Where She Belongs WARNING This story contains lesbian femdom, fart fetish content & is almost entirely NC/Reluctance, if any of this doesn't interest you please turn away now rather than complaining later. * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 1: How It All Started When she received the invitation to her high school class's twenty year reunion Nicole was nervous but excited. She hadn't gone to the five year reunion or even the ten year one as there were girls, well one girl in particular, who she had been too scared to face. She was more confident in herself now though & besides after twenty years surely her high school bully would have grown up. Her excitement was a wish to see how everyone's lives had turned out, she kept in touch with a few people on social media but had lost touch with the majority of her classmates as she no longer lived where she had gone to high school. Nicole had never been tall but at 5 foot 3 she wasn't tiny either, she had black hair that hung a few inches down her back, her breasts were small but at 38 years old they hadn't started to sag and she was still slim as she had been during her senior year. In fact when she thought about it she thought she might have held up better than a lot of the popular girls the boys had all lusted after. She was single & had never had children, so that evening as she was getting ready for bed she had a thought that maybe she might even be able to get the attention of one of the guys who hadn't given her a second look at 18, it would be fun to snog a prom king or football quarter back even if it was a long time after they were that cool. Thinking about high school must have triggered something in her subconscious though as that night in her dreams she relived those events she had tried so hard to forget. It had all started when she had gotten on the wrong side of a rich girl called Chastity, there had been a party & Nicole had largely been ignored as she was average looking & not one of the popular crowd, she had felt jealous of the attention that Chastity was getting & in a moment of madness had told her that a fat girl like her wouldn't be popular if she wasn't so rich. When Chastity had turned on her looking furious & with several other girls looking daggers at her Nicole turned tail & fled the party. Afterwards Nicole had really regretted it, yes Chastity was rich which meant she had a cool car & got to throw her own parties regularly, but as she was a cheerleader she would have been popular anyway, although it didn't occur to Nicole that she had only been accepted on to the squad because she was rich & through the best parties. What's more Chastity wasn't fat, she did have a fat ass that was true & her legs were quite thick too, but her stomach was fairly flat, her boobs were big & her pretty face was complemented by blonde hair which hung to about a third of the way down her back. She didn't have the usual figure associated with cheerleaders but she didn't need it as she was a base and not a flyer. A few days after their encounter Nicole had been changing after gym, it was the last class of the day & she was in no hurry so found herself alone in the girls locker room. That was until Chastity & two of her friends came in, after looking around & seeing that Nicole was alone the three came to stand right in front of Nicole as the seated girl was tying her shoes. "I think you owe me an apology Nicole." Chastity told her, Nicole knew she should apologise, but she was nervous & all that came out was, "Please, I need to go", as she stood & reached for her bag. One of Chastity's friends pushed her back on to the bench as the other said, "I think we should teach her a lesson for calling you fat Chastity.". Chastity stepped closer, "Last chance for that apology." She said threateningly, "Let me up." Was all Nicole said, her head kept telling her to just apologise but her nerves meant the words wouldn't come out. Chastity had a mean smile on her face as she told her friends, "I've got a wicked idea of how to pay her back for what she called me," Then without taking her eyes off Nicole she said, "Pin her down on the bench.". Before Nicole could react one of Chastity's friends had grabbed her arms & dragged her to her back on the bench, then one girl held her wrists down & the other moved to sit on her ankles. Nicole was trapped there, she could raise her head slightly but other than that she was held tight & now she was scared, was she about to get beaten up by Chastity? She had seen it with boys where one boy would hold another still so his friend could beat him up, but surely if this was that it would be easier for Chastity if Nicole was standing? Chastity stepped onto the bench & reached back with one hand to lift the back of her skirt, looking up at Chastity's panty clad ass Nicole got an awful feeling she knew what was going to happen & she was right, at least about the first thing that was going to happen. Chastity was laughing as she slowly lowered herself to sit right on Nicole's face. Her friends were laughing like crazy at this point but still managed to keep their grip on Nicole so she was held still. "If I'm fat, how do you like my fat ass bitch!" Chastity said through her laughter, she wiggled around for a minute or so rubbing her ass on Nicole's face, bouncing on her a bit, then settled back so that Nicole's nose was pressed between her cheeks with only a thin layer of material between the trapped girl's nose & Chastity's rose bud. "Oh please tell me you're going to do what I think you are?" The girl holding down Nicole's legs asked through more laughter. "Yep!" Chastity replied through her own laughter. "Are you listening to me bitch?" Chastity asked, All that she got in reply was muffled sounds of complaint, she thought she heard the words get off, but she couldn't be certain. Chastity laughed before saying, "You really picked the wrong day to piss me off, after that awful lunch I've been holding this in all afternoon.". Nicole was so busy trying to wriggle free & trying to make her pleas for release loud enough that someone might hear that she hadn't really taken in Chastity's words, but then she felt the rich girl's ass clench before she heard a long fffffffffrrrrrrrrrrppppppppttttttt. The smell hit her before the sound had even stopped & to her horror she realised Chastity had just farted right on her face. The smell of rotten eggs filled her nose as she screamed under the cheerleader's toxic butt. Chastity & both of her friends were in hysterical laughter as the four second long eruption finally finished, Nicole was still thrashing around trying to get free but both friends had her held tight & nothing in the world could have made Chastity give up her seat as she wasn't finished yet. "Did you enjoy that bitch?" Chastity asked, Nicole's muffled reply sounded like she absolutely didn't enjoy it, but as the words were unintelligible Chastity didn't care, "What's that, you did enjoy my fart? Well then I'd better give you a few more hadn't I!" She was laughing again, A few seconds later there was another quick blart, then a longer fffrrrrpppptttt. Chastity let rip another four or five times before she was finally finished but even then it wasn't over, before she got up she jabbed Nicole in the side of the head & told her to listen. "I own you now fart face, for the rest of the year you are my personal fart cushion whenever & where ever I want. If you're a good little fart slave then nobody outside of this room finds out, but if you say no to me just once then the whole school finds out what you are.". Nicole moaned something in protest but her words were muffled by Chastity's crotch, "I have no idea what you're saying down there," Chastity laughed, "But if you're thinking it would be embarrassing for me too then think again. If the whole school learns I've been using you as a fart cushion a lot of the guys will think I'm very funny & a lot of the girls will think you deserved it for calling me fat. So either it stays our secret & you are the loser I fart on, or everyone finds out & you're the loser the whole school calls fart face! Oh & if you haven't thought of this yet let me tell you, if all of the other girls find out I've been using you as a fart cushion how long do you think it will be before some of them decide they want to give that a try too! And with the awful lunches this place serves none of them are exactly going to be short of fire power!". Chastity finally got up but paused to rub her ass over Nicole's face again before she stood. After grabbing a book out of her locker she left followed by her two friends, the trio were laughing again as they reached the door after one of the friends had said, "I can't believe you really skunked her, that was so funny. You're so cool Chastity.". Left alone Nicole washed her face several times before she felt comfortable enough to go home. That night she stayed in her room & forced herself to think over what Chastity had said & to her disgust reached the same conclusions. If she told her parents or teachers she would be labelled a snitch as well as being called fart face by the other girls, besides she didn't think she could face looking anyone in the face as she told them what had happened. So she decided she just had to refuse any further attempts Chastity made to repeat her humiliation. That had all taken place on a Monday after school & when nothing happened on Tuesday or Wednesday she started to hope that Chastity's talk of a repeat performance was an empty threat. Her last class of the day on Thursday was English & as she was getting up to leave at the final bell she felt a tap on her shoulder & turned to see Chastity smiling at her, she was told to repack her books so that they would be the last two to leave the classroom. Once the hallway was clear Chastity led her to the nearby disabled toilet, it was deserted & had a lock on the door so it gave them complete privacy. Turning to Nicole with a mean smile Chastity told her, "On your back on the floor, now.". Nicole hesitated before stumbling over her words, "No, Chastity, no, you can't, not again, please.". Chastity narrowed her eyes as she replied, "Either you get down on the floor now like a good fart cushion or I'll text Alissa & Jennifer to come & hold you down, if I have to do that they'll each have a go at skunking you once I'm finished, your choice.". Nicole's resistance had crumbled at hearing that & resignedly she lay down on her back & got ready to receive Chastity's farts. That session lasted more than ten minutes & left Nicole sobbing on the floor with her face reeking of rotten eggs once Chastity had left, the difference this time was that she knew without a doubt that she was going to have to suffer under Chastity's fat ass for the rest of the school year. That was the last time that week & Nicole was determined to avoid Chastity as often as possible so on the Monday one week after her first skunking she was the first out of class & one of the first out of the school gates. Sat in her room at home an hour after school she was feeling relieved until she heard the doorbell & then her Mom shouting up the stairs that her friend was here & she'd send her up. Nicole's worst fears were confirmed when a beaming Chastity stepped into her room & closed the door. "Trying to avoid me Nicole? Naughty naughty, that's a bad fart cushion. I've told your Mother that we are going to study together so we shouldn't be disturbed for a while, but even so." She paused to move the chair from Nicole's desk so that it blocked the door. Nicole had been laying on her bed reading, but now she gave a sigh, put down her book & laid back with her head on a pillow. Chastity laughed when she saw that, "I think this is going to be even more satisfying than usual, I get to rip ass on your face whilst you lay on your own bed, every night from now on when you get into bed you'll know you're lying where you inhaled all of my nasty farts." Chastity taunted her. Chastity took her time pushing out quiet but stinky farts, every second felt like an hour to Nicole partly because of the overcooked cabbage stench she was breathing in & partly because she was terrified that her Mom would come in whilst it was happening. When Chastity had no more fire power she got up, she was smiling broadly as she told Nicole, "That was far more comfortable than using the floor, I'll let your Mom know that we'll be studying together regularly from now on." She laughed & almost bounced out of the room. Other than being made to kneel in a toilet cubical during lunch on Wednesday so Chastity could let out three long silent farts Nicole didn't see her again until Friday. Her Mom was out so Nicole had to open the door herself & there she was again, "Your Mom told me she was going out tonight so we could study undisturbed & even more luckily cheer practice was cancelled so here I am.". Nicole trudged upstairs & once again lay on her bed, "So well trained!" Chastity teased. She again placed the chair in front of Nicole's bedroom door just in case & given the extra privacy they had this time she took off her skirt & left it on the chair. As her fat panty clad ass descended Chastity informed Nicole, "Oh you're really going to get it today, I've been really uncomfortable all afternoon, I swear our school lunches should be illegal." She laughed at her own joke as she settled into position. Almost immediately she let rip with a long pppppfffffttttt which filled Nicole's nose with the stink of rotten eggs, "You know this is really your own fault don't you Nicole, well yours & the schools.", Another pppppppfffffffttttt & she continued, "The school are to blame for the awful lunches but it's more your own fault, you chose to be a jealous little bitch & call me fat & I still gave you the chance to apologise but did you take it? No, so you totally brought this on yourself.". Chastity strained & let out a long low ppppppppprrrrrrppppppp, "Oh that was a bad one!" Chastity laughed, "I swear the only way this could be more comfortable right now," she paused as if thinking, "Screw it, why not?" She said as she rose to her knees, Nicole felt a moment of relief, was Chastity finished already? Then to her horror she realised that the cheerleader was pulling down her panties. Chastity looked back & laughed at the look of horror on Nicole's face, then with her ass now bare she sat back again & wiggled around so that Nicole's nose was firmly between her fat cheeks and pressed up against her asshole. "Ah yes, definitely more comfortable!" Chastity sighed happily, "Oh stop complaining, you should be honoured to have my gorgeous ass on your face & now you get the full unfiltered effect too, aren't I kind? I think you need to thank me or maybe I'll have to use my phone to snap a few photos of you down there!". Nicole had been making muffled complaints after Chastity sat back, but the threat of photos made her change what she was saying, "Thank you Chastity, thank you Chastity, thank you Chastity." She said as loudly as she could. "Once more" Chastity ordered & right as she said it Nicole's face was assaulted by another massive ppppprrrrrrpppppppttttttt. After that day Nicole always found herself with her face between Chastity's bare butt cheeks with no panties to reduce the smell, it was more humiliating & made it a far smellier experience. Generally it would happen three or four times each week, but occasionally Chastity would be busy with the cheer squad so Nicole might only have to suffer twice during a week. Nicole reflected that Chastity being so talkative when she was sure they couldn't be overheard made the whole thing even worse, if she'd just sat their quietly then Nicole could drift into her own thoughts & try to block out what was happening, instead she had to listen to Chastity mocking her, telling her how she Chastity was really a nice girl & this was Nicole's own fault & just about any other dumb thought that came into her head. One horribly memorable Thursday evening the two girls were in Nicole's bedroom & were alone in the house, Chastity had taken her usual place on Nicole's face & started talking. "What school serves chilli for lunch, you're really going to get it today!" She laughed, "You really should be grateful to me you know, sharing my lunch with you like this, it's like you get to experience it all over again." She laughed again, "You're lucky having parents who don't mind what you do, mine are super religious & make me tell them everywhere I'm going & with who. They like how much time I spend studying with you though, I bet my mom would have a heart attack if she knew what we were really doing! What they're really worried about," She paused as her ass let out a quick blart, "What they're really worried about is me having sex before marriage, they think I'm still a virgin of course. It really puts a cramp on my social life though, a really hot guy from the football team wanted me to come over & make out at his house tonight but our parents know each other so I'd get found out. It's so unfair, I haven't got laid in weeks & the thought of his big hard cock inside me, oh yeah!". Chastity paused again to rip a big pppppppprrrrrrrrtttttttfffffffff, "Ah that felt good! Where was I, oh yeah, being left super horny & nowhere to go, if only you had a cute brother!" She joked, "But all you've got is a nasty mouth & a face that feels really good to fart on. I suppose..." She paused to think, "Fuck it, why not, I deserve to cum & it would put that mouth of yours to good use. Are you listening bitch," She paused again to fart, "I want you to stick out your tongue & get to work licking my pussy.". Chastity laughed at the muffled squeal of protest this caused, "Oh stop complaining, it won't hurt you & if you don't do it I think once I've squeezed out a few more farts for you I'll get up & take a nice long piss all over your bed, imagine trying to explain that to your Mom! It's that or lick me, your choice.". Nicole was horrified, being farted on was disgusting but at least it was passive, she just had to lie there & take it. Now she was being told to actively participate in a whole new level of humiliation. She had never licked a pussy before & had never imagined that she ever would, she had fingered herself lots of times so she did have some idea about what felt good, but she wasn't into girls & the thought of tasting another girl down there made her shudder. On the other hand Chastity had kept her word about not telling anyone about the regular skunking's, so wasn't secretly licking the cheerleader's pussy less awful than having to explain how pee had got all over her bed? She couldn't even imagine having that conversation. "Well?" Asked Chastity as she let out another low blart, "Oh that was a big one!" She laughed. Nicole couldn't face answering but she felt trapped so fighting every instinct in her body she stuck out her tongue & started to explore Chastity's pussy. The first thing she found was that it was wet already, she realised that it still smelled the same as other times when Nicole had tried to breathe through her mouth to avoid the stench attacking her nose, she thought this meant that farting on her had been more than just fun for Chastity, it had been a turn on. The second thing she discovered was that the taste wasn't too bad, Chastity's class had gym on a Friday so she was fairly clean & fresh having showered after that lesson. She didn't taste like anything Nicole had ever tasted before but it wasn't something she couldn't cope with, when she was hungry enough she had eaten food that tasted worse. Knowing all of this Nicole's attitude changed, now she was going to actively try to get Chastity off, she figured that as she was already turned on it might not take too long so better to get it over & done with. She started by running her tongue around Chastity's outer lips until she moaned in pleasure, then she pressed on into the wetness with her tongue, she was new to this so wasn't doing a great job but with Chastity's moaned instructions she did eventually send the cheerleader shuddering through a powerful orgasm. For Chastity just the idea of making an unwilling victim go down on her was a real turn on, so even with Nicole's lack of skill it hadn't taken her long to reach her climax. Once she had got her breath back a delighted Chastity stated, "Fuck!" She paused for one last fart, "I needed that! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did because we're going to be doing that a lot in the future!". From that day on pussy licking was added to Nicole's duties as a fart cushion. Chastity didn't make her do it every time, if there was a danger that they might get overheard or if they had limited time then she would just rip a few farts & leave, but the majority of the time Nicole's tongue would get a workout as Chastity proclaimed that it helped her cope with her parents strict rules about her not dating. At the end of the school year Chastity went away for the summer with her parents, Nicole had her escape well planned & was gone before her bully returned. She had never been likely to get into university as her grades had only ever been mediocre, so Nicole found herself a job in a town 50 miles away & with a loan from her mom she was able to rent an apartment there. She hadn't heard from Chastity since. * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 2: The Reunion Over the next few days Nicole had a series of dreams about her high school days which often ended with her waking out of breath & thrashing in her bed like she was trying to free her face from under Chastity's bum, each time for a few seconds she was even sure she could smell the cheerleader's sweaty ass. Despite this she ordered her ticket for the reunion & booked a room in the nicest hotel in town for the big night, her mom had retired to Florida so she had no family to stay with near to the school. Nicole contacted a few people to see how smartly people were planning to dress & as it was in the school gym rather than a formal setting most people were planning on casual clothing, so she chose one of her more expensive tops & a knee length skirt. As she walked into the crowded gym she felt comfortable in her choice as there were plenty of people in jeans & only a handful in formal wear. Nicole got a drink & started to make her way around the room, she met some old friends & a few people she didn't recognise at all. She was pleased to see that she did look better than a fair few of the women, for instance the formerly stunning head cheerleader who looked like she had been through some poor quality plastic surgery & another cheerleader who was now very overweight. She thought she had caught the eye of a guy she recognised as part of the high school football team & another man flirted shamelessly with her until she noticed the wedding band line on his finger. About ninety minutes after she arrived Nicole was feeling quite relaxed, she was having fun & she hadn't seen anyone that she was trying to avoid. Then as she was talking to a girl who had sat next to her in history class she felt a tap on the shoulder, she turned & there she was, Chastity. The former cheerleader was dressed in jeans that actually looked okay with her now even fatter ass, her stomach wasn't as flat as in high school either but she was chubby now rather than fat. Her boobs were still big of course & her face hadn't aged much, she was still nice looking especially from the chest up. "Hi Nicole," Chastity said loudly with pretend niceness, "I was so hoping to bump into you." The woman Nicole had been talking to had moved away to talk to someone else, so Chastity continued quietly enough so that nobody would hear, "I want to talk to you privately, not here where we could be overheard." She said this in a firm voice, before adding "Come to my hotel room at 10AM tomorrow.". "I, I don't know Chastity, I'm not sure I want" she stopped talking as Chastity's nails dug into her shoulder, "If you don't promise me that you'll meet me then we are going to walk over to the bar to meet my friend Alissa, you remember Alissa, she was the one pinning your arms down that first time we," She blew a raspberry into Nicole's ear to make clear what she meant. She continued, "Then I'll casually mention to someone how bad I feel about what I use to do to you in high school, Alissa will tell them it's true if they think I'm joking. I reckon it would be about five minutes before everyone here knows & then how long until some of them post on social media about the funny story they've just heard? By the morning I think everyone you know will have heard. Or you could just come to my hotel room in the morning, your choice.". It was an easy decision for Nicole, that was more public humiliation than she could take, "Okay, okay, you win, I'll be there, I promise.". Chastity told her where she was staying & it turned out to be the same hotel, so she gave her a piece of paper with her room number & then snapped a photo of her with her phone, "My little insurance policy, if you don't turn up in the morning I'll just post my guilty confession online instead." She explained at Nicole's puzzled look. Chastity bounced off to talk with a group of former football players whilst Nicole found a chair & slumped down. She didn't think seeing Chastity alone was something she wanted, but maybe the former cheerleader was telling the truth about feeling guilty & just wanted to apologise to her properly. Nicole stayed at the reunion for another hour or so but every time she caught sight of Chastity she got a nervous feeling & made a swift exit from any conversation she was having. That night she had the dreams again, dreams of hours spent under Chastity's ass. In the morning she showered & had an early breakfast, she had her bag packed & checked herself out by 8.30, so spent the next ninety minutes sat in the hotel lounge distractedly reading a book. Bang on ten o'clock Nicole knocked on the door of Chastity's room, she thought she could hear more than one voice in the room so was actually slightly relieved when it was Chastity who came to the door & let her in. "I'm so glad you're hear Nicole, I really did want to talk to you away from all of the noise last night. Leave your bag on the chair over there & come & sit on the bed." Chastity said all of this in a pleasant conversational voice. Nicole sat on the end of the double bed whilst Chastity walked around in front of her. For a few minutes Chastity enquired about Nicole's life & learned that she was single, had no kids, no family locally & had just left one job & was due to start a new one a week Monday. It was weird for Nicole to be talking like this with Chastity, they had never been friends yet Chastity was talking to her like nothing unpleasant had ever happened between them. "I'm not as rich as when we were at school," Chastity confided, "I do have to work four days a week but I inherited a big comfortable house from my grandparents. My parents disowned me though because I wasn't the good little virgin they wanted, I got pregnant about a year after graduation & my parents gave me an ultimatum, marry the father or they would no longer support me." Chastity didn't sound very sad about this. "I do have a very cool daughter though." Chastity paused as Nicole's head turned, she had heard footsteps on the carpet & realised that two younger women were entering the room through a connecting door. One of the 18 year olds was shoved towards the bed & sat on the side of it, the other who was very recognisable as Chastity's daughter came to stand by her mother. Nicole's daughter had her mother's pretty face, blonde hair & big breasts, she had inherited Chastity's fat ass too but she was plumper than her mother had been in high school, her legs were a bit flabby & her stomach wasn't flat, in fact Nicole thought that mother & daughter were now equally chubby but neither would be considered fat. They were both a few inches taller than Nicole & for that matter than the blonde girl who had sat on the bed, she looked a lot like Nicole had done at that age only with blonde hair instead of Nicole's black. "This is Zoey." Chastity introduced her daughter, in response to Nicole's worried look Chastity gave a little laugh before explaining, "Oh don't worry, Zoey's known about my high school fart cushion for years, she knows exactly what you are & she enjoyed hearing about you so much that she found her own version, that's why Sophie's here!". Nicole's face must have made her feelings clear as both Chastity & Zoey laughed before Zoey said, "Oh I love that look of panic! Well don't worry, what you think is about to happen isn't going to.". Before we do anything else I think it's important for Nicole & Sophie to meet each other, I want the two of you to turn & look each other in the face so you can introduce yourselves using the names we have given you, you can start Nicole." Chastity was smiling broadly as she said this. Nicole turned to face Sophie as the younger girl turned to her, this was so embarrassing but Nicole knew she was trapped so once she was facing Sophie she tried to look down as much as she could get away with but she could still see Sophie at the top of her vision. "Hello, I'm, I'm, I'm fart face." Nicole had to force the words out, In a small voice Sophie replied, "Hello, I'm fart breath.". Zoey & her mother both laughed before Chastity spoke, "My clever daughter took my story & improved on it, I never thought to use your mouth Nicole, all those nasty smells you could have swallowed down to protect my delicate nose!" They both laughed again. "Now you two, lay down on the bed, I want both of you on your backs looking up at us." Zoey instructed. Once they were both in place Chastity spoke, "Remind me Zoey, when did we last take showers?", "Yesterday morning." Zoey replied with a smirk, "Yesterday morning, how careless of us." Chastity was fighting back laughter, "And what did we have for breakfast this morning?" She asked, "Sausages, Eggs & Beans." Zoey replied still smirking, "And to drink?" Chastity asked, "You had coffee & I had coke." Zoey answered. "After all of that I guess there's only one thing to do then!" Chastity said through her laughter, "Yep!" Replied Zoey as both women unbuckled their belts & then pulled down their jeans. A few seconds later Zoey was naked from the waist down & was on the bed knee walking forward in the space between the two girls, Chastity was somewhere out of Nicole's sight. Then Sophie gasped as Zoey turned & put one leg over Nicole's body, in the blink of an eye it was the 18 year olds fat ass that was right in front of Nicole's face. At the same time Chastity straddled Sophie. Nicole could already smell Zoey's sweaty ass funk & she knew that things were only going to get worse. As the dominant mother & daughter sat back & wiggled around to get the submissives's noses between their ass cheeks Zoey spoke, "You know Nicole, I didn't say hello to you when I came in, how rude of me, I think I'll do it now instead." She was giggling as she spoke. There was silence for a few seconds, then, pppppppppppprrrrrrrrrppppppppptttttttt. Zoey let out a massive eggy fart on Nicole's face & a few seconds later Chastity did the same to Sophie. For the next few minutes Zoey & Chastity burst into laughter every time one of them let out a brapt, blart, ffffrrrrrrppppptttt or pppppppfffffffttttt, Nicole's eyes were watering at the stink that was filling her nose whilst Sophie was whimpering beside her. "Fuck that feels good!" Zoey exclaimed after a particularly loud fart, "I've been fantasising about ripping ass on your face Nicole ever since I found out about you.". Chastity added, "I know what you mean Zoey, I've wanted to let rip on Sophie's face ever since you first brought her home, it feels so good.". After a couple more minutes Chastity got her daughter's attention, "Zoey, why don't you take your new friend to play in your room? I'd like some alone time with Sophie.". Zoey laughed, she bounced once on Nicole's face & then slid off the bed, she grabbed Nicole by the ear & pulled her off of the bed. Zoey insisted that Nicole crawl behind her with her nose against the teenager's asshole until they were in the other bedroom & the door was closed. Then Nicole was ordered onto her back again on this room's bed. Zoey found it a massive turn on that her 18 year old classmate was being used by Zoey's own 38 year old mother, Chastity found it just as big a turn on that her 18 year old daughter was using the 38 year old who had been Chastity's high school fart cushion. Those same things made this ultra-humiliating for Nicole & Sophie, being used by a much older or much younger woman and being passed between a mother and daughter. Zoey once again took her place on Nicole's face, "You know what I want slut!" Was all she had to say. Groaning inside Nicole stretched out her tongue, she hadn't gone down on a woman in twenty years & the taste was worse than she remembered, she knew Zoey was sweaty but more than once Chastity had used her straight after cheer practice so she was familiar with what a sweaty crotch tasted like. She had heard that not all women tasted the same down there so she concluded that Chastity just tasted better than her daughter did, although in fact it was only a trick of memory. Zoey started to moan immediately, she was super turned on simply by the situation which meant even out of practice Nicole could bring her off quickly. "Oh yes, oh that's it you fucking lezzy whore, oh yes, right there, oh you are such a good little rug muncher, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh fuck yeah!" Zoey had a big mouth, it turned her on to insult Nicole as she came. Nicole found herself wishing Chastity would want to take a turn with her as at least she tasted nicer & insulted her less, then she realised what she was thinking & mentally admonished herself, what she really wanted was to satisfy Zoey as many times as necessary in the hope that once finished she'd allow Nicole to leave. In the other room Sophie was being put through her paces by Chastity, she was more in practice so had no trouble making Zoey's mom cum as many times as she wanted but she had her eyes firmly closed the whole time, this woman was only two years younger than Sophie's mom, she had no attraction to anyone that old so felt totally humiliated by the situation she was in. Once both were satisfied Chastity & Zoey each showered & dressed, they were going to get lunch in the hotel restaurant before checking out but had some preparations to make first. To start with Chastity took Nicole's cell phone & made the black haired woman give her all of the passwords to access her email & banking. Then Nicole was ordered onto her back on Chastity's bed, she was told to open her mouth so that the former cheerleader could fill it with the panties she had worn the day before, turned inside out for maximum flavour of course. Sophie's mouth was similarly filled with the panties Zoey had had on the previous day. Sophie was then positioned on top of Nicole, the women were made to move around a little until they were placed with Nicole's nose pressed firmly against Sophie's panty clad asshole whilst Sophie's face hung just below Nicole's crotch. "I haven't let Sophie shower today so it should be nice & smelly in there!" Zoey announced happily, "Have fun you two!" Mocked Chastity, "Make sure you stay where we've been nice enough to put you, if your nose isn't firmly in Sophie's ass crack when we get back Nicole then we'll have to punish both of you for being so ungrateful to us." Chastity told them. The ninety minutes they were left in this position really dragged for both women, for Sophie there wasn't anything too unpleasant about it as Nicole had showered that morning so other than her face she smelled fresh & clean. Sophie like Nicole could of course smell her own face which stunk of eggy farts, girl cum & crotch sweat. Sophie felt totally defeated as it was one thing to have been made to serve Zoey, but to be used by Zoey's mother too was a different feeling all together. Nicole's senses were filled with sweaty ass smell & she realised as she lay there that Chastity was making it clear to her that she was both literally & figuratively below even Sophie, lower than their other submissive. That thought made Nicole wonder how she had got into this situation all over again, 24 hours ago her life was her own, now she was trapped at the whim of a cruel woman & that woman's equally mean daughter. When Chastity & Zoey finally returned they told the girls to remain where they were but instructed them to take out the panty gags. Chastity sat on the side of the bed & prodded Nicole to make sure she was listening. "We've decided on a new rule for both of our ass slaves. From now on you are both to refer to us as Miss Chastity & Miss Zoey unless there are other people around to overhear. Nicole you are also to call Sophie Miss Sophie, as you are literally bottom of the pile!" Chastity's voice made clear how much she enjoyed saying this. For a few minutes Nicole & Sophie were left in position whilst Chastity & Zoey made sure they had packed everything into their luggage. Then at last the two fart slaves were allowed to spend a couple of minutes washing their faces so that if they ran into other people on the way down to Chastity's car they wouldn't stink. Before they left the room Chastity announced that they would all be traveling in her car, Nicole had been driving a rental car, so she left the key with the hotel's reception as it was a designated pick up point for that company. After they carried everyone's bags down to Chastity's SUV Sophie was allowed to sit on the back seat whilst Nicole was ordered to kneel down on the floor facing the front passenger seat. She saw the seat move back a bit before Chastity put a towel down on that seat & sat on it herself. A blanket was thrown in so that Chastity could cover her lap & the kneeling Nicole completely, Zoey then got into the driver's seat. Chastity felt under the blanket & found Nicole's hair to yank her forward, she was wearing no panties & under the blanket the smell of her arousal was obvious. In a happy voice she simply ordered, "Lick me bitch!". After half an hour or so the car stopped, Nicole was pushed back onto her heels & she heard the door open, but they hadn't arrived, instead Chastity walked around to take up the driver's seat whilst Zoey moved into the passengers one, "My turn slut, get to work!" Zoey ordered. After another half an hour they arrived at Chastity's house, Nicole was shocked to discover that it was only twenty miles from where she had been living. From the outside it was obvious that it was a large house, there were two other cars on the drive way, a sports car that was Chastity's & Zoey's Honda. * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 3: Caught in their Snare They arrived home at about 4pm, Nicole was directed to the guest room & was told to leave her stuff in there. Chastity went into her own bedroom to make some phone calls whilst Zoey was amusing herself by making Sophie give her a ride around the house like she was riding a horse. At 5pm Chastity called everyone into the living room, she & Zoey were sat on the sofa whilst they told Sophie & Nicole to kneel in front of them. "Sophie, your mother knows you're staying with us for another night, so plenty of time for you & Zoey to play later." She said this in a conversational tone before turning to Nicole, "I was checking your email Nicole & I'm afraid I accidentally emailed your new job to say you couldn't take that job after all, so careless of me!" She mocked, "And I seem to have told your landlord that you'll be moving out next week too!". Zoey stood by her mother & spoke next, "Don't look sad, we have the perfect job for you.", the way she was smiling made Nicole feel like a bird cornered by a large hungry cat. "You are going to move in here, you are going to give up your whole life to serve me & mom, you will have no life outside of your service to us, you'll cook & clean, you'll tongue our pussies whenever and wherever we want & lick any body part we tell you to, you'll be our complete & utter slave. In return we'll give you something far better than any pay cheque, we'll let you serve & worship our nasty, dirty, stinky asses & suck up all of our delicious farts." The gloating way Zoey said all of this made it totally clear that she had no doubt that Nicole would accept. Nicole was horrified that this awful girl could really think that she would give up everything to serve her, she was so shocked that her protestations caught in her throat for long enough to let Chastity add, "I should let you know what will happen if you turn down my daughters generous offer, you'll have nowhere to live, no job, no money as it will take me seconds to empty your bank account & if you really are that nasty & ungrateful to my darling daughter who has made you such a kind offer then we'll have to release the videos we took at the hotel of you getting blasted with farts & then licking Zoey's pussy, oh and of course the butt sniffing session you had with Sophie too. Don't worry though, you'll have no problem finding the videos as I'll tag them with your full name, date of birth, social security number, email address & phone number, that way they'll be forever easy for anyone to find!". Zoey stood then & pulled down her jeans & panties, she bent over the sofa so that her fat ass was sticking up, "Crawl over & show my daughter that you accept her offer, or you know what will happen." Chastity couldn't hide the smugness in her voice as she completed Nicole's destruction. Nicole knew when she was beaten, if she refused she would have nothing & everyone would think she was a total pervert, so who would help her, better to submit & hope the cruel pair would get bored after a while & let her go. So resigned to her fate Nicole crawled over & planted a big kiss on each of Zoey's ass cheeks. The chubby girl's laughter made the whole thing so much worse as did the way she reached back & patted Nicole on the head as she said, "That's a good ass slave! Oh we are going to have so much fun with you, I have so many fun new things to teach you & having a full time fart cushion will be so convenient.". Nicole was sent to the kitchen to cook dinner for the four of them, she served the food to Chastity & Zoey at the table whilst she & Sophie were expected to eat sat on the floor at their owner's feet. Later that evening Zoey started what she called Nicole's education, she had Nicole & Sophie lie face to face on Nicole's bed in the guest room. "Now two such skilled pussy lickers really ought to know how to kiss a woman. I want you to lean in & give each other a long kiss, keep your lips together until I tell you to stop." Zoey sounded excited as she gave that order. Neither Nicole or Sophie was a lesbian & for Sophie kissing someone her mother's age made it more embarrassing, but both knew that they weren't being given a choice in this. Their lips met & both girls closed their eyes to try to pretend it was a cute boy they were kissing. Zoey filmed this on her phone & told them to keep their eyes closed, both girls were relieved that she didn't seem concerned that they weren't using their tongues. For a few seconds they lay there silently with their eyes shut and their lips together, they felt Zoey climb onto the bed but neither reacted, then so suddenly that it made them both jump they heard & felt a massive ppppppprrrrrrrrrppppppppptttttttt right over their faces. As the stink of rotten eggs engulfed their noses Zoey burst into hysterical laughter, gasping for breath she was laughing so hard, she proclaimed, "Two in one go!". When she stopped laughing Zoey dragged Sophie off to her bedroom & sent Nicole to find Chastity. That night Chastity continued Nicole's unwelcome education, after ripping a couple of farts on her face she repositioned herself & told her trapped slave to open wide. She strained for a few seconds before letting out a long hissing pppppppffffffffttttttt into Nicole's mouth. "Ah yeah, swallow my fart you dirty bitch!" Chastity exulted in her newest debasement of her former classmate. "You'd better get use to the taste as from now on you'll have fart breath as well as being fart face!". Nicole soon found out that swallowing Chastity's farts was every bit as bad as being farted on, the taste in her mouth was horrible & as she actually had to swallow rather than just lying there & taking it she was being forced to participate in her own humiliation. When Chastity ran out of fire power she slid back so that Nicole's nose was in her now very funky ass crack, the next couple of hours were spent with Chastity watching TV & eating chocolate whilst Nicole tongued her to several orgasms. That night Nicole slept under the covers in Chastity's bed, she was told that she should keep her head near to Chastity's ass so that if anything escaped in her sleep her face would be there to absorb the smell. As Chastity was getting herself settled she told Nicole that every night she would be sleeping under the covers of either her or Zoey's bed, the guest room would be her bedroom but she wouldn't spend any nights in there. The following Saturday Sophie was again sleeping over with Zoey so the four of them travelled to Nicole's apartment. All of Nicole's possessions were divided up into four categories, a lot were going to go into storage, a few went in the trash, some went with Nicole to her new room & a few things were claimed by the others. Nicole was allowed to keep her night wear, several pairs of jeans & any other clothes that Chastity felt were appropriate, nothing too smart or flashy. She was also allowed to keep her books & magazines & her TV & DVD player. She kept a few of her DVD's with Chastity & Zoey taking any they wanted. Zoey claimed her laptop computer & after Sophie had cleared out the kitchen she was given her choice of the clothes Nicole couldn't keep as she was a similar size to the older woman. Chastity & Zoey also kept a few items of jewellery. As it was a furnished apartment most of the furniture didn't belong to Nicole & what did went into storage along with all of Nicole's bedding & some of her personal documents such as her passport, birth certificate & high school diploma, she was allowed to keep her driving license. She was allowed to keep her IPod but Zoey claimed her CD collection. Sophie had done most of the fetching & carrying so was quite sweaty by the time they had finished, this made Chastity decide to put Sophie on top of Nicole on the back seat for the journey back, Nicole's nose was once again pressed to the younger woman's asshole & a blanket was thrown over them. It only took them half an hour to get from the storage facility back to Chastity's house, but every bump rammed Nicole's nose against Sophie's butt meaning her nose was soar as well as full of the smell of ass sweat. * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 4: A day in her life School had finished for the summer by the time that Nicole moved in, that meant Zoey who wasn't going to college in the autumn had little to do & her mother put no pressure on her at that time to plan the rest of her life. Chastity worked the same four days every week, she was day manager of a local strip club, a job that was as much paperwork as anything else as most of the trouble that needed handling fell during the night manager's shift when the patrons were more likely to be drunk, Chastity just worked 9 to 5. Nicole's days were scheduled for her by Chastity & she would follow a strict routine. For the four days that Chastity had to go to work Nicole would spend the night before under her covers, for the other three she would be with Zoey if Sophie wasn't sleeping over, if she was then Nicole was with Chastity those nights too. Nicole's morning would start at 7AM when she was awoken by the vibrations of the alarm on her watch. She would gently prize Chastity's legs apart & find her sweaty crotch. She had to gently lick the former cheerleader's pussy until she was awake & then proceed to make her cum. When Chastity was satisfied she would go into the bathroom & whilst she relieved herself Nicole would make sure a warm towel was ready & get the shower to the correct temperature. Nicole would then join Chastity in her shower to wash her hair, back, ass & feet whilst the blonde washed her front herself. Whilst Chastity dressed herself Nicole would prepare her breakfast & serve it at the kitchen table. Whilst Chastity ate she had Nicole kneel to be her foot rest, whilst mild compared to some of the things she used her former classmate for Chastity loved the feeling of power this gave her. Once Chastity left for work Nicole would prepare Zoey's breakfast & if she was there Sophie's too, at 9AM she would then crawl under Zoey's covers & tongue her equally sweaty pussy to a wake up orgasm, in time that would change to tonguing her sweaty asshole whilst Zoey fingered herself but in those early weeks Nicole didn't know that. Nicole would then wash Zoey in the shower as she did for Chastity. Zoey liked to have Nicole help dress her, she particularly enjoyed having the older woman on her knees putting her socks & shoes on for her. If Sophie was there she was then allowed to take a shower in Nicole's room, she wasn't permitted to use Zoey's. Zoey also used Nicole as a foot rest whilst she ate. Once Zoey had finished Nicole was then allowed to have her own breakfast & take her own shower. The rest of Nicole's mornings were spent working, Monday's & Thursday's she had to change Chastity & Zoey's bedding, take out the trash & hoover every room of the house. Tuesday's & Friday's she had to do all of the laundry, clean the bathrooms & dust the house as well as putting away the food deliveries Chastity ordered online & had delivered twice a week. Zoey liked to lie on her bed watching when Nicole cleaned her bathroom, she particularly enjoyed making taunting comments as the older woman scrubbed her toilet. Wednesday's were Chastity's day off so Nicole was set to washing the cars & tidying the garden, outdoor tasks that wouldn't disturb Chastity. If Nicole ever finished before lunchtime she was allowed to sit in her room and either read or watch TV. Nicole was required to make lunch for whoever was home, she was allowed to include herself in this but she had to sit on the floor at either Chastity or Zoey's feet while she ate. Afternoons were for amusements, some days Zoey would have female friends over & when she did Nicole was introduced as their live in maid, Zoey never did anything unusual in front of her friends as she didn't want them to know Nicole's true use, the nearest she ever came was a time that she had her clean one of her friends muddy sneakers whilst the girl was still wearing them. More often Zoey's way of amusing herself would be playing games with Nicole & if she was there Sophie too. One day Nicole was told to serve Sophie really spicy food for lunch, later that afternoon Zoey announced that she was going to see a movie with friends & whilst she was gone she positioned Nicole & Sophie on Nicole's bed, Sophie was placed sat on Nicole's face facing towards her feet, both girls were panty gagged. Sophie was clearly uncomfortable after her spicy lunch & that was exactly as Zoey wanted it, she informed the submissive 18 year old that if Nicole's face didn't smell of farts when she returned then she would repeat the game the following day with Nicole on top. Sophie was too submissive to want to take part in this game, but the food had its desired effect & she let out fart after fart on Nicole's trapped face. For Nicole this was super humiliating, she was being used as a submissive's fart cushion, that was way worse than when it was a strong dominant woman like Zoey or Chastity & it smelled just as bad. Another day when Zoey was feeling particularly gassy she had Nicole on her back on the bed again, Zoey took her place on her face & told her she wanted to cum at least twice before she ran out of farts. The twist this time was that she had Sophie fuck Nicole with a strap-on, Sophie's orders were to make Nicole cum or when they finished she would have to give the black haired submissive a tongue bath. Sophie was more eager than skilled but she did force an uncomfortable orgasm out of her prone victim. Zoey made sure to blow a massive fart in Nicole's face just as she came & when Zoey was finally sated Nicole was forced to kneel & take the fake cock, which Sophie was still wearing, in her mouth to suck it clean. That degrading orgasm for Nicole was rare, Chastity had locked her in a chastity belt & although she knew she could have removed it with the right tools that would have led to the former cheerleader punishing her severely which wasn't something she wished to experience. At 5pm Nicole would start to prepare dinner, if Chastity had been at work she would often want Nicole to give her a foot massage & that often progressed to having Nicole suck her sweaty toes. The first time Chastity did this she was laughing so hard at Nicole's disgusted reaction, but once she had calmed down & allowed the pleasure to overtake her only moving Nicole up to lick her pussy would satisfy her, that became a regular post work ritual. Once Chastity was satisfied Nicole would finish preparing dinner, Chastity always told her that morning what she wanted & she made sure to regularly pick foods that would have a certain effect so that she could say things like, "Wow Nicole, you must really love our farts giving us all this food that you know will give us plenty of ammunition to rip ass on your face!". The evening meal was similar to the earlier ones with Nicole eating sat at her superiors's feet, but sometimes if Chastity or Zoey were in a bad mood they'd make her put her food in a bowl & eat like a dog, just using her mouth & no hands. This made both dominants laugh a lot & got Nicole very messy, but at least she was allowed to wash afterwards as they didn't want food dripping all over their house. Evenings & weekends were less ordered, Nicole would fulfil whatever desires Chastity or Zoey had. One thing that was a relief to her was that neither woman was up for sharing with anyone but each other, they never let their friends or acquaintances use her & kept her servitude a secret from all bar Sophie. * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 5: Her Place On a Saturday evening about a month after Nicole moved in she was ordered to her bedroom by Zoey as it was time to teach her what Zoey said was an important new skill. Nicole was ordered onto her back on her bed as Zoey stripped below the waist. "I've been looking forward to this, the first part won't be new to you, I'd have done it that first day in my hotel room only mom would have been furious if she wasn't your first! The new skill I'm going to teach you is something I've been fantasising about for a couple of weeks, it's going to be totally hot!". Zoey sat her fat ass on Nicole's face as she had done dozens of times before, it was sweaty & smelly down there by this time of day but Nicole knew that it being unpleasant just made it more fun for Zoey. "Open wide!" Zoey told her happily. After a few seconds there was a big pppppppprrrrrrrpppppptttttt & a taste like overcooked cabbage filled her mouth, "Ah that felt good!" Zoey announced, For the next ten minutes Zoey pounded Nicole's mouth with fart after fart, the taste got worse & worse but finally she ran out of ammunition, "See how useful you can be Nicole? I feel so much more comfortable now & my pretty little nose didn't have to smell anything nasty, every girl should have one of you!" Zoey taunted her victim. "Now for the fun part," Zoey sounded delighted as she said this, "We're going to make you all the more useful, isn't that good!" Zoey laughed before continuing, "I want you to stick out that slutty tongue of yours, it's time you learned how to lick my ass!" She put a lot of emphasis on the last three words. Zoey laughed at Nicole's muffled sounds of protest below her, "Oh come on, it won't be that bad, I'm a beautiful sexy woman & I bet every part of me tastes delicious to someone like you! Besides my tight little bumhole must taste better than my stinky farts & we both know you can't get enough of my farts! So stop being a cry-baby & start licking.". Nicole knew at that point that she wouldn't be able to change Zoey's mind & in the position she was in she didn't feel getting the mean 18 year old angry was a good idea. She stuck out her tongue & ran it gently over Zoey's asshole, the taste was bitter & earthy whilst it did indeed feel very tight. Zoey made her lick up & down her ass crack a few times, that was where the sweat was gathered it seemed & the taste whilst less earthy was all the more bitter, that was still preferable to her rosebud though. Zoey gave a little shudder of pleasure & ordered Nicole's tongue back to her asshole. Nicole ran circles around it as if she was massaging it with her tongue, this elicited a gasp from Zoey who then gave the awful order to, "Press your tongue on it, get your tongue right up into my butt, I want to feel you inside me!". Nicole tried pushing with her tongue but met firm resistance, she went back to firmly massaging Zoey's rosebud with her tongue instead & hoped that the 18 year old would settle for that, but then she was caught by surprise as the blonde's asshole suddenly spread & her tongue was sucked up into it. The taste was like the outside of Zoey's asshole but much stronger, she wanted to gag but with her tongue up there she couldn't even do that. "Ah, yes!" Zoey moaned, "Oh that feels good, your tongue feels so good up there. Use that tongue, fuck my ass with it, lick up and down, thrust deep.". Nicole ran her tongue around a bit in the tight confines of Zoey's back passage, she didn't really know what she was doing & wanted to escape the awful taste as soon as she could, so she decided just to push her tongue up & down as fast as she could. This along with the fingers Zoey had in her own pussy seemed to have the desired effect as after two or three minutes Zoey shrieked through a very noisy orgasm. "Fuck that's good, oh keep doing that you dirty ass licker, oh, oh, yes! Yes! YES!". As she sat full weight on Nicole's face to catch her breath Zoey unintentionally rammed Nicole's tongue even deeper into her. When she caught her breath Zoey raised slightly to allow Nicole to breathe, still sounding breathy she told the trapped older woman, "Oh that felt so good, can you imagine what usually comes sliding out of where your tongue is right now!" Then she burst into laughter, "I guess you don't have to imagine do you, I bet you can taste it!". When after another twenty minutes Zoey was finally satisfied she sent Nicole back to Chastity's room, seeing that the blonde was sat on her bed reading a book Nicole sat on the floor in front of her as she wasn't sure what was expected of her. The taste in her mouth was horrible & she was feeling really sorry for herself, as she turned a page in her book Chastity looked down & saw the miserable look on her face so asked what was wrong. "Miss Zoey just made me do something really awful, something you've never had me do Miss Chastity." Nicole answered in a small voice. Chastity gave a little laugh before saying, "I'm guessing she let you lick her ass, she told me that she wanted to give you that treat." She laughed again at Nicole's look of surprise, "You should be grateful to my daughter, she's never let Sophie do that, you're her first!" Chastity laughed again. Then looking more serious she made Nicole look up at her & meet her eyes, "You need to understand something Nicole & understanding it will make your life a lot easier, you are exactly where you belong.", she paused, "Look at what you've done with the twenty years you were away from me, you've never been married & have no boyfriend, you have no children, you have no family locally, you've never had a mortgage, you don't have a car & you've done nothing with your career, that new job you were going to start would have had you working alongside 22 year olds. You've never progressed with anything because you were waiting for someone to claim you & give you a purpose. So instead of whining that my daughter made you do something you didn't enjoy you should be thanking us both for making your life matter. We are strong dominant women, tops, you are weak & needy, a natural bottom & a literal one too now!". Those words changed Nicole, she couldn't escape the truth of them, she had done absolutely nothing with her life, she had existed but hadn't lived, maybe she really was put on earth to serve stronger better women. She still didn't enjoy a lot of what Miss Chastity & Miss Zoey made her do but from that day on she didn't protest or sulk, she just got on with it as she realised it was what she was made to do. As she had been talking Chastity stood & yanked Nicole up pointing at her bed, Nicole understood & lay on her back, Chastity lifted the hem of her skirt as she stepped onto the bed, as her bare arse descended onto Nicole's face she smugly added, "When I said you were where you belong this is where I meant, as a natural bottom you truly belong beneath my bottom!". * * * * * * * * * * * The End * * * * * * * * * * As always I love all your comments and suggestions, I'd particularly like to hear from other girls with comments, suggestions, requests and idea's for this or other stories. Love and licks, Lucy X X X X X