An Awkward Position
by Cactus Juggler

      It happened during my freshmen year at college. I was from out of state and my parents had arranged for me to live on campus in the dorms. The building
I was assigned to was really nice, it was arranged in clusters of two or three rooms that shared a little common hallway and big bathroom. There were three
other girls in my cluster, my roommate Charlotte and I in one room and Amy and Melanie in the other.

      Amy was a freshman like me, a slightly overweight Asian girl who was a little odd sometimes. She was the shortest girl in our cluster, maybe three
inches less than my five foot seven, and her roommate Melanie was the tallest girl in our cluster at around six feet. Melanie was a junior, and she was
a scholarship athlete on the university volleyball team. My roommate Charlotte was a senior, and she kind of a bitch. She really disliked Melanie for some
reason, and never really warmed up to me for that matter. I gravitated much more towards Amy and Melanie, who went by ‘Mel', than I did to Charlotte.

      Other than the usual petty bickering in the cluster, everything was pretty much normal college life until that day. Amy, Melanie and I were returning
from the cafeteria and Amy was telling us about her childhood study of Jiu-Jitsu when Amy had made the bold statement.

      "It's all a matter of leverage. You're a lot bigger than me, but in the right position I could hold you down." Amy was telling Melanie.

      I looked at her, and then at Mel. Short, plump Amy, and tall, athletic blond Melanie. She was so full of shit.

      "Hold me down? No way Amy, I'm too strong for you. You'd have to tie me up or something."

      "No, really. In the right position I could hold you immobile and you wouldn't be able to get out of it."

      "No way! Prove it."

      "I'm not saying I could wrestle you down. You'd have to let me put you in the position. And then when I say I'm ready you have two minutes to escape
my hold. If you escape you win. If I keep you trapped for the two minutes I win. And let's make it a bet. If I win, you do all my chores for me for a month.
If you win I'll do all of yours. The laundry, making the bed, doing the ironing, everything. Deal?"

      Now this was interesting, I couldn't believe Amy was throwing down the gauntlet to her roommate this way. If there was one thing I knew about Melanie,
it was that she was ultra-competitive. Amy was going to wish she'd never ran her mouth like this when she was doing Mel's laundry, I thought to myself.

      "Right here, in the middle of the floor. Not near the walls or furniture in some strange way? Just you, nothing else?"

      "Uh-huh." Amy nodded.

      "You're on." Melanie quickly answered.

      "You're crazy Amy. There's no way you can hold her. You're going to be cleaning up after her for two months." I chided her.

      "Oh yeah? Why don't you get in on our bet? If I lose I'll do all your chores. But if I win you'll help Amy do mine, *and* I get to put you in the
same hold for five minutes."

      I looked at the two of them again, and quickly answered. "Deal."

      I couldn't believe that this was actually going to happen. At least they were dressed for it already, both of them in the sweats they always lounged
around in.

      Amy pointed to a spot in the center of the floor and turned to her roommate. "Alright, lay down on your back." Amy told Melanie.

      Melanie lay down on the carpeted floor and Amy gave her more instructions.

      "Now stretch your arms out over your head like this." Amy told her, clenching her hands together and sticking her arms up together straight above

      On the floor, Melanie did the same thing and stretched her arms up over her head so they lay on the floor above her. Amy moved to stand near Melanie's
head as she gave her next instruction.

      "Now keep your shoulders down on the floor but lift your legs up to me." Amy directed her.

      Melanie lifted up her legs, and Amy took hold of them and guided them down so that Melanie was folded in half.

      "Oww! Be careful!" Melanie cried as Amy pushed the flexible girl's legs all the way down till they rested on her arms.

      Holding Melanie's legs down with her hands, Amy moved over her suddenly and in a flash sat down on the backs of her legs! Amy's arms remained wrapped
around Melanie's legs to help control them as Amy squatted with her thighs crossed over Melanie's, pinning her in the folded up position. Now Melanie was
folded up like a pretzel on her back, and Amy was sitting over her facing Mel's butt. The way Amy did it, her butt was practically right in Melanie's face!

      "Amy! Stop! Get off of me!" Melanie howled from her embarrassing position.

      "Ha ha! Still think you can push me off? *Prove* it. Start timing." She told me with a grin, and then she lowered her full weight onto Melanie and
pressed her ass all the way onto Melanie's face!

      "Mmmmmhh! Mmmmmmmrrrrrrrmmmpph!" Mel's cries were barely audible they were so muffled by Amy's ass.

      I watched in shock as Melanie's face disappeared into Amy's round bottom. Only her frantically flicking eyes were still in view.

      "Amy, what are you doing to her? She's going to kill you for this!" I blurted as Amy sat blithely atop the bigger girl's face, easily controlling
her captive's struggling attempts to unseat her.

      "Kill me? She can't even get me off of her, can she Melanie? I'm in total control of her–she's completely helpless." Amy gloated triumphantly.

      I watched, waiting for Melanie to use her strength to somehow buck Amy off of her, but it wasn't happening. She was struggling for all she was worth,
but Amy barely had to move at all to keep her trapped. Occasionally she'd have to lean back to fight the strength of Mel's legs, and when she did her ass
just rammed down harder in the girl's face. Melanie's face sunk so far into Amy's sweat pants that only her blond mane remained exposed. It was like Amy's
chubby butt had just swallowed Mel's entire face! Thirty seconds passed as I watched the obscene tableau before me, and then Amy lifted her butt up just
a bit to let Melanie catch some air. Immediately I could hear her gasping in sucking breathes beneath her.

      "Ready to give up Mel? Ready to admit that I was right, to admit that you're helpless?" Amy asked her captive.

      "No! I'll get you off ... ... of me. And then you're ... ... in trouble. Now get your fat ass off of my face!" Melanie wheezed before beginning a
renewed effort to unseat the plump Asian.

      "Fine. I'll check back with you when I've won." Amy laughed, and then she sat back down on Mel's face.

      My eyes darted back and forth between the unbelievable scene and my watch as Amy easily smothered her roommate under her butt. She wiggled herself
in Melanie's face and laughed as the bigger girl struggled helplessly under her. She twisted and thrashed, but Amy always managed to stay seated. She let
her catch a little breath every so often, and then immediately returned to smothering the frantic girl. And then it was done. The big hand on my watch
came around again and Melanie was officially the loser.

      "That's two minutes." I told her, and she gave a big cheer.

      "Ha! I told you so. I win!" Amy exclaimed, lifting her bottom off of Melanies face just a enough for her to breathe.

      Melanie gasped for breath for a moment as her younger roommate looked down from above her, and I waited expectantly for the explosion. It didn't
take long.

      "You . . . you little bitch! . . . I would have thrown you off if I had more time . . . now get off of me!" Melanie shouted at her.

      It looked like Amy was going to climb off of her until Melanie said what she did. An evil grin came to her face then as she looked back at her roommate.
"You just needed more time did you? How about double or nothing? I'll give you five minutes this time. What's wrong, are you afraid of little old me?"
She mocked her wickedly.

      "Deal. I'm going to mmmmmhhhhh . . ." Melanie couldn't finish her threat before Amy plopped her ass back down on Mel's face!

      "Start timing again." Amy told me as she rode her bucking roommate's body.

      I watched, mesmerized, as Amy continued to grind her ass in Mel's face. It was unreal–I couldn't believe my eyes. Every time Amy lifted her bottom
up to give Mel a break there was an explosive gasp of air as Melanie tried to catch her breath. And then Amy would smother her again. As it progressed
I could see that Melanie was putting up less and less of a fight. She must be so weak from the smothering that she barely move.

      "It's her own fault you know–she's too competitive for her own good. She just doesn't know when to give in. And she thinks she's better than me.
Serves her right." Amy told me.

      "Amy, I think you should stop. Mel doesn't look so hot." I suggested to her.

      Amy turned and looked down at her captive as she lifted herself up slightly. "Is that true Mel? Is your fat little roommate hurting you?" Amy laughed
at her for a moment. "Do you want to give up now and admit I win?"

      "Fuck you!" Melanie grunted, and Amy rewarded Mel for her efforts by plunging Mel's face back into her ass-crack.

      "You see? She's still too stubborn and competitive to give up. I'm just going to have to smother those bad personality traits right out of her."
Amy told me.

      I was speechless. Was this actually happening right there in our cluster. It wasn't just that Amy was hurting Mel–it was so *kinky* to watch. And
Amy's constant comments to me and Melanie just made it even more weird.

      "Ummmh. This feels really good you know. I could sit like this all night long." Amy told me.

      I didn't know what to say, and I couldn't bear to look at her chesire-cat grin. I glanced at my watch and saw that five minutes has already passed.
Once again I called time. "That's five minutes."

      Amy lifted herself up and looked back at Melanie again. Melanie barely gasped for breath this time, for a second I thought she was dead!

      "That's four months you owe me Mel. Now just give up and I'll get off of you."

      "No! I won't give up. Now get off of me!" Melanie spat at her, bucking with temporarily renewed force for a moment, her face scrunching up with her

      Amy stifled Mel's cries again with her butt, wiggling her chunky bottom on Mel's face with abandon now.

      "Fine. Double or nothing again. Claire is my witness." Amy laughed.

      Once again I watched as Melanie grew weaker and weaker under Amy, and I was starting to worry that Amy really would hurt her. Three minutes into
what was now Melanie's third session of smothering, she was barely moving at all. She didn't even move now when Amy let her catch a breath. Amy now lifted
herself a fair ways off of Mel's face when she did, so that she could see her face better.

      "Do you give up?" Amy asked her.

      Melanie didn't answer her as she struggled to breathe, but just glared up confusedly at the Asian astride her.

      "Come on, Melanie. You'd better give up. I don't want to hurt you. And I have to . . . well let's just say you don't want this to go on for too much
longer." Amy told her with a strange smirk.

      Finally Melanie regained her strength enough to speak. She coughed a weak croak between gasps for air.

      "No. I'm not giving up. Get off ofmmmmmmppph!" Melanie gasped pathetically before Amy slapped her ass back down on the bigger girl's face.

      "All right then. Claire, how much time does she have left?" Amy asked me.

      "About two minutes." I answered.

      "This is too easy. She's so weak now she can barely fight. And if she's smart she'll listen to me and just give up already." Amy told me as if nothing
unusual was going on, despite the fact that she was smothering our friend in her ass!

      I watched as Amy easily maintained control of her, letting Melanie catch a small breath every so often and then smothering her again. And then the
time was up again.

      "That's it, five minutes." I told her.

      Amy lifted herself off of Melanie's face again, and turned to look down at her. Melanie's face was red now, from the lack of air or the exertion
or both.

      "Do you give? Come on Mel, it's time to admit you can't beat me."

      "No." The red-faced athlete grunted.

      "Melanie, you already have to do all my chores for practically the rest of your natural life. Just give up."


      "Fine, be that way you stubborn girl. I'll give you five more minutes, but this time you're going to owe me *eight* more months."

      "Whatever. Bitch." Melanie grunted.

      "Unbelievable. She deserves this. She's so competitive that she can't admit defeat. If she doesn't watch out she's going to be sorry." Amy told me
as she settled her weight back onto Mel's face again.

      I watched Amy's ass swallow Melanie's face again, and Amy was right. Melanie was barely moving at all now. Amy was looking at me when I noticed her
face scrunching up a little.

      "Ohhhh, I can't hold it anymore. How much time does she have left?" Amy asked me.

      "Three and a half minutes." I answered, wondering what Amy couldn't hold as I did it.

      Amy lifted herself off of Melanie's face for a moment and turned over her shoulder to look down at her.

      "Do you give up? Come on, Mel. Don't be a stubborn bitch. If you don't give up right now, you're going to be really sorry–trust me on this. Just
admit I won and I'll let you up." Amy told the gasping victim of her torments.

      "Fuck you . . . get off of me!" Came Melanie's defiant reply.

      "Tssk, tssk, you're going to wish you hadn't said that." Amy said shaking her head at Melanie as she made the noise.

      Once more Amy used her hands to hold Melanie's head upright as she sat back down in her face. With a wiggle of her hips Amy adjusted her ass so that
it fully gripped Melanie's face as she settled in her full weight. Amy's face took on a strange expression, and then I heard a muffled rumbling sound come
from below Amy. I realized with a start that Amy had just farted in Melanie's face!

      "Ohhhh. I've been holding that for ten minutes." Amy sighed.

      Melanie suddenly showed a renewed energy after this new humiliating assault. She shook and thrashed, but Amy continued to ride her with ease. Amy
must have seen the shocked look on my face–I couldn't believe what she'd done.

      "I can't believe you did that to her!" I blurted.

      "This is her own fault. I tried to keep this from happening but she was just too stubborn. I would have just let her go but she needs to learn her
lesson and admit she was wrong." Amy explained to me as she lazily controlled Melanie's revitalized activity with her smothering pin.

      "That–that's so nasty." I said, still not believing what I'd just seen.

      "Well, *maybe* now she'll give up. *Maybe* three minutes of smelling that will put some sense into her." Amy said, her bottom still locked in it's
position atop Melanie's face.

      It had been a long time since she'd let Melanie catch a breath, and her struggles were growing really weak. Amy was shaking her butt back and forth,
rubbing it Mel's face without ever letting her breathe. With every second that passed Amy seemed to be enjoying herself more and more–and I was growing
more and more worried about Melanie's safety.

      "Amy, come on. You proved your point. Let her up–she can't breathe." I urged her.

      "No! She has to admit I was right and she was wrong. Otherwise I'm just going to sit on her all night."

      Finally Amy slid her bottom far enough off Melanie's face to let her gasp desperately for air, a weird moaning accompanying her coughing now. Amy
didn't let her breathe for long before she sat back on Mel's face again. She continued to smother her this way, with a few more brief breaks to allow Mel
to catch a few gasps, until the five minutes was up again. I stood there the whole time with my mind reeling. This bizarre little competitive scene had
gone off the tracks some how and now I wasn't sure what I should do. When I told her that time was up, Amy lifted herself off of Melanie's face and looked
down at her over her shoulder again. I watched, mesmerized by the perverted tableau as Amy let Melanie addressed the gasping girl.

      "Are you ready to give up?"

      " Get off of me." Melanie spat between her coughs, and I saw tears in her eyes.

      "Not until you admit I was right and *you* were wrong." Amy demanded.

      "Alright . . . you win . . . just get off of me you bitch."

      "Ha ha. That's better. But now you owe me all those months of chores. I'll give you one last chance to win here. I'll get off of you, let go of your
arms and legs completely–I'll stand all the way up. If you can make it to the door, just touch the door, I'll do all of the cleaning and what not that
you owe me. But if I can keep you trapped here again for five minutes, then you have to agree to be my slave for the weekend." Amy offered to Melanie,
still holding her all folded up like a pretzel.

      Slave? Amy must be nuts if she thought Melanie would take her up on that crazy bet, after all that Amy had already done to her.

      "Bitch. You're going to lose this time–now get off of me." Melanie told her.

      I couldn't believe her. Even after all that had happened she was still too competitive to just give up!

      "We'll see. Now I'm going to stand up and let you stretch out. Once I'm all the way up you have two minutes to get to the door. Ready?"

      "Get off of me!" Melanie grunted.

      Amy stood up and Melanie immediately rolled onto her side and stretched out her long legs. Melanie looked shaky and weak from the ordeal she'd just
suffered, and Amy looked totally confident as moved to attack her once more.

      "Start the clock." Amy said.

      Melanie, surprisingly, went immediately on the attack. She wrapped her arms around Amy's plump thighs and tried to pull the Asian girl down. Amy
just laughed and kicked herself free of Melanie's grasp. As she easily threw Melanie back down onto the floor I realized how completely unfair this was.
There was no way Melanie, in her weakened state, stood any sort of chance in this.

      "You know, I'm going to enjoy having a slave." Amy said as she reached down and rolled Melanie over onto her back.

      Melanie reached up and tried to fend off Amy, but she couldn't stop Amy from moving to straddle her. Amy pushed Melanie's arms away and sat down
on her stomach facing her roommate's head for the first time.

      "Ha. Fat chance of you getting to the door now that I'm on top of you. But you know I'm not just going to hold you like this, don't you? Give me
those hands." Amy told her as she caught hold of Melanie's wrists.

      Melanie kicked and twisted with renewed vigor, but Amy just laughed as she rode her captive's belly with ease. Amy leaned forward and forced Mel's
arms to the ground by her head as she moved to straddle up higher on her body.

      "No! Don't sitmmmmmhhhh . . ." Melanie's cries were cut short and Amy moved farther forward and rammed her crotch down in Mel's face.

      Mel's nose was jammed right *there* in Amy's crotch, and now only her eyes remained fully exposed as Amy settled her full weight on the athlete's

      "Ha ha ha. That's it Melanie–sniff it! I'm afraid doing this to you has gotten me a little turned on–but I guess you can *smell* that now." Amy laughed

      I stood there flabbergasted yet again by Amy's depraved assault on our friend. I didn't know what to do or say–I was transfixed. Amy looked up at
me then with a scowl.

      "Claire. Do you mind? Melanie and I need some time alone now. Run along, and close the door behind you." Amy ordered me.

      I knew I should do something. Help Melanie or something. But something in Amy's forceful voice made me move obediently to the door. I took one long
last look at them there, in the middle of the floor Amy astride Mel's face, and then I closed the door.

      * * * * * * * * * *

      I left the door to my room open and stayed near it so I could listen to the sounds from their room. I could hear Amy's muffled voice and laughter
occasionally–but that was about all I could hear through the solid door. I pulled my desk chair near the door and sat and listened. An hour or so into
my watch I heard a muffled squealing and grunting and I recognized the sound of the cries immediately. Someone in their room had just achieved climax–what
the hell was going on in there?

      I tried to do other things, but I couldn't help myself, I just continued to watch the door to their room from the hallway. Thoughts of what might
be going on inside burned my brain. After more than two hours their door suddenly opened and Amy emerged, wearing only her bathrobe. She smiled at me as
I tried to pretend I hadn't been watching from my doorway.

      "What's wrong Claire? Are you worried about Melanie or are you worried about our bet?" She asked me, and for the first time I remembered that I'd
joined in the bet. What had I bet? Shit! That I'd do her chores for a month and also let her hold me down the same way for five minutes! She didn't really
think I'd let her do what she'd done to Mel to me?

      Amy didn't wait for me to answer, she just chuckled and went into the shared bathroom. The door swung closed behind her and soon I heard one of the
showers going. I crept over to their door and knocked softly on it. There was no answer, so I tried the door and found it unlocked. I opened it carefully,
listening to the sound of Amy moving around in the shower as I did, and then peered inside. The light was dimmed and it took me a moment to see the room's
contents. Melanie was kneeling naked in the middle of the room facing the door.

      "Mel?" I called to her softly.

      She looked up at me, but she didn't answer.

      "Mel?" I called again. I began to step inside and she finally spoke.

      "Get out before she sees you!" She whispered.

      "What? Are you okay?" I asked

      "Just get out–I'm not allowed to talk to you." She whispered urgently.

      I backed out of the room, more confused than ever. Melanie wasn't tied up or anything, why was she kneeling there like that? I closed the door and
crept back to my room. I couldn't bare to see Amy's diabolical smile again–I closed the door to my own room and collapsed on my bed. What had Amy done
to her? And why was I so turned on by the sight of another woman kneeling naked and submissive? What was wrong with me?

< - - A Wet Grin Urging I Story - - >