Pool Party
by Parker
WARNING: This story involves rather a good deal of non-
consensual sex, humiliation and any number of other
things, which should not be undertaken in real life. If
you do not want to read this sort of material, STOP NOW!
No one was happy to see Jennifer.
Which, to an outsider, might have seemed surprising.
With her thick, black hair, flawless alabaster skin,
full red lips and slender, athletic despite-the-fact-I-
never-lower-myself-to-exercise body, Jennifer Watson was
one of the most desirable girls on campus. At least as
far as looks went. And the male students of the Phi Phi
Phi fraternity were certainly just about as appreciative
of good looking women as one would expect them to be.
Even more so.
This particular good looking woman, however, was the
president and head agitator of the local chapter of
Concerned Students for Political Correctness. In her
second year at Bakersville College North, she had been
instrumental in the college's decision to withdraw
funding from the fraternity newsletter as a result of
certain allegedly sexist comments.
She had later caused the fraternity's sponsoring
professor to be suspended indefinitely because of some
unsubstantiated allegations regarding sexual proposals
he had made to a female student (who had, incidentally,
received a failing grade just prior to the accusations).
All things considered, Jennifer Watson had been a thorn
in the side of the fraternity during her four years at
Her most recent success, however, topped them all. She
had been working for years now to get the PPP's annual
"Slave Auction" cancelled. Each year, the PPP fraternity
and some of the girl's from one of the sorority houses
on campus held a mock Slave Auction to raise money for
improvements to their facilities. For the last few
years, they had been raising money to add an indoor pool
to the fraternity house.
Not only had Jennifer spearheaded the successful drive
to cancel the Slave Auction (due to the fact that it
"trivialized the experiences of visible minorities who
had suffered slavery in the past and mocked the state of
women everywhere, whose present existence was little
better than slavery at the hands of the male oriented
hierarchical society"), but she had convinced the
college to expropriate the money raised over the last
few years and put it towards the commission of a piece
of modern sculpture celebrating Sisterhood in the
twentieth century.
So, when Jennifer showed up at the door of the PPP
fraternity house where the members of the fraternity who
had been planning the event were gathered for a drunken
'wake' - a so-called 'pool party' - no one was
particularly pleased to see her.
It was the guy who opened the door, one Mark Spenser,
who - despite not usually being a particularly
articulate individual - voiced the feelings of the
entire group: "What the fuck are you doing here?"
Jennifer just smirked. She had been out for a couple of
drinks with some friends earlier that evening and had
been on her way to the airport (it was spring break, and
she had arranged to get away by herself for a while)
when she had decided to drop by the frat house to see
how they were taking the news. In fact, she was a little
"Just stopping by to say goodbye," she explained,
slurring her words a bit. "Wanted to make certain that
there were no hard feelings."
"No hard feelings?" Mark was incredulous. "Fuck that.
You came here to rub it in more like it."
Jennifer's eyes widened in mock surprise. She *loved*
this! "Not at all," she protested, trying not to laugh.
These guys were soooooo stupid. "I did it for your
benefit too. It's an important lesson to learn, but..."
Mark had heard enough. "Why don't you just..."
"Hold on a moment." Mark was cut off by a quiet, intense
voice. "She's right." Amazed, Mark turned to confront
the person behind him. It was...
"Gary?" A freshman at BCN and an applicant to join the
fraternity. What was...
"Just a second, Mark." The speaker, a tall geeky looking
guy with short black hair and glasses approached and
placed his hand on Mark's shoulder. "Jennifer here has a
point." The entire room had fallen silent. Even Jennifer
was astounded. Was this guy making fun of her? "What we
were doing was insensitive," Gary explained. "It was
wrong. And I think that we should thank Jennifer for
pointing it out to us."
He turned. "Sharon," he called out, "get Jennifer here a
drink." He turned back to the girl who stood, silent and
staring in the doorway. "Beer OK?"
Jennifer nodded a puzzled assent, still unsure as to
whether or not this guy was making fun of her.
"A beer," Gary called out. Mark started to say
something, but Gary ignored him. "Come in," he invited
Jennifer. "Let us make up for some of the harsh words
that've passed between our organizations."
In her partially drunken state, Jennifer actually
believed him. She entered the room. Gary closed the door
behind her and Mark stomped off. The music started up
again, and Sharon - a short, pudgy girl with pig eyes,
Jennifer noticed, conscious as always of her own beauty
- returned a few moments later with a glass of beer.
Jennifer accepted it without thanks and took a sip.
Gary sat her down on the couch as the 'pool party'
started up again around them. He began talking to her
about the Slave Auction and generally engaged her in
conversation while she finished the beer and then
another, also brought by Sharon. After a while, she
began to feel a queer sort of disassociation, almost as
if her mind was floating free from her body. The room
was getting warmer and warmer; the music drifted away...
Jennifer felt a warm, pleasurable sensation on her
chest. She looked down to see that her breasts were
fully exposed; her blouse had somehow come open and her
bra unfastened.
"G-Gary?" What was... but when she looked up, it was
Mark sitting in front of her, playing with her breasts.
Panicked, she brought her hands up to stop him, but she
seemed to be completely lacking in strength.
Everything seemed so far away...
Jennifer drew in a breath to voice a protest, but just
as she opened her mouth to speak, Mark kissed her. The
feel of his warm lips on hers sent tingles of pleasure
shooting through her. She could only moan in pleasure as
his tongue vigorously explored the inside of her mouth.
She didn't know what was happening to her... or why; but
it sure felt good! Too good. Jennifer stopped trying to
stop it. As best she could in her drugged state, she
wrapped her arms around Mark's neck and...
No. It wasn't Mark any more. It was someone else. Some
guy she didn't know. Jennifer struggled to sit up, but
she was held down by what seemed to her to be
disembodied hands on her shoulders. She was lying back
on the couch, legs spread as the guy fucked his cock in
and out of her wet, fully exposed pussy. Involuntarily,
she moaned in pleasure, bucking her hips up against him
to increase the pressure on her sensitive clit.
From out of nowhere, a hand grabbed her thick black hair
and pulled her head back and upwards. She opened her
mouth to gasp in pain, and immediately a large, warm
cock slid in between her thick, wet lips. She gagged
slightly at this intrusion, but instinctively began
sucking at it. It tasted so good!
The cock in her pussy began to spurt, pumping wad after
wad of warm, wet sperm into her welcoming thighs. She
felt a series of little orgasms wrack her body as she
slurped hungrily at...
She wiped ineffectually at the globs of sticky, white
sperm which now coated her pale cheeks. Jennifer wasn't
sure how many cocks she had sucked, but a large number
of them had erupted onto her face rather than into her
mouth. The sperm felt warm and sticky as she wiped at it
with her long, delicate fingers.
She was on her hands and knees now. Someone was behind
her, sawing his cock in and out of her pussy. She moaned
and grunted in pleasure, coming at the same time as cock
in her pussy. She was still halfway through the orgasm
when the cock pulled out and another took its place.
It felt so good!
"Please... please... please..."
Mark looked down, a big stupid grin on his face, as
Jennifer Watson, on her hands and knees, mouth and pussy
simultaneously stuffed with cock, her beautiful face
shining with a thick coating of sperm and drool, bucked
and moaned with obvious pleasure. Jennifer Watson - the
president of the Concerned Students for Political
Correctness. Hah! The horny bitch had fucked at least a
dozen guys so far and was still going strong.
That Gary!
What a great idea using that drug. Even though he was
only a freshman, Gary's actions that night had pretty
much assured him not only a place in the fraternity, but
a place in the upper echelons. What a guy. For some
reason, however, Gary had not wanted to take a turn with
the bitch - he had even left early with his girlfriend
Sharon - but that didn't matter. All that mattered now
was that he get another shot as this whore before the
drug wore off.
Mark felt his cock get hard again (for the third time
that night!) as he waited for another turn with the
In the end, the guys had tired before Jennifer. There
were only ten of them! Completely spent, they sat around
the room in languid satisfaction, watching in amazement
as Jennifer Watson lay, like some naked and fucked out
whore, on the floor in the centre of the living room.
The raven haired slut lay on her back, legs spread
widely, moaning and whimpering, fingers still working
busily away in her sopping cunt.
What a whore.
This was the scene that greeted Tammy, Lisa, Becky and
Cindy as they entered the frat house. They were the
girls from the nearby sorority house who had been
helping plan the fund raising Slave Auction for the
"What the hell?"
Mark quickly stammered out an explanation. How Jennifer
had shown up at the party to gloat and how Gary had
drugged the bitch so she would turn into a slut. He had
been afraid that they might be angry, but the girls
seemed more amused than anything else. Jennifer had,
over the last few years, fucked them over with her
political correctness as much as she had the fraternity.
Tammy, the unofficial leader of the sorority group, even
sat herself down beside the naked squirming girl and
began playing with Jennifer's exposed pussy. Although
not nearly as beautiful as the slut on the floor, Tammy
was still very attractive in a pudgy sort of way, with
shoulder length blonde hair and wide, green eyes. The
boys stared in mute amazement as the blonde girl slid a
finger in and out of the slut's sopping pussy. A number
of them began to get hard again.
"Jennifer the campus slut," Tammy muttered, grinning.
"Jennifer the fuck-pet." Tammy looked up at the rest of
the group. "I like the sound of that." Half oblivious,
the subject of Tammy's comments moaned and lifted her
hips off the floor, trying desperately to grind her
pussy into Tammy's hand.
Everyone laughed.
Except Lisa. Typical. She was a tall, attractive girl
with long black hair and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses
that gave her a studious, old-fashioned appearance. Lisa
was the one who always saw the downside of things.
"You've got a problem here," she said, frowning. "This
is fine now when she's drugged, but what about when she
sobers up?" The guys looked puzzled. What about it?
"She'll cry rape," Lisa explained.
Immediately, the guys in the fraternity began talking
loudly. Once again, it was Mark who voiced their
feelings. "But she was willing," he protested. "Everyone
saw it."
"Who do you think they'll believe?" Lisa asked him.
Mark fell silent.
"She's right," Cindy agreed. "No one will ever believe
that she willingly fucked all you guys."
"Fuck..." Jennifer mumbled, half-conscious as Tammy
played with her pussy. Every time she was about to come,
Tammy would pull her hand away. " Fuck me... please..."
"Especially after what she did," Becky stated,
continuing the thought. Despite the fact that Becky was
a pale skinned red head and Cindy negro, the two girls
were known as the 'twins'. The went everywhere together
and were co-leaders of the cheerleading squad.
"Getting your pool money confiscated," Cindy finished,
"and getting the Auction cancelled."
The guys in the fraternity looked glum. The twins were
right. When word got out, they would be lucky to stay
out of jail, never mind being kicked out of school.
Mark swallowed. That asshole Gary! No wonder he hadn't
stuck around. Next time he came around...
"Don't panic," Tammy smirked, looking up from where she
sat on the floor beside the squirming girl. "I think I
see a way out of this..."
Jennifer stared dimly upwards through the haze of lust
that suffused her body. The hand in her pussy had moved
away, but she was still able to masturbate herself. It
didn't feel as good as when someone else was doing it,
but at least she actually brought herself off. Jennifer
hazily watched the others in the room as she rapidly
slid her fingers up and down over her pussy. They seemed
to be talking about something...
Why were they all being so serious? Why didn't one of
the boys fuck her again? She needed it so bad...
"Fuck me..." she whined. "Somebody... please?"
But it was no use. They were busy with something else.
One of the girls - Lisa, her fogged mind informed her,
properly placing the name with the face - had taken off
her clothes and was getting dressed again, this time in
a different set of clothes. Jennifer's mind groped and
struggled with an idea. What was it? Then she realized:
they were *her* clothes! Lisa was getting dressed in
Jennifer's clothing.
Jennifer giggled madly: with her jet black hair and slim
build, Lisa looked something like Jennifer, at least
from afar. It was funny: Lisa playing Jennifer!
Still... still, a thread of unease writhed its way
through her drug-induced haze. Almost against her will,
Jennifer began to pay attention to what was being said:
"...car keys. Phone when you get there and... at
airport. Make sure they see you, but not too..."
What was happening?
Then Lisa was gone, still wearing Jennifer's clothes and
jacket. The unease Jennifer had felt was washed away as
another orgasm, smaller this time, racked her body while
the door swung shut.
What was going on?
Another girl, the name 'Tammy' entered Jennifer's groggy
mind, turned her attention downwards. She smiled as she
noticed that Jennifer was focusing on her. Jennifer felt
another twinge of unease cut through the fading lust at
that smile. She felt that she must know this girl from
somewhere. Wasn't she...
Tammy reached down and pulled the confused girl into an
upright, sitting position. Jennifer grunted with
discomfort as she felt the now-cold sperm dribble out of
her suddenly aching pussy when she sat up. "Come along,
little Jennifer Fucktoy," Tammy whispered. "Time to get
dressed and go home."
Home. Something in Jennifer's mind objected to being
called 'fucktoy', but 'home' sounded good.
Warm. Safe.
With some help from Becky and Cindy, Tammy pulled
Jennifer's slender arms upward, and slid the a thin top
down over Jennifer's head and over her chest. The three
girls than heaved Jennifer to her unsteady feet, and
pulled some sort of miniskirt up to her waist. Jennifer
squirmed, not liking the feel of the tight polyester on
her skin, but could not effectively resist. Finally,
Tammy reached down and strapped a pair of four inch
heels onto the feet of the weakly struggling girl.
"All done," Tammy announced, standing. "Let's take a
Suddenly unsupported, Jennifer stood uncertainly on the
heels, looking about the room. Everyone was staring at
her. The guys... Mark... the girls... Confused, she
turned in a circle, stumbling slightly on the heels,
looking about until she caught sight of herself in a
The girl staring back from the depths of the mirror
looked like a complete slut! She wore a tight, black
polyester skirt that barely covered four inches below
the rounded bottom of her asscheeks. Likewise, the
bright, pink sleeveless top clearly revealed the
outlines of her nipples, and hung only halfway down her
front, clearly exposing her stomach.
The only other item of clothing the girl was wearing was
a pair of shiny black pumps. The girl's tangled, matted
hair gave her a wild, sexy appearance, as it hung down
over her face, half concealing her wide, brown eyes and
thick, pouty lips.
In the mirror, Jennifer saw Tammy come up behind her,
and then felt the other girl's hands reach around and
cup her thinly covered breasts.
"Come along, little play-slut," Tammy whispered in her
ears, nibbling and biting between words. "Time to go
Home. That sounded right.
Still dazed, Jennifer allowed herself to be led by the
other girls, unresisting, out the back door and across
the parking lot to a waiting car. In fact, she couldn't
have fought back if she had wanted to; the drugs and
alcohol made it almost impossible for her to walk
unaided on the four inch heels, and she was forced to
lean on the other girls for support.
On the way to the parking lot, the girls encountered a
group of guys heading in the opposite direction.
Jennifer looked one of them in the eye and tried to ask
for help, but he just smirked at her. Another guy
whistled as the girls walked past.
"See," Tammy said, to no one in particular as the boys
moved away. "No one will see Jennifer Watson. Just some
party slut."
Finally, they reached their destination. Becky unlocked
the back door and shoved her inside with the aid of
Jennifer's last thought before she finally passed out on
the back seat was what was said between Tammy and Becky
- the former still playing with her breasts - was of
When Jennifer eventually regained consciousness, she
found herself fastened securely to a heavy brass bed by
four sets of cold metal handcuffs, each one attaching
its respective wrist or ankle to the four corners of the
bed frame. She struggled not to give in to panic as her
mind slowly replayed for her the events of the
previous... what... evening? Jennifer had no way of
knowing how long she had been unconscious.
Her conscious behaviour, however, was another story.
Despite the drugs and alcohol, her memory was pretty
much intact: the arrival at the frat house (for a little
bit of frat-baiting); the drinking; the strange feeling
of disassociation; the... the sex (Jennifer's stomach
heaved at the thought); the trip to the car...
Then nothing.
Where was she?
Jennifer shook her long, dark hair away from her face
and looked down at herself. Oh god! It was every bit as
bad as she'd remembered! With the exception of the shoes
- her feet were now bare - she was still wearing the
clothing in which she had left the party. The pink top;
the miniskirt... Someone seemed to have cleaned her up a
bit, but there were still spots of dried cum dotting the
tank top and miniskirt.
She squirmed, testing her bonds. No luck. The unyielding
handcuffs just bit a little further into her wrists,
adding another layer of pain to overlay the general
ache, which permeated her abused body. The captive girl
moaned in agony as the slight movement of her legs
rubbed the inside of her thighs together. She had
obviously been rubbed raw the night before.
Jennifer opened her mouth to scream for help, for
anything, but could only manage a weak sound that was
halfway between a groan and a sob. She shivered in
misery. The after affects of the drugs and alcohol had
left her throat parched and her head aching.
"Help me," she whispered.
As if on cue, the door opened. Tammy Sinclair entered
the room, carrying with her a large bottle of mineral
water. Jennifer's parched throat seemed to swell shut at
the sight of it.
"Water?" she moaned.
Tammy smiled. The short blonde girl carefully sat the
bottle down beside the bed - out of Jennifer's limited
reach, of course - and sat down on the side of the bed.
"How's our little girl?" she asked mockingly. "Not
feeling too good, hmm?" She reached over and ran her
fingers through her captive's thick black hair. "Little
Jennie have too much to drink?" she cooed. "Poor Jen-
Jennifer ignored the insults.
Only one thing mattered. "P-please... water."
"Well, maybe a little later," Tammy chuckled. "We have
some things to talk about first." She moved her hands
lower, dragging her short, pudgy fingers down her
captive's tear-stained cheek and then down to her barely
covered breasts. Jennifer stared, wide-eyed and
unbelieving, as the younger girl began to play with her
firm tits. She squirmed in discomfort, but was unable to
pull away. Tammy, however, couldn't help but notice
these attempts to avoid her touch.
"Now that's no way to behave," she said with mock
firmness. She grasped one of Jennifer's nipples between
two fingers and squeezed. Jennifer stiffened and groaned
in pain. "You're my little playmate now," the blonde
said, still squeezing. "My little play puss. Little
playtoys don't try to move away. They take what's given
to them and are thankful for it."
With one last twist, she released the throbbing nipple
and then resumed toying with Jennifer's breast. This
time, Jennifer didn't pull away. There was silence for a
few moments as Tammy finished with the breast and worked
her way slowly down Jennifer's stomach, under the
miniskirt, and onto the captive's pussy. Jennifer tried
to close her legs, but she was unable to do so because
of the cuffs on her ankles. Hopelessly, she moaned and
whimpered as her tormentress slowly sank one... and then
two thick fingers into her raw pussy.
"Please... Tammy," she begged, voice hoarse and dusty.
Tammy smirked at her. "Don't you remember me little
Jennie?" she asked, fingers still inserted. "You must."
Jennifer just shook her head, confused. She knew Tammy
by name, but not...
"I was the person who represented this sorority at the
hearing last year," the blonde explained, "during the
inquiry into racial equality in campus organizations."
She slowly began to move her fingers in and out of her
captive's painful, fucked out pussy. "You remember. That
was the inquiry where it was determined that our
sorority didn't have a large enough representation of
visible minorities," Tammy continued, "and our funding
was cut off by sixty percent."
By now, Jennifer was having trouble following Tammy's
words, as the other girl's fingers were sending waves of
stabbing pain into her belly. She remembered the inquiry
though; it had been her idea...
"That's this sorority. That's why our house is only
about half full. That's why we have plenty of room to
keep you here for as long as we want." Tammy abruptly
jerked her fingers free of Jennifer's pussy.
"Ahh..." Jennifer's hips bucked with pain.
"So you're going to make it up to us," Tammy finished.
"To me. You're going to be the house pussy slave." Tammy
reached over, opened the bottle, and took a long slow
drink of water. Her words slowly sunk in as Jennifer
watched her drink.
Pussy slave!
Tammy finished drinking and methodically screwed the cap
back on. "And what's more," she continued, "you're going
to help replace the money that was confiscated for the
pool at Phi Phi Phi. We've arranged a little part time
job for you."
Jennifer tried to say something... to question what was
happening, but her throat was too parched to let out
anything but a hoarse cough. And her head ached so much!
Tammy stood. "Well," she said sweetly, "I've given you a
lot to think about right now. We'll talk more later."
The girl turned and walked out of the room. The bottle
of water, on the other hand, was left on a side table,
just out of Jennifer's reach.
She had no way of telling; it could have been hours or
it could have been days before the door opened again.
Jennifer had no way of measuring time other than by the
slow, steady increase in torment as her bound body
became more and more dehydrated. Her wrists and ankles
had been rubbed red and raw by her frenzied attempts to
get loose - to reach the precious bottle of water
sitting beside the bed - but it had been no use. She was
still chained firmly in position on the bed when Tammy
finally re-entered the room.
"How are we doing pet?" the girl asked.
Jennifer looked up at her with bleary, red-rimmed eyes.
"W-wat... er," she croaked, voice dusty and dry.
Tammy smiled nastily. "Water?" she asked, all innocent.
"Are you getting thirsty?"
Jennifer nodded weakly.
"Well then," Tammy said cheerfully, "I'll give you some
water, but you'll have to do something for me first."
Jennifer just stared at her.
"Ever since your little display at Phi Phi Phi the other
night," Tammy told her, "I've been a little hot. All
that delicious sex..." The girl sighed wistfully. "And
none for me." She sat down on the side of the bed and
slipped a hand under the pink top.
Jennifer didn't pull away. She'd learned that lesson.
"So," she continued, "I was just thinking... wouldn't it
be nice to have a little pussy slave to take care of me
when I get hot? A nice, obedient little play puss to
give me the tongue whenever I want it."
Jennifer stared in horror, eyes wide. The drug-induced
sex with the boys had been a nightmare, but this... this
was sick. She wasn't a lesbian! (Not that she didn't
support the lifestyle choices made by...)
"I'm sure a lot of the girls her would appreciate the
same thing," Tammy continued.
Jennifer coughed out an answer. "N...no." Never.
Tammy frowned, removing her hand from the older girl's
breast. "Well," she said, "If you're going to be
unreasonable, I'll just have to come back and talk to
you about it later." She slid to her feet and stalked
away, closing the door behind her.
"N... no," Jennifer repeated to the now empty room.
This time, Jennifer was certain that days had passed
before anyone came back into the room. It must have been
days. She had tried to hold it, but had finally admitted
defeat as her swollen bladder gave way and the beer-piss
that had been building up for the last few hours had
sprayed out, soaking the bed and her upper legs. That
had been hours ago; the moisture had long since dried
off her thighs, but the smell was maddening.
"Pee yew" Tammy muttered as she entered the room. "Has
little Jennie had an accident?" Jennifer's face burned
with mortification. It hadn't been her fault, but some
instinct that had been bred into her since her childhood
toilet-training kept chanting her guilt over and over to
She had been a bad girl.
She had done a bad thing.
"It sure does smell like it," came another voice. Not
Tammy. It was Lisa, the tall dark haired girl who had
dressed up in Jennifer's clothing and taken her car. In
fact, she was still wearing Jennifer's clothes.
Jennifer's eyes struggled to muster the non-existent
moisture necessary to create tears at the sight of these
relics of her life before the events of the party. No
tears though; just a dry stinging sensation in her eyes.
The pudgy blonde girl looked down on her.
"Well pet?" she asked. "Ready to begin?"
Jennifer nodded. She had been ready for the last few
hours, ever since she had voided herself on the bed.
That had been the final blow; she knew that she would do
whatever they said. At least until she had a chance to
get free.
Anything for some water.
Tammy smirked and looked over at her friend. "I told
you," she said.
"We'll see," Lisa sniffed, brushing her long black hair
back from her face. "She hasn't done anything yet." The
girl bent over and began pulling down her - Jennifer's -
"She will," Tammy said confidently.
In a few moments, Lisa had removed her glasses and was
naked from the waist down. Jennifer tried to close her
eyes, but was unable to turn away. She watched in
horrified fascination as the girl stretched her long,
thin legs, climbed on the bed, and straddled Jennifer's
face with her thighs. Lisa's pussy, thick with tangled
black hair, was soon directly above her mouth.
Jennifer gagged. She immediately felt almost smothered
by the smell of pussy.
"I can't believe she's gonna do this," Lisa predicted
"Just a second," Tammy said. The blonde opened the water
bottle, poured some of the liquid onto her palm, and
quickly splashed it over her friend's pussy. A few drops
fell free and landed on Jennifer's face. The captive
girl swallowed as best she could, but a good portion of
the water glistened invitingly in Lisa's pussy hair.
Jennifer moaned. Not enough.
Not nearly enough water.
"Do it," Tammy said. "Jam your snatch in her ugly face."
Obediently, the dark haired girl lowered her naked
crotch onto Jennifer's face, jamming her pussy over the
girl's nose and mouth. At first, Jennifer kept her mouth
firmly closed, revolted by the sight and smell of the
other girl's pussy. She just couldn't do it; she
couldn't! But, a few moments later, the feel of the
water on her lips forced her to open her mouth and
extend her tongue.
Tammy had splashed Lisa's crotch with precious water.
Jennifer - slowly at first, but then with increasing
enthusiasm - thrust her tongue out between her parched
lips and began to lick. The taste of the water overcame
all inhibitions. Within moments, she was slurping away
loudly at Lisa's cunt, her dry tongue scraping along the
outside of Lisa's pussy.
"She's doing it," the girl cried, excited. "She's
licking my pussy. The little slut." Lisa, excited by the
captive's obedience, let out a moan of intense pleasure
as she reached up to fondle her own tits. "Harder," she
moaned, grinding her sopping pussy into the unwilling
girl's face.
Jennifer shuddered as another wave of shame and
revulsion washed over her while Lisa gasped and writhed
on her face. But she couldn't help herself. She had to
have moisture! The water was gone now, but Lisa's pussy
was beginning to produce juices of its own. Still
parched, Jennifer thirstily sucked away, oblivious of
all else as Lisa began humping her crotch up and down on
top of her face.
Nothing else mattered.
Which was why, after Lisa quickly came with a
shuddering, intense orgasm and climbed slowly off the
bed, Jennifer was shocked to find more girls in the
room. It was Becky and Cindy. The twins.
Cindy held a camera.
"You're next," Tammy said, gesturing towards Becky. The
slender redhead needed no further encouragement. Already
naked, she giggled as she climbed aboard, small tits
bobbing merrily. A natural redhead. Once again, Jennifer
was forced to lick and suck the girl to climax, all the
time desperately slurping up and drinking down and much
as possible of the precious pussy juice.
An irregular burst of light attested to the fact that
Cindy was capturing the entire event on film, but
Jennifer didn't care any more. Her whole world was
focused on the tight, wet pussy being ground into her
face. She needed the liquid.
Next was Cindy. Jennifer gagged and began chocking as
the black girl climbed aboard shoved her wet, smelly
pussy in the captive's face, but she soon started
lapping away with enthusiasm, just as she had done for
the other two girls.
Finally, Tammy herself straddled the captive's face. By
now, Jennifer was no longer revolted by the other girls'
pussies. They were just a source of nourishment. She
even moaned in frustration when Tammy, after coming
twice, loudly, climbed off. Involuntarily, Jennifer
raised her head off the pillow in a vain attempt to
capture just a few more drops of pussy juice from
Tammy's dripping pussy.
She couldn't help herself. She wanted more. Not sexual
pleasure, as she had felt none, but moisture.
Sweet moisture...
Cindy, still half naked, took a few more pictures,
moving around the bed to capture the scene from a number
of different angles. Their captive's hair was once again
(as it had been at the pool party) matted down onto her
sweaty forehead, this time stuck down with pussy juice
rather than sperm. In fact, the girl's entire face shone
red with the exertion and results of her efforts.
"Look," Cindy giggled. Jennifer had extended her tongue
as far out of her mouth as she could, and was running it
desperately over as much of her face as she could
manage, still trying to capture whatever moisture that
was available. Laughing and giggling, the four girls
watched for a while, fascinated, until Tammy ushered
them out of the room and shut the door behind them.
Finally, it was just her and Jennifer alone again.
"There, little puss sucker," Tammy smirked. "That wasn't
so bad, was it?" Jennifer had given up trying to suck in
any more pussy juice and just lay there, staring upwards
with hatred. Control had returned, and with it an
intense hatred for the person who had so degraded her.
The blonde girl, however, was unimpressed. Laughing,
Tammy ran a hand over her captive's forehead. She
gathered up a glob of pussy juice and brought it down to
the older girl's lips. Hatred was immediately forgotten.
As was pride.
Almost against her will, Jennifer opened her red,
swollen lips and accepted Tammy's juice-covered finger
in her mouth, sucking thirstily. After she had sucked
the moisture off of it, Tammy pulled it out and repeated
the process until Jennifer's face had more or less been
scraped dry and Jennifer lay still, hoarse and panting
with humiliation.
She needed more.
"Don't be greedy now," Tammy cautioned as Jennifer
laboriously turned her head and gazed longingly at the
bottle of water. "There'll be plenty more pussy juice
for you soon."
Still, she poured a handful of water into her palm and
allowed the older girl to lap it up. Jennifer did so,
but this time she was keenly aware of her humiliation:
lapping water out of this bitch's hand like some dog.
Finally, Tammy stood up to go.
"Wait," Jennifer protested, throat now lubricated with
moisture. "What's... h-how long are you going to keep me
here? You can't just..." She let the thought trail off,
Could they?
Tammy smiled down at her. "Why, just until you earn back
the money you had taken from the boys; for their pool."
Jennifer was both puzzled and enraged. After a brief
struggle, the puzzlement won out; there wasn't much
point in venting her anger while she was fastened down
so securely.
"But... how?"
"Don't you worry about that, little play-puss," Tammy
"It's all arranged. You start training for your new job
tomorrow." With that, the blonde coed turned out the
lights and left the room.
The door swung shut. And Jennifer, who now had taken in
enough moisture to form tears, began to cry.
The job, it turned out, was stripping.
The trainer was a hard looking oriental woman named Kim.
Kim Loo. She worked as a recruiter and trainer for a
chain of 'gentleman's clubs' across the country. In
particular, she worked for the local club of the chain:
'Pussywillows', located in nearby Point Hope. Tammy had
met her there during the 'end of the school year'
celebrations after her first year of college. Evidently,
they had worked out some sort of deal for Jennifer to
work at the club. At least, if Kim wanted her.
And it seemed she did.
Jennifer was still fastened down on the bed when Kim Loo
had shown up at the sorority the morning after the
captive's first session of pussy sucking. The girls had
gotten her to repeat her duties that morning, but had
been meticulous in getting her cleaned up for her
Kim had looked down on the captive girl as she stared
back from the bed with wide, confused eyes, still
dressed in the pink top and miniskirt in which she had
left the pool party. The oriental woman was careful not
to show any emotion as she stared down at Jennifer with
impenetrable black eyes, but she knew instantly that
this girl would be perfect for the club.
Pussywillows specialized in fresh new talent, its
patrons preferring the slightly hesitant and embarrassed
newcomers over the more experienced professionals. As
well, the professionals knew better than to hook up with
a place like Pussywillows, as it was more than strip
Jennifer fit the bill perfectly.
After what seemed like an eternity to Jennifer, the
woman had turned to Tammy.
"She'll do." That was all. The woman turned and walked
out of the bedroom.
"What's going on?" Jennifer whined, thoroughly
"She's going to be your new boss," Tammy explained
gleefully. "And trainer. You start next week at
Pussywillow's in Point Hope."
Jennifer's eyes widened with shock and she chocked back
a cry. She knew all about that place. In fact, she had
spent much of the previous summer picketing in front of
it, and gathering signatures on a petition to have it
shut down. It was one of her few unsuccessful causes.
That was enough.
"No way," she stated. "No fuckin' way I'm doing it."
Jennifer began to struggle with her bonds. "Now let me
loose you bitch." She thrashed about on the bed, but to
no avail.
Tammy just smiled.
A nasty smile.
"I think," the blonde coed said mildly, green eyes
sparkling with malice, "that it's time to show you
something. A demonstration." She walked to the other
side of the room, bent over, and slid open a battered
wooden drawer. When she straightened up, she held in her
hand a metal rod, about two feet in length, with a
plastic handle on one end and a small bulb on the other.
A small red switch sat beside a plastic dial on the
"This," she announced happily, "is a cattle prod."
Jennifer stared in horrified fascination as Tammy walked
up to the side of the bed. "I'm going to give you a jolt
on low power, just to give you a taste of it. If I have
to use it again, however, it will be turned to full."
She flicked the switch. The rod emitted a low humming
sound as Tammy waved it slowly over her captive's face
and then lowered it to Jennifer's stomach.
Jennifer shook her head. "No! NOOOOO!!"
The pain was unbelievable. It went so far beyond
anything Jennifer had ever imagined a human being could
experience and still survive that she was for a moment
utterly certain that she had somehow spontaneously burst
into flames and was being consumed by the fire. Indeed,
she was shocked to find herself intact when the burning
finally died down.
Tammy looked down in satisfaction. Jennifer's eyes were
wild with pain and her quivering lower chin was covered
with glistening spittle from where she had virtually
foamed at the mouth. That should do it.
"That was on low power," she reiterated. "Next time it's
on full. If you continue to misbehave, you'll become
rather... intimate with it." Tammy paused to let her
words sink in.
"Do you understand?"
Jennifer, still racked with the pain-filled aftershocks
of the jolt, nodded her head in emphatic agreement. She
was certain - she knew - that she could not survive a
jolt at full power. It would surely kill her.
Tammy smirked in satisfaction. The prod seemed to have
done its job. Turning, she called out: "Becky. Cindy."
The twins appeared in the doorway and entered the room.
"Get her ready for her first lesson," Tammy ordered.
It was to be the first of many.
The lessons took place in the sorority common room.
For about three hours every morning and then every
afternoon, Kim taught Jennifer the rudiments of
stripping. At first, she kept her clothes on. Kim taught
her how to stretch and move her sleek body to show off
most effectively her various 'assets' (as Kim called
She learned to bump and grind her crotch in an obscene
circular motion; how to prance with grace on the four
inch pumps they forced her to wear continually. Jennifer
was taught how to swing her narrow hips in a sexy
manner; how to move in a way that caused her tits to
bounce up and down on her chest just so.
In short, she was being trained to act the perfect slut.
When the 'basics' were over, Kim started in on the
actual stripping. Against her will - but
enthusiastically, under threat of the cattle prod - she
learned how to remove her various articles of clothing,
one by one, in way calculated to drive men wild. Again
and again, the mortified girl was forced to strut her
stuff in front of Kim and the sorority girls, and
slowly... teasingly... strip down to nothing. Once
naked, she was instructed in the 'fine art' of showing
off some of the usually hidden parts of her body:
slipping her hands under her firm titties and pushing
upwards; crouching with legs spread to show off her
pussy; turning, back to the audience, spreading her legs
and bending at the waist...
When Kim was satisfied that she had made a good start on
the actual stripping, Jennifer was shown some other
necessary skills for her new role in life: the oriental
woman demonstrated how to apply thick layers of what was
almost stage makeup for use under the bright lights of
the catwalk; how to pout like a spoiled slut and run her
pink tongue over her now bright, red lips. How to blow
sexy mock kisses to an (for now) imaginary audience. She
was shown how to tease her own nipples - after, of
course, they had been suitably rouged - so that they
stood proud and firm on her chest.
Day after day she practised...
The extreme humiliation of these lessons was not lost on
Jennifer. The fact that she - a person who had dedicated
her life to eradicating such sexist, male-gratifying
images - was forced to learn how to behave like some
adolescent fantasy-slut drove her wild with frustration
and anger.
But there was nothing she could do.
Absolutely nothing.
She had refused only once to obey a command, early on in
the second lesson. Smiling a sadistic little smile,
Tammy had taken the now crying girl into the bedroom
and, without saying a word, had used the cattle prod on
At full force.
As promised.
When the convulsions at last had died down, Jennifer
found herself alone in the room, curled half naked into
a fetal position on the floor. She knew what she had to
do. Sobbing with pain and humiliation, she pushed
herself to her feet, straightened her meager clothing,
and stumbled back into the common room to continue the
Kim had been waiting for her.
And the lessons resumed.
The oriental woman could not, of course, spend all of
her time at the sorority house training her new
employee. She had other duties. She had, however, left
certain instructions which the girls followed with
enthusiasm. For example, when she was not actively
engaged in a particular lesson, Jennifer was to be kept
in full 'slut dress' - tight miniskirts; wispy tops;
plastic pumps; heavy makeup - in order to practice and
become accustomed to her new role in life.
Thus, for the full two weeks of her training, Jennifer
was forced to prance around in full makeup and wore
nothing but short, tight miniskirts, revealing tops and
high heels. Before long, the sleek, sexy walk of a hot
slut became second nature to her.
But Tammy wanted more. Under threat of the cattle prod,
their unwilling trainee was only allowed to speak either
in a breathy whisper - Tammy had forced her to practice
it for hours on end - which the girls referred to as her
'sex kitten voice', or in a high, nasal whine (the
'bimbo' voice). In either case, she was not allowed to
use words of greater than two syllables.
At first, Jennifer had been unable to maintain the new
voices, and the girls were 'forced' to administer a
number of humiliating spankings during which their
captive was forced to thank them after each swat - in
the appropriate voice, of course - and apologize for her
disobedience. With such encouragement, Jennifer was soon
able to maintain the voices without conscious thought,
but the limit of two syllables made it difficult for her
to articulate any sort of complex thought. Soon, she was
speaking only in short, simple sentences.
Evenings, of course, she was required to service the
girls, and she quickly became quite proficient at pussy
sucking. The thought of being required to slurp the
other girl's pussies every night soon lost its terror,
and more than once she became quite angry at herself
when she involuntarily felt a flush of pleasure when
Lisa complimented her. 'First chance,' she told herself,
face buried deep in the other girl's pussy, 'and I'm out
of here.'
That chance, however, never seemed to come.
Still, Tammy wanted more.
After a few nights, Tammy appeared in the bedroom with a
large black dildo. "You're always going on about how the
blacks are treated on campus," the blonde coed laughed.
"Put your pussy where your mouth is." She threw the
massive object onto the bed beside the older girl.
Jennifer, naked except for her shiny black pumps and a
black pushup bra, looked warily at the thing as she sat
on the side of the bed. It must have been at least ten
inches long. They couldn't...
Tammy, sensing the older girl's hesitation, walked over
and picked up the ever present cattle prod. "Do it," she
ordered menacingly. Trembling, Jennifer reached over the
grasped the massive black dildo. "Now," Tammy continued,
"lean back against the pillow and start fucking yourself
with it."
Jennifer looked up. "T-Tammy..." The other girl sighed
and flicked on the cattle prod. The low, electric hum
immediately filled the room with the promise of pain.
That was enough for Jennifer. Hastily, she lay back
against the pillow, spread her legs and began inserting
the dildo.
"What's up?" It was Cindy, followed, as ever, by Becky.
"The slut here's been complaining that she doesn't get
enough cock," Tammy smirked. "Isn't that right?"
Jennifer nodded unevenly from the bed where she was
still trying to force the dildo inside her stretched
pussy. About half of is had now disappeared from view.
"Say it." Tammy waved the cattle prod.
"I... I w-wanted some c-cock," Jennifer groaned, as
another inch was sucked inside.
The twins giggled. "I'll get my camera," Cindy cried,
running out of the room. Tammy, laughing, walked over to
the side of the bed. "C'mon little fuckpet," she cooed.
"Get it in... that's right." By the time Cindy returned
with her camera, Jennifer had finally managed to
encompass the entire dildo, and was just beginning - on
Tammy's instructions - to start sliding it in and out.
Becky reached over and began playing with Jennifer's
nipples, but Tammy caller her away. "Let her do that,"
she stated. Becky pulled away. "OK Jennie Cockslave,"
the blonde said, "start putting on a show. Rub your
little titties and play with yourself until you make us
believe that you've had an orgasm." Jennifer turned beet
red with embarrassment, but did as she was told.
Tammy was holding the cattle prod.
And so, sleek legs stretched wide and trembling with
tension, Jennifer began to masturbate in earnest. She
closed her eyes and began thinking about... about
anything other than where she was; about being with a
boy. A nice boy. A boy who would treat her with respect;
who would realize that she too was a real person with
goals and aspirations of her own; a boy who would make
long, tender love to her...
Finally, the fantasy began to have an effect. Her pussy
juices started flowing, and for the first time since the
pool party, she began to feel some sexual pleasure. The
large black dildo, now glistening, slid in and out... in
and out, while she teased her own nipples through the
sheer bra. Her brightly painted lips parted and she let
out a small moan of pleasure as the cock drove her
higher... higher... higher...
Finally, she came. A wave of pleasure rolled over and
through her body, washing away the long days and hours
of humiliation and suffering. She felt warm and...
Then she opened her eyes.
Instead of the warm, understanding lover of her dreams,
she saw herself, stretched half naked on a bed, legs
spread wide and a large, black dildo stuck halfway up
her pussy, while Tammy and the twins - Cindy with the
camera - looked on and laughed.
"What's with the slut?" It was Lisa, who had just
entered the room. "She gettin' off?"
And, for only the second time since she had been
abducted from the pool party, Jennifer began to cry in
front of her captors...
Every night after that, Jennifer was required to put on
a show for the sorority girls. Usually with the black
dildo, but sometimes with other objects such as bottles
or flashlights. Usually up her pussy, but not always.
Many nights found her lying with her ankles chained up
around her ears, running the dildo in and out of her
tightly stretched asshole.
She never came again, but soon became adept at faking
sexual excitement. And the girls didn't care. It was
even more degrading when their captive's moans and
grunts of pleasure were entirely put on...
Still Tammy wanted more.
One night, she showed up in the bedroom with a new toy;
a long, pink dildo strapped to her crotch. First, she
had Jennifer give her a blowjob. The older girl had
balked at first, but she soon found herself on her knees
in front of the pudgy blonde, running her thick, pouty
lips up and down the plastic cock. "Tell me how much you
love it," Tammy ordered, running the cattle prod lightly
along Jennifer's naked back.
"Mmmm..." Jennifer moaned obediently, "I love to suck
cock. Give it to me. S-slide it into my mouth..." The
girls liked this, and forced her to continue, switching
back and forth from the 'bimbo' voice to the 'sex
kitten' voice. Cindy took numerous pictures as Jennifer
slaved over the plastic cock, running her slender
fingers up and down its spit glistening surface and
sucking it deep into her throat.
After a while, Tammy pushed Jennifer back down onto the
bed and climbed on top. The other girls laughed and
clapped with amusement as the blonde ringleader spread
Jennifer's legs and began to fuck her with the dildo.
Jennifer didn't resist - she didn't dare - but that was
not enough. Tammy wanted active participation. A few
slaps and pinches later (and, inevitably, the threat of
the cattle prod), Jennifer was moaning and grunting like
an experienced whore as Tammy rammed the plastic dildo
in and out of her pussy.
Afterwards, the girls all had to give it a try, each one
insisting that Jennifer react as if overcome by lust. In
this manner, Jennifer was trained to fake an orgasm;
going over it again and again until the girls agreed
that she had it right. Soon, despite the fact that the
sex with the dildo gave her no pleasure at all, Jennifer
was bucking, moaning and screaming out orgasms like a
porn star. Like the rest of her slut behaviour, it
became second nature to her.
But Tammy wanted more.
Anal sex.
The blonde girl had been forced to use the cattle prod
for the third time when Jennifer objected to being
sodomized with the enormous phallus. As usual, it had
proved an effective tool: the next night found Jennifer
sitting on Tammy's lap, riding the greased plastic dildo
up and down her anal passage. All the time mauling her
own breasts, moaning and whining like it was the best
thing she had ever felt.
By this time, the girls were regularly filming these
little training sessions. Jennifer didn't object.
She didn't dare.
Finally, a little over two weeks later, Tammy and Kim
decided that Jennifer was ready for work. As a prelude,
Tammy set up a 'coming out' party, inviting the boys
from Phi Phi Phi to witness the results of their hard
Mark was the first one to arrive. He was greeted at the
door by a vastly changed Jennifer. Not the clothing: she
was still wearing the same polyester miniskirt, pink top
and high heels he had last seen her in at the pool
party. That was the same. But everything else... it was
like night and day. This Jennifer - the one who opened
the door - gazed up at him with wide, adoring eyes. This
Jennifer slowly ran her tongue over her thick, pouty
lips before asking him, in a deep, breathy voice: "Come
in. Can Jennie take your coat?"
Even now, Jennifer couldn't help but blush in helpless
embarrassment at this final humiliation - Tammy had
decreed that she was no longer to refer to herself in
the first person. This Jennifer flounced away, jacket in
hand, with her hips swinging back in forth in an
inviting fashion. This was not the president of the
Concerned Students for Political Correctness; this was
one hot slut!
By the time the rest of the guys had arrived, Mark was
comfortably seated on a large chair in the common room.
The new Jennifer - Jennie she was called now, Jennie
Fucktoy - had greeted each one of the guests
individually - some with long, deep kisses - and was now
busily serving drinks.
An oriental woman - must be Kim, he realized,
remembering his conversations with Tammy, from the club
- was given a position of honor right at the front of
the room. Directly in front of the cleared area that
would serve as a makeshift stage, she would have the
best view of the upcoming show.
Finally, everything was ready. Jennifer was led out of
the room by the twins and Tammy walked to the front of
the impromptu stage and called loudly for attention.
"Ok everyone," she called out. "Listen up." The room
quickly fell silent. "Tonight," she stated in a mock
announcer's voice, "it is my pleasure to present BCN's
very own Campus Boy-Toy; our very own sex bitch and
pussy-sucker: Jennie Fucktoy!"
Lisa hit a switch, and the lights dimmed in the non-
stage portion of the room while a slow, raunchy blues
number cranked up through a pair of old speakers behind
the stage. After a few moments, Jennifer appeared on
The new Jennifer.
Standing in the doorway behind the common room, Jennifer
felt like she was about to throw up. She had considered
trying to slip out the back, but Becky and Cindy were
keeping a close eye on her. And, of course, the threat
of the cattle prod was a potent one. She was simply
unwilling to risk the cost of an unsuccessful attempt to
"...Jennie Fucktoy!"
Tammy had finished her spiel. The music had started up.
Knowing she had no choice, Jennifer took a deep breath
and walked onstage.
Mark hooted and hollered with the rest of them as
Jennifer - no; Jennie Fucktoy - appeared onstage. He
couldn't believe that this was the same bitch who had
given them so much grief on campus over the last four
years. This girl - this slut - walked slowly towards the
front of the stage; lips parted in an appealing pout;
long, sleek legs moving in time with the bass; hips
It was amazing. Was this the same anal retentive
Jennifer Watson who had crashed his party a couple of
weeks ago? He felt his cock harden as the bitch-slut on
stage strutted her stuff back and forth in time with the
Jennifer tried to ignore the cries and catcalls - the
mad, leering faces - as she went through the routine.
She had been through it a hundred times before, but
never with an audience. She felt her hardened nipples
(thirty seconds of rubbing had done it backstage) push
against the front of her thin, pink top as she strutted
across the stage. Almost too late, she remembered to
lick her lips and smile at the audience...
The terrifying image of the cattle prod shot through her
Unbelievable! This Jennie Fucktoy or whatever they
called her was unfucking-believable. What a babe! She
was presently crouched down in the centre of the stage,
legs spread and pussy clearly visible between her
Mark reached down and began to stroke his cock.
Jennifer kept the technique of the strip tease in the
forefront of her mind, trying to ignore all else:
straighten up, twirl and bend (wiggle your ass);
unfasten the top while back is to the audience (smile
over your shoulder); drop top, turn, push breasts up,
fondle (lick your lips and smile); let tits go, wiggle
back and forth to make them shake (moan and smile);
reach down and insert thumbs in waistband of
Tammy watched in satisfaction. It was going perfectly.
The boys were going wild as Jennie Fucktoy, now totally
naked except for the pumps, stretched her legs and ran
her hands up and down the outside of her pussy. Tammy
had wanted to take it farther, actually make her
masturbate herself with the black dildo, but Kim had
turned down that idea: no penetration.
At least not in this state.
Finally, the show was over. The music faded and Jennie
was left standing, naked and glistening with sweat as
the boys laughed and cheered. Tammy glanced over at Kim
who had quickly stood up. The woman nodded at Tammy and
walked past the panting Jennie and into the kitchen.
Tammy walked on stage, grabbed the stunned Jennie by the
arm, and dragged her, stumbling in the pumps, back into
the kitchen.
Kim had taken out a piece of paper and placed it on the
table beside a pen. Still naked, Jennifer stared blankly
at the paper. What did they want her to do?
Then Tammy began to speak: "It's a contract," she
explained. "Between you, me and Pussywillows. For your
Confused, Jennifer glanced down at the paper. One
particular phrase jumped out at her. Three months. THREE
MONTHS. She looked over at the girl who held her by the
arm. "T-Three months?" she asked, still speaking in the
low breathy voice. "I... Jennie works three months?"
"Bimbo voice," Tammy ordered.
Jennifer swallowed and repeated the question, this time
in high, ditzy voice.
This time Tammy nodded. "That's right. After that,
you'll have paid back the money we lost for the pool."
It wasn't much, but Jennifer grasped firmly at that
small bit of hope. There was an end in sight.
A way out.
Three months...
Hand shaking, she reached down and picked up the pen. It
was difficult to handle, as she was still unused to the
long, bright red nails that had been glued to her own
fingernails, but she managed to sign her name in a shaky
scrawl. Tammy quickly grabbed the pen and signed her own
name. Kim, less anxiously, added her own name to the
The oriental woman smiled in satisfaction as she
pocketed the pen. She looked over at Tammy who was
openly grinning. "Have her at the club by noon
tomorrow." That said, she turned and left the room.
Tammy turned to Jennie. "Well Jennie," she laughed.
"You're all set. Just one more thing?"
Jennifer looked puzzled. What more could there possibly
Tammy gestured to the common room where the boys were
still clapping and cheering. "You've got an adoring
audience to satisfy," she explained. Jennifer started to
protest, but Tammy just grabbed the older girl's face
and dragged it closer. "And," she continued, "if I hear
of one complaint - just one guy who thinks that you
aren't enjoying the gang banging you're about to get -
you'll spend the night with the cattle prod turned on to
full power and stuffed up your cunt. Do you understand?"
Jennifer nodded. What else could she do?
Laughing, Tammy jerked her around and shoved the hapless
girl back into the common room. The cheering rose to new
Kim Loo watched in satisfaction as her newest employee
looked around, slightly confused, at the murky inside of
the club. She didn't look happy. And why should she?
Pussywillows wasn't much to look at during the day: the
florescent work lights highlighted the same seediness
that lent the nightclub a sense of attractive danger
when the lights were low. And besides, with the
attractions featured up on the catwalk, who noticed
cheap Formica tables and cracked, fake leather seats?
Kim loved her job.
Particularly at moments like these, when some stuck-up
rich young college bitch - the kind of bitch who had
treated her and her family like shit all her life -
began her career as an 'exotic dancer'. Most of them
came more or less willingly, needing money - often for
drugs - or just being attracted to the 'glamorous'
lifestyle. Indeed, there were plenty of girls around
willing to strip - or whatever - if the price was right.
A situation like this, however, with a girl like
Jennifer, that was the best.
Kim well remembered the events of the previous summer -
the picketing; the chanting students; the publicity...
The chance to pay back the leader of that particular
episode was not one to be missed. The possibilities...
Kim Loo straightened up and carefully wiped her face
clean of expression. It wouldn't do to let the girls see
her true emotions; it would weaken her control over them
if they realized that the 'dragon lady' had feelings and
emotions just like they did. What would happen would
"Here she is," Tammy announced.
The blonde girl was leading her unresisting captive by
the arm while her three confederates trailed along
behind. In her other hand, held flat against her leg,
was the cattle prod. Needless to say, Jennifer had been
well behaved on the trip over from Bakersville. The four
girls had taken turns getting their pussies eaten out in
the back of the car.
"Signed, sealed and delivered." The short blonde girl
gave a shove, sending Jennifer stumbling forward. She
was dressed in her by now usual slutware: tight black
skirt, thin top, four inch heels and overdone makeup.
She looked frightened.
"Good," Kim Loo said, emotionless as ever. "We will take
her from here." She gestured to another girl who had
just entered the club. "Sue," she ordered. "This is the
new girl. Jennie. Show her around and get her ready."
Sue, a statuesque blonde girl, gestured for Jennifer to
follow, but before Jennifer could obey, Kim grabbed her
tightly by her teased-up black hair and jerked her face
"What do you say?" the oriental woman asked, voice calm.
Jennifer trembled for a moment, but then realized what
was required of her. "T-thank you Ms Loo," she answered,
still in the low, sexy voice the girls had forced on
her. The trainer nodded in satisfaction and released
Jennifer's hair. Sue, smirking, walked away and Jennifer
followed. Kim was pleased to note that the girl swung
her hips widely back and forth in a sexy manner as she
walked. These girls had done some good work.
"Is there anything more?" she asked, turning back to
"Uhmm..." The blonde girl seemed momentarily at a loss.
"The... uh, money..."
"You will pick her up on Sunday morning and return her
on Tuesday morning," Kim stated evenly. "That was the
deal. Her earnings each week will be waiting with her on
Sunday. In cash."
Tammy nodded. "Fine," she said, backing away. "But you
don't mind if we drop by just to... watch." Tammy
blushed slightly at this last statement.
Inwardly, Kim sneered. "You may come whenever you wish,"
she answered, her tone revealing nothing of the contempt
she felt for these girls. She would like nothing better
than to get control of all of them... but, she had to be
Jennifer was enough.
For now.
As it happened, Susan Jacobs actually knew Jennifer. Not
well, but they had been classmates in their first year
at BCN. Beyond that, however, they had nothing in
common. Jennifer's family was rich, whereas Sue, a tall
blonde girl with large, bouncing tits, had come from a
poor family. In fact, she had at first drifted into
exotic dancing as a way of earning extra money to help
her through school.
It had been so easy in the beginning: a stag here, an
out of town convention there... everything had gone well
until she had made the mistake of working a bachelor
party at which a fellow student attended. Word quickly
got around, and before long her life at the college was
made a misery of pinches, slaps, feels, sly looks and
By the end of her first year at BCN, she was generally
regarded with contempt by the other students, ignored
and ridiculed by the girls and treated like a whore in
open season by the guys.
She didn't return for a second year.
The full time stripping just followed naturally
afterwards. She wouldn't return home to admit defeat.
Working in hamburger joints just didn't pay.
So what else was there?
Deep down, however, Sue felt a sick sort of contempt for
herself and the life she had chosen. A contempt she knew
would be shared by her friends and family back home if
they were ever to find out how low she'd sunk. The only
excuse she had - the only reason she could live with
herself and what she had become - was her family's
poverty. She made the best money she could, and every
week sent some of it home to her family. And that was
why, when faced with what she believed to be a rich slut
like Jennifer who didn't have to strip for a living but
instead chose to do it, Sue quickly felt a deep and
abiding hatred.
"This is the change room," she explained roughly. "We do
six routines a night. All changes will be done here."
The rich slut nodded.
Silently, Sue stalked down the short hallway to the
stage entrance. "This is the catwalk where you'll do the
show." She shoved open the door and walked onstage.
Jennifer followed. The catwalk was a long, thin stage
with a row of footlights around its perimeter. A shiny
metal pole ran from the floor in the centre of the stage
to a slot in the ceiling.
Sue gestured to the rest of the club. "Between
routines," she said, "you'll be expected to 'mingle'
with the customers."
Jennifer looked puzzled. "Mingle?" she asked, in her low
sexy voice.
Sue sneered. As if the slut didn't know. "Yeah," she
grunted in response. "Mingle. You know: be friendly."
Jennifer started to say something else, but before she
could figure out how to articulate it in words of less
than two syllables, the other girl had started to walk
away. Jennifer tried to frown, but it came out more of a
pout as a result of the way her face was made up.
Sighing prettily, she flounced after her guide, just as
she had been trained to do. The tall blonde led her
through a opening at the back of the club and into a
short hallway with a series of doors. She walked to the
last one on the left and opened it.
"This is where you'll be sleeping during the week," she
announced. "When you're not..."
Jennifer, looking around at the small, dingy room
(really nothing more than a large closet with a bed),
stopped listening as the other girl droned on. She felt
like she was about to cry. The clothes... the club...
she had to get out of here!
"...tonight at nine."
Sue stopped speaking and looked over at the new girl.
"Do you understand?"
Jennifer, interrupted from her thoughts of escape,
quickly nodded. One lesson she had learned well over the
last few weeks was that she must always to agree with
whatever anybody said about anything.
Just smile prettily and nod.
Sue wasn't impressed. She just grunted and left the
room. Alone for the first time in hours, Jennifer sank
down onto the bed to relieve the pressure on her feet.
She had become somewhat proficient in getting around on
the high heels, but her feet always ached.
'I've got to get out of here,' she told herself.
If there was one thing Butch Haskall knew well (by no
means a certainty), it was strip joints. And strippers.
Or, as he and his friends at the meat packing plant
called them, peelers. And this new girl - Jennie Fucktoy
she called herself - was one the best. He had sat
spellbound through her first two shows, bleary eyes wide
and staring under a lank of thin, greasy hair, watching
appreciatively as she strutted her stuff in front of his
appreciative eyes.
Talk about new talent!
This babe was loaded with it.
He had been disappointed when she hadn't appeared out in
the club after the first show, but he hadn't given up
hope. The other girls came out, so he figured she would
too. Sure enough, his vigilance paid off soon after her
second routine. There she was, face and upper chest
still covered with a faint sheen of perspiration as she
walked slowly out of the dressing room door.
Butch was there before she had taken two steps.
She had been surprised.
It hadn't been nearly as bad as she had expected.
Humiliating, yes, but not as much as the strip tease she
had been forced to perform at the sorority house. Here,
no one knew her. She was anonymous. And the overdone
slut makeup, so humiliating and degrading, had acted as
a kind of mask. Those laughing, jeering men in the
audience... they never really saw her. She was just a
thing, a piece of meat, fuel to light the guttering
torch of their fantasies. On stage, with the footlights
creating a mere lurching silhouette of the beer swilling
crowd, she could imagine herself above it all.
"I'm Butch," came a gravely voice from directly in front
of her. Startled from her thoughts, Jennifer looked up
to see a fat, thick-lipped man in a dirty jean jacket
and baseball cap.
"I sure like your show," he drawled, face creased by a
wide, gap-toothed grin. "Your tits are real nice."
"Uhmm... thanks." Jennifer fought to maintain a friendly
smile on her face. Kim had made it clear what would
happen if there were any complaints about her.
If possible, the man's grin grew even wider.
"Buy you a drink?" he asked.
"Uhmm... thanks."
Butch felt a wave of sheer lust surge through his body
at the sound of her voice. So deep and... and sexy. By
god, she sounded like she needed a good fucking right
here and now. Still, first things first.
"Buy you a drink?" he asked.
"I'd love that," she answered.
Slowly, Jennifer was gaining confidence. She seemed to
be in control. This asshole was so much in lust with her
he'd probably do almost anything just to get her to sit
with him.
What a jerk. Maybe this wasn't going to be as difficult
as she'd thought.
Kim wandered back into the club. She'd stayed to catch
Jennifer's first show - not bad for a beginner, but
there had been a few things that could be improved upon
- and had then left for dinner. She looked around the
club, and her gaze immediately fell upon the table where
Jennifer sat with some fat geek in a baseball cap.
Oh yes!
Try as she might, Kim was unable to keep the smile from
her lips as she approached the table. Time to tell the
girl about the other part of her job.
Jennifer started slightly as Kim appeared beside the
"Good evening," the oriental greeted Butch, "I'm the
manager of this club. Are you having a good time?"
Butch nodded his head rapidly up and down. Was he ever!
Kim gestured at Jennifer. "Do you like her?"
"Yes ma'am," came the answer. "I surely do."
"Well... she's quite the little slut," Kim said, in a
normal tone of voice. "Aren't you dear?"
Jennifer swallowed and fought down a cold wave of fear.
"Yes Ms Loo," she answered, "I am a... a slut." Kim just
stared in silence. Jennifer almost bolted in panic. What
had she... Oh. "Jennie," she corrected herself,
overdoing the sexy voice to make up for her lapse, "is a
slut. A hot little s-slut." Sick to her stomach, she
looked over at Butch who was staring at her with his
mouth wide open.
"And how would Jennie like to fuck the nice man here?"
Kim asked. Jennifer felt her heart start pounding like
it was going to burst out of her chest.
A whore.
She was being turned into a whore!
She felt an intense wave of hatred at the thought of
what those girls had done to her. When she got out of
"Oh yes," she answered, giggling slightly. "I'd like
that a lot."
Kim turned to Butch. "Normally," she said, "I charge a
hundred for her. But just for tonight, you can have her
for twenty. Is that satisfactory?"
Once again, Butch's head almost popped off from nodding
so hard. The fat man reached into the pocket of his
greasy jean jacket and pulled out a crumpled twenty
dollar bill. Kim took his money and then herded the two
of them to Jennie's workroom, with its dingy little bed.
"Be quick now," she called after them as she closed the
door, "she had to be back onstage in fifteen minutes."
From the catwalk where she pushed her greased and
shining tits together for the pleasure of the cheering
onlookers, Sue Jacobs saw Jennifer disappear through the
door with Butch.
'Slut,' she thought, spreading her legs and rubbing her
pussy up and down against the metal pole. Most girls
didn't start turning tricks for at least a couple of
In the little bedroom, Jennifer's training once again
came in handy as Butch trailed a thin line of drool down
onto her chest while he pumped his thick, greasy cock in
and out of her pussy. She'd managed to spend a few
second rubbing her clit - while Butch watched, eyes wide
- before the actual sex, so it wasn't as painful as it
might have been. Still, the bucking and grinding... the
moans of lust... the panting... the lips-slightly-
parted-tongue-poking-out look of lust as he mauled her
tits and rammed his cock in and out of her...
It was all training.
Kim had been certain that he wouldn't last long, and she
was not proved wrong. Within ten minutes, Butch stumbled
out of the little room and staggered off towards the
bar, no doubt to do a little bragging. Well... let him.
It wasn't every day a greaseball like him got to fuck a
high class whore like Jennifer.
Kim entered the little room to find Jennifer sobbing on
the bed. Mercilessly, she reached down and slapped the
girl sternly across the face. "You're on stage in five
minutes," she stated angrily. "Get ready."
Flushing red, Jennifer stumbled to her feet and
scampered out of the room.
Onstage a few minutes later, Jennifer no longer felt
quite so distant. Quite so untouchable. She now knew
that the men out there were not just passive observers;
they had the right to buy her and use her as they
wished. She was up there on stage not for entertainment,
but as an advertisement.
She was a whore!
And, if she there had ever been the possibility of her
somehow forgetting that fact, the loud cheer that went
up when - after she had removed her shiny g-string and
was crouched with her legs spread wide - a thin, cold
trickle of sperm dribbled out of her pussy and trickled
down her leg taught her otherwise.
She fought to hold back the tears.
Standing beside the bar, Kim smiled at the watcher's
reaction as the glistening trail of sperm trickled out
of Jennifer's spread pussy. Between that and Butch's
talking at the bar, she had no doubt that Jennifer would
turn out to be a very busy, and profitable girl.
And on her first night, too.
The interior of the club seemed dark and menacing in the
soft red glow of the exit light. Jennifer didn't mind,
though. Tonight, the darkness was her friend. After
three nights in this hellhole - three nights of being
forced to parade herself onstage like some kind of cheap
slut, and then endure in apparent enthusiasm the endless
stream of cocks - Jennifer was finally escaping.
During the course of the evening, she had managed to
leave a half-chewed piece of gum (Kim now had her
chewing gum constantly; she said it enhanced the 'slut'
image as well as strengthened her jaw muscles and helped
cover the 'sperm breath' from swallowing so much cum)
into the door latch, preventing it from closing
properly. Once out, she could go to the police and...
"Going somewhere?"
Jennifer started. Who was it?
A figure moved slowly out of the shadows.
"Sue?" Jennifer no longer realized that she was talking
in the low, sexy voice. It had become a habit. "What..."
Sue smiled nastily. "I saw the little manoeuvre with the
gum," she said quietly. "Figured you'd be trying to get
Jennifer trembled. She knew the blonde girl hated her,
although she didn't know why. If Sue gave the alarm...
"Now," the tall stripper continued, "I've no problem
with you leaving. In fact, I'd prefer it. But I'd like a
little favour first."
"Yeah." Sue stepped a little closer. "All my life I've
been treated like shit by rich bitches like you. Now the
shoe's on the other foot. You do what I say, or I'll
make sure you never get out."
Jennifer trembled. "What do you want?"
"Your lovely little slut's mouth and tongue," came the
answer. "In my pussy for starters... and then in my
"S-sue..." Jennifer started to whine, but the other girl
was firm.
"That's right," Sue repeated. "The only way you get out
of here tonight is to eat me out, front and back."
She had no choice.
Shaking with fear, Jennifer fell to her knees in from of
the tall blonde. Sue was naked underneath her thin,
cotton dressing gown, so it was a simple matter to part
the cloth and nuzzle her mouth into the girl's already
wet pussy.
Within moments, Jennifer's by now experienced tongue was
hard at work, licking and slurping busily. After her two
weeks of daily pussy lapping at the sorority, the smell
and taste no longer bothered Jennifer. She didn't like
it - in fact, she hated it - but it was by no means as
repulsive as is had been the first time.
Sue moaned as Jennifer's experienced tongue did its
work. Involuntarily, the blonde girl grasped the back of
the kneeling girl's head, and jerked her face harder and
harder into her sopping pussy. Jennifer gasped for
breath, but continued licking. The sooner Sue came, the
sooner she could go.
"Tell me how much you like it," Sue moaned.
"Mmmmm..." By now, Jennifer was able to moan and recite
her lust without missing a lap of the tongue. "I love
your pussy... I love to suck..."
"Bimbo voice," Sue ordered.
Obediently, Jennifer giggled, tongue still buried deep
in the other girl's pussy. "Tastes good," she said in
her high pitched bimbo voice. "Nice pussy..."
Sue came... and came... and came...
Finally, just when it seemed like the orgasm would never
end, Sue shuddered one last time and opened her eyes.
"Geez Jennie," she whispered, "you know your way around
a girl's pussy."
Jennifer blushed with shame, but it wasn't visible in
the darkness. She started to climb to her feet, but Sue
grabbed her shoulder and held her down. "Don't forget
the second part," she warned.
Jennifer sank back to her knees, head hanging with
humiliation. Things kept getting worse. Still, it would
be worth it if she could just get out of here. Sue would
end up in jail with the rest of them.
Oblivious to her impending incarceration, Sue turned and
shoved her bare ass into Jennifer's face. The kneeling
girl tried to pull away, but Sue reached back and
grabbed two handfuls of black hair. "Get sucking ass
licker," she ordered, pulling tightly on the other
girl's hair.
Jennifer moaned with pain, but stuck her face inside
Sue's ass crack and, gagging slightly, began to lick.
The smell was horrendous, but she resolutely forced her
small, pink tongue of the girl's anus and began sucking.
Almost immediately, she felt a warm, soft object slide
out towards her face.
"Mmmmm...." She tried to pull away, to cry out, to do
anything, but it was no use. The blonde girl had her
firmly by the hair. "That's right you little Fucktoy,"
Sue muttered, squeezing her ass muscles. "Eat a little
Jennifer had no choice. The soft, squishy turd was
forced up against her face, lips and finally between her
half-clenched teeth. She gagged with revulsion at the
taste, but couldn't stop it. It was either swallow or
choke. Another turd came out... and then another as she
thrashed away, trying frantically to remove her face
from the other girl's ass. Sue just laughed, holding the
smaller girl's face in position until she had finished
Finally, it was over.
Sue released her hair, and she fell back onto the floor,
face and mouth covered with shit. Coughing and gasping,
she crawled to her knees as Sue walked slowly away,
quickly disappearing into the shadows. She wiped
desperately away at the filth with the back of her hand,
but seemed to succeed only in spreading it about her
Jennifer stopped wiping. It was Sue's voice coming from
somewhere in the darkness. "You did your part, but you
know how I told you how I would let you go?"
Jennifer knelt in place, frozen in silent.
The lights clicked on.
"I lied."
Standing around her, in what had been impenetrable
darkness, stood Kim... Lisa... Becky... Cindy... and
With the cattle prod. Face and hands covered with Sue's
shit, Jennifer fell back onto the floor and began to
"Well," Tammy cooed, walking forward. "It looks like
little Jennie shit-face has a lesson to learn."
The crying girl closed her eyes as the buzzing cattle
prod - surely set to full power - slowly descended
towards her...
The next three months went by in a blur of dancing and
fucking; dancing and sucking; dancing... Kim had finally
settled on the bimbo voice for the daytime and the slut
voice for night, and Jennie had all but forgotten what
her normal voice sounded like. Each weekend, the girls
from the sorority showed up to collect their pussy slave
take the small envelope containing her weekly earnings.
Each weekend would be spent servicing her four
mistresses in every way they wished. Sometimes, Mark and
a few of the guys would come over, and Jennifer would
serve them too, showing off her newly developed fucking
skills. Jennifer never stopped hating it - hating it
with a passion - but by the end of the first month, she
was almost looking forward to the weekend stays at the
sorority house. As well as the her duties as a stripper
and whore, Sue had decided that she liked the idea of
having her own little toilet slave.
Jennifer had quickly become intimately familiar with the
inside of the other girl's asshole, all thoughts of
rebellion having been crushed by the final application
of the cattle prod.
After a while, Sue began feeling generous and started
sharing Jennifer out among the other girls at the club.
Most mornings were spent servicing the other strippers,
either their pussies or - for a few of them - their
Jennifer complained to Kim, but the oriental woman just
laughed. "Saves money on toilet paper," she said.
And that was that.
By the end of the three months - Jennifer had kept track
by making small cuts in the side of the cheap wooden
dresser - Jennifer was so swollen with hatred and
frustration that she felt she would burst. The only
thing that kept her going was the thought of what she
would do when the three month contract was up.
Finally, that day arrived.
Right on schedule, Tammy showed up as Jennifer waited
expectantly in the daytime-empty club. At Kim's
insistence, she had even done herself up special - for
the last time, she vowed. Dressed in the same tight
polyester miniskirt and revealing pink top in which she
had begun her new career, she waited impatiently to
leave, her thick, red lips falling into their now
habitual pout as she chewed a thick wad of gum.
Tammy smiled when she saw Jennifer, but didn't say
anything. Jennifer pouted back at her. 'Just wait,' she
told herself.
The pudgy blonde girl walked over to the table where Kim
was sitting. She pulled a piece of paper - the contract
- from her purse and placed it down on the surface in
front of the oriental woman. Kim didn't say anything;
she just took out a pen and signed.
Jennifer looked on, puzzled. What were they doing?
Tammy took the pen and then likewise signed.
Kim briefly read the paper and then nodded. "This is in
order. We've bought out the option." With these words
she handed a thick envelope to Tammy. Tammy grinned down
at her. "Should you tell her?" she asked, "Or should I?"
Kim shrugged. "You tell her."
Jennifer had had enough. "Tell me what?" she burbled in
an airheaded manner. "What's going on? Jennie's finished
Sue, who had just entered the room, laughed.
"No," Tammy grinned at her. "You're not. Kim here just
bought out the option on the contract."
"Option?" The room seemed to spin and Jennifer thought
she was going to faint. Sue walked closer and grabber
her by the elbow.
"Yes," Tammy explained gleefully, "The three months was
a trial period. To see how they liked you." She glanced
down at Kim. "Evidently they like you a lot. They've
signed you for the full seven years."
Seven years. Jennifer tried to move away, but Sue's grip
was iron.
"But you won't be bored," Tammy continued. "Pussywillows
is a chain. They've got clubs all across the country.
You'll get to do all sorts of traveling." Still smiling,
the pudgy blonde girl walked slowly forward until she
was standing right in front of the horrified Jennifer.
"For the next seven years," she said, articulating
slowly and carefully, "you'll be stripping and fucking
your way from one side of America to another."
Her words finally began to sink in.
"Quite an opportunity, I'd say," Tammy joked.
"Tammy," Jennifer cried, "you can't..."
"Slut voice!" Tammy was suddenly stern. Immediately,
Jennifer's voice deepened to a sexy purr.
"Please," she breathed hoarsely, "don't leave Jennie..."
"Bimbo voice," Tammy said.
"Oh... don't leave me," Jennifer begged, voice high.
Tammy, however, ignored her pleadings. She turned and
began walking away.
"Nooo... you can't... Please..."
"Oh." Tammy stopped and turned. "This comes with the
deal," she said, tossing a slender, metallic object to
Kim. The oriental woman caught it without standing.
It was the cattle prod.
Jennifer began to cry and scream - strangely appealing
in her new voice - but Kim just gestured to Sue to take
the crying girl backstage. Tammy's last view of Jennifer
was of her well rounded ass, tightly packed into the
polyester miniskirt, swinging back and forth as the tall
blonde stripper led her, still crying, into a back room.
Outside, Tammy opened the door and sat down beside Lisa
who occupied the driver's seat. The twins were in the
back. "Well girls," she laughed, riffling the money from
the envelope, "Time for another pool party."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author
does not condone the described behavior in real life in
anyway shape or form.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kristen's collection - Directory 22