Virtual Reality
by Allen

Dennis sat at the bar feeling like he owned the world. He gently swirled his cognac and took a small sip, savoring the scent and all the subtle notes. He leaned forward to the bartender and spoke louder than he was trying to speak, "Be a good lad and pour a little more in my glass."

"Sir, why don't you give it a little while before your next one?" The young bartender replied, staying professional, trying not to embarrass Dennis.

"Do you have any idea who I am, boy? I could have you shining shoes at the airport faster than you can say..."

"I'll have a champagne if you're not too busy." A sultry voice to his left interrupted Dennis, and when he turned to see who it belonged to, there was no air left in his lungs. He was speechless.

"Right away ma'am." The bartender politely replied and went to uncork a chilled bottle.

"What's such a beautiful lady doing at a place like this?" Dennis blurted out. The woman shifted her eyes to him for a second and looked away. "Allow me the pleasure of introducing myself. I'm Dennis Richers, tech mogul. You may have read my name in Forbes magazine."

"I'm Alissa, and if you don't mind, I'd like to enjoy my drink in peaceful contemplation."

"Peaceful contemplation! You sure got a way with words, honey. I'm sorry, but I can't let a broad as gorgeous as you just sit there all quiet. You see, I'm something of a computer genius entrepreneur."

Alissa, not impressed even slightly, resorted to her famous trick to get a man to leave her alone. Feeling a bubble descend her belly, she lifted herself up ever so slightly and pushed out a long, warm, silent fart.

"You wouldn't believe the contraption I built with this new technology. It's like nothing you ever— Oh god! What is that smell?" Dennis stopped mid-sentence and covered his mouth and nose with his shirt. "There might be a septic problem in this place."

"I don't smell anything." Alissa said calmly, sneaking a wink to the bartender.

"Listen, I'm gonna get out of here, come with me. You're so beautiful I can't stop thinking about you, I'll pay you whatever you want."

"I beg your pardon?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying, for a woman like you, I'd give you whatever you want."

"I guess if that's the offer on the table, I might come with you for a little while. But just remember, you said whatever I want..."

Dennis grabbed a bottle of whiskey and collapsed on his couch. Alissa appeared breathtaking from his perspective. Even though she was an average height and build for a woman, her posture gave off a commanding authority.

"Come on baby, take a seat next to me!" Dennis slurred.

"I thought you wanted to show me the brilliant machine you invented." Alissa responded flatly.

"Invented... Well, I might have fibbed just a teensy bit. I got some college intern to do most of the work, but it's a total breakthrough nonetheless! I'm gonna make billions!" Dennis hiccuped. "Hold on, I'll show you how it works."

Dennis stumbled to another room, leading the way for Alissa, who walked with confidence and poise. He picked up two very futuristic VR helmets that sat on a table by a supercomputer. "With these, I can create a full simulation of reality. It taps into your brainwaves and projects whatever I want into your mind. It controls all five senses, the only VR that can do that."

"How do I control it?" Alissa asked.

"YOU don't! I do. See, I wear the helmet that says Master, which means the virtual world is controlled by MY thoughts. Your helmet just takes you along for the ride."

"Oh Dennis, that's no fair! I want to control the adventure!"

"Fat chance babe, this toy is all mine."

"Well I'm not taking no for an answer. We're going to wrestle for it."

Dennis roared with laughter. "Wrestle? Me and you? That's rich."

"Why, are you afraid I'll pin you?"

"Oh I'm sure you can't pin me, missy. Tell you what though, if you can pin me I'll let you control the virtual reality. But if I pin you, you have to sleep with me."

Alissa rolled her eyes and sighed. "Hmmm... you got a deal. Now get ready!" Alissa kicked off her heels and got in a fighting stance.

Dennis chuckled and hurled himself in her direction. Alissa sidestepped and used Dennis' own momentum to push him to the floor with ease. Quickly, she slammed her ass down on his back and knocked the wind out of him. Dennis tried to get a word out but could only wheeze. Alissa twisted his arm behind his back and he yelped in submission. "I think you've had enough for tonight," Alissa said with an evil smile. With that, she spun around and locked Dennis in a sleeper hold using her firm, toned legs. He struggled pathetically for a few seconds, then he was out like a light.

When Dennis woke up, he found himself tied to his own bed with four-point restraints.He yelled out in panic, and Alissa came to the door calmly. She looked at the helpless man with great amusement and giggled softly. "Someone's not a very good wrestler..." She teased.

"Let me out you crazy bitch! You can't tie me down like this!"

"Well sure I can. I won fair and square, and this way I can collect what you owe me."

"What are you talking about?" Dennis could barely make sense of anything with his pounding headache.

"Since I pinned you so easily last night, I get to wear the master control helmet and bring you into whatever reality I choose. I have to make sure you don't go anywhere until I'm done."

"No way! You don't really think that was serious? You can't control my machine, it's mine!"

Alissa just laughed. She walked out of the room for a minute and came back with a plate. "Here, loser. I made you some pancakes. I need you to have all your energy to enjoy my plans for us today. But wait, you can't eat these pancakes while you're all tied down like that... I guess I have to feed them to you." Alissa gave another mysterious smile and Dennis' eyes went wide with fear.

"But, before I feed you the first bite, I need to add one secret ingredient." Alissa set the plate down on Dennis' chest and turned around to face away from him. She pulled her pants down to reveal her bare ass and slowly brought it toward the stack of pancakes. Dennis watched in horror as her beautiful creamy buttocks pressed down against the warm breakfast. She leaned forward, filling her asscrack with warm fluffy goodness, and took Dennis by surprise as she blasted a gigantic fart into the food. "Aaah, that felt so good to get out," Alissa exclaimed. "That's a gift from me to you, Dennis, how do you like it?"

"What the fuck was that for?" Dennis yelled out in protest. "That smells putrid, you bitch!"

"That's no way to talk to the woman who has complete control over you!" Alissa reprimanded. "This is the start of your training before we begin. I'm a very gassy woman, so I need you to get familiar with the smell and taste of my farts. After all, your virtual world needs to include the actual smell of my gas."

"I'm gonna be sick..." Dennis groaned.

"Oh, don't be a baby. Open up and take a bite." Alissa grabbed a piece of pancake and shoved it in his mouth. "How does that taste?" Dennis mumbled with his mouth full. Alissa took a bigger piece with her hand, but this time cupped it over her asshole. She strained her face and pushed out a wet sounding fart into the morsel of pancake. "Try this one next!" Alissa crammed the stench-infused bite into Dennis' mouth and held her hand over it firmly so he couldn't spit it out. He squirmed, trying hopelessly to resist. All he could taste and smell was Alissa's rancid fart. "This is too much fun," Alissa said gleefully. She pinched his nose shut too, and he began to squirm for air. "Hold on, I'll give you something to breathe," and with that she scooted her ass right over his mouth and nose. She let go of his face, and just as he gasped for air she ripped another rotten fart right into his airway. Dennis coughed and gagged at the stink. "Shut up and finish your pancakes." Alissa smiled and fed him the rest of the meal, farting generously every few bites.

Dennis was rudely awakened again after dozing off post-breakfast. Alissa was busy fastening the VR helmet to his head.

"Be careful with that, it's worth more than your life!" Dennis exclaimed. Ignoring him, Alissa finished up and fastened the goggles over his head extra tight.

"One last thing before we get started," Alissa interjected, then aimed her ass point blank at his face and trumpeted out a very warm fart.

"Ugh, not that again! You really stink!" Dennis said, wincing from the smell.

"Just sniff that up while I get my helmet on." Alissa smiled as she crowned herself with the helmet labeled "Master." Suddenly she could see a vast network of controls that would allow her to build whatever world she pleased.

As if someone flipped a magic switch, Dennis was suddenly in a luxurious room. Everything was nice and fancy, complete with a suede couch and a mahogany coffee table. But something felt different. It all seemed so much bigger than normal. Dennis looked down at himself and to his complete surprise, he was only two feet tall. Alissa made him tiny! When he looked back up, he saw a towering figure approach. It was Alissa, but at least a foot taller than she was in real life. In addition to her height, she also had strong arms, powerful legs, and a bubble butt twice as big as his head. Dennis was paralyzed by the intimidation he felt. Alissa bent over and grabbed Dennis by the front of his shirt and lifted him up to her eye level effortlessly.

"You're in my world now, little man." Alissa cackled with an evil grin and carelessly tossed Dennis on the couch. As he stumbled to get up and escape, she shoved him back against the cushion with her foot. She then slid onto the couch, taking up the majority of the space with her body. With only her feet and legs, she kept Dennis in place like a ragdoll. Alissa sighed in relief, savoring the relaxing suede couch and the satisfaction of complete control. Dennis whimpered in frustration. "Shhhh..." Alissa responded, reaching out to palm Dennis' little head. She laid back and nestled his face into her crotch. "Get nice and comfy in there, boy. You have no power to resist my will, so accept wherever I position you and do as I say." As much as he wanted to wriggle away from the giant woman's funky ass, his strength was nothing compared to hers in this world. Some obedient instinct came from deep down and he accepted the placement.

Just as Dennis made peace with his new reality, he felt Alissa's anus flex and a steady rumbling fart roared into his headspace. The new size difference made a natural gas chamber between her thighs, and Dennis was stuck in it. All he could taste and smell was the sharp odor of this woman's gas, and somehow the virtual reality was delivering every subtle note in great detail.

"You see, when I make myself this much bigger and stronger than you, there's no need to tie you up. I can easily hold you in any position I want." Alissa reveled in the world she designed. "And, I can fart endlessly and transmit a detailed stink profile right into your brain." With another evil, mysterious laugh, she pushed Dennis' head into her ass even tighter and spewed a deadly fart right into his nose until his lungs were completely filled. As he coughed and sputtered in disgust, Alissa slid her pants down to reveal her glistening wet pussy.

"Start licking," she demanded, and the now obedient Dennis began to service her as ordered. Her soaking lips nearly covered his entire face as he gasped for air between mouthfuls of her juices. Her thighs clenched together and nearly crushed his head as she climaxed, leaving fluid dripping down his chin. "Now eat my ass too," Alissa directed her plaything, moving his head in place anyway. Dennis did as he was told, wincing at the bitter taste but afraid to anger his boss. He enthusiatically used his lips and tongue to stimulate her asshole, and in reply, Alissa sprayed him with even more farts that he could taste and smell with maximum intensity.

After such thorough satisfaction in her virtual world, Alissa took off the helmet and went back to the real world. For a moment it felt strange to be back in her average sized body. Dennis was still strapped to the bed where she left him, out cold from the intensity of his experience. With a soft knock at the door, a plump young woman entered the room. "Is it okay to come in now?" She asked.

"Of course, Kay. I had my fun, and the bastard is passed out on the bed. He can't hurt you." Alissa assured her with a warm smile.

"He was such a mean boss, but I worked hard to create that machine because it was going to make us both rich. I never expected him to get me deported when it was finished." Kay wiped away a tear as she spoke. Alissa put a soft hand on her shoulder and gave her a hug.

"Well, as promised, I got you back into the country and took care of this asshole for you. The prototype of your invention is more than enough payment for my services."

"Of course, Alissa. It's the very least I could offer for your help. You are the bravest spy I know." Kay wiped away another tear and went for an even bigger hug this time. Alissa squeezed her so tight that a little fart escaped Kay's butt.

"Oops, I'm so sorry about that." Kay blushed.

"Trust me, I don't mind at all. I'm a gassy woman myself." Alissa said with a smirk and let out a toot of her own.

"That's a relief. I'm lactose intolerant and Dennis never let me have any dairy. If I ever did fart around him he would yell at me and call me nasty."

"Well it's your house now, Kay. Have all the dairy you want. In fact, I think I scrambled that man's brain so bad he can't do anything but lay there for the rest of his life and serve as your fart sniffer. He sure as hell deserves it."