The Better Woman
by Cactus Juggler

      It all happened about a year after I graduated from college. I'd been spending a lot of time with one of my college girlfriends, Sharon, who had
graduated the same semester I had. She and I got along great, in part because we were so different. I was shy and introverted, Sharon was vivacious and
outgoing. She was a leader and I was a follower, so we got along perfectly. We were both between boyfriends at the time, and we'd taken to staying whole
nights at each other's places watching movies and ordering in food.

      It happened one night at her apartment. In retrospect I should have seen signs of strangeness in Sharon's domineering personality, but I guess the
sheep in me liked that. Anyway, I was really enjoying our little throw-back to the days of sleep-overs. We were both lounging around her apartment in panties
and t-shirts, staying up late watching movies. We got into an argument about something–I don't even remember what now– and she suggested we settle it by

      "We'll wrestle then. Whoever gives in has to admit the other is the better woman today. That's how my sister and I always settled arguments." She
told me with a playful grin.

      She was bigger than I was, and I looked at her uncertainly.

      "Wrestling? I don't know Sharon."

      "Don't be a wimp. Come on, it'll be fun." She told me firmly, and dragged me into the middle of the floor.

      And so it was that we squared off, half-dressed, on our knees on Sharon's living room floor. We started and sort of pushed and pulled at each other
with our hands locked. Pulling me suddenly towards her, Sharon pulled me down on top of her and rolled us both over so that she was on top. It all happened
so quickly I was unable to react. Sharon moved into straddling me so that I was pinned down on my back.

      "Hey! Get off of me!" I told her.

      Twisting and jerking around I tried to struggle out from under her, but Sharon was able to keep me pinned down on my back. I tried to use my hands
to push her off of me, but Sharon grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands away from her legs.

      "I've got you now! Wow, what did that take, like no effort?"

      Sharon adjusted herself, pulling my arms up as she sat down even more forcefully on my chest. I cried out as her butt mashed my boobs painfully.

      "Oww! Sharon, get off of me!" I cried.

      "Make me."

      I was furious at her, and at myself for being so helpless. Sharon just laughed as I tried to arch my back and buck her off. I only managed to bump
her forward, so that she was practically sitting on my throat. Pumped up a little at having actually moved her, I tried to reach my legs up and grab her
with them from behind.

      "Stop that! You might as well give up Sharon, you're not getting loose."

      I just ignored her and tried to wrap my legs around her some more. Sharon leaned forward to avoid my legs, and she forced my arms down under her
knees. Not realizing what she intended, I continued to try to catch her with my legs. As I flailed my legs up at her back again, Sharon grabbed them and
locked them into her armpits with her arms!

      "Now you have to give up! I've got you pinned helpless as a baby now."

      "Get off of me!"

      I was totally helpless. The only thing I could move now was my head. Being so helpless made me mad, but the glee that Sharon seemed to take in this
pissed me off even more. She had me practically curled up like a pretzel, and try as I might I couldn't break free. Some contest, it was over before it

      "Ha ha ha. You're pathetic. I could do whatever I wanted to you like this."

      "Alright Sharon, you win. Now get off of me!"

      "Not yet, this is fun. You're at my mercy."

      She leaned forward, bending me even more, and tweaked my nose with her hand.

      "Oww. Stop that!"

      "Make me Christa. Make me stop. Oh that's right–you can't!" Sharon laughed as she tweaked my nose again.

      "Come on you bitch! Stop that!"

      "Oh be quiet already. Let me show you what I used to do to my sister." She told me, and then she put her hand over my mouth.

      "Mmmmnnn. Nnnnnhhhhh." My words were totally muffled by the hand over my mouth.

      Her other hand idly played at my nose now, and I was so pissed I couldn't even think. What the hell was she doing?

      "It always scared her how much I could control her like this. Are you scared Christa? You know you can't even breathe if I don't want you to."

      She gave a little laugh as she squeezed my nose shut. I couldn't breathe at all!

      "Mmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmhhhh!" I tried furiously to speak, but it was useless.

      "Be quiet. There's nothing you can do. I can do whatever I want!"

      Sharon let go of my nose and then I could breathe. I fought to control my panic and breathe slowly through my nose. She smiled down at me and all
I could do was lay there fuming.

      "Be a good little girl! Or I'll have to just smother you some more. Maybe I'll make you pass out like I used to do to my sister. That always seemed
to calm her down when she wouldn't learn her lesson."

      She pinched off my air again for a moment, and then with a tweak let go of my nose. Her hand pulled off of my mouth as well and I could at least
breathe again.

      "What's wrong with you Sharon! Are you crazy! I'm going to kill you for this! I'm going to mmmmmmppph!" I was cut off as she covered my nose and
mouth again.

      "This *is* just like wrestling with my little sister. I would have thought you'd be more adult about this. I used to make her admit that I was better
than her before I'd let her up. She got so afraid of me that she'd just do anything I told her to keep from getting smothered again."

      Sharon had smothered her sister like this too? She smothered me with her hands for a moment more, and then finally I could breathe again.

      "Sharon, get off of me!"

      "I will Christa. Right after you admit I'm the better woman."

      "Better woman?"

      "That's right, admit I'm better than you are and I'll let you up."

      "You rotten cunt! You're no better than me! Now get off!"

      "What an awful mouth you have Christa. You should be careful what you say in the position you're in."

      What the hell did she mean by that? I was absolutely furious now.

      "I'm not playing anymore Sharon, get off of me!"

      "I'll show you who's not playing." She told me with a smirk.

      Arms pinned, legs trapped, I was helpless. I could only watch impotently as Sharon reached down and adjusted her panties right there in front of
me. As she un-bunched the crotch of her underwear less than a foot from my face, she smiled evilly at me. What the hell had I gotten into to? It was bad
enough to be trapped helpless like this, but how could Sharon be so crude. Who knew what she meant to do with me now?

      "Sharon, what are you doing? Stop it, let me go!" I cried as she carefully scooted forward on my body, taking care to keep my arms pinned.

      As her crotch moved closer and closer to my face Sharon's hold on my legs bent me into an ever more uncomfortable curl. I was frantic, but helpless
as Sharon's crotch moved right over my mouth!

      "I know just how to shut you up. A little pussy-smothering ought to do the trick. You'd better take a deep breath, because you're about to be breathing

      "Sharon! Stop this! Don't even think about sittmmmmmmmmppphhhhhh." I was cut off as Sharon sat down on my face!

      My nose was rammed into the front of her panties as her mound settled heavily over my mouth. I had one last breath of air before she closed off my
nose and mouth and filled my lungs with the scent of her crotch. What little struggle I had been putting up ended instantly as I froze in horror at what
she was doing to me. Only making it worse was the fact that I could see Sharon's smiling face from my vantage point pinned between her thighs.

      "There, that's better. You're nice and quiet now. I think this is it. This is the way I'm going to make you pass out. Mmmmmmm. This feels really
nice too."

      Sharon wiggled her hips and actually *giggled* at my plight as she settled herself even harder on my face. I couldn't breathe at all, and I wanted
to die from the humiliation I felt.

      "What's wrong Christa? Are you having a little breathing? Don't you just love how it smells?"

      She was still smiling down at me as I began to asphyxiate. I got light-headed and dopey, my lungs ached and burned, and all I could think about was
the humiliation of having Sharon's *pussy* in my face. The last thing I saw before I passed out was Sharon's evil grin above me.

      * * * * * * * *

      As I awoke to someone slapping my face, I looked up and saw an upside down face above me. It took me a moment to make out Sharon grinning down at
me. I was laying out flat on my back, and Sharon was kneeling above my head and slapping me awake. For a moment, she had the odd appearance of being upside
down until my brain straightened out a little. With a start I realized that her t-shirt was gone as I saw her bra with its heavy cargo hanging over me.

      "Christa, Christa, time to wake up!"

      "Unnnnghhhh." All I could manage was a groan.

      "It's great to see you back, now we can play some more."

      Play? What did she mean? It was hard to think.

      "Sharon....what's going on?" It was like my head was filled with cotton or something.

      "We're having a Christa smother-a-thon! I'm going to help you realize that I'm the better woman here. I'm going to smother you again–this time with
my tits!" She laughed.

      She reached up and cupped her boobs together, and then leaned down over me. I couldn't even get up the strength to move, I just watched her lower
her big breasts in my face. My face sunk into her cleavage, and then I was smothering in her soft mounds. I could hear her laughing again, mocking me.
And then it was happening again, I was falling back into the darkness.

      * * * * * * * *

      I awoke again to find Sharon slapping my face. She was still kneeling above my head.

      "Christa, come on Christa. Wake up so we can play some more."

      I felt barely alive. As I gradually came to my senses I remembered what had just happened. Sharon had smothered me unconscious, twice! No wonder
my head felt so bad.

      "Sharon." Was that faint croak my voice.

      "Oh, good. You're back. Ready to play?"

      "Ughh." All I managed was a groan.

      I tried to move, just turn on my side, but even that was too much work for me to handle.

      "Are you ready to admit that *I* am the better woman?"

      I was starting to remember things better. God my head hurt. I had to make her stop.

      "Alright...alright. I give. You're...the better...woman." I weakly croaked.

      It was like I had asthma or something. I just couldn't seem to catch my breath. How could she do this to me?

      "You know, I don't think that's good enough anymore Christa. It's too late for just that. All this smothering has made me pretty horny. I'm glad
you've admitted I'm better than you. But now I think you're going to have to eat my pussy if you want me to stop. Are you ready for my pussy yet?"

      She was insane! I wasn't gay. She actually thought I'd do that?

      " ass. You psycho...bitch." I coughed.

      "Now that's not nice Christa. But thanks anyway. You've given me a good idea. I've smothered you with my pussy. And I did you with my tits. Now,
it's time for my ass. Maybe sniffing my ass will teach you to behave!" She laughed, and then she roughly turned my head upright in her hands before moving
over me.

      "You--you're crazy. Sharon, please stop." I moaned as I watched her straddling my head.

      Sharon locked my head between her ankles behind her, and then wiggled her ass over my face.

      "Shhhhhh. Time for you to shut up and learn what happens when you mouth off to me. Just lay there sniffing my ass while you think about who's the
better woman."

      She sat back down on my face, and as my face sunk into her smothering ass I found my breath cut off again. Her soft, warm, heavy ass molded completely
over my face and didn't give me the slightest chance to breathe. Even in my befuddled state I felt horribly humiliated at this intensely degrading new
torment. My torment didn't last long though, as I soon saw the fireworks and flashes of the approaching darkness and then I was unconscious.

      * * * * * * * *

      "This time I want to watch you pass out." She told me when I came to.

      Sharon was sitting straddling my chest. She lowered her hands near my face, watching me intently as she did. I was terrified of her, and it must
have showed as I cringed at her approaching hands.

      "Are you ready to eat my pussy?"


      "The deal is just going to get worse and worse. Right now you just have to give me one orgasm to get out of this. If you make me knock you out again
I'm going to have to up the ante. So, are you ready yet?"

      "No! Please Sharon, donmmmmmmpppphhh..." I was cut off as she covered my mouth with her hand

      "Silly girl. You should just give in already. I'll check in with you again, when you wake up."

      She pinched my nose shut with her other hand, and watched my face as she smothered me.

      I was already so weak. As I blacked out Sharon just smirked fiendishly down at me.

      * * * * * * * *

      I awoke some time later to a familiar whirring sound. What was that sound from? As I gradually regained consciousness I found that I was laying on
my stomach now with my hands tied somehow behind me. And I was naked! As my eyes began to focus I craned my head to the side and looked back over my shoulder.
I now saw that Sharon was aiming her little black automatic camera at me. She had it propped up on a sweater on her desk so that it aimed down at me on
the floor. That noise! That was the sound the camera made when it was winding film! She'd taken a picture of me naked, with my hands tied behind my back.

      "Oh, you're back. I thought I'd take a few pictures of us playing." She told me as she squatted down next to my head

      "Let me go." I mumbled weakly.

      "Only after you make me cum, *twice* now. Are you ready to suck my pussy now?"

      "No...please Sharon. I won't. Let me go and give me the film and I won't go to the police, I promise."

      She didn't even seem to hear me as she stood up and pulled off her panties. I saw that she was hairless there, her lips obscenely puffy and visible

      "Maybe rubbing your face in it for a while will do the trick." She mused, before moving back to the camera.

      "What are you doing?"

      "This thing has a timer, I going to take a picture of you with your face in my pussy." She said, and then she began moving really quickly.

      She sat down on the floor above my head with a thump, and then roughly lifted my head up by my hair as she hurried to get in position. Sliding herself
forward, Sharon scooted her sex right under my face.

      "No! Nooommmmph..." I cried as she pulled my face down into her pussy with both hands, pulling my mouth and nose right up against her slit.

      I was disgusted to feel the hot, and worse--wet, sensation of her private parts on my face. My humiliation only grew as I heard the now familiar
whirring sound of the camera capturing this degrading scene. Sharon started pumping her hips, smearing her pussy all over my face as she held me firmly
with both hands in my hair.

      "Go on, suck it. Suck my pussy!" She ordered.

      My face was becoming slick with the evidence of her obvious arousal as she wiggled and humped her cunt in my face. Pulling my head so that my nose
was completely buried in her she settled in and waited for me to give in.

      "Suck it or smother in it." Sharon laughed.

      At this point it didn't take long without air before the blackness came, and I think I surprised us both as I sank into unconsciousness after only
a few moments.

      * * * * * * * *

      I awoke some interminable time later. As I slowly gathered my wits I began to feel the pounding pain of my headache once more. Vision came only gradually,
and sight of my surroundings only brought the memories of what Sharon had done to me back. Now I was laying on my back, my tortured shoulders adding to
my pain as my tied hands were pinned under me. Sharon, still naked, appeared in the room just in time to see me stirring.

      "Wow, you were really out a long time. How are you feeling?"

      "My...head hurts. So bad...please go." I stammered so softly that Sharon had to lean closer to here.

      "You know, I think all this smothering might not be good for you. I think if I keep smothering you it might even cause brain damage or something."

      Thank goodness. She was finally going to stop.

      "So I think you'd better give in now, before we find out." She told me.

      She *was* insane. I couldn't take anymore. I had to make her stop.

      "Besides, I've already got a bunch of cool pictures. You lying naked and all tied up. You with your face in my cunt. A couple of me sitting on your
pretty little face too. You're going to end up doing what I want anyway, unless you want everyone to see these pictures. Here, let's take another one right
now." She said, and then she was setting the camera again.

      I watched in horror as she quickly moved to me and grabbed my head to hold it upright as she squatted her round ass down onto my face! Just as she
got her full weight settled onto my face, the camera snapped another picture. But I wasn't thinking about the camera at all. I wasn't even thinking about
how horribly degrading it was to have my face buried in Sharon's ass. The terrifying fear of suffocating to death was my only thought. I couldn't breath
and I was supremely afraid of Sharon now. She didn't even smother me long this time, climbing off of me almost immediately after the picture was shot,
but that didn't matter. I was broken. In that moment that my face had been squished under her soft ass-cheeks I'd decided I'd do anything she wanted. The
moment her ass lifted from my face I began to beg and plead to her.

      "I'll do it...I'll do it...I'll lick're better...I'll lick you." I muttered and it Sharon smiled at my submission.

      "You're going to have to do more than just lick me now. Now you're going to have to be my slave for the whole day. Or maybe I should just smother
you some more?" She told me, looking back over her shoulder at me.

      "No, please...I'll do it...I'll be your slave...please, I'll do anything you want." I begged.

      Almost sitting back down, Sharon lowered her ass until it hovered over my face.

      "Show me. Kiss it, kiss my ass." She hissed.

      I barely had the energy to obey her, but I did my best to lift my head and press my lips to smooth ass-cheek. I was hers to command, and with this
degrading act of capitulation it was now clear to Sharon that she could do whatever she wanted with me. She turned around and sat on my breastbone so that
I was looking right up at her exposed sex. Sliding forward until her puffy pussy-lips rested on my chin, Sharon made me watch her pussy's slow approach.

      "Now you're going to find out how you show respect to a better woman. You're going to suck my pussy like it's never been sucked before, or it's going
to smother you dead. If I don't come in five minutes, the last thing you'll ever see will be my fucking twat!" She threatened me.

      It was a threat that motivated me well. In spite of my own disgust and shame I began to do what she wanted. With my first tentative tongue stroke
into her already wet slit I almost gagged as the full revolting truth of what she was making me do took hold of me. Sharon was unbelievably wet, her slick
slit practically dripping her excitement. I threw myself into the horrible task, thinking that the sooner she came the sooner she'd leave me alone.

      "That's it, lick my pussy like a good little slave girl and maybe I won't have to smother you anymore. Oh yeah Christa, that's it. Just like that,
keep that tongue busy in my snatch." She encouraged me.

      Again and again I dipped my tongue inside her folds and mashed it against her clit in an attempt to just please her and make it end. Her moaning
rapidly gained speed until she came, crying out and quivering above me. Sighing Sharon sat heavily down onto my mouth, so that my nose only barely remained
uncovered. Her pussy was sloppy and wet with a combination of her own ample lubrication and my saliva.

      "Now suck my pussy out. Drink my cum." She ordered nastily.

      I was already humiliated beyond belief, but Sharon's vulgar verbal domination almost seemed worse than what she was making me do. With her all but
smothering me in her pussy, I had little choice but to obey her. At this point, I was too weak to even think much less try to fight. My vanquisher's foul
juices filled my throat as I lay there on my back and drank in her hot secretions. Sharon wiggled her cunt until it formed an even better seal over my
sucking mouth. Suddenly I was filled with a hot bitter new fluid that I realized was Sharon's urine. Before I could even react the powerful flow of her
salty brine filled my mouth to overflowing, until I was choking on her piss. I gagged and tried to cough up her disgusting liquids, but she easily held
me pinned under her cunt. Stifling her flow of piss as she waited for me to swallow, Sharon giggled at my torment.

      "Drink it! Drink my piss. Show me what a good little slave you are." She ordered me.

      Even as she was commanding me to do it I was already choking down that first mouthful to keep from drowning in it. I gagged uncontrollably against
her, and she continued to laugh at my plight as she lifted her hairy wet weight off of my face just enough to let me gasp and cough under her.

      "I can't believe I made you do that! I never even did that to my sister. That's *so* disgusting. You're my little piss-drinker now. Be a good little
toilet-girl and lick me clean."

      I just lay there, gagging and coughing, barely able to think at all. The horror of what Sharon had done had overwhelmed my already befuddled brain.
My mind just sort of shutdown. I was barely alert at all while she made me suck her urine soaked muff clean. When she rolled me over and tied my feet and
hands together somehow I didn't even understand what she was saying to me. She was talking, but I was gone, my mind retreating to someplace deep inside
me. She disappeared, and I quickly passed out.

      * * * * * * * *

      I drifted in and out, consciousness coming and going like a fluttering butterfly that I chased but could never quite catch. I'd come slowly to awareness,
just long enough to feel the pounding pain of my stupendous headache and to taste her piss on my breath. And then I'd blank out again, drifting off to
the peace of unconsciousness.

      At some point I became aware of Sharon's presence when I'd awaken. A few times she was shaking me awake, but each time I'd just black out again before
I'd ever even really understand what she was saying to me.

      Gradually I started awakening for longer, with greater awareness as well. As I became able to actually think again, I remembered where I was and
why I was hog-tied. I expended what little energy I had on sobbing with the humiliation I'd suffered at Sharon's hand. She returned again, and laughed
at my tortured crying.

      "Oh quit your crying. Or do I have to roll you over and sit on your face some more? Is that it, you're crying because you miss my ass in your face?"
She asked me, grabbing my shoulder as if to roll me over.

      I was still terribly afraid of her smothering me anymore, absolutely terrified.

      "N-no. Please Sharon." I croaked.

      "Look what you bought me. I borrowed your credit card while you were asleep. I thought we take some movies to remember this by." She told me, gesturing
at a shiny black camcorder in the corner that pointed down from its tripod right at me.

      I saw the red light glowing on it and realized that it was on. Sharon was taping me in this position. I felt her hands at my bonds, and it took me
a moment to figure out that she was untying me.

      "You've already agreed to be my slave all day, but I've decided to give you a second chance. We're going to wrestle again, double or nothing. If
you win you go home, if you lose you get to be my slave all weekend." She told me as she finished freeing me.

      Wrestle? I could barely lift my head! I was so weak, and the headache made it hard to even think much less fight Sharon.

      "No, Sharon. Please. I-I can't."

      "Sure you can. I'm starting to worry about you a little though. I think I may have smothered you a little too much before, I was starting to think
you were in a coma. But you'll be fine for a quick little fight."

      "Sharon please. You win, I can't beat you. Stop this, you win." I begged.

      "I can't believe you Christa, I'm offering you a great deal and you have the nerve to try to turn it down. I don't think so. Now get up and fight."

      "This isn't fair. I can't beat you. Please Sharon." I plead.

      She just dragged me to my feet. I stood unsteadily, holding out my hands in an attempt to keep her away.

      "Alright, let's start first one to smother the other unconscious wins." She told me, and then she was coming at me.

      I tried to fend her off, but I was just too weak. She pushed me around, toying with me for a moment, until I was standing right where she wanted
me in front of the camera. Throwing me down on my back and holding my hands trapped, she mounted my face and started pussy-smothering me once more. This
time I knew that not only was I smothering in my friend's sex, but that she was taping it as well. I tried to struggle free, but my pathetic wiggling under
her just seemed to make her laugh.

      "Ha ha ha. You're trapped now. You just lay there and sniff my pussy until you pass out Christa. Remember our deal, now you're going to have to be
my slave all weekend!" She laughed above me as the darkness came again.

      * * * * * * * *

      When I awoke the humiliations started anew. Sharon had the camera all set up and made me do the most humiliating and degrading things in front of
it with her.

      "Crawl over here and kiss my feet." She ordered.

      I was so afraid of being smothered again that I eagerly obeyed her. My fear controlled me to the point that I was a mindless automaton for Sharon
to manipulate as she pleased. I kissed and sucked at her feet like it was my life's work.

      "Now get up on your knees and lick my pussy."

      I knelt with my face buried in her cunt while she guided my lapping tongue with her hands. Pulling my face out of her crotch for a moment she angled
my head so that I was staring up at her.

      "Tell me that you love my pussy."

      "I love your pussy Sharon."

      Satisfied for a moment she pushed my face back into her crotch and I resumed my toils there. After twenty or thirty seconds more she made me look
up at her again.

      "Tell me that you like the way it tastes."

      "I like the way your pussy tastes Sharon." I replied robotically.

      She rammed my face back into her sex and it went on and on like this, me licking her until she made me say some horrible thing and then me licking
her again. It went on until she tired of the game and turned to a new degradation for her pleasure. Pushing me away, she turned around and wiggled her
behind in front of me.

      "Ask permission to lick my ass." She demanded down over her shoulder at me.

      "May I please lick your ass Sharon?" I asked, on autopilot.

      She reached back and spread her ass-cheeks obscenely, allowing me access to her most forbidden area.

      "Go ahead slave, lick my asshole."

      So it was that, in front of a camera, I pressed my own mouth to Sharon's anus and began to lick. Letting go of her cheeks she let her ass settle
around my face as she addressed the camera.

      "Look at my little slave-girl Christa licking my asshole. She just loves my ass. Isn't that right Christa?" She said, pushing me away from her.

      "Look right into the camera and say that you love licking my ass."

      I turned until I face directly at the camera.

      "I love licking Sharon's ass." I said before she grabbed my hair and pulled my face back into her ass.

      "I love this. I own you now. You're my pretty little lesbian slave girl with her tongue up my ass. Keep licking slut, soon you're going to learn
what it means to be a full-service toilet slave." She gloated above me.

      With my face buried in Sharon's ass-crack I was finally jarred out of my zombie-like state by her words. She couldn't actually mean to do . . . *that*.
I pried my face from her ass and pushed myself away from her.

      "No! I-I won't do it!" I blurted as I backed away from her on all fours.

      She whirled around and her face showed her anger.

      "What's this! You think you get to decide what I can and can't do? Apparently you haven't learned your lesson yet after all." She yelled at me as
she reached me in a quick step and grabbed my hair.

      I screamed out in pain as she yanked me, by my hair, back in front of the camera. She threw me down on my back and turned away from me as she moved
to straddle me. I sobbed in horror as I watched her force her ass back down onto my face. I felt so helpless and dominated, so totally unable to fend her
off as she smothered me in her butt once more.

      "If you keep pissing me off I'm going to have to just smother you to death. Maybe I should do it this time, just sit her till you die. Death by *ass*-phyxiation."
She laughed that way she did, so evilly that it made my blood run cold.

      As my oxygen starved body struggled helplessly, I was truly terrified by her threat. Frightened in a way I can hardly even attempt to describe. She
had the power to kill me, kill me with her smothering ass, and there was nothing I could do about it. Surrendering to the darkness, when it came, was almost
a relief.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      When I woke up, she didn't just make me do it, she videotaped it.

      Afterward, she looked down at me as I gagged and retched, and her evil amusement made the horror of what I'd done all the worse.

      "Now you can't have any doubts who the *superior* woman is, you disgusting little shit-eater." Sharon told me, and I think that's when my spirit
was finally, completely, broken.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      The rest of the weekend I came and went, drifting in and out of the nightmare that Sharon was inflicting on me. I don't really remember everything
that happened very clearly, I just recall these awful little unconnected scenes. Sharon sitting on the couch, holding her legs folded straight up in the
air while I knelt in front of her kissing her cunt. Smothering in her smelly ass, until I passed out, again and again. Sharon making me say all manner
of things while she laughed and taunted me. Her forcing me to sit with my head laying back over the toilet and then making me drink her pee–and worse.

      And the movie, I remember her making me watch that horrible movie she'd made of me over and over again. When Sharon needed a rest from fucking me
she'd make me sit in front of the TV for hours watching the tape. During the nastiest parts she sometimes pause the picture or run it in slow motion. And
she kept making me repeat horrible things over and over again.

      Most of all, I remember my tiny, pathetic little voice, begging her through my tears again and again to stop. And her laughing with evil glee as
she ignored my pleas. Aside from these images I don't remember anything else clearly at all–it was just a never-ending nightmare. A hell of perverted slavery
and twisted lesbian debauchery.

      I'm not even sure how I got home. I woke up on my bed, dressed in the clothes I had been wearing Friday night, my head throbbing. The pain in my
head was so bad that I could barely think. I was sore all over, and I *stunk*. I dragged myself to the shower and it wasn't until the hot water was streaming
over me that I recalled anything about Friday night. Slowly at first, my memory cleared bit by bit and I felt the tears welling up in the back of my throat
as I realized what Sharon had done to me. She'd beaten me and raped me! Why had she finally let me go? I lay sobbing in the corner of my shower for a long
time, trying to make sense of the horrifying images that kept leaping to the front of my mind. It wasn't just the horror of what I remembered, it was also
the terrifying reality that I couldn't remember so much of the time in question. How did I get home? What day was it? I picked myself up and turned off
the shower.

      An hour later my headache was still pounding, although the pains had dulled enough to make life almost bearable. I managed to determine that it was
Monday morning. How could that be? I couldn't even remember Saturday and Sunday. Had she kept me there that whole time?

      I dressed myself slowly and carefully, it seemed that my whole body was sore. As I dressed I decided that I would just call in sick to work and then
go down to the police station and tell them the whole horrible story. I thought first about just moving out of town and trying to forget what she'd done
to me, but I decided that I couldn't just let her get away with it. The ringing of my phone made me jump before I realized what it was and picked it up.

      "Hello?" I said.

      "What are you doing there? You stupid cunt. I called the apartment and you weren't there." She said.

      The sound of Her voice brought all the terrible memories back to mind, and worse I found myself shaking as I fought to sought to find my voice.

      "The apartment?" I asked pathetically.

      "*My* apartment, you stupid slut. I told you to get your things and move into my apartment. You should have been done hours ago!" She shouted.

      Her voice turned me to jelly. She was angry, and there was nothing I feared more than Her. What had I done? Trembling, I meekly listened to the rest
of her instructions.

      "Now get your things, and get moved into my apartment. You'd better clean the place up while I'm at work. And I'll deal with your disobedience when
I get home." She told me, and then She hung up on me.

      I stood there shivering with fear, the dead phone's buzzing in my ear, for a long moment. And then I was doing it, gathering up some essential things
of mine and packing as if I was going on vacation. All I could think about was Her being angry with me. That She was going to punish me when she got home
because She was angry. My fear controlled me, drove me to rush to complete my tasks so I wouldn't be punished any more.

      Whatever spine I'd had was gone now, in it's place was only the rubbery terror I felt when I thought of Her. I was so scared of her that I'd do anything
at that point. I cried on and off at my helplessness and fear as I cleaned her apartment while I waited for her to return.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      The sight of Her walking in the door made me sob with fear. She was dressed in a really professional looking skirt suit, and just the sight of Her
made me remember all the horrible things she'd done to me. I backed away from Her evil smile until I ran into a wall and then slid down it as my body shook
with terror. Sharon's eyes danced with excitement as She dropped her things and approached me. She stopped six feet away from me and eyed me as if I were
some sort of insect She'd just found crawling in the house.

      "Get over here Christa." She demanded.

      Still crying, I crawled to her with my head lowered. I was so frightened of Her that rational thought was impossible.

      "Please don't hurt me Sharon. Please, I'll do whatever you want." I plead to Her as I crouched there at her feet.

      Her foot moved to the back of my head, and then She was pushing my head down to the floor painfully under the toe of Her shoe.

      "Yes, you will, won't you. You're going to undress me, run me a bath, and then you're going to fix me some dinner while I relax. And why are you
going to do all this for me Christa?" She asked pointedly.

      "Because you are the better woman Sharon." I quickly muttered, and I didn't even think about it–it was like an automatic response.

      "Ha ha ha. You pathetic little cunt." She laughed.

      I heard a zipper above me and then I saw Her skirt come pooling down around Her legs to settle in a heap on my head. The pressure on my head let
up as She stepped back and slid off Her panties as well. Her fingers caressed her crotch as She stood their lewdly, legs spread with Her hands on Her hips.
She looked at me and pointed to Her sex.

      "And why are you going to eat *this* pussy?" She asked as I scrabbled to my knees in front of her like a dog at her feet.

      "Because you're the better woman Sharon." I said through my tears as I brought my mouth up to service her.

      "And since you were bad today I'm going to have to punish you. You can think about your punishment while you're getting everything ready for me.
After I eat my dinner I'm going to smother your worthless face in my ass. You're going to worship my ass right up until *your* dinner is ready." She laughed
evilly as I licked Her wet snatch.

      When I realized what she meant my eyes opened wide to look up at her in horror, and it just made her even happier. She laughed and pushed my head
away from Her sex. Her eyes locked on mine and I wanted to just disappear then, I was that afraid of Her.

      "That's right cunt. Maybe after I make you eat my smelly shit you'll remember not to displease me again. And why are you going to do it?" She asked

      I was full-on sobbing then, tears streaming down my cheeks. I was too afraid, too afraid to fight, too afraid to move, too afraid to even think.
I was a veritable jellyfish before the incredible power She represented. When I spoke, I believed the words were true with every fiber of my being.

      "Because you're the better woman Sharon."

- The End -

< - - A Wet Grin Urging I Story - - >