Thieves Story
by Jay

For three weeks now James had been hot on the tail of a burglar, he had been hired by a client who claimed this burglar was going to target her home later and she was sure of it. So he had sat and waited in the client’s house till nightfall waiting for this burglar. He sat in the wardrobe, atop a pile of clothes. If this burglar did indeed arrive tonight and he was sure they would he was going to get them. His watch ticked onwards leading to 2:30.

Rachel silently picked the lock on the backdoor of the house. She knew it would open silently as she had put a lot of thought into this plan. Silently climbing the stairs and entering the master bedroom. She knew someone was here, apart from being able to sense him she could hear the ticking of his watch. The wardrobe door was only open a crack but it was enough for her talents.

James was unperturbed when the girl walked into the room; he was slightly aroused, almost his age. Must be around 22 he thought to himself, and she’s beautiful. She stood at roughly 6 feet; dark hair spilled down her back and clung to the edges of her huge breasts. Her ass was perfect; it was there and made no secret of it in her skin-tight black jeans. He only noticed the flaw when she turned her back to his position. A tail, whether real or attached he couldn’t tell. A luscious tail which ran up her back following the curves perfectly. A brilliant white stripe ran the length of it. Whilst he had been staring at the tail he had not really been paying attention to the body that it was attached to, she was backing up till she was in front of the double doors. They were pushed closed the small amount of light died. The tail was still fresh in his mind; he was thinking of cats mainly but couldn’t think of any cats that looked like that. SKUNK! The thought hit him hard; she was a skunk-girl. How? Where was she from?

Rachel pushed her butt firmly against the doors, sealing them. This guy wanted to trap her well now he was trapped and she already felt sorry for him. “y’know,” she called out “you could have picked a more convenient spot to hide, how am I supposed to sell clothes that stink?” She let the sentence hang in the air before she tensed her stomach and arched her back slightly, poor guy, she thought.

James was really panicking now, he had fallen into a den of skunks as a child, and the mother had basically been on his face when she sprayed him. This girl was nearly six feet tall. “y’know,” she called out “you could have picked a more convenient spot to hide, how am I supposed to sell clothes that stink?” Outside the tiny space a floorboard creaked as she shifted position. James shrank to the back of the wardrobe. Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt, a dense, thick, almost overpowering smell emanated from her rear end. James didn’t know what was going on but he knew he had to escape from her. He angled so that he could kick off the back wall and push open the doors. He had to get out because his vision was clouding and the single fart she had hit with was almost killing him.

Rachel held the fart for a little while longer than necessary, she wanted this guy to suffer, and this would be a waste of a perfectly good burglary. It had been about 30 seconds since she had trapped him in the wardrobe. More farts were ready to escape into the wardrobe and she was ready to blow them in when the world behind her exploded.

James kicked hard and launched out of the wardrobe headfirst into her butt, brapppppt, pfffttptptptptssssssssssssssssss. The two fell on the floor simultaneously. He rolled to his feet as best he could; everything swam left and right in a hazy stupor. The girl was on her feet quickly, completely unaffected by the smell that was already making James feel the heavy. “What are you?” he said. For a second it seemed as if the girl wasn’t going to answer him then, “angry”. She span on a single heel, almost to fast to follow with human eyes then, before James could even think she had him caught in her tail, its long luxurious-ness wrapped around his neck and dragged him toward her butt. The smell was terrible even as he approached. “Normally I’d kill you” she said “but you deserve something worse”

James watched in terror as her hands grabbed at her jeans above her butt and dragged them down. The smell intensified immediately. The farts had clung to her butt and panties and now both were alarmingly close to his face. Pfft. The tiny fart at such a small distance was enough to make James pull back and struggle harder than ever. She held tightly and kept him there just out of her crack where he wouldn’t pass out from her gas, at least not immediately and certainly not quickly.

Rachel wondered if it was worth loosing a real stench just to make him pass out and then take him back to her place. She was sure she wasn’t finished with him and she wanted her smell to cling to him. ‘Fine’ she decided.

James was almost unconscious when the tail holding him roughly jerked him away from the ass of the girl, he thought she was giving him a reprieve but she was really just making sure she hit even more if him with this. Tssssssssssssssssssssssss a long hissing noise filled James’s ears like a snakes hiss. It wasn’t a snake but it could be about as deadly as a cobra. Terrible smells waved across James worse than anything he had ever smelled, her SBD was going to kill him he was certain. When he was at what must have been his limit she started to drag him closer to the smell, her perfect ass grew larger in his vision until all he could see was her butt cheeks, this was his final stretch and darkness loomed at the edges of his vision. As he slowly lowered his head her ass rumbled out a fart, it seemed silent as he passed out but her cheeks vibrated, its stench was lost among all the others.

Rachel let the guy fall to the floor; he had already ruined her night and her panties and jeans. The only problem with having nearly toxic farts was that it got on your clothes too. She grabbed him and hefted him over her should fireman style. His head dangled down to her butt so she blessed it with a fart. This wasn’t the end for James. He had a long couple of days ahead of him.

He dreamt he was a child a gain, falling into the skunk den but instead of a skunk and her cubs there was a bunch of girls with skunk tails all pointing their butts at him, before he knew hat was going on he was subjected to a volley of frrrts and braappts as they unleashed their toxic cargo upon him.

James awoke with a start and looked around; the terrible smell in the reminded him of the previous night. In the corner was a bath full of water so he threw in his clothes. Stood in his boxers he heard a slight shuffling. Behind was a bed near his own. As he approached a curiosity overtook him. Was she really part skunk or was it a fake tail. He whipped back the covers and she sat there and he could clearly see the tail going into her back. It was real. “just so you know guy, I am going to torture you here but you wont be in much physical pain.”

Well here it is the long promised story, email me if you have any ideas for the sequel I will happily apply them.