Barnett's Family Cuck Slave
by Friendzoned Cuck

Chapter 1

I wake up I can hear goddess H's light snore and godS' s too , its 3.30 and I quickly go under cover in stealth mode ohh wow it smells great of last nights fun between my owners. I get to Goddess H's feet oh that aroma of her goddess small feet wow just wow . I am read for my morning prayer I start by putting my forehead at her soles of the feet fold my hands in namaste position and say the lines : My Goddess H you are everything to me and I am nothing to you , I pray to you for blessings you own my mind body and soul. You are divine and a walking living religion to me who I follow no question asked and even your waste is precious to me and its nourishment to me, long live my Goddess H to rule over me..I get a soft kick to my face that's Goddess que for me to move it along. Sometime Iam allowed to do the lomg version but today a shorter one will do.

I do look forward to rest too as I climb up a bit to my owner's 🍑 oh I just love the magnificent view. Goddess H is what you call a petite beauty but that ass is just so round and literally all the fat of her body is accumulated there creating an amzing extraordinary curve. I get lost admiring it and how lucky is ger husband but hey i chose this and i love it. She is half awake and softly slurs gas time ..ohh just love that order from her..I put my face in into her soft cotton pj ass nestling my nose and opening my mouth slightly as i dont know if its going to be an airy one if i will have to suck it or sniff it. Iam allowed at my masters ass as a toilet cuck to do this act of accepting all of my masters/owners farts. Pfffft oh it's a soft one..sniffing hungrily ..I sniff up my Goddess Hs post sex farts, 2 more follow prrrrrph piunnnsh ohhhh little squeakers that was a top notch fart from my goddess. A little bit of my God S' cum deposit started leaking and got in my mouth I greedily sucked it and then got a light slap in my head to say go away but i know I will have it later. I did the same to my GOD fell at his feet , I am straight but I love serving GOD S maybe I have no sexual orientation it's just slave now who knows I don't care.
My master GOD likes a light massage , he doesn't want to be prayed to in morning , finds it annoying only on my birthday he allows me. I inhale his nice aroma and start massaging his feet and after 5 mins in each feet master kicks me tosay its done, i remember on sunday he lets me massage for 30 mins.I get to sirs big 🍑 and get welcome by a male morning boom Brrrrrrrrrrummmmphh..goddess H laughs a bit. This one had to be sucked in with open mouth , no way it can just sniffed without letting the fumes escape and it actually hit me back of my throat and I almost had a recoil and it tasted a bit sweet and sour at the end. I stay there for at least 2 minutes to avoid any fumes to escape and for my own personal pleasure of eating my masters farts, it's the utter humiliation of eating a man's farts who is fucking a woman who you had a crush for years, but that's a prequel for another time. I have to say I do like the taste of both of thier morning gas, I am such a loser.


Chapter 2

I go and start preparing my owners breakfasts , its monday porridge with fruits, takes me 10 mins and all done. Its 4.00 am oh i have some time so I go to closet and start cleaning todays shoes for my owners beforehand and then take out clothes prepping socks, skirt, leggings, shirts ,tie , trouser andunderwear all of it ironed by me over the weekend . I heard bed noises , my que to go my goddess as she likes her slippers on my face and trample me to get up . I place it and wait for my goddess's weight pressing and it does she stretches and i hold her legs to provide balance but she says lets go. Its good for her core balance but really tough for me even though she is a small lady i feel her full weight on my face and then one feet lifts up its one of the yoga poses goddess learned for core balance but the weight presees hard . I dont imagine her instructor knows its done by standing on my face rather than one of the balancing ball. GOD S laughs and says wow you show him his real place dont you..she says oh no its just good for cuckys face too, oh yh thats one of my name..fart cushion , toilet ,shoe licker and many others are there.

I say "my masters :your breakfast is ready" goddess H says" oh its not fair..holds her very trimmed tummy and shows her magnificent 🍑 Toilet you are going to get your breakfast before mine"...luck you says GOD SA must be hungry toilet but well I wouldn't want your breakfast lol.
I salivate thinking of being under my one true goddess 🍑. I ready the camping chair in the bathroom specifically remodelled by GOD SA to serve for this purpose it has a hole in middle but apparently very comfortable for user with soft cushioning at sides, i have been told by various users as I wouldn't know as my place is laying under it. Truth be told my position is pretty comfortable I place my head in a structure which has really soft cushioning and is mobile depending on user choice connected with a lever, GOD SA is a kind naster to me. The lever moves my face closer or further from users rosebud according to user's choice. I get under and Goddess H stands fullweight on my chest without a care and then after a yawn the weight drops a bit from my chest and her perfect white 🍑 and pink rosebud asshole drops on the seat and at same time lever is used to pull my face closer and I smell farts piss and sex from last night..oh the aroma is intoxicating. Some people want to have a dream of being CEO, Prime minister but after student loans and 4 year of university here I am under the most perfect curvy 🍑 waiting for its gifts and i wouldn'tchange it for anything as this is my heaven. Open mouth she says softly "here you are greedy toilet my fart mixed with my lovers gift.".prummmmmmphh oh a squeaky but bassy as it had a lot of air. .pffft punshh pummmmmph..oh 3 more wow bonus ones wow I am lucky today. I love after sex farts, farts and then what followed is a nice gooey white sperm of GOD SA its very dense fell right in my waiting mouth.. Master's cum was sour bit also slightly sweet , he definitelydrank his pineapple juice over the wedk that i made for him,Thank you SIR.
The gift keeps flowing for 30 secs wow Alpha males true power , I never came so much in my life inside a woman, but here iam getting to experience someone else's and then another fart!!! A big one punnnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhh ..Goddess laughs a little oh wow proud of that one a bit more cum flows in mouth. After that her ass reposition a wee bit , ahh goddess nectar incoming .I am allowed to actually put my mouth at goddess vagina in some occasions, and this is one of them. A nice warm bitter sour warm liquid enters my mouth, and at the same time, goddess farts a nice squeaky one punshhhhh in my nose which is positioned nicely engulfed in gooddess rosebud for that reason only. The urination continues for a solid 20 to 30 secs its long one few more farts escape, well Iam filtering it.
I lick last drops of salty golden liquid and GOD SA's gifts kept coming, must have been 2 to 3 rounds , how much the man can cum wow! No wonder he is my master Alpha.

Then I reposition myself as its time for my breakfast 😋 yummy yum , mouth opened sealing around my goddess rosebud sort of like a vacuum. A bit of gas enters as expected and then a nice long log is pushed in my mouth .wow got to be atleast 8 inches ,wow for a short lady goddess produces one of longest logs and its actually more than double of my shrimp. I have to be honest I never liked eating shit but I trained myself and have now started loving it . It's actually nice earthy and spicy being from South Asian origin I loved this flavour,its from the dinner of curry I cooked last night. 2 more slightly smaller logs , oh wow a solid healthy bowel movement after eating indian curry , goddess has one of the best gut health not a goddess just by looks but amazing genes.
Another nice long fart and one slightly semi solid log to mark her finish. Goddess makes a nice relief sound ummhhhh hey Toilet thats me done lick up please, oh she is so polite to me , in this household my owners hardly use actual toilet paper. I slurp up licking up any remaining gooddess goodness around the ass crack , not much at all that was such a clean bowel movement but time to dig deeper where i roll up my tounge and go in the rosebud oh yess thats the jackpot always i get some delicious remaining shit and a fart escapes hits my tounge..prrrrttt oh thats a small sputter I lick again and the outside folds and creases to make sure my owner has a clean ass, this goes on for 5 minutes. Goddess says Toilettt that's enough stop enjoying yourself ugly shrimp is getting harder. I say I am sorry goddess she laughs and says I am just teasing it's may thank me , she is so nice and kind to me. I kiss her asshole and say my thank you.. thanks to you, my one true goddess for blessing me with your holy goddess fart ,piss and yummy shit and also GODs cum .


Chapter 3

GOD/MASTER S's shit :

Goddess H :You may as well stay here as soon it will be your GOD S coming for his shit.
wow yh it sounds even degrading when Goddess says it. But its true how low can I get , laying in the floor in a head encasing structure waiting for a man who had sex last night with my crush for over 10 years to shit in my mouth. I chose this voluntarily and liquidated all my assets to my owners, not because they needed it as deep down I know this is what I was born to do to serve my superiors, its ingrained. I wish there were mirrors in peripherals so I can see myself eating my owner's shits maybe a next years birthday gift. God S enters, he is muscular with a big back and also a round ass for a guy.

GOD S : IT stinks ,well toilets do hahaha.

Master unzips aimed his big thick membrane for a shorter guy than me he is double my size where it matters . He aimed it and his pee shoots straight in my open mouth he has mastered it , so no spillage, just some gurgled out of my mouth but no matter I will lick it up later .
Master sat down.

GOD S :Hey, I am actually a bit constipated it's your cooking so you sort it , you should go and buy some laxatives for me.

I offered a remedy which I have tried on Goddess H and it has worked . I explained that I will roll my tounge and go as deep as possible probing and do hard licks come out and slowly increase my speed in and out to induce a bowel movement. He literally was dumbstruck.

GOD S: Are you sure you aren't gay offering this to man, and started laughing. Goddess H walked in to grab her straightener and he told her she couldn't stop laughing .

GODDESS H :Wow that's a new low offering yourself up but truth is it did work for me . Yes Its better than you taking some pills honey .

So I got to it ,master was tensed so had to work hard to get through his hairy arse otherwise clean rosebud and I worked relentlessly to get in and Master S relaxed and followed a nice long prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrthhhhhhhhhhhhhsssssssssa long shart came to my tounge which I swallowed. I saw Goddess H laughing while filming

GODDESS H : This is something for the vault our toilet eating his alpha's shart. I kept going deeper and my mouth was tired but I had to persevere as the last set in the gym . Master made a sighhh ahhhhhhhhhhh and came out an explosive gas brummmmmphhhh and that was enough for goddess left and master S was relieved .

GOD S :No one I can think of should have to endure this, and you are chosing to do it, look you dont have to this; I can take a laxative." I was swallowing his gas and sucking a bit more to make sure that I didn't miss any fumes.

TOILET:Master please let me do it , it wont take long I promise and you will release your shit in my mouth.
am i hearing myself wtf .

God S: (shook his head and said ):you are a professional toilet arent you ,ok cant say I didnt like that feeling of relief and keep it going, so you have done this before toilet ?

Toilet: yes master a few times to Goddess H and it worked every time, actually thats how I ate her shit directly for the first time upon my request.

Master S: tell me the truth you don't like the taste do you?

TOILET: Not at the beginning master but I love to serve, and this is the best humiliation I can imagine and lowest form I can be for my users. But I have to say I have started enjoying the taste recently and last shit GODDESS took was pretty tasty and farts are yummy too .

MASTER S : Oh my you are something else what a looser seriously..thats true you are right you are lowest of low to do this and actually enjoy it your shrimp is hard hahaha by my farts wtf, ok no more talk continue with your probing, i am going to be late for work if I keep indulging your perversion.

I warmed up and got into action and the sir went brummpph punnnh fissssssst punnnhhhhhs atleast 5 times or more and i lost count
So many farts later a shart then 2 solid logs not as long as goddess's in goes to my mouth and yes like GODDESS'S shit it was also flavorful and spicy but dont know why i prefer Goddess's turds ,maybe i am straight afterall.

Master S : Oh wow that feels good , clean up please toilet.

I love both of thier politeness towards me at the end of service , I lick and clean for few minutes but again yh i prefere goddess's ass on this part but hey who am i to complain if you ate from a plate you better clean up same principle. Then I thanked master for his fart piss and shit , while licking up he released some more gas,puunnnhhhh

Master S : oh pardon me sorry toilet, I didn't realise I had more gas there .

Toilet:I said its Ok master thanks for the bonus fart and master laughed and left.

With that, I slurped up the excess piss cleaned up the floor put the portable toilet away ..oh 5 am! time to make a move as its a busy schedule for the Barnett's family slave .


Chapter 4

Goddess ' s sister Miss M:

After I got them ready right before doorsteps goddess H snapped and showed her gorgeous formal white trousers tight booty saying she may have some final gifts before she leaves. Thats just music to my ears .The ass it looks bigger in white , a view to behold so round perky and curvy she puts one feet up on the chair , i get behind her almost sitting on the floor planting my face in my owner's 🍑 and waiting for my owner's goddess has .The holy goddess ass obliges with a nice long Prrrrrrrrrrrrumphhhhh and wait a second .. brrrrrrrrrrsssthhhhh , oh that was holy molly great farts and sounded almost wet.
Goddess H: Do a quick check toilet felt a bit wet there.
I checked quickly, nothing there, but hey, it's a great opportunity not to miss the chance and asked if I may lick up to do a check.

Goddess H: You pervert , ok, go ahead since I am wearing white.
I licked up knowing fine well, and I was lucky gooddess rosebuds pulsate and goes fssssshhhhh ,
Goddess H : oh that curry of yours , I will try to hold all the farts after school for yiur toilet mouth, don't worry.

It's very sweet when Goddess says even though reading it it sounds gooddess is very cruel but she really isn't.

My Goddess H is a teacher in primary school; she has a tenure now as she won the best teacher for 5 consecutive years being the most professional and best performing teacher, winner everywhere. Due to this, she makes more than the headteacher as she is the crown jewel of the school.

I never knew Goddess could fart and shit so much, it always surprises me since I knew her such a long time ago . Of course, why would she hold back now. I went to car and kissed both of their boots . Goddess H is always embarrassed and blushes as she doesn't like public display of obidence . It was 530 when my owners left, and I had to rush to goddess's sister flats round the corner.

To describe Goddess's sister, she is half scottish and half surinamese.
Miss M is drop dead gorgeous, tall , curvy ( bit of extra weight but all in right places) and like goddess H very polite but a little more wilder and bubbly knows well that she is well above as my superior with her flawless almost white skin ,curly hair and oh yh she got those african genes in her voluptuous booty. She dates SIR P who is what we called aged like a fine wine Scottish gentleman. I have already accepted them as my co owners and it's just easier to serve them as no awkwardness in family gatherings, and yes there are more co owners in the Barnett family gang and some friends as well I am a slave to all of them. For me, I get a change of flavours , literally! I have a spare key, and I enter . I then get to the bedroom . These are preagreed terms Miss M loves a feet worship, and oh yh with her recent fibre diet she is always gassyyyy! specially in morning. Sir P is old school, he wont want me to come close to him however doesnt mind me sucking his cum out though from Miss M and oh goodness he gives my master S run for the money oh once i had to compare them but thats a story for another time. I love the smell of morning sex , i am sure they just had it they both start a bit later for thier respective jobs which is convenient for me. Miss M is a nurse and Sir P runs his own garage so they are still in bed. My favourite bit is sniffing miss M's 🍑 after a 15 to 20 min long massage of her feet signalled again by a kick to head, common theme in Barnet family .
MissM : Ohh there will be trumpets haha .. Miss SirM : Ohh for a posh lady posh lady you don't care mych about farting , too unlucky toilet has to take it .
well for me it's a treat.
Toilet: Open mouth I am assuming miss?
MISS M: Yes silly you know the drill..
10 farts I counted Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfttttttttttttshhhh , prrrrrrrrrrrrrmppppppphhhh... , these were big farts bigger than my master S, wow Miss M will win a farting contest. I loved every one of it they were tasty airy bean farts result of a healthy vegan fibre diet.
Miss M :oh I saved them for you toilet thanks for sucking them in Hey P do you want toilet to serve you as your fart filter you were saying about troubke tummy afyer our last round hahaha..he will serve ,won't you toilet,we practice free will here.
Toilet: I say yes miss ofcourse it would be my pleasure.
Surprisingly sir P agreed nodding.
Miss M : oh look at this your sir will also avail your service.
Sir P: Does he actually agree with this as I am not sure.
Miss M : Hey Toilet would you mind actually reassuring sir or better if you request him.

Oh wow I will be requesting asking my crush 's sisters boyfriend to avail my services. Why don't I say it straight I will be begging him to Fart in my mouth. So I go on my begging mode .
Toilet : Sir P may I have the honour of eating your fart straight from its source I promise to suck it all in I have been dying to eat your farts all these years.
Miss M: (sitting up ) said oh wow you got to say yes to that P he is begging for your farts you got to give him it.

I was blushing embarrassed this is a new low begging my master is different.
Sir p turns around away for miss M as he didnt want her to get any of it as it just for my slaves mouth he was wearing just his undies but I promised so I dived in with open mouth and sealed my mouth around his underwear covered asshole . He had sex sweat i sucked it in
Sir P :no licking pervert,
Toilet:sorry sir..
he said its ok..and then silence and brrrrrrrrrrumphhh a big bassy one not as big as miss M but big enough to give me a recoil. I stayed there for 2 mins to ensure its all in my hungry mouth not my masters here and then I got a kick on my chest.
SIR P: get out loser and I fell off the bed, go cook us breakfast and dont disturb us for another 1 hour, we got to rest a bit more. This was disdain , he was really nice to me before hence i called him gentleman but i think he has literally lost all his respect of me as a human , i mean can you blame him i begged for his farts and ate it before that as a slaves job I was sucking on his sex sweat.

Chapter 5

I went out of the bed room , it was 6 am and very quietly and start prepping the eggs as they like it sunny side up with a side of bacon and toast for monday mornings and make coffees. Both of them walked in about 20 mins Miss M in a cheery mood she is always super happy and chilled out, I just love her spirit. Sir P came and put his hand on my shoulder and addressed be my name said I am sorry for that outburst , I am old school and didnt know how to react and truth be told i did like the exchange of power.
Miss M : isnt he adorable, he feels bad of mistreating you A.
I was looking at his feet and explained that it was absolutely OK and somehow added a bit of enjoyment and turn on for me too being dismissed like that and shown who is boss.
I pulled the chairs and ask them to sit down for breakfast
Miss M :Wow thank you for this A( first name again and not toilet) , I would invite you to sit down but I guess guess H and S provided you your 1st course of breakfast and giggled. I responded saying yes Miss they did indeed and it was yummy.
It was really weird superiors addressing me by 1st name, I would never dare that.

Sir P: Ohh TMI bro , we don't need to know how tasty was thier waste while we are having food here keep it to yourself. They enjoyed thier breakfasts and then sir P actually availed me again to release a fart 2nd time today never in last 2 years but going to be twice today , he has opened up with me.
Sir P's gas actually was less aromatic than others it was a puff of slightly warm air prrrrrrumph, but he is still a real gentleman asked me go outside of kitchen . He didnt want to do it while Miss M was having breakfast . I offered to be on my knees while he farted on my face . I heard a giggle there was Miss M who followed us taking the video ,
Miss M: No way I am not going to video you finally came around P to use our pet and Toilet loves it look how happy he is aren't you..say it on the video toilet( back to my original name,I guess) .
Toilet: Its a happy day for me as I have waited a long time for SIR P to avail my services and today I got to eat sirs farts and I do hope to be a full toilet to him if SIR wishes, although Ikind of hoped not today .
Miss M :Ohhh wow what an enticing proposition P show him who is the man who had sex with me 4 times and who is going to take all the wastes of our superior bodies, who is the alpha baby!.

I know words were humiliating but I can't be mad at miss M she does mean well it was more to encourage sir P to finally use me and well I was excited.

What followed was sir P AND miss M kissing in hallway and I went on hands and knees to be the sort of furniture cuck that they sit on.

Sir P : Ok lets try him I feel that breakfast and coffee have been brewing up and rubbed his tummy.
Miss M: Are you excited toilet you will eat Ps shit, you will have completed your tasted pallet now of Barnett family ,wonderful. Ohh that coffee has done it to me too .
Sir P: I insist lady's first !

Miss M: you are such a gentleman P. Are you ready toilet?

Toilet : yes super excited for some of your yummy treats.

Miss M: stop it! How can you like the taste , I do understand that you like the act, well you can tell me after you have your treat then, make things ready please chop chop , it's coming.

I put the arrangement Miss p likes me to lick up 1st .
I make it ready so user can use the lever to draw me in and as the lever moves forwards and backwards user can move me to her different he. Started off with her long piss 2 farts ohhh yh the flow of white flimsy liquid Sirs gift to me oh that was a huge fliw, gpodness who wins Master S or Sir p , cant tell may be a tie but taste wise Master s is better as Sir Ps is sort of sour and bitter. Miss M moved me so that nose got replaced with my open mouth under her gorgeous asshole..her ass is like actually shaped like a heart i opened my mouth in anticipation and started licking as per instruction and its such a beautiful colour of bronze, really beautiful ass. Brrrrrrrrrrrrumpphhhhhhhh and yes a pre poop vegan cauliflower bassy fart..its actually very tasty straight from her depth . And then 3 more farts then what follows Iam not kidding almost a foot long turd ohh i opened my throat or else I would choke. I am guessing but Miss M is almost 180 cms so she tends to produce really long turds, runs in the family . The long one is followed by 2 half footers . They were very tasty actually since Miss M have turned vegetarian her 💩 are very tasty and had a hint of spice , I think it was veggie Jambalaya last night as Miss M is a very good cook well I can only tell second hand, never ate 1st hand. Miss M sighed with relief and thanked me for my service with a laand ordered clean up which I obliged to,
few more trumpets escaped out of her delicious plump golden 🍑.

P entered the toilet

Sir P : oh wow M you weren't sigh with your farts neighbours could hear it , but you do a pretty good job sucking it in Toilet I think and although I get a bit jealous thinking of him under your 🍑 having his little thing hard sucking on your pussy too.

Miss M : oh comeon really ..I mean Toilet is lucky but everyone has a role to play isnt it, I like toilet but he is a toilet am I am happy to deposit my waste. Its great that he loves it but I can't ever be with someone who eats my waste I mean my shit ,farts and piss and your cum or anything I feel. You are my lover honey, no comparison!

That made me feel sad as Miss M is so nice and her pointing that out in such plain language and I think Miss M seen that in my face but didn't say anything.
Miss M: So P are you ready for it, I definitely wanna film this as your 1st shit in toilets mouth . See you can't feel jealous at all honey you are up there depositing your waste in his mouth and he is taking it in , no matter what happens he can't uneat your shit , you will forever own him as your toilet and surely that will put your jealousy to rest..
Sir felt pumped up and sat down on the toilet he is heavier so sirs ass pushed the sit down reached my mouth already, oh wow he waxes its very clean as I dodnt take him for a waxer. Sir used the lever as instructed but he overdid it and I ended up getting smothered and sucked in his ass and they both laughed.

Sir P: Ok I feel tensed ,I felt it coming but dont know if I can do it while you are here M.

Miss M : comeon we have to keep filming it, it will be such a hit for my turn on. Toilet please do help me , you want Sirs waste don't you.

Toilet: Sir please relax and enjoy it , I am so excited under you and will be honoured for this privilege.

Miss M: (pausing video) hahaha thats recorded laying it on thick are we , I better receive similar encouragement.

I think that's what sir needed to hear as I was rewarded with a prrrsssddsdhhhhh , sirs asshole pulsate and woooshhh in came liquid shit ohh wow that was unexpected, but I am always prepared, I had practice of last 5 years..I Gulped and it continued for good 2 mins and followed by semi solid turd....hmmm what's that it was like a salty soup followed by almost a sausage taste, not sure if I liked the taste as Miss M was better for sure.
Nothing happened for few mins.

Toilet: Thank you for your delicious farts ,shit may I clean up sir.

Sir p: Yes please

Miss M: Ohh my my ..diarrhoea in your 1st go , well done toilet!

I cleaned up and it took me a while as I had to almost suck it out from all the nooks and crannies and as it always you activate something while licking , more farts and a bit more poop came out and as a nice gentleman sir P apologised .
Toilet: no matter sir, thanks for the bonus farts and shit, happy to serve you.

SirP: oh thank you toilet, i have to say that was great the feeling of power is intoxicating!

I couldnt help feel humiliated but turned on at the same time , that speech of Miss M did something to my psychology to make me feel sad.

Miss M waited while Sir P left saying she needs to comb.

Miss M: A , (didnt call me toilet) Hey I am sorry to say those things but I felt it was necessary for P's confidence build up but you know I dont mean to demean you for what you do, I really do think everyone should do what they love to do , I like helping people and counsel hence I am a mental health nurse and I love it . H likes to be a role model for kids and hence she is an amazing teacher. S is a born enterpruner hence a very very successful businessman and P is a god with his hands and automobiles hence works with car and owns the best garage in this city but truth is there are so many people in this world who regret not following up on what they like as I counsel so many . You A have got a gift that you like ,actually let me correct love eating our waste( I nodded proudly looking up) , its very noble as its actually ecological . We appreciate the fact that we are able to have that power exchange and let it all out on you to feel good about ourselves although yes at our expense and thats your greatness of accepting it with grace and such effectiveness. In normal context people would think you are beneath us , I mean yes but while being beneath us you fulfill your desires goals and happiness, and whats normal is subjective. When you had that crush on H you knew deep down that you cant make her happy not talking just physically here but in intellectual and mental level you both would have been miserable so although it was hard on you when she turned you down but look how amazing it turned out you get to be with her and us . You will grow old with us fulfilling all your dreams of serving us, dont you think its amazing.

I was mesmerised and I had tears in my eye she just told every bit I felt and more.
I went down on my knees bowed my head at miss Ms feet and asked for permission to kiss , ofcourse she said and I lifted her feet and then let it drop gently .I hugged her feet and cried for a bit, she is so good and she patted my head .

Miss M: sorry to break this as much as I like comforting you but I need a favour but do you mind getting behind me i have a big one brewing up!

Oh i was so happy to do it fulfilling my job my service my dreams. Miss M still in her sexy figure hugging red pjs , oh the heart shaped bum, I was on my knees and joined my hands in praying position she almost half sat on me like a bar stool felt her weight on my face totally engulfed in her big booty brrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsssshhhhhhh., at least a 30 second.
Miss M : Ahhhhh god that vegan diet(she sort of twerked her ass a bit on my face) , wow that was biggest of all of them, tasty I hope.
(I agreed with a nod as I came in my pants)oh god look at the time 7:30 am she said ,I dont want mum getting mad at you for being late, you better clean up here and go!

I cleaned up and have to say its the fullest I feel for a while 4 shits and countless farts and piss , oh Yes i have still one more to go on my morning routine mummy Barnett!


Chapter 6

Explicitly nudity, Racial humiliation, toilet slavery

Miss L is mother of 2 and a grandmother in late 60s but goodness me very much in shape of 30 year old , blonde ,white, gorgeous and oh yes very meaty 🍑 and she owns the room wherever she goes.
Miss L had so much experience in her life and it shows and doesn't care much about social norms , calls a spade a spade. Miss L owned her own company of textile , divorced her no use husband who also begs to be back hence he is her cuck slave. He actually pays for her holidays and lifestyle not that she needs it but just to show him his place. Recently she sold her business to retire wealthy and went on holidays on cruise with her new boyfriend Mr G, of course her ex paid half of it as thats all he could afford with out going to food bank. Every morning now she wakes up at 6:30 am and goes for a long run comes back around 7:30 am or a bit after. I am normally waiting at her doors , she has given me spare key but have only instructed me to use when she wants some cleaning done or watering her plants ,never for my convenience.
I was silly not to wear a thick layer as its chilly!

Miss L is the one who has actually 0 respect for me only refers to me like toilet, slave ,fart face , seat, based on functions she requires me to carry out , this makes actuallythe instructionpretty simple. In occasions Miss L had to be reeled back by the daughters in family gatherings but she doesn't care , why should she a total goddess with slave at disposal. Oh there she comes running down hill oh goodness, gets more beautiful every day and how's it possible in her 60s to be skinny everywhere but have all the fat in boobs and ass , no surgery ! Comes down a little bit out of breath.
MISS L : Fart face , quick on your knees under my ass and take this as I have been holding it in a while for you to have it.

Ohhhhh yes love a Miss L morning protien fart, its juicy normally.
She sort of went into a squat oh bless those makers of yoga pants so tight , she should model. I get on my knees sitting on my heels go in nose diving into her round pretty wholesome ass , she actually lightly smacks my head calling me stupid to have an open mouth to suck it in and I should know it by now. The only physical violence I get is from Miss L in the whole family apart from that kick i got from Sir P.
Its not something I enjoy so much but its not about me is it, on one occasion she spanked me with a spatula when she was drunk I haven't told any of her daughters, I don't imagine they will like it but its mamma B she does what she wants.
Anyways back to the long waiting Morning fart as I am smelling her superior sweat from her ass and with my open mouth some sweats starts drippping in and a but of after sex taste oh wow is Mr G inside chain of thoughts were interrupted by a Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrttrshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjhhhhhhhhhhhumphhhhhhhhhj sort of a squeaky one with a louder bassy ending.
Miss L was right , it had to be open mouth as that was gassy
Yes she is right almost all the time. She is brave ,this is outdoors, any neighbours could have seen us, luckily no one did. I stayed there in her ass sucking the goodness from her old yet so beautiful curvy round ass, I could stay for eternity but then I get a smack on my head again saying Enough pervert !

I got in and brought the hot water foot spa with rubbing salts and foot lotion . She has an awesome multi use high chair and she sits on that high chair like a queen . I took her shoes and socks off left one 1st and to show her authourity Miss L put the right one on back of my head and starts rubbing my hair as a door mat with her spikes. Oh the intense goddess musky smell hit me, it's like a drug I got drawn in and start sniffing I get a stomp on my head from the right one
Miss L: Arent you insubordinate one, such a loser pervert and can't help yourself, always ask permission 1st . Do you know ,I caught you sniffing my shoes before when all of this started and you used to lurk around H well not red handed but you were down on you knees near my running shoes and I sort of knew. They should check you guys out more stringently when they let you in our country. H actually was considering your dating proposal and I put some senses in her and took her to a mirror and said look at you no way you match him. You would acheive anything in life as you are a winner H , if you goes out with some one from India, the country we ruled but you have to have really high qualities like money , privilege and oh yh LOOKS.Oh yh the Africans or latinas atleast have looks and bigger dingdongs and what do you guys have intense curry smell! I mean Toilet you had a skinny fat body with no strength , my H is small and you would have struggled to lift her and good we put you in our special diet from our body and those regular exercise to improve your strength and surely we increased your lifespan. Have you seen S's muscles oh imagine a fight between you and him , he will wipe you across the floor and truth be told any of us gals in family will make you our bitch in a fight and even H. I mean you studied engineering like all of you do to come in our country and barely scraped and look at us we are all successful passed from best universities with 1st class. I know my daughters pandor you but reality is not a chance in hell you were a suitor you are actually doing what you are meant to do and you are so lucky at that. You must feel privileged, you have hit a gold mine serving us for rest for your pathetic life, mission accomplished, your parents should be proud. Yes go ahead keep sniffing .
I sniffed Miss L shoes oh the insults(well truth) and her feet sweat are like an aphrodisiac and then I almost drifted off till I got up a bit of a push from the shoes above my head before I completely dozed off.
I readied the foot spa and then set a timer of 15 mins where I had to make her breakfast, she barked orders to make an omelette 4 eggs and bacon , as she is famished. Oh yh she eats a lot but burns it all off with her running and yoga.I was making the breakfast.

Miss L: Fart face hurry up come here before it comes out , hurry up!

I knew what that meant I knelt and she had allowed me to get under her perfect 🍑 as she has tilted herself slightly but still couldn't get in completely.

Miss L : Fart face it seems you don't want this hard enough , if you want it you got to lift my arse a bit and get your face in properly to receive my gift or else you can just fuck off, if I smell it I will not let you have any more of my farts .

Fart face: Iam so sorry Miss L , Please I beg, I would love to receive your farts , it's my great fortune to have it and please oh my queen don't deprive me your gifts.

I lifted her ass and got in she sat heavy on my side head and I got in opened my mouth and sealed it like a vaccum around her yoga pants covered asshole and on que it came brrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssshhhhhhhhttttt very airy one oh yummy protien farts.
I stayed for 1 more minute to make sure no fume escaped and I got it all , I went back to making breakfast before the bacon burnt.
I finished making it and then brought it out .
The high chair is really handy , it's really functional as you can fit in a flap over the arm rest to make it a table and the foot stand is removable too.
I sat on the floor looking at my leering queen Miss L , she is so stunning for her age absolute white goddess perfection and I do admire her and the rudeness towards me is just her true feelings and I actually find it as a huge turn on.
I take her well soaked feet out and place it on my towel covered lap while Miss M enjoys her breakfast, I massage her feet.

Miss L: Do a nice job foot slave and you can pray too.
I did my morning prayer to her.

Thank you Miss L for the privilege of letting me in your family , I cherish being your family's property. I am so grateful to have the honour to be at your white feet and have the privilege to massage them with my filthy hands.

We discovered this other side of me with Miss L that I love this sort of humiliation as her ancestors were actually our colonizer and she is so right to point the superiority .

Miss L was having her coffee and announced

MISS L: Oh yh Fart face get in position if you want another one and I did quickly "prsssssssttttttth",
Fart face goodness sake how can you like it oh yh breakfast and coffee has done the trick , are you ready to be...prrrrrrrrssshhhhhhhhtttttt , hahaha take more I guess but Iam ready for my morning shit. I will go to normal toilet unless you properly beg me.
I mean if you stayed in your country Iam sure you would get less nutritious food and your family still does. What I and my whole family defacate in your mouth is literally like gourmet food to you , so you are very lucky and Iam sure your family would love this privilege but one of you curry smelling toilet is enough for now. Maybe in future if our family grows we can probably ask your brothers and sisters to join at your rank,meanwhile she released 3 more farts right in my open mouth. I asked permission to speak well made some noise under her ass and she released me.

Toilet: My owner Miss L thank you for your allowing me to talk, although I was in heaven under your ass. Your yummy farts were so tasty , please 🙏 do give me the honour and utter privilege of eating your holy shit, Its my dream to eat your white superior shit every day and you are 100% right us Indians are starstrucked by your beautiful flawless fair skins, no wonder you ruled over us .People like me are very very lucky to live amongst you and we pray to eat your tasty yummy white master shit as its very healthy and tasty, better than any food we eat in our country. Thank you for giving me the hope that my family could also serve you but I haven't spoken to them for ages as your whole family is everything to me :my god and my religion.

Oh she loves the humiliation and there was a smirk in her face, she also loves this racial angle to it and it does a huge number on my turn on as I truly believe it , oh Miss L you are top of the tree on pinnacle, our queen.

This high chair is great that one can actually fit in the toilet system underneath it as there is a latch for it where the seat opens up and the toilet system with the lever fits right in .

I did the fitting and went under it started to fit myself in the head structure and felt a kick on my stomach ohh that was a sharp one.
Miss L: Are you so thick Toilet do you want me to mess my yoga pants , it costs more than yiur worth, take it off, no need to sing your apologies just fucking do your job STUPID!

I got out and took of her yoga pants and oh yhh Ann summers underwear omg so pretty flawless, the age is reversing I feel , not an ounce of fat and loose skin or stretch marks in her tummy ,crotch area and ofcourse bikini wax and I dare not look into her eyes as she was mad or maybe not as she enjoys the act too, who knows .

I got in the structure , Holly white god perfect milky skin ass very similar to my Goddess H but actually bigger the god superior genes from mum to daughter, they are indeed my god family who I pray to. I smell the aroma of sweat fart and oh yes sex ..confirmed with a healthy serving of white sperm definitelyof Mr G same bitter taste, they all store it for me to take it, have I forgotten i actuallyblove it so shutup and consumer yiur users gifts all thier waste is yiur food. My que to dive deep and clean up the pussy with long licks and then long stream of warm golden nectar...brrrp, prsst farts continues in my nose, keep sniffing no escape as I dont want my user to experience the stench I love it but for them it's vile, always put your user 1st.
Lever moves I open mouth in anticipation and yes place nicely under her highness holy pink sparkling rosebud...prsssssssssst gas , pulses and here we go..bblrrrrphhh gas and turd together,solid indeed great gut 2 half footers ohhhh wow nice taste explosion, bitter though , it was lamb chops last night I think,what am I a shit conissuear!

I was glad that was not her usual bowel movements , I am more than full but it's Miss L's shit I will eat it anytime anywhere she is God Mother and owns me truly!

I lick up her holy asshole , go deep make sure all clean as she does what we call a toilet paper check after but it also means any hidden 🤑 of her holy shit in her anus and rectum.

I am to also report any unusual appearances or unusual shit taste too to keep all my owner's health.

Thier health is my health too.

Ohh farts ofcourse all 4 of the morning shits but as a greedy toilet I welcome it but ohh this was actually slightly sharty one sprayed a bit on my tounge taste explosion love it Miss L thank you , truly am.
Licking deep again
Miss L : Do you know take that shrimp out and stroke it, ( I did and she laughed) see my point Toilet thats the smallest I have ever seen and believe me i have seen a lot , you are so pathetic and do start stroking .

I did it slowly as was already on edge and had to think of something else to avoid cumming as the act was too arousing.

Miss L: Toilet tounge , we will give you a countdown and when i finish you are alllowed to come10, 9..1 (brrrrrrrrrphhhhhhhhst fart from Queen above and I came from my shrimp.)
Oh so ugly..yuckk. Lets do the toilet paper test and she wipes herself, ohh you have redeemed yourself after that sloppy start with not taking off my clothes, (shows me the toilet paper completely spotless!)You were born to be toilet 🚽 well done!


The whole Barnett family does own me and I truly love it, makes me complete.

Note: I hope you enjoyed this story , this was a short story but I hope to follow it up with a prequel of how it all started and some side stories.