The Stables Smother I’d worked at the stables since I was a snotty nosed kid of ten or eleven. I love horses and any excuse to be around them was gratefully accepted. As time went by I became more and more a fixture around the place. Old Misses Barton ran the place then; she was ever so slightly cookie and never worried about anything other than the health of the horses and giving kids a free ride. When she retired her daughter and husband ran the place for a few years, it became more business like, but not that much, then one bright summer’s day just after my nineteenth birthday they announced that they also were quitting and from now on Amanda, their daughter would be running the place. It was now that things started to change. Amanda was nothing like her mother or grandmother, neither in looks or personality. They had been stocky, horsy people for whom appearance was never an issue; they’d also been easy going. Amanda was none of these things. Amanda was tall, all legs and muscles with long flowing blonde hair she kept in a bun when riding. She was a superb horsewoman, having what they call a tremendous seat. She was also a bitch. The stables would be her living and she wanted a good one, one that would enable her to ride in the better shows and not the country circuit her mother or grandmother had frequented. It became a business. The free rides stopped, as did the casual working. Amanda wanted stable girls, she would pay, but she needed them when she wanted and not when it suited us. In a matter of weeks I was the only one left. I’d always been stubborn and my love of horses balanced against my dislike for Amanda. She offered me free, live in accommodation. The stables was built onto the back of a twenties style country house, when such houses had live in servants. Now Amanda offered me one of these rooms. It was pretty run down but she offered to have the place redecorated and refurnished. The offer still wasn’t a great one, but it coincided with my mum’s current boyfriend moving in. he didn’t much like me and I hated him, so Amanda’s offer became a convenient bolthole. At first things went well enough. I had never been a great party animal and had always kept myself pretty much to myself, and that was how I started to think of Amanda. She never seemed to go out, or have friends around. It was just she in the big house and I in the annex. A few new clients came, some stabled their horses with us and I mucked them out, groomed them and generally did the jobs the owners didn’t like. When the work became to great for me to handle then Amanda brought in a weekend girl named Jenny to help me out. She didn’t live in. Looking back I now realise that one incident changed my life forever. It was late on a Saturday evening. I’d been down to a local inn to meet with some of the girls who’d once worked at the stables. It was only a mile or so and I’d walked; now I was on my way home, feeling a little drunk. I noticed that a light was still on in the tack room. This was unusual and so I wandered over, expecting just to switch the light off. I’d reached the only window when I stopped. Amanda and Jenny were in there, not just in there but in a lovers clinch. I mean, two women kissing and touching each other. I don’t know how long I stood there, my head was reeling, but finally I managed to drag myself away. I’m no voyeur, and certainly not of two women. The next day I stayed out of their way. The only way I could do this was either to stay in my room or vanish to town. I tried both, with indifferent success. The town is small, religious and on a Sunday very little is open. Mum was still involved, so that was out. I ended up back at the stables, staring through a window at a quite glorious day. Every now and then I’d see Jenny as she worked around the stables. On such a fine day all of the owner’s had appeared and I could see that she was rushed off her feet. Discretion should have told me to stay away, but by mid afternoon my offer of help had been gratefully accepted. Jenny’s about my age; I know everyone in town, but Jenny had only just moved here with her folks, so I knew next to nothing about her, other than she liked kissing other girls. It made for a difficult afternoon, which became worse when Amanda rode back in. She never lent a hand around the stables, but would keep the owners happy. As she dismounted Jenny hurried over and led her mount away. I’d half expected them to kiss, but they didn’t and Jenny had her back to me so I couldn’t see what, if any, eye contact passed between them. As Amanda walked towards the tack room she glanced in my direction. “A word, please!” As Amanda carried on walking into the tack room I had to follow her. Amanda always kitted down in the tack room, keeping her own gear clean was about the only thing she did. I cleaned out the stables but she managed to clean her own boots. She was tugging these off when I caught up with her. Amanda gestured towards the office, which appended the tack room. “Just wait in there for a minute.” She sounded angry. I wondered what about. “What’s wrong?” I asked. She avoided the question. “Just wait in there. I need another word with Jenny.” The mention of Jenny’s name made me shiver. Left alone in the tack office I could only let my imagination run riot. The only thing I could visualize was that I’d been seen watching them. The only way I could see this then ending was with the sack, that meant moving in with mum and her boyfriend. I didn’t fancy that. If a grovelling apology were needed then Amanda would get one. Amanda returned after five minutes or so. I shot off my chair as she entered. “Oh! Sit down!” She demanded. She sat the other side of the single desk. “Do you like working here?” She asked. “Very much.” I answered. “No problems?” “No!” I even shook my head for added emphasis. “The flats okay?” “Fine. I’m very happy.” I blustered; if she was looking for complaints then I sure as hell wasn’t going to give her any. She was fiddling with a pen and took the time to dismantle it before her next question. An un-natural silence fell upon the room broken only the final owner driving away from the stables. Amanda watched the car off into the distance. I saw Jenny moving from box to box, checking on the horses one last time. “Alone!” Amanda smiled. “Do you like the silence?” It was a very strange question. “Sometimes.” Amanda stood up. She still had on her jodhpurs, but had changed into a fresh tee shirt. I didn’t know when that had happened. “Last night.” She began. I felt my stomach turn to ice. I had been harbouring the hope that I’d escaped discovery. “Yes?” I answered in a low voice. “”What did you see?” Amanda asked in a soft voice. She was my side of the desk, standing with her legs apart and arms folded. “See? I was out drinking. I didn’t come home till after eleven.” “And saw Jenny and I. Yes?” It wasn’t a question, not the enquiring kind. This question was just asking for affirmation. “No! I don’t understand.” “DON’T be stupid!” Amanda snapped. “It’s none of my business, what you do is your own affair.” I couldn’t look her in the face. Amanda had very clear grey / green eyes, that seemed to drill through you. “Right, only now YOU DO know what I do.” Amanda threatened. “I don’t!” I replied. “OH YES YOU DO.” Amanda retorted. I wilted. Stubborn I might be, but strong willed I’m not. “I won’t say anything.” I stammered. “I promise. I didn’t see anything, just you and Jenny kissing. I won’t say anything. I promise.” I started to babble. I couldn’t see this ending any other way than bad. “OF COURSE YOU WILL!” Amanda responded. “Sooner or later you’ll tell someone that your boss is a lesbian.” “I won’t!” I repeated. “Honestly I’ll never say anything.” “YOU WILL, unless I stop you.” Amanda began circling the room. I twisted to follow her round and around. I didn’t answer her last remarks. The more I protested then the seemingly angrier she became. I was only adding fuel to an already ignited fire. “I think you should join our little group.” Amanda said suddenly. It took me a minute to realise what Amanda was proposing, the suggestion made my stomach heave. “I can’t. I’m not that way.” I spluttered. I mean I know I’m not a raving sex maniac and the boys have never queued up but a lesbian? No way? “Sure?” “Yes. I’m sorry. I mean it when I say I won’t tell anyone, but I couldn’t join in. I’m not that sort of girl.” I continued to protest. I wanted to stand up but Amanda rested her hand on my shoulder. I could help but shy away from her touch. “Pity.” It was all I heard Amanda say before my chair was spiralling backwards and I landed with a neck-jarring thud on the floor. I stared up at the ceiling part winded, part just shocked. Amanda towered over me. When I tried to sit up she used her foot to push me down again. “Don’t move, don’t say anything!” She ordered. I know it was stupid, but I did as she said. Amanda pulled the chair from beneath me so that I was lying on the dirt stained carpet, soiled by a thousand pairs of riding boots. “We should be comfy.” She muttered in a matter of fact way, and then she sat on my stomach. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Stupid question. I’m sitting on your tummy, pretty soon I’ll be sitting on your face.” Amanda gloated at me. “Excuse me!” I exclaimed. I wasn’t sure that I’d heard her right. Sit on my face? Surely not! “Never!” She retorted. “YOU CAN COME IN NOW.” She called. Instinctively I looked towards the door. Immediately it opened and Jenny came into the room, closing the door behind her. “She wouldn’t agree, so we have to convince her.” Amanda told her. “Nice!” Grinned Jenny. She knelt on the carpet, next to my head. “This is rape!” I struggled to say. “RAPE!” Amanda laughed. “We won’t be raping you. We’ll be convincing you that lesbianism is a preferable lifestyle. Right Jenny?” “Right?” Jenny stroked my hair. I think it was simply her touch that drove me into a desperate resistance. I fought them both, I kicked, I punched, I tried to bite, I wriggled and twisted, bucked, jack knifed. Anything possible that might have released me. It was useless. I achieved a few local victories, almost threw Amanda off me, landed a slap on Jenny’s face, kneed Amanda in her back, but slowly they wore me down. Eventually Amanda had my arms stretched above my head whilst she sat across my chest. Jenny was now sitting across my hips. I couldn’t throw them both. I couldn’t kick and now I couldn’t even punch them. “Stop fighting!” Gasped a breathless Amanda. “Can’t you see that you are beaten?” She inched forwards, pinning my arms beneath her knees and trapping my head between her thighs. “Please, please let me go. I won’t say anything. Honestly. I’ll move away if that’s what you want. Just please let me go.” I begged, still gasping for breath. It was hard to breath with the two off them sitting on me. “To late!” Amanda grunted. “Pleas..” It was as far as I got before Amanda shut out my cries. She slid forwards and settled her ass across my face. I tried to struggle but they an even firmer control on me, just how much I began to realise when I started to suffocate, because with Amanda on my face I couldn’t breath. When Amanda did finally lift her ass from my face I was just pleased to breath again. She moved backwards so that my face was pinned between her thighs and my nose was disgusting only a centimetre from the crotch of her jodhpurs. “You are going to learn not to spy on people.” She smirked. “You are also going to learn how to please a real woman, and not become a cock sucker.” “Let me go.” I pleaded. I was desperate and yet I still couldn’t believe what was happening. Amanda might not have called this rape, but I did. “No!” Amanda laughed and planted her rear back on my face. She wriggled and twisted, as if finding the most comfortable position. I had no such choice. Amanda wasn’t heavy but when all her weight was on my face, it hurt! She’d let me breathe and then return to her seat. Breathe and sit. Breathe and sit. Breathe and sit. Breathe and sit. Breathe and sit. Breathe and sit. She repeated the cycle in a callous, casual way, sometimes I was seeing star’s before she let me breath. It all wore me down. Then, abruptly Amanda was moving away from me. Instinctively I tried to rise but Jenny beat me back down. Now she replaced Amanda’s jodhpured rear with her own and the cycle of breathe and sit. Breathe and sit. Breathe and sit. Breathe and sit. Breathe and sit was repeated. They took it turns, spelling each other but giving me no time to recover. Neither of them spoke save to make suggestions to the other. When my mouth was free from one ass or another I didn’t have the breath to speak. I just wanted to pull as much air as possible into my abused lungs. My torture continued in almost absolute silence. When Jenny didn’t sit back down onto my face, but sat back on my chest I was almost painfully grateful. I could breath without permission; my face wasn’t being crushed. The relief that came was almost physical. It is impossible to describe the utter helpless that sweeps over you, the wearing down not only of your morale but also your strength. It had been as if their asses had been drawing both from my body. I felt like a rag doll, absolutely exhausted. “How do you feel?” She taunted. “Getting tired, face hurt. Just say yes and it’ll all stop.” I was weary and weak but still stubborn. “I’m..not..a..lesbian .” I gasped. “You will be!” Jenny sounded so confident. “Anyway this is the easy part, its about time you started to understand your position.” She laughed and then glanced over her shoulder to where Amanda was. Amanda wasn’t sitting on me. Now either of them could have beaten my on their own. “Ready?” She asked Amanda. “Ready!” Amanda grunted. “She is all yours.” Jenny slid further backwards and suddenly I saw Amanda again. She’d stripped off her jodhpurs and was down to her top and white sports knickers. “No!” I gasped in horror as she took up her position above me head. I stared up at the sweat stained crotch to her panties, in desperation I tried to wriggle free but Jenny held me firmly in place as Amanda’s sticky crotch descended onto my face. It was horrible. If being imprisoned beneath their backsides was bad, then allowing Amanda’s moist crotch to envelope my face was ten times worse. I could smell her! The stale, dank smells of sweat and body odour. Amanda ground my face into her panties, burying my nose in her crotch. I’d have gagged if I could have. Now she barely let me breath, as she mashed down across my face I managed the occasional breathe. Amanda had her legs spread wide and was staring down into my face, at least that part not hidden beneath her arse. “You make a good seat.” She smirked. “I should have done this months ago.” She wriggled, adjusted herself, and started to move slowly. “Know what I’m going to do, no of course you don’t. You’re just a simple country girl, a few shags and gropes with the local boys. I bet that’s the extent of your sexual experience. Well I’m going to use your face to bring me off. I will C..U..M.. on your face. Understand?” I didn’t answer. I already had a mouthful of her pantied arse and didn’t want anymore. All I could do was lie there and let them get on with this. I had to think that it would finish and then I could escape. I already knew that I could never return to the stables. I just wanted to get a thousand miles away from them. I didn’t care where. I tried not to think about what was happening. I tried to think about anything, horses, school, and my mother, anything that would enable me to shut out what was happening. I didn’t manage it. As Amanda’s movements became faster and she started to grunt I just prayed for it to finish, for her to finish. And then she did, and for the first time in my life I experienced a woman’s climax on my face. Amanda’s sweaty pants became saturated with her orgasm and I felt my face being smeared. “I have found that after a few hours in the saddle I need a great deal of sex, riding makes me very horny, so don’t think I have finished with you.” An almost breathless Amanda gasped as she slid from my face. “Going somewhere?” Jenny immediately straddled my face. She too had removed her jodhpurs and was arrogantly standing above me. She knelt down, until her crotch was just above my face. At once I could smell her. I could see the dark stain line on her crotch that marked out the outline to her sex. She sat down; my nose sank into that crease. I knew that without her panties I would now be inside her cunt. It was a sickening though. “Look at me!” She ordered. I did so, staring up her body and in to her gloating, smirking face. “You should have kept your nose out of our business!” Then she laughed at her own joke. She squirmed and twisted, grinding me beneath her. “Now you are our business.” She wriggled forwards until I was completely buried beneath her. Then she farted. I felt the explosion before my mind registered what she’d done, then I smelt her. I could hear them both laughing. I felt my face colour, the humiliation I was feeling was simply growing. Jenny lifted her ass off my nose. I drew in a great breathe of air and simultaneously drew in her stink. Jenny seemed to think that it was hugely funny. “Sniff that fart.” She chanted. “Sniff that fart.” It is impossible to describe how it feels to be treated the way that Jenny and Amanda treated me over the next hour. Jenny and then Amanda again used my face to masturbate against. Jenny farted again into my face. I was smothered time and time again, only allowed enough air to keep conscious and nothing more. I felt my sanity start to leave me. I no longer cared what they did or even what hey would ask me to do. I just wanted my torture to finish. Finally Jenny rammed her ass into my face, she was looking down my body and my face was buried in her sweaty ass crack. Naturally she farted again, and then without pause she started to smother me. I waited for the release and it never came. I started to struggle but I was so weak and it was still two against one. I saw stars and finally as my mind screamed silently in terror, I entered the blackness. It was dark when I came to and it took me sometime to focus and recover my senses. I recovered slowly. I felt sore; my chest ached, as did my face. At first I just there lay, allowing my senses to focus and then I remembered how I’d arrived in this condition and the fear swept through me. Immediately I tried to rise and found to my horror that I was tied down. The room was in total darkness I let that knowledge sink in. I guessed that I was no longer in the tack room. I was lying on a mattress or even a bed; experimentally I tried once again to move. I began to realise that I was tied, spread-eagled, with each wrist and ankle secured. I could move, but only a little. I tried to wriggle free but it soon became apparent that I was securely bound. Eventually I gave up. If I couldn’t escape, then I would have to wait and that was the worse part, that and the absolute darkness. In the darkness time crept by. I had no idea what time it was. The silence was as absolute as the darkness. It was so quite that I could hear my own breathing, and then I heard the faintest of clicks. There was someone else in the room. “Who’s there?” I squeaked. There was no reply. “Talk to me!” I pleaded, and then I said. “Let me go, please!” I was almost begging, something I never usually did. There was still no reply, and then I felt who ever it was climb onto the bed. I realised what was planned and cried out. “No! Please! Not again.” It was to no avail, my silent assailant sat down across my face, pinning my head between her feet. I had never felt so helpless or so frightened. The casual way that Jenny or Amanda had taken procession of my face terrified me. I really was utterly under their control. Occasionally my imprisoner would allow me to breath, but mostly I lay helpless beneath her restlessly moving arse, surrounded by the smell of her body, of her sex, the heat of her body, her prickly hot flesh that scored mine as she moved. Finally she came, shuddering, grunting, the only sounds she had uttered. The scent of her body grew stronger, swamping my senses. When she recovered, she left, leaving me breathless, surrounded, even in her absence, with the smell and presence of her body. I heard the door click again. One of them had returned. Once again I pleaded for my release. Once again my silent captor ignored my plea’s, silencing them with her pantied arse. Once again, I endured the scent, heat, the simple weight of another woman across my face. The pattern was repeated, the relentless movement, the occasional breathes of air, finally the brief orgasm. It became the pattern of the night as they took it in turns to abuse my helpless face, sometimes they didn’t even bother to bring themselves off. It just seemed sufficient to suffocate me beneath them. Finally I gave up pleading for my release, for them to stop the abuse. I didn’t realise it then but my silence triggered the next stage of my torment. Lying in the darkness had had its desired effect. I had no idea of time, the silence was crushing, and the darkness seemed so absolute that I couldn’t even distinguish shapes. I couldn’t even see my tormentors until they were next to me. Once more someone came and straddled my face. I had lost count how often this had happened and in the almost total darkness I couldn’t tell one from the other. I just had chance for a last deep breath before the unknown arse sat down on my face. It is impossible to describe the sensation of being suffocated this way. There is the humiliation of having another woman’s arse in your face, the humiliation of breathing in their stink. All of that pales in comparison with the fear of suffocation. It grows as your breath reduces; it builds on the knowledge that you are helpless, that they could, if they wished, never move until every vestige of life has been crushed from your body. The silence in between my smothering was almost as bad. The room seemed saturated with their smell. I couldn’t escape them even when I was alone. The door opened and moments later I was being smothered again. It was so casually done, straddle me and sit down, keeping my head between their feet, so that my nose was up her ass. I heard the click of the lock; even in my sweaty, stinky prison I heard the door open. It had to be the other one. Finally both Amanda and Jenny were in the room with me. Who ever it was came and sat across my stomach. I had both of them sitting on me. “Let her breath!” It was Amanda’s voice. Immediately the weight on my face eased. I gasped for breath. So Amanda was sitting on my stomach and Jenny on my face. The respite continued. I could feel Jenny’s arse hovering above me, but for the moment her weight wasn’t crushing my face. “Say thank you or else Jenny will sit on you again.” Amanda ordered. I didn’t know what I was saying thank you for, but if it delayed Jenny from sitting on my face then I didn’t care. “Thank you.” I gasped. It even felt funny to speak, my jaw moved independent to my words. “Thank you Mistress.” Amanda now repeated. “Say it!” She demanded. “Thank you Mistress.” I replied, what was that saying about words were cheap? I’d have said black was white to be allowed to breath again. “Better, get off her.” She now ordered Jenny. If I had imagined that Jenny moving was a chance for more relief then I was wrong. Immediately Amanda swarmed up my body. “You must understand your situation.” Amanda laughed briefly. “You disturbed Jenny and myself and now you have a debt to pay.” Debt? I didn’t understand what she was on about. I thought that I’d paid any debt a dozen times over. To have had your employers arse stuffed into your face wasn’t something you wanted to place on your CV. “Don’t get it, do you?” Amanda taunted me. “Turn the light on!” She ordered. I felt Jenny move away and then the light came on, glaring and bright. I closed my eyes and still the glare came through my eyelids. “Open your eyes bitch!” Amanda demanded. I tried but the light was too bright. “I said open your eyes.” Amanda repeated. I felt a slap, a stinging, burning slap against my abused face. I did as I was ordered even though the bright lights hurt. It was better than being slapped. Amanda was naked; this time she wasn’t even wearing her panties. “Ever sucked a pussy?” I shook my head in dumb horror. “You’ll about to learn.” Amanda laughed. She moved closer and closer until I could have reached and touched her pussy with my tongue. I didn’t, I just stared at the pink folds of her sex. This close it was more of an anatomy lesson than anything else, and I didn’t need another lesson. I’d had plenty recently courtesy of Amanda and Jenny. “Are you going to start or do I have to smother you again?” Amanda threatened nastily. She didn’t need to do that; somewhere in the past few hours I’d loss any consideration for decency or propriety. If they wanted me to suck their twats and if doing that stopped them smothering me, then that was what I’d do. Amanda giggled and sank down on me. I didn’t care. I was licking and sucking as if I had been born to the task. I found her clitoris, after all Amanda was made like me and as I knew my way around my own body, then Amanda’s was the same, the same but different. When Amanda came then Jenny took her turn. It was all the same. I started again, she was just another orifice to satisfy.