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Bennie's Weekend
Author: Closet Fetishist

Written: February 23, 2025

Oh my goodness! So good to see you, Bennie!
Carla says enthuastically though her face gave away her sadistic joy to see my face under her butt in just a few moments. She shows me into her home and I see Candice sitting in the living room, her grin creepy widening as she sees me,

Hi Bennie ! It's been so long, have you been avoiding us?
Candice asks, the question a bit on the nose as I had been trying to avoid coming back here ever again.

Bennie looks at the floor, Uh, no, of course not. He chuckles nervously.

Carla leads Bennie into the living room where Candice is waiting, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Why don't you have a seat, Bennie,
Carla says, gesturing to the couch.

Make yourself comfortable.

Bennie hesitates for a moment before sitting down gingerly on the edge of the couch cushion. He can't shake the feeling that he's walking into a trap, but he doesn't dare refuse his aunt's request.

Candice sidles up next to him, getting uncomfortably close.
We've missed you so much, Bennie,
she purrs, running a finger along his shoulder.

It's been far too long since we had some quality family time together.

Bennie squirms under her touch, his face flushing red.

Um, yeah, it''s good to see you both too,
he stammers.

Carla takes a seat on the other side of Bennie, effectively boxing him in.

I hope you're hungry, dear. We've prepared a special meal just for you,
she says with a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.

Oh, uh, that's really nice of you,
Bennie replies, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice.

What are we having?

Sauerkraut and bratwurst,
Candice answers gleefully.

Lots and lots of sauerkraut. It's so good for the digestion, you know.

Bennie's stomach does a little flip. He knows all too well what sauerkraut does to Carla and Candice's digestive systems. And based on the predatory looks they're giving him, they have every intention of subjecting him to the noxious results.

Carla suddenly leans in close to Bennie's face, her piercing green eyes boring into his.

You're not thinking of trying to weasel out of our little family dinner, are you Bennie?
she asks, her voice dangerously sweet.

Because if you are, I might just have to give your mother a call and let her know what an ungrateful nephew you're being.

Bennie swallows hard, shaking his head vigorously

Carla's eyes narrow as she leans in even closer to Bennie, her voice dropping to a menacing whisper. You remember what happened last time you tried to defy us, don't you Bennie? Your poor mother was so disappointed when I told her how badly behaved you were being. She made you spend almost a whole month with us, didn't she? That was so fun, wasn't it?

Bennie's face pales at the memory. Carla and Candice made him their plaything for every one of their sick, flatulent desires. And surely this time they were going to make it even worse, they loved escalating the displeasure I'm made to suffer.

Candice giggles wickedly, enjoying the look of fear and resignation that crosses Bennie's face.

You don't want to upset your auntie again, do you Bennie? Just be a good boy and do as you're told, and everything will be just fine.
She pats his cheek condescendingly.

Carla stands up abruptly, towering over Bennie's seated form.

Dinner will be ready soon. And if you even think about trying to get out of it...
She leaves the threat hanging in the air.

Bennie nods meekly, knowing he has no choice but to submit to their twisted desires.

Yes Aunt Carla, I understand,
he mumbles.

Carla smiles triumphantly.
Good boy. Candice, why don't you help me in the kitchen?

The two women saunter off towards the kitchen, leaving Bennie alone with his sense of impending doom. He knows what's coming...

Bennie sits with a blank, horrified stare on his face as he pictures all the things Carla and Candice might do to him.

A few minutes later, Bennie is called into the kitchen for dinner. Candice is seated but looking a bit irritated, Carla is standing, there's only two table settings, one for Candice and one for Carla. Carla smiles and points me to the back of her chair, she wants me to kneel behind her chair, with my face against the open back where her ass will be. And remain there until I'm permitted to move.

Carla sits down on the chair, smirking at Bennie's horrified expression as he kneels behind her. She wiggles her plump bottom, making sure it's pressed right up against the open back of the chair, mere inches from Bennie's face.

Candice looks over at her mother with an annoyed expression.
Really Mom? You're starting already? We haven't even eaten yet.

Carla chuckles, reaching back to pat Bennie's head condescendingly.

Oh hush, Candice. You know how much I love having my personal ass-warmer during meals. Besides, it's never too early to remind Bennie of his place.

She emphasizes her point by letting out a small fart, the noxious gas wafting through the gaps in the chair and assaulting Bennie's nostrils. He gags slightly but doesn't dare move away, knowing the consequences will be severe.

Candice rolls her eyes but can't hide her sadistic grin.
Fine, whatever. Let's just eat, I'm starving.

The two women dig into their sauerkraut-laden meal with gusto, filling the room with the sounds of lips smacking and the occasional groans of satisfaction.

Carla and Candice happily eat, which in turn generates more and more gas that flows through the gaps in the chair and blasts Bennie's nostrils. After about 15 minutes of this, Carla reaches back and pats her butt like she's patting the head of a dog.

Mmm, good boy Bennie,
she coos mockingly.

You're doing such a good job back there. I think you've earned a special treat.

With that, she lifts her butt off the chair slightly and lets rip a massive fart, the putrid blast hitting Bennie square in the face. He retches violently but still doesn't move, tears streaming down his face.

Candice laughs cruelly at his predicament.
Aw, what's the matter Bennie? Can't handle a little gas? And here I thought you liked being our little fart slave.

Carla joins in the mocking laughter before settling back down in her chair.

Carla mockingly taunts Bennie by picking up her phone. Candice is right, dear, you could be a little more enthusiastic about your job. Carla winks to her daughter. Do I need to call your mother already?!

Bennie's eyes widen in alarm and he quickly shakes his head, not wanting Carla to call his mother. He knows he needs to play his role to their liking to avoid an even worse fate.

No, please Aunt Carla, that won't be necessary!
Bennie says in a panicked voice. I'm sorry, I'll do better. I...I love being your fart slave. Thank you for this privilege. He forces the words out, dying a little inside.

Carla grins triumphantly and sets her phone back down.

That's more like it. I knew you'd come around.
She reaches back and pats his head again.

Since you asked so nicely, I suppose I can give you another tasty treat.

With an exaggerated grunt, Carla pushes out another rancid fart right onto Bennie's face. The odor is so thick and putrid, he can practically taste it. Bennie squeezes his eyes shut and tries not to breathe, but it's no use. The stench permeates every cell of his being.

Candice snickers at Bennie's obvious disgust and discomfort. She stands up from the table, pushing her chair back.

Don't let mom have all the fun, Bennie. I've got some really juicy ones saved up just for you.

Candice turns around and sticks her yoga pants clad butt right in front of Bennie's face. The fabric stretches obscenely over her plump cheeks. She reaches back and spreads her ass, the flimsy material wedging tightly between her crack.

Pucker up, fart slave,
Candice taunts before unleashing a rapid fire of wet, sputtering farts onto Bennie's face. The barrage of fetid gas assaults his senses, leaving him dizzy and nauseous. But still, Bennie does not pull away, accepting his lot as their helpless ass toy.

Candice cackles gleefully as she continues to expel the contents of her bowels onto her cousin's face.

Mmm yeah, that's it. Sniff it all up like a good boy. Isn't this just the most fun family bonding?

Bennie forces an enthusiastic smile onto his face, nodding vigorously to show his
enjoyment of the twisted family bonding.

Y-yes Aunt Carla, Candice, this is so much fun!
he exclaims with feigned excitement.

I love being your fart slave!

Carla and Candice exchange sadistic grins, delighting in Bennie's obvious discomfort and humiliation. Carla continues to bombard Bennie's face with her noxious gas as she finishes her meal, each fart seemingly more pungent than the last. Bennie's eyes water and he has to fight the urge to vomit, but he maintains his fake smile throughout the onslaught.

Mmm, what a good little toilet you are,
Carla purrs, grinding her ass against Bennie's face.

You just love having your face buried in my gassy ass, don't you?

Yes Aunt Carla, I love it so much!
Bennie forces out, his voice strained.

Thank you for using me as your personal fart slave.

Candice giggles evilly at Bennie's degrading words as she lets loose another barrage of wet farts onto his face. The odor is so strong, it feels like a physical presence pressing against Bennie's skin. He gags and sputters, but continues to smile and nod like a madman.

I think our little slave deserves a very special reward,
Candice says wickedly. She turns around and hikes up her skirt, revealing her bare ass. With a grunt, she pushes out a thick, mushy turd that plops heavily onto Bennie's upturned face.

There you go, fart boy. A yummy treat straight from my asshole to your mouth,
Candice laughs cruelly.

Eat it up like the shit-loving toilet you are!

Bennie's eyes go wide and time pauses for a moment as he's in horrified disbelief with his cousin's shit plopped over his face. There's nothing he could do, he couldn't fight back, he couldn't scream and run away. He just had to endure it.

Bennie sits there in stunned silence, Candice's slimy turd smeared across his face. His mind reels as he tries to process the utter degradation he's being subjected to. But he knows resistance is futile - Carla and Candice hold all the power here.

Carla laughs wickedly at Bennie's shell-shocked expression.
What's the matter, dear nephew? I thought you were enjoying our little game! Aren't you grateful for the special treat Candice gave you?

Bennie takes a shuddering breath, blinking back the tears that threaten to spill over. He can't let them see how much this is breaking him. Slowly, mechanically, he nods his head.

Y-yes, Aunt Carla,
he chokes out.

Thank you Candice for this...this delicious gift.

Candice smirks, reaching down to smear her shit further onto Bennie's face, making sure to cover every inch.

You're so welcome, cousin. I put a lot of effort into that one, just for you. The least you can do is clean it up properly.

Knowing what he has to do, Bennie begins to reluctantly lick at the foul mess, retching at the horrible taste that coats his tongue. But he forces himself to keep going, to lap up every last bit like an obedient dog.

Carla watches Bennie's degrading display with sadistic glee, enjoying every moment of his torment.

That's it, shit boy. Lick up every drop of Candice's precious gift. Show us what a filthy toilet slut you really are.

Tears stream down Bennie's face but he doesn't stop his shameful task, not until Candice's butt is wiped clean by his tongue. He wants to vomit, to scream, to run away and never come back. But he just kneels there, broken and humiliated, waiting for the next twisted demand from his tormentors.

Just as Bennie is licking the last bits of Candice's filth off her ass, Carla's phone starts ringing. She grins wickedly as she sees the caller ID - it's Bennie's mother.
Well well, perfect timing,

Carla purrs. She answers the phone with a cheery voice.

Hello dear sister! How are you?

As Carla starts chatting away, Candice grabs Bennie's hair and yanks his head back roughly.

Looks like it's time for you to be mom's personal ass-stool, toilet boy,
she whispers harshly.

Candice forces Bennie's face up as Carla lowers her plump rear onto it. She wiggles and grinds her ass cheeks against him, smothering Bennie under her flesh. Bennie whimpers pitifully but doesn't resist, knowing how much worse they could make it for him.

Oh Bennie? He's been an absolute angel,
Carla says into the phone, blatantly lying to Bennie's mother. Just then, a massive surge of gas bubbles up inside her. She bites her lip, fighting back a sadistic grin.

We've been having such a wonderful time together. Isn't that right Bennie?

Unable to verbally respond with Carla's ass engulfing his face, Bennie lets out a muffled groan, which Carla takes as agreement. At that moment, she relaxes her sphincter and blasts a huge fart directly onto Bennie's nose and mouth. The stench is overpowering in its noxious cloud.

Candice leans in close, her lips brushing Bennie's ear.

If you don't sniff up every single bit of my mom's nasty gas, I'm gonna tell auntie what a bad, disobedient boy you've been,
she hisses threateningly.

And then I'll make sure you stay here...permenantly.

Tears leaking from his eyes, Bennie begins inhaling deeply, pulling Carla's fetid anal vapors deep into his lungs. The taste and smell is revolting beyond words but he breathes it in over and over, knowing the alternative would be much worse.

Carla continues her pleasant conversation with Bennie's mother, acting as if nothing unusual is happening.

Oh, that little noise? Just my stomach acting up a bit, you know how it is,
she chuckles into the phone.

Meanwhile, she grinds her ass harder onto Bennie's face, smothering him under her plump cheeks. She lifts one butt cheek slightly and pushes out another raunchy fart right against his nose. The burst of stench makes Bennie gag underneath her, but Carla just wiggles with glee.

Bennie has been such a good helper around the house,
Carla lies smoothly to his mother.

He just loves spending time with his favorite aunt and cousin, don't you Bennie?

She reaches back with her free hand to tap Bennie's head, prompting a response. Bennie lets out a muffled

into Carla's ass, which seems to satisfy his aunt.
Candice watches the degrading display with wicked enjoyment.

Carla continues her cheerful conversation with Bennie's mother, blissfully ignoring the fact that she's slowly crushing her nephew's face under her ponderous ass.

I just can't tell you how much we enjoy having Bennie visit,
she gushes into the phone.

He's such a helpful young man, always eager to please his dear auntie.
As she speaks, Carla leans back harder onto Bennie's face, putting her full weight onto his nose and mouth. The pressure is immense and the lack of oxygen from being smothered makes Bennie's head swim. His limbs start to wobble weakly as he fights to stay conscious.Candice notices Bennie's arms and legs trembling and chuckles cruelly. She leans in close and hisses into his ear.

Aww, what's the matter ass wipe? Can't handle a little facesitting? Pathetic. You better not pass out or I'm telling mom to make the call.

Candice punctuates her threat by reaching behind Carla and pinching Bennie's nose shut completely. Now fully cut off from air, bright spots dance in Bennie's vision as his lungs scream for oxygen.Carla just keeps chatting away, oblivious to (or more likely aroused by) Bennie's struggling beneath her. She wiggles and bounces on his face, grinding her musky, sweaty ass crack against him.

I'm so glad to hear he's been behaving at home too,
Carla says.

You're raising a fine young man. So polite and obedient. An absolute joy to be around.

Bennie's head pounds as he teeters on the edge of unconsciousness. But he knows if he passes out, things will only get worse. So he just lies there limply, praying for the torture to end, letting his wicked aunt and cousin use his face as their personal chair.

As Bennie's limbs twitch weakly under her crushing weight, Carla feels her stomach gurgle menacingly. At the last second before she releases a colossal fart, Candice lets go of Bennie's nose. The pungent gas floods into his desperate lungs as he gasps for air.

Ohhh, that's better,
Carla sighs with relief, maintaining her pleasant tone with Bennie's mother on the phone.

Well, it was so nice catching up with you, sis! But I should probably start getting ready for bed. You know how it is, beauty sleep and all!
She giggles conspiratorially.

As Carla wraps up the call, Bennie writhes helplessly under her, his face still buried in the crack of her ass. Candice grins down at him, basking in his utter humiliation as he shudders from the overwhelming stench.

Finally, Carla says her goodbyes and ends the call. Slowly, she lifts herself off of Bennie's abused face. He sucks in frantic breaths, but the combination of oxygen deprivation and being forced to inhale Carla's noxious flatulence proves too much.

Bennie's eyes roll back in his head as he starts to convulse. Foam dribbles from his mouth as he makes pathetic gurgling noises. Then his body goes limp as he loses consciousness, collapsing on the floor in a heap.

Carla and Candice look down at his prone form and laugh.

Looks like ass breath couldn't handle being my personal seat cushion,
Carla mocks.

Such a delicate little flower.
He'll have to toughen up if he wants to survive more visits,
Candice agrees cruelly.

For now, let's just leave the toilet where it belongs - on the floor.

The sadistic mother-daughter duo step over Bennie's passed out body and saunter off to continue with their evening, already plotting new torments for when he wakes up.

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