My Favourite Game
by LittleMissFart

Hey guys,
I want to tell you about my new favourite game I play with my awesome sexy girlfriend.

Now, I should start by saying Hannah is a little bit of a gamer chick.

She's not as obsessed with videogames as some people are, but she does enjoy unwinding after work with an hour or 2 of playing her favourite game, Halo.

Don't ask me which one, they all seem the same to me! Tee-hee

Anyway, I decided one evening to try put her off. She had just had a cool shower and was sitting naked on the sofa, Xbox controller in hand, and loaded
up her game.

I was feeling so playful too, wanting to literally play with her, and seeing her sitting there naked, leaning back against the seat, legs open, I took
my chance.

I slid off the couch, onto my knees and crawled infront of her, resting right between her long bare smooth legs, and leaned my face forward into her naked

"Baby, stop." She told me, half-heartedly trying to push my head away, her pleas falling onto deaf ears as I pressed my nose and mouth against her soft
warm shaved pussy.

"Stop, you're putting me off." She muttered.

"That's the idea." I giggled, and then started to quickly yet softly nibble at her smooth slits with my lips. Teasingly sucking at them like a fish nibbling
at its food.

"Ahh baby, please..." She muttered, sounding like the pleasure is getting a little too much.

"Just try and stop me." I taunted her, now wiggling the tip of my nose against her clit.

"Babe - I really need to - ahhh - win this level..." She softly panted.

I just chuckled, and then pressed the tip of my tongue against her now moist pussy.

"I'll put you off!" She suddenly warned me.

"I don't think so." I chuckled, and continued to lick her.

"Oh yeah, well have this!" She exclaimed, as then, with a push, she let rip a big fart at me!

My head jolted a few inches back. I stared in shock at her crotch.

"Ha ha, serves you right!" She smirked looking down at me,
then her eyes looked back up onto the TV screen.

My face lit up, a big smile spread across my face.

"You do realise, that's just made me even more determined to get what I want, don't you?"
I smirked at her, and immediately buried my face back into her pussy.

"NOO!" She squealed out excitedly, tensing up her body, trying to close her legs.
That didn't help, if anything, she had just trapped my head between her thighs, meaning I could carry on licking her.

I did notice the subtle slightly musky smell of her fart lingering around her crotch, but that just turned me on further, so making me even more glad to
be licking her pussy.

"Stop, I keep getting killed!" She pleaded, trying to push me away to no avail.

I just giggled at her attempts to remove my face from out of her naked lap.

I heard a laser gun being shot from the TV screen, I think it was the shot that had just killed her character on the game.

"Right, that's it!" She suddenly blurted out, sounding somewhat pissed off.

She moved forward with such ferocity, that she sent me flying backwards, landing on my back,
my legs bent up in the air.

She clambered over my legs and sat down on me, her Xbox controller still in her hand,
I was actually pretty shocked by her aggression,
and feared that I had gone too far. I just froze in place as she rushed forward on my body,
and sat down hard on the top of my chest, almost so close to pushing her naked ass down on my neck.

"Come here." She said, still sounding angry with me, pinching my lips hard together with her free hand, making me open my mouth, her nails digging into
my cheeks.

"Hold that tongue out, now." She demanded, I was so shocked that I instantly held my tongue out.

"Further. Come on. All the way out." She told me with such bluntness.

I pushed my tongue out as far as it could go, 'til I felt it couldn't stretch out no further.

"Hold it right there." She commanded. She then lifted herself up, moved forward a few more inches, and lowered herself right down onto my straining wet
making it push right up inside her sweet moist pussy.

"There, that ought to keep your mouth shut for a while!" She smirked,
and held the controller up with both hands, fixing her eyes back onto the TV screen.

A few minutes passed as I licked her out.

"Mmmm mmmphh hmmph" I moaned, trying to speak. My tongue aching from trying to keep it pushed as far up inside her as possible.
She just ignored me, focusing instead on playing her videogame.

She was just so comfortable and so at ease with sitting on my face,
that she even farted again. I listened as it blew out of her like a tongue blowing a raspberry.
I felt the warm air of it brush against my tits.

I tried to sniff the air to smell her lovely gas, but unfortunately her farts rarely stink.
Well, they do have a smell to them when my nose is sniffing right at her little hole when she blows off, but at that moment in time, all I could smell
was the lovely sweet fresh aroma of her
delightfully sweet wet pussy.

That didn't stop me from enjoying myself, holding my hand to my crotch inside my sweatpants, fingering my pussy as I lick her.

To her, it seemed almost like I wasn't there under her, she just completely ignored me.
The only time she took an hand off the controller was when she needed to give her bumhole
a little scratch.

I looked up and watched as she then gave her finger a little sly sniff.

"Mmmmphh, mmmmmpphhh...!" I mumbled, trying to get her to give me a sniff of her finger.

She just totally blanked me.

Every so often, she'd let slip just how much pleasure she was feeling.
She would pause for a few moments, and let out a couple of deep sighs.

She was trying so hard to hide her pleasure, to make it seem to me like she couldn't care less, but I knew she was really enjoying it.

Eventually, it got all too much for her, and she just had to pause the game, put the controller down, start fingering her clit and have the explosive orgasm
that her body was calling for.

She squirted her cum out right onto my submissive face.
I just laid there, letting her shower me in her warm sweet juice that tastes like heaven.

"Fuck, you're too good baby!" She breathlessly cried out, as I just laid there,
her cum dripping down the sides of my face. I instinctively begin to lick her pussy clean.
All I cared about was her, so maintaining the hygiene of her pussy.
It didn't matter to me that my face will soon start to feel slightly sticky as her juices dries up on my skin, all I cared about was her.

After a few moments of letting the tremors of her orgasm subside, she then picked up her controller and carried on her game where she left off.
I continued to lick her clean for another minute or 2.

"You going to let me up now baby? I need to wipe my face." I softly asked.

"You should have thought about that before you started licking me." She chuckled sadistically.

"Please baby, my face will get all sticky otherwise." I continued to plea in a sweet little innocent voice.

"Awww bless," She cooed, still staring at the screen, "let me think about it."

A minute passed by.

"Well, have you thought about it?" I asked, still trapped under her.
Her pussy now smelling of that real sexy, strong, sex smell.

"What?" She asked, concentrating hard on her game.

"Will you let me up so I can wipe my face?" I spoke so sheepishly.

"Oh right!" She chuckled to herself, "Um, maybe..." She glanced down towards me briefly.

"Please, I just want to wipe my face, I'll lick you out some more after I clean myself up."
I persuaded.

"Tell you what, I'll let you up if you kiss my ass." She grinned.

"Ok!" I beamed happily, very pleased with that deal!

She chuckled at my eagerness, and then lifted herself up off me slightly,
allowing my lips to press against the bottom of her beautiful plump bumcheeks from just behind her glistening pussy.

I kissed them and her gorgeous crack quite a few times, so gently and lovingly.

"Mmmm yeah, kiss it good." She moaned. I kissed her ass a few more times.

"Ok ok, I'll let you up." She uttered, lifting herself further up off me.

I went to slide out from under her,
my head going below her when suddenly she dropped herself down onto me, real hard.
I turned my head to the side just before she landed on me.

"After I finish this level, I meant!" She laughed so cruelly.

I groaned in pain as her butt was pressing all her weight down onto the side of my face.
She was completely oblivious to how much she was hurting me.

"Ahh fuck baby - it hurts - owww let me up!" I begged, I didn't recognised my panicky voice.

I was kicking my legs about, pushing my hands on her bare bumcheeks, trying to get her to move.

She did move ever so slightly, just adjusting her position on me for a more comfortable seat.

Fortunately for me, her new position was a slightly more comfortable position for me.
I mean, it wasn't pleasant, but compared to how it just was, it was a marked improvement!

My nose was now squashed up between her cheeks, right against her crack.
All I could smell was the faintly musky smell of her gorgeous bum.
I could hear the muffled sounds of the videogame as well as her evil chuckle.

"Ahh fuck - how long will the level last for?" I asked with a groan.

"About 20minutes." She answered, her voice sounding very muffled to me, what with her bumcheek/thigh bearing right down onto my ear, and my other ear being
pressed heavily to the floor.

"Ah shit - I'm so going to get you back for this, bitch!" I groaned, much to her amusement.

A few awkward, uncomfortable minutes passed by.

"Uh oh, I wouldn't want to be you right now, I feel another fart coming!" She laughed out.

"That's not so bad." I softly uttered, looking forward to it with anticipation.

"Tell you what, when I fart, if you can guess what I had for lunch earlier, I'll let you up!"
She laughed again, suddenly developing a case of the giggles.

"Agh, ok, ok." I agreed, well it's not like I was in any position to haggle with her!

I waited with baited breath. She stopped still. I could feel her pushing, her asshole puckering.
You could cut the tension with a knife.

Finally, a fart blew out of her, smothering my nose in the warm smelly air.

"Ahhhh, that feels better." She sighed in relief, rubbing her tummy.

I took a big sniff, loving the musky smell.

"Well? Can you guess what I had for lunch?" She asked impatiently, stifling her giggles.

"I don't know..." I softly grumbled, taking another big sniff,
trying to detect any hint of food in the gas. It just smelt like a warm pleasant fart to me.

"Can I have a clue, please?" I sheepishly asked.

"I just gave you a big clue, letting you smell it in my fart!" She laughed.
"What more do you need?" She paused her game, awaiting my answer.

"I really don't know baby, all I can smell is your fart." I sighed.

"Guess. Take a big deep whiff, and guess." She giggled.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration hit me, I could very faintly detect a tiny hint of a burger.

"Did you - um - have a McDonald's meal for lunch, a Big Mac, perhaps?" I nervously asked.

She opened her mouth in surprise.

"Oh wow, yeah I did, that's very good..." She couldn't believe I had guessed right.

She then got up off me, I quickly sat up onto my knees, rubbing the side of my face.

A few intrenched lines were visible on my cheek from where she had been sat on me,
and the tip of my nose was bright red. She looked at me and laughed.

She then stood up.

"Could you really smell the burger I had, in my fart?" She queried with a grin,
sitting down on the sofa.

"Yeah, I have a good nose for farts." I smirked smugly at her. She laughed.

"Oh yeah, well Mrs. Smug, how about I have something different for lunch tomorrow,
and see if you can guess correctly again what I had by the smell of my farts?!"
She beamed excitedly.

"Ok, if that's what you want to do." I casually agreed, as I got up and went into the kitchen to splash some water on my now slightly sticky face, and
wiped myself clean with a towel.

"Can't wait." She grinned.

The next day, when she came home from work, I was sitting on the sofa, watching TV.
I was sure she had forgotten about our new game, because she had just taken her coat and shoes off and sat down next to me for a short while.

We had our usual chat, just asking eachother about our day at work,
and had a few cuddles and kisses.

"Fancy a tea, babe?" She asked as she stood up.

"Sure I'd love one, thanks." I smiled at her.

She walked off to the kitchen, I could hear the kettle boiling and the spoon hitting the tea cups.

Suddenly, she came bolting over to me, she quickly put one foot up onto the sofa beside my thigh, turned around with her butt in my face, and farted. She
laughed as she did that.

I was shocked, but not displeased, mind!

I just instinctively sniffed at the warm air now surrounding the black tights covering her bum.
My nose closer than an inch from the crack of her beautiful curvy ass.

Her fart smelt pretty eggy actually.

"Well, guess what I had for lunch!" She chuckled, waiting patiently with her ass in my face
for my answer.

"Umm..." I paused, having another whiff of her slightly eggy smelling gas.
"Smells like eggs." I giggled.

"Is that your answer?" She asked as she let out a couple of small pops of a follow up fart.
I eagerly sniffed them up.

"Mmmmm..." I moaned happily, "No wait, your farts only smell a little eggy like this when you've had pickled onions! Ok that's my answer, you had pickled
onions." I grinned.

"Wow, you're good!" She laughed, "But there's more, I had them with something else...?"

"Did you? Er let me see..." I reply, sniffing her smelly butt like a dog.

"I'm guessing you had them in a sandwich of some sort,
maybe a lettuce, pickled onion and cheese sandwich?" I guessed, thinking of her favourite sandwich.

She gasped.

"Ok that's just spooky!" She laughed.

"How can you possibly get all that just from the smell of my fart?" She squealed out in laughter.

"It's a gift." I smugly grinned, hiding the fact that it was more guesswork than anything else.

"Well, you have a really clever nose." She smiled, stepping off the sofa,
and walked back into the kitchen. She returned a few moments later, holding our cups of tea.

She handed me mine, and sat down next me, tucking her feet under her bottom and leaned her
knees onto my arm. Snuggled up slightly to me.

"I'm going to eat something completely different to what I usually have for lunch tomorrow,
make it real tricky for you." She stated, having taken a sip of her tea.

"Oh yeah, just try me." I giggled.

"This is going to be our new game together." She smiled at me, taking another sip.

"Sounds awesome." I grinned.

"You're so going to lose tomorrow though!" She grinned competitively.

"I don't think so!" I returned.

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see," She replied, and then put on a funny deep voice,
sounding like a cheesy game-show host, "on the next edition of,
'Guess What I Had For Lunch, By Sniffing My Farts!'"

We both laughed.

"This is fast becoming my new favourite game." I told her, making no attempt to hide how much I was looking forward to playing it again with her tomorrow.

"Mine too." She smiled at me.

She then leaned in close to me, and gave me a small loving snog.

"Even more than Halo?" I asked her, making her chuckle.

"Even more than that." She grinned, and gave me another snog.

Now every day from then on, win or lose, we always play, "Guess What I Had For Lunch".

It's my favourite game!