Hannah and her Slave
by Mr_.Zodiac

Michael squirmed furiously as his girlfriend, Hannah, having his head
trapped deep into her butt crack with the help of her calves, released yet
another loud, wet fart directly into his nose. He wished he could tell her

to stop, but she had put a gag on his mouth.

"Stop moving so much bitch! I know you want this! You want these
stinky farts in your face, you fucking weirdo! Just relax and take deep


His cock was leaking pre-cum; he would be touching himself furiously if
she didn't have him in chastity. "You're doing great, babe," she said to
him in an erotic tone. "I think I only have one more left, then I'll set
you free."

She pushed really hard to get the last of her gas out. It came about
ten seconds later, just when it seemed as though it weren't going to happen
after all. This one felt more airy, but it still had the same eggy smell
as all of the other ones she had been forcing onto him for the past two
hours. She had started the session with her in her yoga pants, which made
her butt look extremely sexy, extremely round, extremely firm, extremely
big, and extremely stinky- and she was most proud of that aspect. She had
also been wearing a tight T-shirt with no bra, all while Michael was
completely naked, except for the cage.

She released him from her deadly grip and took off his cage, letting
free the cock that had been waiting so long to be touched that it had began
turning red at the tip. "God, that thing is so small!" she laughed at him,
taunted him, but he didn't care- he just went on masturbating as if he were
on amphetamines. She watched him like a hawk the whole time, to make him
feel inferior. Eventually, after about thirty seconds of dreaming about
her beautiful bubble butt and how it smelled in those yoga pants, he came
loads. Now he had time to reflect.

He was in a relationship where he was completely submissive to her.
This was because he had a fart fetish, and an ass-sniffing fetish, but most
of all, he just liked to be dominated. Hannah was the only girl he had
ever met who was willing to satisfy all of these needs, but that was simply
because of how fun it was to degrade him. She got off on humiliating him,
and besides, what could be more humiliating than being farted on by a girl?

She never had sex with him; instead, she forced him to watch her get
fucked by other men, usually big, muscular men with nine-inch cocks that
made her scream. She had a habit of farting a lot when she got fucked,
though, which was why she made Michael watch: every once in awhile, she'd
say, "Slave! Get over here! Put your stupid face in my butt, now!" And
every time he did, he got long, hot, wet farts right on his nose that made
the other guy in the room laugh at him, too. They both did, but that
didn't bother him at all.

She came over to his body, spread out along the floor, and sat on his
face again, simply because she loved the way it felt to have his face in
her big fat ass. She got on her phone- this was a typical routine, usually
lasting a while. She liked to post selfies of herself sitting on Michael's
face from all different angles. She always made them really public, but
she also sent them to all different kinds of men in the area, along with
other nudes, mainly just pictures of her juicy butt. Suddenly, her phone

"Oh finally, something to do besides stink up the house! Sienna and
some friends want to hang out at her house right now. Get dressed,
quickly! I don't want to make them wait!" She went upstairs to change into
a new pair of yoga pants- the other ones were stained by that point. After
several minutes, they got out of the house.

Michael wasn't paying full attention at the time, but Hannah had stopped
at Taco Bell along the way. When the smell of gassy food reached his
nostrils, he looked at her oddly. "Why are you eating that if we're going
to hang out with friends?"

"I'm just hungry, chill the fuck out!" She kept driving, and the rest of
the trip was in silence. It was a fifteen minute drive, but they made good
time. After knocking politely and let inside, Sienna led the couple
straight to her bedroom where all of the other girls were; she had three
other friends at her house all together.

"Oh, has Michael met any of these girls?" Sienna asked.

"No, I think you should introduce them to him. He's kinda shy though."

The remark made Sienna raise an eyebrow for a brief second- why say
something so demeaning right in front of your boyfriend? She found it
strange, but she was quickly able to distract herself from the subject.
"Okay, well that's Jade, that's Rachael, and that's Chloe."

All four of the girls were stunning, although not quite to the same
degree as Hannah. Sienna, from what he could see, had a pretty big ass
also, which was popping out just barely from underneath her tight
mini-skirt. Every girl in the room had pretty much the exact same figure-
a thin waist with a big booty to make them more tempting to visualize
naked, but Michael restrained himself.

He really hated being there, he always felt uncomfortable around
Hannah's friends. They were all vivid stereotypes of the American "girly
girl;" they all sat around, talking about who knows what as Michael began
to zone out. He got on his phone to act like he was actually doing
something with himself. Eventually, he noticed that the room had gone
quiet, and he lifted his head to look around; they had been staring at him,
he could tell, but the second he looked up, they looked away. Everything
remained silent until Sienna broke the ice.

"I don't get why you brought your boyfriend over if he's just going to
be quiet the whole time. I mean, does he not like us or something?"

"I told you," Hannah said softly, "He's shy. Come here, baby." For the
first time in a long time, she acted affectionate towards him. He walked
over to her, and she embraced him with a hug, and then told him to sit
down, but she was still standing up. "Do you girls wanna see something

Of course, all of them either said yes or nodded, although not sure what
she was about to do.

Suddenly, Hannah grabbed the back of her boyfriend's head and shoved it
into her giant butt, where his head became temporarily lost. She put her
free hand against a wall and...


Michael shivered, but felt that at that point, there was nothing he
could do, no reason to resist. Sienna and all of her friends moved back
about a foot with angry and disgusted looks on their faces, covering their
noses. "What the fuck!" Sienna shouted. "You can't just do that in here!"

"What? Fart?"

"Yes! You can't fucking do that! God, now we're all going to have to
smell it, great fucking job!"

"Hold on guys, I told you I'd show you something cool and I'm going to
keep that promise. Just trust me right now- uncover your noses." They all
looked at each other, skeptical, but eventually, they all did, figuring
that they would have to smell her gas eventually anyway. But what they
realized was that there was no smell. A minute passed- nothing, no smell.

"Maybe I'm just nose blind," Jade said, "but I can't smell anything."

"Me neither," Rachael said.

Sienna looked at Hannah with a sort of confused look, half-expecting to
smell it any second now... but it didn't come. "What happened? Why
doesn't it stink?"

Hannah gave her a sly smile. "Take a guess," she said, and nodded at
her boyfriend, sitting on the floor, helplessly humiliated.

"Oh my fucking god," Sienna shouted. "Did he just inhale your... your

"Yeah," Hannah said smiling. "This little weirdo has a fart fetish; did
I ever tell you that?"

"No, but it's kinda gross; if he's getting hard right now, I don't want
him in my house." Sienna began to look away in disgust.

"I think you're missing the point here. This guy's fucking pathetic, he
doesn't even resist! I could probably kick his ass! I mean, when you have
a guy like this to play with, wouldn't you want to have a little fun with

Sienna began thinking it over. "Will he inhale anybody's farts or just

"I haven't put his face in anyone else's ass yet, but I think it'd be
pretty fun to try. I mean, when else are you going to get the opportunity
to meet someone this weak and submissive?" Hannah began rubbing Michael's
face into her ass crack. He loved the feeling of his face against her
soft, round butt cheeks as they closed in on his whole face, making him
breath in nothing except for Hannah's beautiful butt stink.

There was a silence. "Could I fart in his face?" Chloe spoke up, and
got up from the bed where she was sitting on the edge.

"Of course you can!" Hannah let go of him and threw his head over to
Chloe's luxurious ass. Her's was much smaller, but smelt just as amazing,
although her butt was probably a bit dirtier. Chloe was wearing a dress
that went just above her knees, exposing her soft, long, thin legs. She
grabbed Michael by his hair and pulled him in under her dress, and
suddenly, his nose came face to face with her panties. He could smell the
last time she had taken a shit, the smell was powerful. She closed the
skirt down on him, so she could put him in a dutch-oven.

"I just want to be courteous- you know, just in case he can't handle all
of it," Chloe said with a cute undertone to her voice.

She let out a short but loud fart, an absolutely rancid fart that scared
Sienna a bit while she watched with interest. "Couldn't he get sick or
pass out or something like that?"

"I've trained him to the point where he can handle just about anything,"
Hannah assured her. "I wouldn't worry too much about that.

Chloe farted on his face again... and again... and again, each fart
getting seemingly stronger for Michael, as he was forced to take it all in.
The farts burned his nostrils badly, and his eyes watered, but this had
happened before.

When Chloe farted for the fifth time, after she chuckled and said,
"excuse me," Sienna began to take her skin-tight jeans off, revealing only
a pink thong underneath. "Can I have him for a sec?" She asked Hannah

"I really wish you wouldn't ask me. He's really fucking desperate and
pathetic; he's not going to try and resist you, I hope you know.

Sienna grabbed him from Chloe's grasp. "That felt soooooo fucking good!
I'm so glad you brought him, my stomach was actually hurting."

Everyone watched as Sienna's double-bubble booty consumed Michael's
head. It wasn't the best, but she had a very stinky butt; Michael's cock
became harder and harder, although now, he wasn't in chastity. He was very
tempted to touch himself, but he had no idea how he would be punished if he
did so.

ppppPPPPFFFFFTTTttttt... ffffffFFFFRRRPPpppppp!!!!


She farted three times, instantly, without hesitation. All three were
long, loud and wet, and smelt very similar to Hannah's in that they were
mostly just an eggy sort of smell. She kept on farting, holding his head
in hard. "Man, what a pathetic loser! I can't believe you fuck this guy!"
She said.

"I don't really fuck him, I actually have him watch me fuck other guys.
He's just here to sniff my butt when I want him to, clean my booty with his
tongue after I shit, inhale all of my stinky nasty farts- he's a fucking
loser! A no-life!"

All of the girls looked at each other in excitement. "Come on bitch
boy!" Sienna yelled at him. "Sniff my booty!" She threw another fart his
way, which made him begin to tremble with sexual excitement.

"Yeah, come on sicko, I wanna hear you sniffing!" Jade Chimed in.

She continued farting, having too much fun to stop. Rachael and Jade
both began taking off their panties. "We're going to try farting on his
face at the same time," Rachael told Hannah.

"Hey, are we allowed to bare-butt that sick little face of his?" Jade

"Don't even ask," Hannah responded. With that, Sienna took off her
panties and shoved Michael's face even deeper into her big juicy butt- this
was his first bare ass of the day.

"Well don't fucking hog him!" Rachael said, just before taking his head
and putting it against the side of the bed, where all of the girls towered
over him. By this point, all of the girls had taken off their underwear-
even Hannah, who stood back watching very amused from a distance. She
laughed at how weak and powerless he was while being forced to smell the
stinkiest part of the human body.

Jade and Rachael were equal in butt-size- both were mouth-watering and
enormous, perfectly round, perky, both of them bigger than Chloe's, though
not as big as Sienna's. Rachael's butt was a lot dirtier at the time, so
she decided to ask him a quick favor. "Before I fart on you, I need you to
do something for me really quick."

Michael nodded, trying not to look directly into her butthole.

"I need you to lick my butthole clean- I want to feel your tongue in my

Michael looked at Hannah, as if searching for approval- he had only done
that with her. She had an expression on her face that said, "you're on
your own." He dug his tongue deep into her asshole, his legs quivering as
his penis got harder and harder. He went in, putting his face deep between
her cheeks to do as he was told. When he pulled his head out, however, he
suddenly came to a realization:

They had all surrounded him, and now he was trapped, forced into
inhaling all of their farts without any sort of choice. He was officially
a fart slave.

"Ladies," Hannah said, "this is going to be a really fun afternoon."