Bethany's Bottom
by Cactus Juggler

      I straightened my skirt and made sure I was otherwise presentable as I stood outside my new boss's door. I'd only been at the firm two weeks, and
as I stood there I couldn't help but smile with satisfaction at my success finding a good job.

      Securing employment at Gorham, Jenkins and Marshall had been a real victory for me. Landing at G. J. & M. was a stroke of luck. It was a small but
well-known firm specializing in Intellectual Property. I had just gotten my B.S., and my paralegal certification, and working at a prestigious law firm
while I put myself through law school seemed like the perfect idea.

      I was even more excited about the job when I met my boss. Her name was Serena Marshall, she was a partner at the firm and she was a rising star in
the area of IP law. But it wasn't just my new boss's legal acumen that had impressed me, it was how attracted to her I was.

      I usually didn't have a thing for older women, but Serena was special. Though she was forty-something, Serena Marshall had a great body for her age.
It was lushly curvy, maybe a little heavy to some, but voluptuously perfect to my eyes.

      Her accent drove me madder still--Serena was an Englishwoman, and I've always been turned on by women with British accents. She was energetic and
more than a bit arrogant, a too-common trait in good attorneys. She was prone to barking orders at me with a haughty superiority that just did something
to me.

      Confident that I looked my best, I rapped at her door. I heard her call to me to come in.

      "Chrissy, sit," she told me.

      My name is Christine, but Serena took to calling me Chrissy the day I started. I was too intimidated by her to ask her to stop. I lowered myself
into one of the chairs in front of her desk.

      "I'm taking you off the Nextratech matter as of tomorrow. Make sure you transition everything you're working on to one of your peers."

      I was confused by her request. I'd spent my entire time at the firm digging into paperwork related to the Nextratech suit. Why was I being taken
off it?

      "I'll get right on it, Serena. What am I going to be working on tomorrow?"

      "I have a special task I need you to help me with," she told me, pausing for a long moment before she continued, "I want you to baby-sit my daughter
for the next two weeks."

      She was beautiful, but she was also crazy if she thought I'd spent all that time in college to be a babysitter.

      "Ms. Marshall!" I exclaimed.

      "Don't get all upset, Chrissy. This is going to be the best two weeks you've ever had. My daughter is sixteen years old. I don't need you to do much
more than make sure she doesn't get into any trouble. She has a bit of a wild streak, and I don't want her throwing a giant party in my house while I'm

      I didn't want to upset her. She was a partner, and if she told me to do her laundry I'd think twice about refusing. But I had to say something.

      "Ms. Marshall, it's just that this isn't exactly what I was hired to do," I explained to her.

      "I know, Chrissy. But I really need someone to do this. You're the newest, so I'm afraid you're the easiest to spare of my staff. You should be happy,
I'd think. Think about it . . . it’s like I'm giving you two weeks paid vacation. All you have to do is live in my house for two weeks and make sure that
my daughter doesn't get into trouble. That's it. Unless you don't think you can handle this task?"

      "No ma'am. I guess I'm your girl." I told her with a sigh.

      "Right. Clear your desk. Pack a bag tonight; I'll have a driver pick you up at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning."

      I wasn't happy about what had just happened, but I was too smart to push back at her about it. Working at the firm was too great an opportunity for
me to ruin. No, I'd play babysitter for a couple of weeks if that's what it took.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      The car that picked me up the next morning dropped me off an hour later in front of a big house in the suburbs. For the second day in a row, my morning
began with me standing outside my boss's door. I rang the bell and waited. Serena answered the door, already dressed for work.

      "Don't just stand there--I don't have all morning," she said, her heels clicking on the foyer's tile as she turned away from me.

      It was her way of greeting me. I was used to it; she barely ever acknowledged my existence. I set down my things and hurried to follow her. Despite
her arrogance, I couldn't help but ogle her shapely ass moving under her skirt as I strode after her down the hallway.

      We moved into a spacious kitchen. She gestured for me to sit at the table as she moved around it, filling a glass with orange juice. I watched her
take a long swallow, not surprised when she didn't offer me a glass.

      "There's plenty of food here, and there are take-out menus in the top drawer there. Bethany will show you where everything is. Bethany won't be going
to school while you're staying here. She's gotten into a little trouble and been suspended. They think she's . . . well, let's just say that Bethany's
just a bit more assertive than they think a teenage girl should be," she told me brusquely.

      She paused to finish the orange juice, and then she set the glass down near the sink. "Bethany!" she shouted, before continuing my briefing. "I'm
sure she won't be any trouble for a smart girl like you though. This really is a simple assignment. All you have to do is watch her while I'm gone. I've
left you a number where I can be reached, as well as some cash, in that envelope," she told me, gesturing toward the table.

      I looked up from the envelope just in time to catch the hottest teenage girl I'd ever seen walk into the room.

      "Yes, mum?" She asked, in a beautiful voice that carried the same accent as her mother.

      "This is Chrissy. She's going to be babysitting you while I'm gone."

      "Mother, I'm not a baby!

      Watching the exchange, I thought to myself that she was right. She was standing half-turned to me, so that I could see her in profile, and she was
gorgeous. With her full bosom and round bottom, she was anything but a baby. My heart fluttered as I felt disturbing warmth growing in my lower regions.
She was slimmer and perkier (gravity and age not yet having taken their toll) but otherwise Bethany was the perfect younger version of her mother. I had
to shake myself from my daze when she stepped closer and offered me her hand.

      "I'm Bethany. Pleased to meet you," she told me.

      "Christine Lucas." I answered.

      I felt myself flushing with embarrassment. I could only hope that she hadn't seen my fawning gaze. Her eyes held mine for a long moment as we shook
hands. She didn't show any sign of discomfort. In fact, she seemed perfectly at ease as she smiled at me.

      "I'm sure we'll get along smashingly, mum," Bethany told her mother.

      "You'd better," Serena said as she gathered her things to leave.

      I was barely listening as Serena gave both of us a few more instructions. The whole time I struggled not to stare at her daughter. How the hell was
I going to keep Bethany from realizing that I was hot for her? Her mother would surely kill me if she knew I was imagining her daughter naked.

      "Do you have any questions?" Serena asked me.

      "I uh . . . no, ma'am," I managed to answer.

      "Right then, you girls behave while I'm gone," she said.

      She gave her daughter a little hug and kiss, and then she left us there in the kitchen. Bethany smiled at me mischievously.

      "Thank god she's gone. She acts like I'm still a little kid sometimes. It drives me mad."

      "I think all mothers act like that," I offered.

      "I know, but I'm *sixteen*. Nearly seventeen. People mistake me for being older than that all the time. I used a fake ID to get into a bar with my
friends last year and I had *dozens* of men hitting on me. I had just turned fifteen then, and I had them all fooled," she said.

      With her body and confident mode of speech, I was sure she had. I would never have guessed she was sixteen myself. Although with men, even if she'd
been in that bar with a t-shirt emblazoned with the words "I'm sixteen year-old jail bait" I was pretty certain she would still have gotten plenty of free

      "You could fool me. You look like you're at least twenty-one," I told her.

      "Thank you." She looked pleased.

      "And you don't talk like a sixteen year old either. You seem quite mature to me," I assured her.

      "Thank you," she repeated, this time with a big smile. "I wish my mother felt the same way. I was right; I think we're going to get right along.
I'm off to my room, then. Let me know if you need anything," she said on her way out of the kitchen.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      I spent the morning getting settled into my room, and exploring the house. Bethany spent most of her time in her room, using her computer. I fixed
us sandwiches for lunch, which we ate together in the kitchen. When I was cleaning up, I asked her the question I'd been wondering about all morning.

      "So what did you do to get kicked out of school?"

      At first Bethany just laughed. If it was possible, she looked even sexier when she laughed.

      "It was nothing really. There's this boy that has a thing for me. He does *whatever* I want. I made him do something funny, and we both got in trouble
for it."

      "What was it that you made him do?" I asked.

      "I stood on top of one of the tables in the cafeteria and made him kiss my bum in front of the whole room. I don't think we'd have been in so much
trouble if he hadn't . . . well, he made a bit of a mess in his pants."

      She had this wicked grin then. Bethany was obviously quite proud of the incident.

      "He what?"

      "You know. He was so excited that he squirted right into his pants," she said, laughing even harder as she recalled the moment. "It was fantastic.
I sort of wiggled my bottom back against him, and he made this noise," she said, making a groaning sound. "Everybody was laughing at him, mister big shot
quarterback shooting in his pants while he kissed my bum."

      I was speechless. Bethany was still laughing as she walked out of the room.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      For the rest of the afternoon, I thought about what she had told me. I tried to think of other things, but I kept coming back to the image of beautiful
Bethany humiliating a handsome young jock in front of all of his friends.

      Every time I spoke to her, it grew harder for me to act normal. It was a struggle not to stare, and just eating dinner with her made me feel hot
and flushed. If facing her wasn't bad enough, every time I had the opportunity, I found myself drawn to look at her ass. It was just *perfect*. That image,
the image of her making a boy kiss it at school kept flashing back to mind. I found myself imagining it was *me* who'd been kissing it.

      In the evening, I was watching television in the living room when Bethany drifted in. Rather than join me on the couch, a giant leather sectional
affair that could have seated about seven, she lay down on the plush carpet in front of me. Lying on her stomach, she joined me in watching television.
But I don't know what we watched, because I spent the entire time staring at the most incredible view of her ass.

      On the occasions she turned to say something to me, I had to react quickly to keep from being caught. It was perverted, I know, but I swear her ass
was so beautiful that I just couldn't look away.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      I realized the next day that I had to do something about my unhealthy attraction to Bethany. She was a sixteen-year old girl, for god's sake. But
she was so confident, so poised, and so beautiful and sure of herself, that I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. That damn English accent didn't help
me any either. I know it's pathetic, but I had a crush on her. It was so wrong. I, a twenty-three year old college graduate, had a crush on a sixteen -year
old girl. I felt guilty about it, but I just couldn't help myself--I *wanted* her.

      Moreover, no matter what I tried I just couldn't stop thinking about her ass. I compulsively continued to steal glances at it whenever I could. It
was fabulous. Bethany wasn't helping me out any either, wearing tight clothing all the time that showed it off to its fullest. She was always bending down
to pick something up, or turning away from me to do something for long stretches of time. Once I could stare at it fully it was all I could do to look
away from it when she turned to say something to me.

      The worst was when we were watching television together. The second night she repeated what she'd done the first, lying down on her stomach in front
of me while I sat on the couch. I must have stared at her ass for two hours straight.

      I knew my fixation was a problem, but I didn't realize how bad it had become until I had the dream. It happened early in the morning of my third
day staying with her.

      In my dream, I walked into Bethany's room and she was asleep. She was lying on her bed, on her stomach. Staring at her beautiful behind, I crept
closer and closer until my face was hovering right over its perfect curves.

      I pressed my face down, into the valley between her glorious buttocks, and it felt wonderful. I was rubbing my face in her ass and I loved it. I
was so turned on then.

      Then I dreamed that she was laughing at me, laughing and pushing my face into her ass deeper still. I found myself smothering in her ass's pillow-like
embrace. As she held me there, thrashing and flailing for air, Bethany called me filthy names.

      I was totally excited, but scared as well. I tried to pull away from her but I couldn't. I felt like I was going to die if she didn't let me breathe
soon--but I was also so aroused that I almost didn't want to.

      I finally awoke, panting and gasping for breath, to find that I'd been sleeping on my stomach with my face pressed into the crack between the pillows
on the bed. I rolled over and my pounding heart began to slow as I realized that my pussy was soaked.

      What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I stop thinking about Bethany, and her beautiful ass? I was surprised by the depth of my own perversion, by
the strength of my reaction to her.

      I tossed and turned the rest of the morning, never really getting back to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      I made it through the day after the dream without any problems. Bethany kept to herself most of the day, and I went out to do some grocery shopping
on my own.

      It wasn't until the time we usually watched television that I became worried. I knew I had to do something besides sit there for hours staring at
her ass. So I begged off when she invited me, telling her that I was going to read instead. Bethany seemed a bit disappointed, but she didn't say anything
when I left the room, book in hand. I went off into their den and sat down in one of the comfortable leather easy chairs there.

      Hours later, I got up to get myself a drink. While I was in the kitchen, I remembered that I'd bought a cake when I'd been at the store. It was triple-layered
chocolate cake, moist and fresh, covered with a thick layer of icing. I sectioned out two pieces, and carried one out to where Bethany laid watching television.

      "I bought cake earlier, would you like a piece?" I asked her, offering her the cake.

      "Sure. Oh, that looks good. Thank you. I wondered what that white box was," she told me.

      "It looked so good, I couldn't resist." I smiled, my eyes studiously avoiding her bottom.

      I ate my slice in the kitchen before going back to my book in the den. I'd already been thinking about turning in when Bethany stopped by an hour
later. She had her empty plate in hand.

      "I'm my way to the kitchen. Can I get you anything, Chrissy? Would you like another piece of cake?" Bethany asked me.

      "No, thank you. I'm sure that I've had thousands more calories than I need already," I laughed.

      "Okay." She told me, turning to leave, before stopping herself and looking back to me again. "Are you sure? Maybe there is something *else* I can
get you? I bet I have something you'd rather have than cake, anyway," Bethany said pointedly.

      She had a weird little smirk on her face then. It was almost sinister somehow.

      “W-what do you mean?” I asked her.

      “I’ll let you touch it if you ask nicely.”

      “Touch what?”

      “My bum. Don't lie Chrissy, it’s obvious that it turns you on. You’ve been staring at it every chance you could.”

      “I . . . I have not.” I denied it, but I was shocked that she knew.

      “Did you think I wouldn’t notice? I'm not stupid, you know. I’ve seen you looking, don’t deny it.”

      “I don’t know what you’re talking about Bethany. This is ridiculous. I’m going to bed,” I told her, and then I turned my back on her before she could
notice how red my face was growing.

      "Suit yourself. It's your loss," she laughed.

      She turned and left me there, my heart pounding and my face flushed hot with shame. My attraction to her had been so strong that she had seen it.
My humiliation at having my crush revealed was replaced by fear as I began to wonder what, if anything, Bethany would tell her mother upon her return.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      I was lulled awake by the most alluring aroma. Something soft and warm was brushing against my nose and forehead. I came to consciousness slowly,
and found myself blinded by a sort of pink cotton pillow comprised of two soft curves. It smelled wonderfully. Instinctively, I burrowed my face deeper
into the crevice between the warm pink curves. I settled into the wonderful place for a moment more before I realized that what I was feeling on my face
was Bethany's butt!

      I was sniffing her ass! This wasn’t a dream like before, and I came fully awake as I yanked myself away from her ass. I sat up to find Bethany pressing
her bottom to the side of the bed where my head had just been. I’d been laying with my head right at the edge of the bed. She must have come in, found
me lying by the edge, and decided to rub her ass in my face!

      “Relax, it’s just me,” she said with a weird grin.

      “W-what were you doing?”

      “Just letting you feel my bum on your face. You liked it too, didn’t you?”

      “No,” I told her as strongly as I could.

      “Relax Chrissy, nobody’s ever going to find out. You can admit it to me, I don’t mind. I think it’s cool. You don’t have to just stare at it all
the time.”

      Why couldn’t I resist this girl’s perverted hold on me? I knew I had to stop this, but I just didn’t have the strength to fight it.

      “No, Bethany. Just go to bed, please,” I tried, but she was relentless.

      “No. I know you want it, and I’m not leaving here until you admit you want my bottom. Look at it!" she ordered me, running her hands over it for
my benefit as she said it.

      “I-I . . . this is wrong.” I muttered weakly, but she was going for the kill. She turned around and pushed my shoulders roughly back down onto the
bed. I didn’t fight her . . . I couldn’t. I watched in horror as she climbed onto the bed and straddled my body with her ass facing back towards my head.

      “You’re going to admit it, or I’m going to rub it in your face until you do,” she laughed.

      The way she’d sat atop me my arms were trapped next to my body by her legs. When I finally moved to push her away I found that I couldn't move enough
to stop her. Then her pink panty-covered behind was right there in front of me, swelling to completely fill my view as she moved it back towards my face.
I was mesmerized by its transcendent beauty. It was the single most gorgeous thing I had every seen in my entire life.

      “Admit it, Chrissy. Admit you love my bottom,” the teen told me, looking down over her glorious hindquarters at me. Her behind was so close now,
hovering over my face in an obscene threat.

      She was being so crude, so domineering. It turned me on completely, melted me into a hot lump of submissively slutty need. That I was in this position,
beneath this beautiful teenaged girl, made me want to give in and do whatever she said. She knew my secret; there was nothing to hide from her anyway.
I gave in to my perverted passion and let it sweep me away.

      “You’re right Bethany. I love it. I love your bottom. It’s perfect,” I admitted, and the hot flush of shame that came to my face couldn’t match the
intensity of the heat that swept through another part of my body.

      “Kiss it then. Kiss my bum like the little slut you are,” she ordered me, her voice growing strangely hoarse as she said it.

      I lifted my head and pressed my lips to her soft flesh again and again. Any thoughts of resisting her, or my perverted needs, were gone now. I kissed
her behind all over, my lips feeling an electric pulse of erotic energy every time they contacted her divine posterior. I was totally lost in a river of
wanton sluttyiness that welled up from within me and swept me along beyond my control.

      Bethany’s hand came to my head and pulled my face deep into the warm embrace of her ass-crack. I made no attempt to resist her; I just let her jam
my face in there. It felt so wonderful, so wrong, I *loved* the way it made me feel.

      “Now smell me, smell my bottom,” she demanded, and then I was doing it.

      I was breathing deeply of this forbidden and nasty part of her body’s heady scent. It was humiliating–and it drove me even wilder. She wiggled her
behind against my sniffing nose, working it even deeper into her crack. It was incredibly kinky; I could feel her panty-covered sex rubbing against my
chin even as my nose was pressed deep into her ass.

      “You love how it smells don’t you. Oh Chrissy, tell me you love how my bottom smells,” she urged me.

      “I love it. I love the way it smells,” I admitted, moaning my words into her panties while still taking deep breaths of her heavenly scent.

      “Oooh, you’re a naughty girl. You’re getting me so hot! Now kiss me, kiss me here!” she demanded, moving a little bit back and adjusting position
so that her mound pressed right down onto my mouth.

      It was like I was seeing everything through a red haze of lusty dementia then. I brought my lips together and kissed her there. I was actually kissing
the teenage girl’s pussy through her pretty pink panties. Each perverted push she gave me drove me wilder, and I kissed her panties with abandon as she
ground herself down harder and harder against me. Finally, she lifted herself a tiny bit above me and hissed “Lick me, stick out your tongue and lick me.”

      I pressed my tongue up against her panties, pushing them into her slit. I was all but giving her oral sex then, but I just couldn't stop myself.
When she ordered me to do something I found myself needing to obey her.

      “Oh god yes Chrissy. Oh god that feels good. You’re a nasty little slut just like mum said you’d be.”

      I was shocked at her words. But before I could consider what she’d just said in detail, Bethany pulled the crotch of her panties aside and lowered
her wet pussy to my mouth.

      When she pressed her naked, fragrant wetness against my lips, I couldn't resist the incredible hunger that filled me. I had to taste her. I had to
*serve* her. My tongue practically leapt from my mouth, diving into her slit with my first lick. With my tongue, I alternated between tracing her outer
lips and probing her sweet, slippery folds. Her panties were bunched up around my nose, which was still pressed into her ass, as she began to rock back
and forth slightly over my reaching tongue.

      “Oooh yes. Oh fuck me yes this feels good. Faster, lick me faster! Oh my god yes! Yes, yes . . . yeeesssss!” she squealed, and then her juicy snatch
quivered against my tongue and she was cumming. As Bethany began to orgasm, she sat back hard against my face, so hard that I couldn’t breathe. I continued
to lap and probe at her slick heat, and she twitched so strongly atop me that the whole bed shook.

      When she finally lifted her pussy from my mouth it was only to reposition herself so that I was plunged deeper between her rear cheeks. My lips were
crushed against her rear opening as she settled her weight onto me again, leaning back so that I was fully immersed in her ass's warm embrace.

      "Go on, Chrissy. Lick my bum," she demanded.

      Despite my growing arousal, I had to pause. What Bethany was asking me to do was just so nasty. I was struggling with myself internally when I felt
my pussy explode with pain as Bethany slapped my crotch! It wasn't just pain though; in spite of my shame, I couldn't help also being aroused by the sensations
created by her domination.

      "I told you to lick my bum," she reminded me firmly.

      Another slap rained down on my crotch and my whole body shook.

      "I'm going to spank your filthy slave pussy until you do what I want. Now lick me!" Bethany ordered, as she continued to beat my cunt.

      The sensation of having my whole face buried in her soft, young ass-flesh was incredible. I found myself growing more and more aroused as she spanked
my pussy. It really hurt but, despite the pain, my throbbing clit and drooling slit were a testament to her erotic power over me.

      "Yuck! You're creaming your panties! You nasty little whore! You like have your pussy spanked, don't you? I can see I'll have to punish you some
other way."

      Bethany's stop spanking my crotch, and my throbbing clit yearned for her to strike it again. Her hands slid over my breasts and then she took hold
of my nipples. She pinched them hard, and then she twisted them. The pain was intense, and Bethany laughed above me as I struggled helplessly to twist
away from her.

      "That's better. Now lick my arse like a good little slut or I'll twist them right off!"

      I didn't hesitate; I pressed my tongue up against her almost immediately. She'd positioned me just right, and my tongue struck her tight little rosebud
the moment it passed between my lips. Still trapped in the dark, nearly airless embrace of her behind, I began to lick her asshole.

      "Ohhh. That's nice. Lick my arse, lick it like the filthy little arse-worshiper you are."

      Her cruel words just fueled the submissive fire that burned out of control inside me. What I was doing was so wrong--I was letting a teenage girl
make me lick her ass--yet letting her dominate me just felt so *right*.

      I dabbed and tickled at the wrinkled little ring with my tongue. Bethany began to moan above me as I did it, her rotating hips proof of how much
she enjoyed feeling me tongue her ass.

      "Oh you are a good little whore. This feels so good." Bethany breathed above me.

      I felt her begin to massage her pussy as I worked on her asshole. I could still smell her sweet cunt juice everywhere, and the scent of her arousal,
of her sweat, of *her*, just overpowered my senses and drove me wild.

      Her hips bucked faster as she began to really grind her ass down against me. Something inside me had snapped by then--I was totally taken by the
submissive thrill of worshiping her. I licked and probed at the tight, puckered little opening before me with a fierce need. I was out of control; all
I could think about was pleasing the beautiful girl who rode my face. Making a point with my tongue I began to push it hard against her, trying to force
my way inside it.

      "Yes, put your tongue inside me. Stick your nasty little tongue up my bum!" she demanded, as she stopped moving, her ass raised to just above my

      Her crude words were fuel to my submissive fire. I was ashamed to have a teenage girl demean me this way, but I couldn't deny the powerful pleasure
I felt at letting her do it.

      Her asshole was so tight that at first I couldn't feel the slightest bit of give. I thrust my tongue harder and harder until I finally felt the slightest
bit of give and my tongue began to slide inside her.

      Bethany's moans intensified. Her hand worked her pussy faster still as I probed her rear opening with my straining tongue. She began to rock again,
ever so softly, carefully maintaining her contact with my tongue.

      "Show me how much you love my bum, Chrissy. Fuck my ass with your tongue," she ordered me.

      Lifting my head to meet her downward motion, I built up a rhythm as I thrust my tongue into her tight rear opening again and again. The sensation
seemed to drive Bethany wild. In moments, her moaning began to reach a crescendo.

      "Oh yes, yes. Lick my arse like a filthy little whore. Lick it! Yes, yes yes. Lick it whore! Oh, yes, yes, yes . . . yes! YES!" She cried out.

      She sat back hard on my face as she came, her full weight pressing down and burying me in the soft flesh of her ass. This cut off my air supply,
leaving me unable to breathe at all. I felt her quivering above me, moaning and breathing heavily from her exertions. When she stayed in that position,
I began to panic. I was smothering under her!

      "What do you think you're you doing?" she demanded, as I tried to break my arms free to push her away. She caught my wrists and pushed them down,
trapping them even more with her legs with a laugh . . . "You're not going anywhere."

      She wiggled her ass in my face as she sat there for what seemed like an eternity. I wiggled and twisted, but I couldn't manage to catch even the
tiniest breath. When she finally lifted herself off of me, the stale air exploded from my mouth and I gasped in one huge breath, then another. I drank
in the air as Bethany began spanking my pussy again. And again, it hurt, but every blow was also stimulating my swollen clit intensely.

      "You like this, don't you? Answer me!"

      "Yes." I admitted with a moan.

      She just laughed in response. Bethany spanked my pussy rhythmically until I was moaning helplessly beneath her with every blow.

      "That's it. Get ready to cream your panties, you pathetic little arse-licker. You love my ass, don't you?"

      "Yes," I gasped.

      Her hand slapped me harder and harder as she drove me towards climax. I was about to cum when my teenage tormentor suddenly stopped spanking my cunt.
I was mesmerized as Bethany's beautiful young face peered down at me around her shoulder with wicked smile.

      "Did you know that being deprived of oxygen can intensify your orgasm?" she asked.

      Her hands reached back and spread her buttocks apart even more. I was panting with need as she sank back down on me again. I felt her creamy soft
ass-flesh molding around my face as she released her cheeks and settled her weight down against me. I was so hot for her then that I automatically began
to tongue her.

      "Good girl. Now cum for me, slut. I'm going to smother you unconscious, so you don't have long," she ordered, beginning to spank my soaked pussy

      It felt so wonderful that I didn't care that I couldn't breathe. I was completely caught up in the sensations flooding my body. Every slap at my
crotch brought me closer to the edge. The taste and smell of her ass filled my mind completely. I was at her mercy, her ass held total dominion over me.

      She spanked me faster and faster until my back arched and I came beneath her. I forgot my lack of air as my climax shuddered through me, every nerve
ending in my entire body singing out in a euphoric song of pleasure. I don't know if it was the oxygen-deprivation or just my infatuation with Bethany's
domination, but it was the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced.

      "Night-night, Chrissy," I distantly heard her laugh.

      Lights began to explode in my head. My whole tingling body felt like it was floating for a moment, and then everything faded to black.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      I awoke the next morning with a wicked headache. Dazed, I found myself recalling what I'd done the night before with Bethany. I was horrified. Had
I really licked her pussy? Had I really tongued her ass? I lay there for a long time, remembering what I'd done with growing shame.

      I finally dragged myself out of bed and somehow got myself showered and dressed. I found Bethany waiting for me in the big house's kitchen. She was
sitting at the table, a spoon lying in an empty cereal bowl in front of her.

      "Good morning, Chrissy," she said with a smile.

      I couldn't meet her eyes, my face was already turning red with embarassment. I was too mortified to even speak. She stood up with her bowl, and I
saw that below the t-shirt she had on, she was only wearing thong panties.

      "That's for you," she told me, and when she pointed, I noticed an envelope on the table for the first time.

      I struggled to pull my eyes from her rear as she padded over to the sink and deposited the bowl there. When I finally did, I picked up the envelope,
opened it, and drew out the single page of paper inside. It was a letter, addressed to me, written in a neat hand. Bethany stepped closer and watched,
grinning, as I read the letter.


      If you're reading this letter, it means that my daughter Bethany has taken an important step in her life. It means that she has taken her rightful
dominant position over a submissive--namely you.

      I knew you were a submissive little slut from the moment I met you. I thought of taking you for my own, but it was time for Bethany to begin growing
into the dominant woman she will one day be.

      Your job is not to baby-sit Bethany at all. You are to be her slave. You will do whatever she wants, or you will face dire consequences upon my return.

      Going by my gut instinct about you, I'd guess my threats are unnecessary in any case. You are no doubt quite taken by serving Bethany at this point.
However, lest you should still harbor some belief that you capable of being anything more than my daughter's plaything let me tell you now that I will
see to it that you are destroyed if you think otherwise.

      I'd suggest you just accept your lot in life. I think you'll find you really enjoy being dominated, once you give in and let yourself go.

      Serena Marshall

      I just stood there staring at Serena's signature in shock. I felt queasy and my heart began to pound. What had I gotten myself into? I looked up
from the letter at Bethany. She was smiling like the cat that ate the proverbial canary.

      "What's wrong, Chrissy? You enjoyed last night, I know you did. I know you creamed your panties. And I've seen the way you look at me, the way you
stare at my bottom. As a matter of fact, that should make it clear to you. Here, let me show it to you," she said, as she turned and pushed out her round
butt at me.

      I couldn't help but stare--it really was the most beautiful ass I'd ever seen. I felt something inside of me light up, and then it was hard to think.
Hard to think of anything but that beautiful ass and how it had felt on my face.

      "It's your choice, Chrissy. You can lose your job and have my mother as your lifelong enemy, or you can get down on your knees and kiss *this*,"
she told me, pointing to her proffered behind.

      My eyes flicked between her face and her bottom. The girl was diabolical. The wicked, confident smirk on her face told me she *knew* that I couldn't
resist her. It humiliated me to my core that I could be so easily manipulated by a teenage girl, but *still* I couldn't fight her hold on me.

      When I sank to my knees, her smirk didn't even change. If anything, there was just a little twinkle to her eyes. I brought my face forward until
I was pressing myself between her cheeks, adoring her ass as a slave should, from my knees. My face sank in fully, and I inhaled her pussy's fragrant scent
deep into my lungs. Her body's soft flesh and wonderful smells blotted everything else out of my life. There was nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing
to *think* of, but Bethany.

      "Mum was right. You're nothing but a worthless little arse-licker," she giggled.

      What happened then is a shameful thing to admit. I lost myself on my knees. I'm not sure how long I knelt there. She seemed to content to let me
worship her as long as I liked. It's humiliating to admit, but I sniffed at her until I was so aroused that I actually had an orgasm right there in the

      Bethany just laughed.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      I spent most of that day with my face in her ass. Bethany didn't really demand much from me. I think she knew that all she needed to do was to let
me fell deeper under her influence on my own. She just patiently watched me as I crumbled. When she did begin to order me around, I didn't even think of
resisting her. I just gave in completely. I let my lust to submit to her control me, and it felt wonderful.

      The days after that were a blur. The new experiences hit me so quickly I didn't have time to recover from one before the next was already happening.
Bethany guided me with a deft hand, gradually drawing me deeper and deeper into my own enslavement. I could barely believe that I was being seized so masterfully
by a woman so young.

      Sometimes the humiliation was so strong that I thought I couldn't possibly take it, but the submissive lust I felt to obey was so strong that I always
complied. The more she degraded me, the more helpless I felt. It was like my pussy had seized control of my body and wouldn't give it back. My brain would
cry out that I had to stop myself, that I had to preserve *some* dignity, but each time my traitorous cunt would overwhelm it with desire so strong that
rational thought was impossible.

      By the time a few days had passed, Bethany had me obeying her without question. I became her servant, waiting on her every need. When it amused her,
she let mey worship her ass. She delighted in making me get her off. Seldom did more than a few hours pass without the taste of her pussy or ass on my

      She used the pleasure I felt when I obeyed her to make me train myself, really. She didn't so much train me as let me naturally become her slave
on my own. But that's what I was becoming, her slave. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy as I fell quickly under her spell. I think I came almost
as often as she did during the two weeks that I 'babysat' her.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      The end of my blissful vacation of servitude came with a surprise. I had fallen into such a routine of worshiping Bethany that the days had just
flown by. I didn't realize it was time for my "assignment" to end until the moment I heard Serena's car pulling up to the house.

      I was mortified as Bethany sent me to wait in the study. I stood there in shock as she went to greet her mother, and it wasn't long before I faintly
heard them laughing together. Moments later, they walked into the study.

      "Hello, Chrissy," Serena smiled.

      Having another person there renewed my shame somehow. Having Serena standing in front of me brought back the reality of how low I'd sunk.

      “So, Bethany tells me that you two hit it right off while I was gone,” Serena said with a chuckle.

      My face burned and I just nodded stupidly.

      “I knew you were a submissive the moment I saw you. I have a keen eye for these things. You see, Chrissy, in life, some people are 'tops', like my
daughter and I. Others, like you, are pathetic, submissive little 'bottoms'. You should be glad that Bethany has helped you realize your true nature. I
suppose you’ll want to know what’s going to happen now.”

      Again, I found myself unable to even speak before her. It was so humiliating. I kept my eyes turned down as I nodded again.

      “You’re going to quit working at the firm and forget about your silly dreams of law school. From now on you’ll work here, as my daughter’s live-in
servant. My daughter has agreed to compensate you for this. Would you care to explain the terms, Bethany?”

      Bethany stood up and walked slowly over to me. She stood in front of me and had to look up to look into my eyes. I was still taller than her, older
than her. I had to be able to resist her somehow. This was absurd; Serena was telling me to throw my whole life away. I had to be able to fight these urges.

      “You’ll do whatever I say, whenever I say, without question. You’ll worship me as your goddess and ruler, in any way I see fit. You’re going to have
no life at all except the privilege of serving as my slave. You’ll wait on me hand and foot, while I treat you like a worthless piece of property I can
do with as I please. And in return I will allow you something better than any paycheck. I’ll allow you to clean my filthy, smelly bum-hole with your slutty
little mouth,” Bethany finished with a leering smile, and then began to undo her jeans.

      They thought I’d consent to playing Bethany's slave all the time?

      I'd done it for two weeks as ordered, but that was finished. It was crazy to think that I'd give up everything I’d worked for and give myself to
this rotten girl just because it turned me on. They must be nuts to think I'd agree to this, threats or not.

      But, as Bethany pulled down her jeans, I found myself growing just as mesmerized and weak as ever, and suddenly they didn't seem so crazy. As usual,
looking at those luscious, round buttocks set my pussy on fire.

      “I should remind you that if you turn down my daughter’s kind offer, I will ruin you. I will personally see to it that you never get into law school
anywhere. You can also forget about finding work at any other firm. I will do everything I can to make sure you're ruined. You'll be lucky to find a job
at McDonalds.”

      Between Serena’s smooth description of my destruction and the sight of Bethany, now turned away from me and pulling down her panties, my spirit was
completely broken. It was more my lust for her ass than my fear for her mother that drove me to my knees behind her, though.

      Bethany smiled smugly at my collapse. “Very good, slut. Now show us you realize your true calling in life. Get your tongue in my bottom!” she ordered.

      In a daze, I brought my mouth to her behind. Being in the room with two people that knew I couldn’t resist this was degrading beyond belief. Both
of their superior gazes burned on me, adding even more heat to the fire that burned in my slutty crotch and mind.

      I finally knew, to a certainty, that they were right. They were better than I was, and I deserved to be treated like a toy for them to play with.

      With the respectful care she deserved, I grasped Bethany’s hips and drew myself closer to her. My mouth slipped into that forbidden crevice between
her nether cheeks and I pressed my tongue to her.

      "Look at her, mum. She really loves my arse, doesn't she?" Bethany giggled.

      As the touch, taste and smell of her ass overwhelmed my senses again, I wiggled my tongue up inside her tight back passage. Bethany and her mother
just laughed as I knelt there worshiping the teenager’s beautiful behind. Bethany totally owned me now, I had no doubt that would serve her this way as
long as she would grant me the honor.

      I was Bethany’s. Even as I gave myself to the degrading act of servitude, I thought of something Serena had said . . . that I was a “bottom”. This
was just one more sign that this was the true path for me. With my face practically rammed up her ass I wasn’t just worshiping Bethany’s bottom, now I
*was* Bethany’s bottom.

      My pussy squirmed with submissive delight as I felt myself come to acceptance of my new place. I knew that there, on my knees worshiping her ass,
was exactly where I was meant to be.

      - The End -

< - - A Wet Grin Urging I Story - - >