What I Witnessed
by Whiifit

It was the classic geek move by the guy known as Jerry the geek. He was walking (rather the spaz was stumbling) down the cafeteria aisle holding his lunch tray when his gangly leg hit something. He went down, he bowl flew and the soup landed in the wrong place, that place being all over Dana L. Marcie G. and Gina F. the three toughest, foul mouthed bitches in the 11th grade. They wore leather and faded jeans exclusively and believe me when I tell you that the every heterosexual male in our high school had made eye contact with the seat of those jeans as they'd waggle down the hallways clutched to the saucy hips and bottoms of their owners. Particularly Gina's. This Italian hard-nosed chick was blessed with an ass that would stop a war. Jerry the geek staggered to his feet, with an even more dazed look than usual. But that was nothing compared to right after Dana clocked him in the face with her big Slavic fist. She was a rather large girl who took no crap from anyone and was looked like the Amazon of Death with Billy Idol's image splashed with pea soup.

"You fuckin retard" she screamed as Jerry crumpled from the blow. On his back at that point, he never saw little Marcie, all five feet and 90 pounds living fireball leap from the table and clomp with those biker boots right on Jerry's gut. The poor sap was convulsing on the floor and thing was that no one seemed to have the least bit sympathy for him. The diminutive Golitha twisted on his belly for a moment, then hocked a stringy loogie into old Jerry's mouth as it opened to beg for relief. Then came the cream. As Mary stepped off, Ms. Gina stood over the fallen geek. She definitely got the bulk of Jerry's lunch offering. Her signature make-up job, heavy eyeliner, blood red lips was splattered with greed and carrot bits and the face that wore it was twisted into what can only be described as dangerous rage. She stared down at the Jer-geek with utter contempt.

Then, in that bombastic, shrewish New Jersey shrill of hers she raged, "What the fuck is the matter with you, you dumb, spaziod, completely rotted piece of shit? Jerry's eyes ran up the firm Jean encased leg, up past the expanse of her hips all the way to her sneering face. Jerry started stuttering some straw of an apology which disgusted Gina even more and prompted the kick Jerry's head took. Shut up you pathetic puke" she hissed. "Look at me. Look at my face... MY FRIGGIN' MAKE-UP you loser!"

Out of what could only have been a misfire of self preservation, Jerry blurted out:, "Y--you look real nice. I think you're pretty."

"Morr-on!! " she bellowed. She became so tense with anger, I started to get a little concerned for old Jerry's safety but then again, what's one nerd compared to this kind of blue ribbon entertainment. Gina dropped onto his chest and slapped him over and over again. The CRACK of her hand against his face echoed through the cafe. At that point it was a little surprising that no faculty member came to break it up as I kept expecting them to. They never did and my theory on that was that who ever was on duty was hiding and enjoying the show. Still donning her leather jacket, Gina had worked up quite a sweat and stopped to catch her breath. She sneered down at the beaten Jerry, obvious that her anger wasn't quelled. Then, with a complete change in the tone of her voice, she said softly. "You don't deserve to live for doing something like this, so I am going to kill you..." We've all heard that figurative expression, and that's just what it usually is: just an expression. But the way Gina said it, the rage boiling behind the calm voice, I and everyone else in that cafeteria kind of believed that she meant it. Rising to a squat, she leaned over his face and repeated the threat, this time adding "And I'm going to kill you right her and right now" Still in a squat, she turned so that fabulous ass, encased by the soft denim of her 501's hovered a scant few inches over Jerry the Geeks pitiful face. She held the position so her victim could get a great gander at the instrument of his impending expiration. I don't think any of the 3 or four hundred kids who were witnessing the beginnings of a public execution so much as twitched a nose hair in those few seconds when butt was presented to face.

Then....PLOP!!! Gina dropped her 135 pound body on to the upturned face of a geek. She grabbed a coke. wiggled that tush and settled in for murder. It was a clear view we had: Gina was firmly seated on Jerry's face. Her entire ass covered it. There appeared to be nothing left of it. To heighten matters even more, she raised her legs and rested her feet on Jerry's crotch. She pooped poem her can of coke and non-chalantly drank it as if she were merely sitting on an inanimate object. It wasn't long before Jerry started to struggle as she bore down with her entire weight. He squirms started to annoy Gina and she remedied that by kicking his balls a couple of time. Poor Jerry seemed to be in trouble. It had been several minutes since his last breath. Would this girl really kill him:?

I guess Marcy was thinking what I was thinking and asked her friend:"Are you really gonna smother him to death? Gina thought it over for a moment and said "No, I have a better idea" With that she rose her buttocks slightly from Jerry's face and then the first "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" came. There could be no doubt as to what that was: A good old American, split pea soup, fart. "I'm gonna gas him to death! Poor O'l Jerry had been with out air for so long, that he had no choice other than to breathe the butt expulsion deep into his lungs. Gina stayed on top of him for the rest of the lunch period bringing the guy to the brink of suffocation and just at the right time, blowing a nasty blast of gas up into his nostrils and mouth. She repeated this several times and whenever he groped or tried to buck her off, she would clobber his balls and fart.

This went on for about 15 minutes until someone said, "Hey he looks like he's croaked,." Gina heard this but had picked up a magazine earlier and was reading. When she finally got up, it was as she still read and hardly noticed her human seatpad who looked, well dead. A stunned crowd stared with concern as Becki move up to her friend "Looks dead, huh.?" Gina frowned, glanced down at the un-moving body and suddenly sneeze on him, Suddenly it moved Jerry wasn't dead. Everyone laughed but not Gina. She was pissed cause the fart boy let others think she was a killer.

In a final burst of rage, yanked his hair, Dragged him to a corner, jammed his head on the wall, put her ass back to his face and let loose with fart explosion. A second later she told him he's never to eat in "Her cafe" again and if she caught him, he would find out that flatulence was simply an appetizer for what followed. A first row spectator Monore High School on a day in Late March, 1984 Trenton New Jersey