Hungover In Bed
by TijuanaPancake

"Listen. At the end of the movie, he was talking to HIMSELF the whole time! He even burned his own hand with soap! That was the twist of the movie! Becca don't you get it?!"

Becca looked over at her friend in a drunken stupor. The entire room was spinning and she just wanted to lie down.

"Lindsaaaaay," Becca whined. "What are you even fucking ts-laking abouuutttt" she slurred, shaking her friend's arm dramatically.

"Ohhhhh my god," Lindsay laughed. "You are TRASHED."

Becca frowned at her and pouted, twisting her long brown hair in her right hand. "I'm not trash-ed, YOU.... are the trash!"

"Becca Louise Margaret, How many shots have you had?" Lindsay questioned with a mock sternness to her voice.

Becca was silent as she tried to remember. She definitely had one when they first came to the party. She insisted Lindsay and her get "at least tipsy" on account of how much she didn't want to be here. Becca hated talking to strangers and the only way she could manage was to be fairly intoxicated.

"Ummmm...I don't know, who the FUCK cares!" she said in a raised voice, spilling some of her drink on her pink tights. Lindsay laughed; slightly embarrassed as she walked Becca past some people over to another part of the house.

"I should film this. Film every embarrassing thing you do tonight." Lindsay giggled.

"Yeah wellll...maybe you should, and I'll look sooper cool and nice!"

"Yeah, SUPER cool," Lindsay said rolling her eyes sarcastically.

Just then the two girls bumped into a figure in front of them.

"Oh god, I'm sorry..oh, hey Max, what are you doing here?" Lindsay asked.

Max looked at them with a slightly annoyed expression. She was about five foot six, 130 pounds and had short spiky hair with buzzed sides and a lip ring. Max was tan, either Dominican or Salvadorean, Becca wasn't sure. Her b-cup breasts bulged slightly out of her white Ramones T-shirt and studded leather jacket. Becca could not help staring at her tight ripped jean covered ass. Max was a mutual friend of Lindsay but had only spoken to Becca a few times in Econ class back in college. All Becca knew about her was that she was a lesbian into BDSM and she got the feeling that Max didn't like her so much.

"I'm just here for the booze." Max replied coldly as she put a bean and chicken filled nacho into her mouth. Becca stared at her open mouthed.

"Where did you get those!" she blurted out. Max stared at her for a few seconds.

"They have them in the backyard...."

"Oh my god, that's so faaaaar," Becca moaned. She then looked at Max's nachos again. "Hey can I have one..?" she asked while reaching to grab a nacho.

"What the fuck, no you cannot!" Max exclaimed, pulling the nacho container away from her. "Jesus, what is wrong with her?!" she asked looking at Lindsay.

"She is really shit faced," Lindsay laughed. "Come on, lets get you some nachos."

As they walked away from Max, Becca turned back and stuck out her tongue at her. Max responded by making a face giving her the finger.

"There we go, nachos, maybe this will help you sober up," Lindsay said as she fed a nacho into Becca's mouth. Whoever decided to make chicken and bean nachos for a house party was a saint and a genius. The cheesyness and crunch of the chip was the perfect drunk food, so much so that Becca began to really dig in.

"Whoa, daaamn, slow down girl!" Lindsay warned. "Don't want you puking!"

Becca looked at her and made a worried face. "What if these make me poop?"

"I think all food makes you poop, I hate to break it to you." Lindsay laughed.

"Ughhhh, I just want to lie downnnnn," Becca whined.

"Oh my god you're such a baby," Lindsay scolded. "Alright, if I ask Pete if you can crash in his guest room, you have to promise to drink water when I tell you to, okay? No falling asleep immediately. Hey, Becca you listening to me?"

"Yes yes yessss, MOMMmmm," Becca mocked.

"Good lord what am I gonna do with you," Lindsay sighed as they walked back into the house.


"Ohhhhh fuck."

Becca groaned as she opened her eyes. Her head felt like a few grenades had gone off inside of it. She tried to lie still with her eyes closed and hope the head ache would dissipate, but sadly this was not the case.

She reached onto the night stand and felt for her phone. As she unlocked the screen the brightness caused her eyes to recoil with pain. "ow ow ow ow..." she whined. This is the last time I drink at one of these stupid parties, she thought to herself. This is the last time I drink, period.

After turning the brightness down she looked at the time on her phone. 3:30 AM. This always happened to her; she would get fairly trashed around 11 pm and then wake up in the dead of night, barely remembering anything. She also felt a huge ball of gas bloating up her stomach. Man, I had way too many nachos, she grimaced.

As Becca turned to her right she suddenly froze. Was that, a person in bed next to her?! She slowly peered over the covers to get a better look but they had the covers over their head.

Becca lay down and contemplated her next move. Did she make out with this person? Yell at them? Did she, heaven forbid, fuck this person? Was it a guy?! Becca was bisexual but had never gone far with a man before, she certainly didn't want her first time with one to be a drunken mistake. She had to figure out who this was.

Becca decided she would slowly push out her leg and nudge this person, just a little, to see if she could have them turn over on their side. She gave them one nudge from her foot and lay still. No movement from them, though she could hear them snore ever so slightly. Gaining up more courage, Becca gave the person another nudge, this time harder.

"NNggh..." a woman's voice mumbled out loud.

Oh, good! Not a man! she thought to herself happily. Not a man....but, who? Carrie from across the street? Felicia, the big fat Puerto Rican girl she carpooled with in college? Was it...good god, did she and Lindsay fuck? They were best friends but that was a little much for any friendship. Becca decided enough was enough, she had to give this person a gentle but firm nudge. VERY firm.

Lying incredibly still, Becca slowly brought her leg from out of the covers and brought it up to this person's butt, then shoved her foot against it really hard.

"What.....ugh...FUCK!" the woman growled.

Oh god, I know that voice, Becca thought to herself.

Max brought her head from out of the covers and looked over at Becca.

"Did you fucking kick me?"

Becca yawned in an exaggerated fashion and slowly opened her eyes, pretending to be half asleep.

"Wha....huh....oh...Max? What are you doing here?"

"Trying to fucking sleep!" Max yelled.

"JESUS shhhh okay okay!" Becca whispered in a shrill tone. "Don't wake up the entire fucking house you crazy bitch!"

"First you try to take my food, now you're kicking me in bed, huh?"

"I wasn't kicking! I was...I just had to legs..."

"Yeah, whatever," Max rolled her eyes and lay back down on her side away from Becca.

After a longer silence Becca spoke up.

"'re in this bed....I'm in this bed....?"

Max was silent for a moment.


"Did we....."

"Did we what?" she answered in an annoyed tone.


"No, I really don't know. Spit it out, white girl."

Becca sighed.

"Look, I just want to be perfectly clear..."

Max looked over at her with eyebrows raised.

"Oh, you....and me? Ever? In a million years?" she cocked he head back and laughed "HEEEELLLLLL no."

Becca breathed a sigh of relief but was annoyed. She knew Max didn't like her but she thought she was a desirable lay.

"Ok, thank GOD," Becca mumbled passive aggressively.

Max snorted. "You should be so lucky, but never gonna happen."

"You know what sweetie," Becca said as she turned to her with a phony smile. "I don't know why you hate me, I guess I took your food or something, or maybe you're jealous because I actually have tits, but I'm really hung over and you're not all that, so do me a favor and take a fuckin chill pill, bitch."

"Oooohhhh, ok, ok," Max said. "you wanna fucking go?"

"I think I just did, so, yeah." Becca snorted with copious amounts of passive aggressiveness.

Max inexplicably scooted closer to Becca and shifted her butt slightly under the covers, lying on her side facing away from her.

"Ok, well, here's what I think about you."

bbAAUUmm? ε=

Max let loose a short but bassy fart under the covers.

"Ahhhhh," she sighed proudly

" god...." Becca said, stunned and disgusted. "I cannot believe you just did that."

Max then lifted the covers up slightly for Becca to smell.

"Believe it, bitch".

Becca was hit with a foul odor that smelled like a combination of the nachos from last night and the scent of burning feces. She was repulsed and humiliated that someone she disliked would be so rude as to intentionally fart in the same bed as her.

"Ew ew, fuck! It smells fucking disgusting!" Becca snapped.

"Here, you can keep the change," she sighed as she let out an almost silent pfff of a fart, then snuggled onto her side and closed her eyes, content that she had "won".

Becca lay there fuming. Max had been such a bitch to her ever since they met and now she was literally farting on her. Becca could be an annoying drunk sometimes but she had never done anything personal to Max that gave her the right to act this way to her. I mean, at least not that she could think of?

As she lay there thinking of comebacks and insults to say, Becca felt that bloating in her stomach again. Wow... should I? she thought to herself. She had never, not once in her life purposefully farted in front of anyone. It was gross and rude and she tried to be respectful of people. But now all gloves were off. If Max was going to sink to this level, Becca could too.

Becca shifted onto her side and scooted closer to Max who had fallen back asleep. She gave Max a good kick with the back of her legs.

"Mmrrgh..." Max mumbled, waking up slightly.

"Right back at you." Becca snorted.

She scooted even closer and put her butt against Max's thigh.

Brrrrpp...boooum...booouuum...booump ε=

Becca let loose a four part series of farts right on Max, the first being somewhat wet and the last three being bassy and incredibly warm. Her farts were usually not this bad but the combination of chicken and bean nachos paired with all of that vodka and beer had done a serious number on her stomach.

"Jesus, get the fuck off me," Max said disgusted, pushing her away.

"What, too much for you? How does it smell?" she taunted as she threw the covers over Max's head and pinned it down with her hands.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Max screamed under the covers, kicking and struggling. Becca chuckled. This was the most immature thing she had ever done but man was she enjoying herself.

"How do you like it, having to smell my fucking FARTS? Not a fan?" Becca taunted while still holding the covers down over Max's face. Max stopped moving for a brief second which caused Becca to loosen her grip on the covers, worried that she might have passed out. In this moment of hesitation she rammed into Becca's shoulder, knocking her onto her back.

"Ow, what the fuck?!" Becca snarled.

Max got up from the covers and got ontop of Becca, her hands on either side of her shoulders.

"You're fucking DEAD!" she breathed heavily, her face inches from Becca's.

"What does that mean...?" Becca breathed heavily as well. This was a weird situation for sure but Max forcing herself on top of her did turn her on in a strange way.

Max, still straddling Becca turned her legs around so her pink panties were directly in her face. Becca realized what was going on and began to struggle.

"Bitch, no, if you fucking...bitch I swear to god," Becca panicked while struggling.

"No no no, you wanted to pick a fight with me, so here it is. I'm gonna make you my bitch, right here, right now," Max growled. She lowered her panties right onto Becca's face. Becca moved her nose out of the way but Max grabbed her head and forced it back in.

"Ah ah ah, back in there," she chided.

"What the FUCK, Max, stop it!"

"Or what? You're gonna cry? Cry and pout and get your way like you always do?"

"Jesus, what the fuck did I do to you?!" Becca screamed.

"Wow. You really don't remember, do you?"

"NO! I DON'T!"

"Okay, well let me refresh your memory. After this, of course," she said as she began to push out her panty clad cheeks. Becca struggled violently but it was too late.



Max let loose a 6 second long honking fart onto Becca's nose; it had a thumpy beginning and went on and on like a trombone sliding up and down. Max quickly put most of her weight onto Becca's face to muffle her screaming, of which she was trying to do with all her might.

"Ahhhh," Max laughed. "that one had to have been brewing since last night. And aren't you the little lucky bitch? You get to sniff all of it."

The smell was absolutely revolting. Becca was getting hints of cheese, egg, beans and most definitely poop. It was almost inhuman that such a scent could come from such a hot latina ass. Max let up some of her weight and looked back at her.

"So my little bottom bitch, did you like that smell?"

Becca sat there fuming. She knew the more she resisted and fought, the more Max would enjoy this. So, Becca did the opposite of what she was expected to do. She brought her nose right up to Max's anus, pressed it against it and took a huge sniff. Max did a double take, unsure of what the fuck was going on.

"Mmmmm..." Becca smiled. "More please!"

Max stared at her.


"I said more!"

"You want more? Really." Max said, eyebrows raised.

Becca nodded.

"Yes, it was so...yummy! I just can't help myself! Do you have anymore for me?" she said, batting her eyelashes and making a doe eyed face. Max shook her head and laughed.

"Riiiiiiiight, I see what this is. You think if you tell me you like it I'll stop? Is that it?"

Becca put on an even more innocent face.

"Why, no! I just want to sniff up some more of your YUMMY goodness." she insisted. Max glared at her.

"Not falling for it bitch. If you want to tap out, say it now, cause I'm not going anywhere until you do."

"Good, I don't want you to go anywhere," she smiled sweetly. "Fart on me please."

"Ok," Max shrugged. "You asked for it." Max put her ass closer and Becca "eagerly" brought her nose so it was touching it.


Max let out a short juicy ripper on Becca's nose.

"Oooh ohhhh ohhh," Becca said with her eyes closed like she was enjoying a good meal. "So good, so yummy,". She nuzzled Max's asshole with her nose. Becca, despite being disgusted, was finding the idea of pretending she was enjoying these farts to be kind of fun in a sick, perverse way.

"Yeah, I bet you like that, " Max snorted. "That means it's almost time for me to take a dump. Maybe you and my toilet can share something in common; being used for my DUMPS. That's how PATHETIC you are".

"Oh yes, I'm so pathetic. You know what I need to be reminded of that? Another juicy fart, Max. Do you have any left?"

"Shut the fuck up and sniff my ass," Max growled, shoving her butt right on Becca's face and sitting there for a moment.

So I guess this is facesitting, Becca thought to herself. She had always wanted to try it, albeit not in these circumstances. She could still kind of breathe but the amount of oxygen was definitely depleting. Suddenly, Becca felt a really big fart of her own brewing. Becca instantly began concocting a plan that would allow her to use this to her advantage like a super villain would plot to take out the hero.

Max let her up for air and immediately taunted her.

"Becca if I didn't know any better I'd think you liked it down there. Do you like the smell of my asshole, bitch?"

"Um....hey Max?"

Max rolled her eyes. "Here we go. What. What is it now."

"C....can....can I kiss your ass?"

"Shut up. You keep making this weird like you're enjoying it. You're not. I won."

"No...I mean, yes, you won. I just thought maybe you should punish me by letting me kiss know...your hole."

Max turned to look back at her over her shoulder.

"Are you retarded? I've been cutting farts, you think my ass is clean?"

"I...I don't mind.."

Max thought to herself for a second.

"You know what? You're that much of a loser. I'll LET you kiss my asshole."

She took the left side of her pink panties and moved it out of the way.

"Kiss it. Kiss my ass you pathetic bitch."

"You gotta lean forward a bit, so I can get a good angle."

"Ugh." Max leaned forward. "What, like this?"

"Little more."

"Is THIS fine?"

"That's perfect, you fucking cunt," Becca snarled.

Without warning Becca shot her legs up so they were around the back of Max's neck. Max began struggling instantly.


"Yeah, well you were too stupid to see through it. And ohhhh my god, you are fucking in for it," Becca laughed.

"GET OFF ME," Max swung at the air.

"Payback, is a bitch. Stop struggling, I feel it,".

Becca pushed and let loose as a hideously rumbly fart escaped her cheeks and into Max's face. For a split second Becca almost felt bad for her but then remembered Max's had just farted in her face, twice, so this was what she deserved. Max immediately began coughing and dry heaving.

"Fucking *cough* bitch *cough* " Max wheezed.

Becca then shoved Max off of her and lay on her back.

"There you nasty whore. How do you like it?" she said, panting slightly from having Max in her scissor lock.

Max stared at her.

"What I LIKE is when entitled bitches like you don't stand me up and then fucking forget about it".

Becca stared at her incredulously.


"2 years ago. Econ just got out. You came up to me."

Becca continued to stare at her blankly, no idea what she was talking about.

"- you SAID," Max continued angrily. "Hey do you want to go see a movie on Friday. That's what you told me."

"What?! Which movie?"

"You wanted to see the clown movie."

"...Killer Clowns From Outer Space?"

"..bitch, what?! No! 'It'!! The movie about the clown who scares those kids and eats them and shit."

"Ohhh....that movie." Becca said to herself.

"Yeah. THAT movie. And I bought my ticket, and I waited. I waited for half an hour, then the usher told me the movie was going to start so I went inside, but I stood in the back in case you were late. But nope, fuck me I guess, cause you never showed up." Max said with her voice quivering slightly.

Becca stared at her for a few moments.


Max's eyes widened.


"I swear to god! Look, let me find the fucking text," Becca said as she furiously swiped through her phone. "There, sent to MAX HERNANDEZ, APRIL 3RD 2017. 'hey, can we do a rain check for Sunday? This Chem paper is fucking me in the ass. But I really wanna hang out with you' Wow, and I included a heart emoji. I gave you a fucking heart emoji you bitch."

Max crawled over next to her.

"Lemme see that," she snapped.

Max studied the text for a minute then shook her head and looked at Becca.

"What number does that say?"

Becca took her phone back and squinted.

"323-469-26134. That's the number you gave me!"

"No....bitch, how many phone numbers have 11 digits in them?"

Becca stared at the number again.

" that's why it said 'failed to deliver message'. I thought you blocked me..."

"No, I didn't block you..."

The two of them sat next to each other in silence. 2 years of pent up frustration and resentment all boiled down to Becca incorrectly writing down a phone number. It all made sense to Becca now and while it was an accident she did feel pretty awful about it.

" that's why you just stopped talking to me in class?"

"Yep," Max said coldly.

"You must have thought I was an evil bitch..."


Just then Becca felt another fart coming on. Without even thinking, she leaned over to her side and let out a warm bassy purr against Max's thigh. =3

Max stared at her and shook her head, trying not to smile.

"Well, sorry about the movie, but how does that smell?" Becca said while trying her hardest not to laugh.

"Mmmm, yummyYYyy!" Max responded in a high pitched girly voice.

The two burst out laughing. There was something so stupid and absurd about what they had just done to each other. Farting on each other like gross schoolyard bullies. It was definitely not the behavior of two college graduates.

Max then sniffed for real and her face contorted. "Oh my FUCK!" she exclaimed and covered her nose which sent Becca into a fit of hysterics.


Lindsay walked over to Becca's room around 5:30 am. People had texted her and said that Becca and someone else were yelling around 3 in the morning so she decided to investigate. She walked up to the door and gave a few small knocks.

"Becca, it's Lindsay." she whispered. "Marissa and some other people told me there was a lot of noise coming from your room, are you ok?"

There was silence, then a very loud and wet fart erupted from inside.

"MAX, jesus! H-hey Lindsay, yeah we're good" Becca said, barely containing her laughter.

Lindsay jerked her head away from the door. "Was that a fart?!" she exclaimed.

"Nooo....?" Max answered back over the sounds of Becca dying from laughter.

Lindsay shook her head and walked away. It was too early for this shit.