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Amelia's Potty Ride
Author: Closet Fetishist

Written: February 23, 2025

Climb on in the passenger seat there, honey! Let's buckle you up nice and tight for the ride to little Timmy's birthday party!

Amelia watches as you click the seatbelt around yourself, a small smile playing on my lips. Once you're settled, she start the car engine and begin to pull out of the driveway.

Isn't it a lovely day for a party? The sun is shining so brightly!

As Amelia drives, she casually shifts in her seat, angling her wide hips and thick ass towards you. Suddenly, she lets out a soft, almost unnoticeable grunt.

Oops! Excuse me!

A hot, pungent fart escapes her ass, wafting through the confined space of the car and right under your nose. Amelia glances over at you and giggles softly.

Oof, these beans I ate last night are just wreaking havoc on my tummy! But hey, it's nothing for you to worry about, sweetie pie!

She focuses back on the road, then casually shifts her ass even closer to you. A few minutes later, as they stop at a red light, Amelia feels another fart beginning to build.


Another ripe, stinky fart escapes, even stronger than the last. This time, she can't help but chuckle more noticeably.

Goodness, I just can't seem to help myself today! But don't you worry, baby. It'll be over before you know it and you'll be at the party in no time!

She winks at you playfully as she changes gears, deliberately angling her doughy bottom towards you once more. The car fills with the lingering stench of her ass, completely surrounding you.

Now, I'm sure you're excited to see all your friends and play some fun games at the party! You know, I remember when you were little and you loved playing hide and seek...

Jaxon squirms uncomfortably in his seat as Amelia's potent farts fill the car. The stench is overwhelming, making his eyes water. He tries to subtly open the window a crack for fresh air, but Amelia notices.

Uh uh, mister! No open windows. You know the rules - Mommy's stinky gas stays IN the car where it belongs!
She cackles gleefully.

As Jaxon reluctantly closes the window, another memory comes flooding back. He was just 8 years old, playing hide and seek. Thinking he found the perfect spot, Jaxon had climbed into the laundry hamper in his mother's room.
Suddenly, he heard Amelia enter. Before he could reveal himself, she plopped her massive ass right on top of the hamper lid, trapping him inside!


Amelia ripped a huge fart right onto the plastic lid. Jaxon was forced to breathe in the hot, putrid gas with nowhere to escape. He gagged silently, tears streaming down his face.

She blasted another one, even fouler than the last. The stink of rotten eggs and diarrhea engulfed poor Jaxon. He wanted to puke but held it in, terrified to make a sound.

This went on for several agonizing minutes as Amelia just sat there, farting over and over. Finally, she got up and left, completely unaware that she had just hotboxed her stepson in a fetid prison of her ass stench.

Snapping back to the present, Jaxon pinches his nose as Amelia launches another heinie hurricane in the car. Her dumper rumbles like an angry volcano ready to spew.

Ooooh that was a juicy one! Really been saving these up just for you, dear!
Amelia smirks sadistically.

Plenty more where that came from!

Jaxon just whimpers in resignation, knowing this is going to be a long, smelly car ride.

Amelia notices a voluptuous woman standing by a smoking car on the side of the road. Being the helpful neighbor she is, Amelia pulls over and rolls down the window.

Looks like you're having some car trouble there, hun! I'm Amelia, I live just down the way. I can give you a lift to the gas station if you'd like?
She offers with a friendly smile.
The woman looks relieved.

Oh thank you so much! I'm Sasha. My old clunker finally decided to die on me. I really appreciate the ride!

No problem at all, hop on in! I'm heading that direction anyway for my stepson's little friend's birthday party.

Sasha climbs into the passenger seat next to Jaxon, her wide hips and plump booty barely fitting. Her denim shorts ride up, exposing the bottom curves of her hefty cheeks.

Oof, it's a tight squeeze in here!
Sasha laughs, shifting to get comfortable. Her ass presses against Jaxon.

Don't mind Jaxon, he's used to being smooshed by big beautiful booties, aren't you sweetie?

Amelia winks at him in the rearview mirror.
Jaxon just nods meekly, his body squished by Sasha. Sasha seems oblivious, chatting away with Amelia.

As they drive, Amelia feels a familiar pressure building in her bowels. She smirks mischievously, seeing an opportunity for a bit of fun.

Ooh, excuse meI feel a big one coming on!

Amelia rips a massive fart, the putrid stench quickly filling the car. Sasha's eyes widen in shock as she gets a nose full of the foul odor.

Oh my goodness! she gasps, fanning her face dramatically and giggling.

Hehe, sorry about that! I had an extra bean burrito for lunch! Jaxon honey, why don't you open Sasha's window for her?

Yes, of course, mom! Jaxon responds excitedly, eager to be getting some fresh air.

Sasha gives Jaxon a mischievous wink as she stops him from opening the window. Actually sweetie, I quite like your mom's brand of air freshener, if you know what I mean,
she says with a giggle, taking another deep whiff of Amelia's noxious fumes.

In fact, I think I might have some of my own to contribute!

Amelia grins wickedly, thrilled to have found a kindred spirit.

Be my guest, Sasha dear! Mi carro es su carro! Let 'er rip!

Sasha shifts her prodigious rump, angling it towards Jaxon's face. He tries to turn away but there's nowhere to hide in the cramped confines of the car.


A hot, juicy fart explodes from Sasha's denim-clad derriere, slamming into Jaxon's nostrils like a putrid punch. His eyes water from the sheer stench of rotten eggs and spoiled cabbage.

Oooh nice one, Sash! Really had some stank behind it!
Amelia cackles gleefully as Jaxon gags and sputters.
Sasha smirks, enjoying the boy's reaction.

Mmmm, there's plenty more where that came from! Been holding onto these all morning!

She wiggles her expansive bottom threateningly, the denim fabric straining over her plush cheeks. Jaxon whimpers, knowing he's in for a long, smelly ride sandwiched between these two gassy MILFs.

Amelia cranks up the AC to recirculate their noxious emissions, ensuring Jaxon can't escape even a single whiff. The car quickly becomes a moving Dutch oven, filled with the sinister scents of their hellacious hinnies.



The two women continue ripping raunchy ass the whole way, each trying to outdo the other with the volume and vileness.

Amelia and Sasha cackle gleefully as they continue their noxious gas assault on poor Jaxon. The car fills with the pungent stench of their combined farts, leaving the boy gagging and choking.

Suddenly, Jaxon realizes with a start that they've driven right past the gas station without stopping! His eyes widen in panic.

M-mom! You missed the turn for the gas station!
Jaxon pipes up meekly, trying to make himself heard over the women's laughter.
But Amelia just ignores him, a wicked grin spreading across her face. She turns to Sasha conspiratorially.

Ooopsie! Silly me, I must have gotten so distracted by our little fart contest that I totally forgot about the gas station!
She winks mischievously.

Looks like you'll be riding with us for a bit longer, Sash!

Sasha smirks, clearly thrilled by this development.

Oh no, what a shame! Guess I'll just have to keep busting ass with you then, Amelia!

She punctuates her statement with another raunchy ripper.


The fresh blast of butt smog washes over Jaxon, making him retch. He pounds on the window desperately.

Mom please! I can't take anymore! Just let me out!
He begs pathetically.

But Amelia just laughs cruelly, relishing her stepson's misery.

Awww, is the little fart slave getting overwhelmed? Too bad, so sad! You're not going anywhere until mommy says so!

She cranks up the child locks, trapping Jaxon in his own personal gas chamber.

Now pipe down back there and keep huffing! Mommy and her new friend have a LOT more ass to blast!

Jaxon slumps back in abject defeat, resigned to his stinky fate as Amelia and Sasha resume their raucous cackling and putrid pandemonium.

Jaxon spots his friend's street coming up and desperately pleads with Amelia to let him out for the birthday party.

Mom, mom! There's Billy's house! Please, I'm already late for the party! Just drop me off, I'm begging you!
Jaxon cries out frantically.

But Amelia just ignores his pleas, driving right past the street with a cruel smirk on her face. Sasha giggles wickedly.

Awww, did the little fart sniffer want to go play with his friends? Too bad! Mommy and Auntie Sasha aren't done with you yet!
Amelia cackles.

She swerves the car over to the side of the road and puts it in park. Then she turns around to face Jaxon with a sadistic gleam in her eye.

Since you want to run off so badly, let's see how you like being Mommy's personal seat cushion first! Sasha, would you be a dear and help me with this?

With pleasure, Amelia!
Sasha grins evilly.

The two women climb into the backseat on either side of Jaxon, squishing him between their massive asses. Sasha sits directly on his face, smothering him in her plush rump.

Mmmph!! Mmmmph!!
Jaxon's screams are muffled by the hefty cheeks engulfing him.


Sasha rips a nasty fart right onto Jaxon's nose and mouth. The rancid stench of rotten sulfur and spoiled meat floods his senses.

Oooh yeah, sniff that stink, fart boy!
Sasha growls, grinding her ass harder onto his face.


Amelia joins in, blasting a wet, sloppy ripper onto the back of Jaxon's head. Her raw ass gas sears his nostrils and makes his eyes water.
Smell that, you little shit stain?

Amelia and Sasha cackle wickedly as they continue to hotbox poor Jaxon with their noxious farts. He screams and flails beneath them, but it's no use - he's completely trapped under the crushing weight of their hefty asses.

Oooh Jaxon, Mommy is SO proud of what an obedient little shit sniffer you've become!
Amelia taunts, blasting another raunchy ripper directly onto his tear-streaked face.


The pungent stench of rotten eggs and diarrhea floods Jaxon's mouth and nose, making him gag violently. But the cruel women just laugh at his suffering.
Awww what's the matter, stinky? Can't handle our ass gas? Well too fucking bad!

Sasha sneers, smashing her meaty rump down even harder. Her sweaty ass crack smears across his face.


She pushes out a long, wet fart that bubbles against his nose. Jaxon feels like he's drowning in her rancid flatulence. His lungs burn for clean air but there is none to be found.

Amelia grins sadistically, reaching back to spread her huge cheeks. She aims her puckered asshole right at Jaxon's forehead.
Open wide, fart slave! Mommy's got an XXL shit spray with your name on it!

A thick, greasy fart splatters out of her anus, coating Jaxon's entire face in a layer of stinking brown mist. Chunks of digested food particles pelt his skin. He retches uncontrollably.

The two vicious MILFs continue farting on Jaxon for the next twenty minutes straight, using him as their personal toilet. By the end, he's covered head to toe in their putrid waste, utterly broken.
There, there sweetie,
Amelia says with mock sympathy,

Amelia pats Jaxon on the head condescendingly as he gasps for air, finally free from under their asses.

Awww, good job being such a useful little shit sniffer for Mommy and her new friend! We'll have to do this again real soon, won't we Sasha?
Amelia grins wickedly at the other MILF. Sasha returns the devilish smile.

Oh definitely, Amelia! I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship... and plenty more STINKY fun with our favorite toilet boy here!

She gives Jaxon's ass a hard smack, leaving a red handprint. Jaxon just whimpers pathetically, too defeated to protest.

Alright shit stain, Mommy is done with you... for now. Run along to your little friend's party...
Amelia cackles. Jaxon scrambles out of the car and sprints down the street to his friend Billy's house. He pounds on the door frantically, desperate to get away from the two sadistic MILF's. Billy opens the door and immediately recoils in disgust.

EWWW GROSS! Jaxon, you reek like shit! And you've got brown stuff all over your face... OMFG THERE'S SOME ON YOUR MOUTH! Did you... DID YOU EAT POOP?!

Billy takes a step back, revolted. The other kids peer out and point and laugh.

Poop mouth Jaxon! Poop mouth Jaxon!
They chant mockingly. Jaxon turns beet red, utterly humiliated. Dejected, he slinks away, tears stinging his eyes.

Amelia smirks as she watches Jaxon's friends reject him, the boy slinking away in utter dejection and humiliation. She turns to Sasha with a wicked gleam in her eye.

Well well, looks like our little stinky boy isn't so popular anymore! Guess we better go pick up our shit-faced loser and take him home for some more QUALITY TIME...
Sasha returns the sinister grin.

Oooh I like the way you think, Amelia!

The two cruel MILFs cackle evilly as Amelia whips the car around the corner.

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