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The Card Game
Author: Closet Fetishist

Written: February 23, 2025

As Max and Veronica approached the house where the weekly girl's card game was being held, Max lingered slightly behind his girlfriend, his shoulders hunched and his hands shoved deep in his pockets. He had never been looking forward to these evenings with Veronica's friends, feeling out of place and unwanted in their presence.

Veronica, oblivious to her boyfriend's unease, strode confidently towards the front door in her tight pencil skirt and low-cut silk blouse. She glanced back over her shoulder at Max and smiled, her red lips curling in a way that was supposed to be inviting but came across as more of a smirk.

Remember sweetie, just be your charming self and the girls will love you,
Veronica said, though it sounded more like a command than a piece of advice.

And don't worry, there will be plenty of chances for you to play cards tonight.

Max nodded reluctantly, not totally convinced but unwilling to argue with Veronica.

Okay honey,
he replied, knowing it would be pointless to voice his true feelings.

I'm sure it will be great.

Veronica reached for the door handle, her long nails with the glittery polish gleaming under the porch light. She paused and leaned in close to Max , her ample chest pressing against his arm as she whispered huskily in his ear:

Before we go in, there is one teensy little thing...
Veronica began, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

Sharon texted and said they didn't have enough chairs tonight...
she trailled off as she opened the door and dragged him inside, leaving him no choice but to follow her lead, as usual. Little did he know what twisted plans Veronica had in store for him tonight.

Well well well, looks like we have a full house tonight, girls!
Veronica declares, glancing around at her gal pals gathered for our weekly card game.

I'm afraid there aren't any more seats available for Max , but that's okay. I have the perfect solution!

She turns to her pathetic boyfriend,

Honey, sweetie, come here!
Veronica calls him over with a snap of her fingers.

Since there's no more chairs, you're going to be acting as my personal seat for tonight. Isn't that romantic?

She smirks, knowing full well he has no choice but to comply with her demand.
Max shuffles over, looking miserable and reluctant, but he knows better than to argue with his girlfriend. She points to the empty chair in front of her.

Go on, sit. And put your head down, face up, on the seat.
She orders him.

As Veronica's friends snicker at her suggestion, Max squirms uncomfortably. He glances around at the eager, expectant faces of the women before looking pleadingly at Veronica.

Uh...honey, I'm not so sure that's fair...
Max says weakly, trying to stick up for himself.

Can't I just grab an extra chair from the kitchen or something?

Veronica's eyes narrow dangerously at his feeble protest. She steps closer, her heels clicking ominously on the hardwood floor. Grabbing Max's chin firmly, she forces him to meet her steely gaze.

Did I stutter, Max? I don't think so,
Veronica hisses, her red nails digging into his skin.

You'll do as you're told, or there will be consequences. Unpleasant ones. Do I make myself clear?

Max swallows hard, any remaining defiance quickly evaporating under Veronica's withering glare.

Yes, Veronica. I'm sorry, I'll be your seat,
he mumbles in defeat, his shoulders slumping.

That's better,
Veronica purrs, her demeanor shifting in an instant as she pats his cheek condescendingly.

Such a good boy. Now assume the position.

Fighting back tears of humiliation, Max slowly lowers himself into the empty chair. He rests his head on the seat, face up, as instructed. Veronica smiles in triumph as she hitches up her tight skirt and plants her silk-clad rear directly on Max's face.

She wiggles to get comfortable, her plump cheeks smothering him, before picking up her cards to resume the game. Max struggles to breathe, his every exhale tickling Veronica's nether regions through her lacy panties. But he doesn't dare move a muscle, knowing she'll make him regret it.

And so Max remains, trapped and degraded, reduced to a mere piece of furniture to support his cruel girlfriend. The room fills with raucous laughter and bawdy conversation as the card game continues above him, his plight either ignored or openly

Max tries to endure the humiliating position stoically, focusing on shallow breaths through his nose to avoid suffocating.

But then he hears it - an ominous groaning and gurgling emanating from deep within Veronica's belly, right above his head. Max's eyes widen in alarm as he squirms uncomfortably, fearing what may be coming.

Veronica feels the building pressure and smirks to herself, knowing she can use this to torture Max further. She leans forward to examine her cards, simultaneously grinding her silk-covered bottom harder against her boyfriend's hapless face.

Ooh, I'd hold my nose if I were you, Max!
Veronica calls out loudly so all her girlfriends can hear.

I feel a big one brewing after that bean dip!

The other women titter and laugh at Max's predicament as Veronica continues to mercilessly smother him. She wiggles her hips, rubbing her gassy rear all over Max's trapped face in circular motions.

Max whimpers pitifully into Veronica's panty-clad cheeks, his pleading muffled. But there is no escape from what is to come. Veronica's tummy rumbles more insistently now, the pressure peaking.

Fire in the hole!
Veronica sing-songs gleefully. PFFFRRRRBBBTTTTT!! She rips a massive, juicy fart right onto Max's upturned face, the rancid gas jetting out to fill his nostrils and mouth.

Max reflexively gags on the humid stench now saturating the tiny space between Veronica's cheeks and his face. He tries desperately not to inhale but Veronica just grinds down harder, letting loose another foghorn blast of flatulence with a cruel chuckle.

Trapped with nowhere to turn, Max is forced to suck down his girlfriend's putrid gas as she continues cropdusting him with her potent emissions.

Veronica chortled with glee as she let rip another noisy blast of fetid gas directly into Max's upturned face, relishing how helpless and disgusted he must feel. The noxious fumes wafted up, causing Max to gag and sputter beneath her ample rear. But just as Veronica was reveling in his misery, the smell of her own potent flatulence reached her own nostrils. Her face twisted in revulsion.
Oh my god, Max! That is absolutely VILE!

Veronica shrieked dramatically, shifting her weight to grind down harder on his face in punishment.

How dare you make me and the girls endure your wretched stench! I can't believe you'd subject us to this!

Max's muffled protests were lost beneath the jiggly seal of Veronica's silk-clad bottom. He tried to turn his head to the side for fresh air but she had him firmly pinned. The cruel laughter of Veronica's friends rang in his burning ears.
Furious, Veronica lifted up slightly, only to slam her full weight back down on Max's face again, knocking the wind out of him. She rocked forward aggressively, mashing his nose deep into the crack of her gassy backside.

Breathe DEEP, stinkpot!
Veronica snarled.

Since you seem to enjoy polluting the air so much! Sniff up every rancid molecule!

BRRRRAAAAPPPP! She punctuated the command with her most powerful blast yet, the putrid fumes nearly turning Max's stomach. She wriggled in satisfaction, feeling his labored breathing against her most intimate area.

If I so much as catch a WHIFF of your nasty gas again, you'll be spending the night with your pathetic face crammed in a FAR less pleasant place than beneath my beautiful butt! Got it?!
Veronica hissed venomously.

Max managed a tiny, penitent nod, tears leaking from his bulging eyes. Anything to appease his irate girlfriend and prevent an even worse fate. He inhaled sharply through his mouth.

Sharon pipes up from across the table, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Say Veronica, that bean dip has me feeling a bit gassy too. You mind if I borrow your boy toy there to rip a few farts on? Seems like he could use a lesson in appreciating our feminine fragrance!

Veronica grins wickedly at the suggestion, always eager to share Max's humiliation with her sadistic friends.

Oh absolutely, be my guest! Lord knows Max could stand to have his palette expanded.

She unceremoniously shoves Max's head out from under her rear and towards Sharon's waiting bottom.

Open wide, stink breath! You're about to get a snootful of my bestie's butt biscuits!

Sharon cackles gleefully as she hikes up her skirt and plants her fulsome cheeks right on Max's upturned face. She wiggles to get situated, making sure his nose is wedged deep in her musky crack.

Ooh, he's a little squirmy! Better clamp down tight so he doesn't miss a whiff, Sharon!

Veronica coaches, leaning over to help press Max's head firmly into her friend's gassy rear.

With pleasure!
Sharon grunts, flexing her glutes to trap Max in an airtight, fleshy seal. His feeble struggles only seem to excite her more.

Mmmm, I feel one percolating already! Prepare for blast off!

FFFWWWRRRRRAAAAPPPPPP! A ripping hot gale of flatulence erupts from Sharon's quivering sphincter, jetting directly up Max's flared nostrils. The rancid stench of digested Mexican food and Sharon's most intimate musk floods his senses.

Hahaha that's it! Sniff it aaallll up like a good little fart sniffer!
Sharon jeers, bouncing on his face. Each jiggle forces another involuntary whiff.

I want to feel you inhaling my tangy ass vapors!

Veronica nearly doubles over laughing

Veronica smiled sadistically as she watched her boyfriend Max squirm and struggle helplessly under Sharon's ample rear. His pleading eyes met hers, silently begging for mercy. But mercy was the last thing on Veronica's twisted mind.

Oh my! Please!
Max begged breathlessly as Sharon's putrid butt gas filled his nostrils with a rancid stink, like he had his head shoved in a dirty toilet after a sorority party. His eyes watered from the acrid fumes saturating his senses.

Veronica's smile only widened, taking cruel pleasure in his disgust and discomfort. She leaned in closer, covering Max's mouth firmly with her manicured hand to muffle his protests. Max's eyes bulged in panic as his air was cut off, leaving him no choice but to inhale sharply through his nose. Which of course just drew in a fresh batch of Sharon's noxious gas.

Breathe deep, darling!
Veronica purred evilly, watching Max's nostrils flare desperately for oxygen.

I want you to savor every ripe note of Sharon's most intimate perfume! Consider it an honor to have your face used as her personal gas chamber.

Sharon cackled above them, grinding her jiggly cheeks against Max's trapped face.

Ooh, I think he likes it! I can feel him inhaling back there! Such an eager little ass-sniffer isn't he?

He sure is!
Veronica agreed gleefully. She grabbed Max's hair, pressing his face even harder into the stinky seal of Sharon's crack.

Nose deeper, babe! Make sure you don't miss a single whiff!

Max whimpered in misery, hot tears of humiliation pricking his eyes as he was forced to huff the humid stench erupting from Sharon's hole. But he didn't dare fight against Veronica's grip. All he could do was pray she'd soon grow bored of this twisted game.

Jessica wrinkled her nose in disgust, still trying to wave away the lingering stench.

Ugh, can we PLEASE just get back to the damned card game already?
Jessica snapped irritably.

Preferably before Max's face becomes permanently fused to Sharon's stanky ass?

Oh alright, don't get your panties in a bunch, Jess!
Veronica replied breezily, picking her cards back up.

Though I have a feeling Max is already quite used to having his nose shoved in stinky places. Isn't that right, babe?

She mockingly patted Max's head, the only part of him still visible beneath Sharon's encompassing cheeks. Max just whimpered softly, in no position to argue. He focused on breathing shallowly through his mouth to avoid inhaling too much of Sharon's potent musk.

Veronica just grinned, relishing his discomfort.

Veronica stopped Sharon with a mischievous grin as she began to lift herself off of Max's reddened, gasping face.

Hold on there, sweetie. Don't let our little fart sniffer off so easy! Max still has puh-lenty more smelly penance to do under that divine derriere of yours!
Veronica insisted with a wicked gleam in her eye.

Sharon smirked and settled her ample bottom back down heavily onto Max's upturned face, earning a muffled

from beneath her cheeks.

Well, if you insist V! It's not every day I get to use such an eager nose-warmer for my chilly tush!

She wriggled, grinding down to nestle Max's snout deep into her fragrant, panty-clad crevice.

Max could only whimper in dismay, his torment clearly far from over. But he didn't dare protest, knowing it would only encourage the cruel girls further. He tried to breathe shallowly through his mouth, but Sharon's weight compressed his face, forcing him to inhale the pungent, musky fumes collecting in her cleft.

That's it Max, sniff deep!
Veronica cooed sadistically.

I want to see that nose huff, huff, huffing away between Sharon's sweaty buns while we finish our game! Consider it your privilege to serve as her personal bicycle seat!

The other girls snickered as Sharon started bouncing lightly on Max's trapped face, making his nose poke rhythmically into her smelly pucker through the thin silk of her panties. His anguished groans were muffled into inaudible vibrations.
Satisfied that Max was properly pinned, the girlfriends resumed their card game and bawdy conversations, largely ignoring his plight. Though the occasional noxious air biscuit from Sharon kept them giggling at his expense.
Max just squeezed his eyes shut and tried to endure, praying the game would end soon. But every time Veronica's wicked gaze flicked his way, he knew this humiliation was just revving up...

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