. With the woman still looking at her, she looked back and cut a rumbling fart.


Miranda pushed out a seriously stinky trombone blast onto the wood. The air from the fart came out of her ass and tickled her pussy slightly.

"Unnnnn," Miranda sighed with a smile. "hope you don't mind," she said sarcastically.

"Oof," the woman laughed. "sounds like you had been baking that one for a while." She had a smile on her face like she was truly delighted at the fact that a complete stranger had loudly farted in front of her, never mind the fact that the sauna was now starting to stink.

"Oh, I'm always like this honestly, I just never get the chance to let loose,"

The woman scooted over closer to Miranda and held out her hand.

"Isabella," she smiled.

"Miranda," she said as she shook it. "Guess we both should have our own private saunas," she laughed.

"Oh sweet heart, if I feel one, I'm gonna let it out no matter where I am." She then turned her back slightly to Miranda, arched her back up so her cheeks were firmly against the hot wood and lifted up her towel revealing her beautiful, tan cheeks. She had a tramp stamp that said "boss" and a large black mole on her left cheek that she wanted to kiss affectionately. Truly a gorgeous ass. Miranda was starting to get really wet now. "Could be at the gym, at my job, at a funeral. One way or another," BWAAAAMP! Isabella ripped a low toned duck fart that vibrated the wooden seat. "..ooh, I'm gonna let it out," she continued.

Miranda tried to hide her arousal with laughter. She didn't know why she was getting turned on but after that fart torture they inflicted on Kayla and this beautiful woman openly ripping ass like this she was really liking it.

Not to be outdone, Miranda hiked her knees up to her chest and grunted.


She pushed out three short bassy bombs, the third one being the deepest and stinkiest of the three. Isabella took a deep sniff and smiled.

"Hmmm....I smell dairy...eggs? Not bad," she smiled, then assumed the same knees up position. Miranda could see her butthole and cleanly shaved pussy, both looked amazing. "Uno...dos..." she grunted quietly.


Another bassy bomb whose pitch went up and down. Isabella sighed and smiled like she had just cum.

"Damn woman, you can really fart," Miranda laughed, holding her legs together to hide how utterly turned on she was.

"Well, I better. It's part of my job," Isabella chuckled.

Miranda looked at her strangely. Part of her....job? What kind of job could a gorgeous woman like Isabella possibly have that required her to cut hot stinky farts on a regular basis?

Just then a blonde slim woman walked into the sauna with her brunette friend. Instead of giving them a greeting or any kind of acknowledgement they walked by them and rudely sat in between Isabella and Miranda. These two seemed like stuck up valley girl types, the kind Miranda absolutely loathed. The brunette sniffed the air slightly and looked at Isabella but then looked back at her friend who began loudly telling her some awful story.

"So then I told her right," the blonde screeched. "...if you think you're gonna go out with MY ex boyfriend? You think again cause your fat ass couldn't get laid if you tried."

"Oh my god you said that? Shannon you are so awesome!" the brunette asked, open mouthed.

"Ya. Well. Ya pretty much. I definitely told Donna in accounting to 'misplace' her check this week, she'll do it for me cause that bitch owes me a favor." They both laughed like hyenas. These two were more disgusting than the farts Miranda had been cutting earlier.

Miranda looked over at Isabella with a look. Isabella had the face of a truly pissed off Latina milf. One more word out of these putas and she would go off.

"And the thing is, I don't even LIKE him you know? But it's like uhhh, bitch who the fuck do you think you are trying to see MY man."

Suddenly, Miranda felt a massive fart come on. In any other situation she would be desperately trying to hold it, but now she realized this was the perfect opportunity. She leaned her butt slightly to the right so it was facing the blonde woman and-


Miranda let out an incredibly long musical sounding poot that started with a short fart and ended with the pitch slowly sliding up. Maybe it was her extra relaxed anus that allowed her to make those kind of farts. Either way, she LOVED how they felt coming out of her.

Shannon, the blonde, snapped her head over in Miranda's direction with a horrified look.

"Oh....my GOD....did you?" She looked at her friend and then Isabella. "Did she just....?!"

"I didn't hear anything," Isabella shrugged. The stink was now clearly in the room, smelling like milk, beans and eggs, most likely from the protein powder and Isabella's burrito. Shannon and her friend looked visibly sick.

"Wait, wait, do you guys hear that?" Isabella said in a mock concerned tone. Everyone looked over at her. She shifted slightly on her side with her butt facing Shannon's friend.


Isabella let loose a bassy puffy fart that got stinkier the longer it went.

"OH MY GOD," Shannon shrieked. "That's...THAT'S DISGUSTING!" The humidity of the sauna had now made it so their collective butt bombs were now being tasted by everyone in the room.

Miranda, barely holding it together, got up, walked over to Isabella but right as she passed the valley girls let go of her towel so her cheeks were showing and let out a long, hot eggy fart.


This had to be the stinkiest fart so far, so much so that Shannon was now dry heaving and her friend had her hand over her mouth. She and her friend shot up from their seats and bolted out of the sauna as fast as they could.

Isabella and Miranda broke down in tears laughing, so much so that Miranda had to lean on her shoulder to stop from falling over.

"Oh g-god she," Isabella laughed hysterically. " 'OH MY GAWWWWD'" she imitated in a stereotypical valley girl voice. Miranda was laughing so hard she accidentally let out a loud poot which had them both laughing even harder.

After their laughter had died down Isabella looked over at Miranda.

"You need to come over to my house."

Miranda, still wiping away the tears laughed weakly. "What's over at your house?"

"I'm in an open relationship. But she and I, we have this thing.." she said, her voice trailing off.

Miranda looked at her confused. "Thing?"

Yeah," Isabella leaned and dropped another bassy seat rumbler right against Miranda's thigh. brrrrurururuUMP.. "...ahhh, that thing. You ever done play like that before?"

Miranda took a big sniff. "Whew...I smell beans....eggs....something else. Smells good actually," she grinned, "And funnily enough, this weekend my friend and I farted on our other friend who...well it's a long story. But I did it to her as punishment and they REALLLLLY didn't want it."

Isabella smiled. "Well, maybe you can get used to it getting done to you...and doing it to someone else...all at once"

Isabella's face was right in Miranda's. Her breath smelled like peach and cinnamon. Miranda moved in and began making out with Isabella. Isabella kissed and bit her lips while slowly feeling up her leg. Isabella then pulled back.

"Not here," she laughed, breathing heavily at how turned on she was. "Tomorrow night. Be as gassy as possible."

Miranda moved in slightly, rubbing her nose against her playful.

"It's a date."