Amber’s Mom the Fart Queen
by Mr_.Zodiac
"What do you mean you're not going to be here on my birthday?"
"Don't yell at me! Look, I don't get that many opportunities to see my
family- they live on the fucking East coast! California's a little far. I
know that I didn't tell you this before, and that's because I really didn't
know I was going until now. And I'm sorry that this pisses you off." My
girlfriend, Amber, and I, stood arguing like a married couple in her
backyard of her mother's house, which she had been forced to stay at for a
little while for financial reasons. We considered moving in together, but
she and I both looked at that as a bold move for a couple in their early
twenties who had only been together for two years.
I put my head down and massaged the bridge of my nose in frustration.
"I'm sorry I yelled. But I'm sure you would too if I told you I would be
out of town for your birthday at the last minute. How did you get tickets
to get there anyway?"
She pulled them out, gave a small smile, and said, "My mom bought them
for me."
This was a shock- her mother hardly ever bought her anything, and she
hadn't since she was probably sixteen. A decade later and she decides to
randomly soften up, which was considerably unusual. I asked, "Do you get
to decide when to go and when to leave? I mean, you have the tickets."
"No, my mom arranged it so that I had to leave and come back on specific
dates. She said when she bought them, the airline service refused to do it
any other way." She said this calmly while examining the plane tickets.
"Well how long are you going to be gone?"
"Two weeks."
I repeated those words under my breath, but in my mind, I was screaming
them in anger. But as I tossed the idea around in my head, I began to
realize that she didn't choose to have it organized this way, and that my
anger was pointless.
"But it's weeks away babe, don't worry about it!" She began to jump up
and down excitedly, happy about the fact that we could at least binge on
each other's company until she had to leave. She gave me a warm, embracing
hug, which ended the argument
"I'm just a little bummed that I get no birthday sex."
"Well there's no harm in celebrating your birthday early, is there?" She
began kissing me on the neck, slowly, passionately; it was such a beautiful
moment until her mother passed by us and waved at me, not saying a single
word. But the look on her face whenever she glanced at me always creeped
me out. It was an implicit stare, or at least it seemed like it. I
shivered once I knew she had gone inside. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing, your mom just scares me a little, that's all."
She pried herself from my chest and stared at me with a humorous grin.
"What are you, thirteen? Why does my mom scare you? Are you worried that
she'll stop us from seeing each other?"
We both laughed. "No, it's not that. Your mom just looks at me kind of
weird, and it makes me uncomfortable. But it's no big deal. I guess one
good side of you leaving is that I don't have to drive all the way to your
house anymore."
"Well at least my bed is bigger than yours!" She stick her tongue out at
me playfully before she took my hand and led me to her room, where I got my
birthday gift early.
We fucked- hard- numerous times for the next few weeks. Several times a
day, and a lot of times, a bit kinky too. But the day came sooner or later
when she had to take off, leaving me alone and in the dust. For the next
week, everything was grey- food didn't taste as good, colors seemed dull,
work became more stressful. It seems to me as though when you're in a
relationship, about half of all your happiness stems from that person just
being in your life. Cutting your happiness in half is a big setback.
Eventually, my birthday came around. It was on a Sunday, and my
intention was to sleep in until the afternoon so that I wouldn't have to
endure the boring waste of time that my life seemed to be at the time. But
I didn't even get that gift- I was awoken some time in the later morning
with a phone call- it was Amber's mother.
"Hello?" I said in a tired, groggy voice.
"Hey do you think you could do me a favor?" Her annoying voice pierced
my ears from the other end of the phone.
Oh boy, another favor. It's always favors with her: she always wants me
to come by and fix something for her or do some sort of chore, and she
rewarded me with cash for smokes, booze, shit like that- menial money. But
I had always done these favors when Amber was home, and it was only when
she started living with her mom that I actually started doing this. I had
never met Amber's mother until the incident when she was kicked out of her
apartment- she seemed reluctant to have me meet her family, and I could see
They were a sad type- she had another daughter, but she live out in New
York with all of her other relatives and a fiance. Prior to her younger
daughter suddenly deciding to move in, she only lived with her abusive
alcoholic husband who never really gave her any attention- probably not
even cock for that matter. It's strange how she ended up this way- she was
in her late thirties but still looked like she was in her twenties, so it
shocked me that she decided to marry such a shithead. Not that I would
necessarily consider her sexually attractive, or even remotely desirable,
what with her intimidating persona that screamed out the full-fledged
definition of woman; I just felt kind of sorry for her. But this day
changed that dramatically.
"What do you need?" I asked, raising myself out of bed.
"I was wondering if you could just do some cheap gardening work- nothing
too backbreaking. I can't do it because I have to go to work today and my
husband's out doing..." she paused, and I knew why; so did Amber: her
husband often went out saying that he was "going to work," when in reality
he was cheating on her. She'd caught him red-handed multiple times, but
always passively refused to do anything about it. He must have slept with
nine or so women while Amber was living with them. "...work... business
stuff, I think. The point is that neither of us can take care of it and we
need this done really soon because I'm having guests over later today."
"I think I can manage."
"Good. I'll leave the door unlocked for you, just come right in. All
of the gardening supplies will be in the garage- you know where that is,
"Yeah," I replied, slightly irritated by having to do this.
"Perfect. Come over whenever you can, okay?"
"Alright," we said our goodbyes and hung up. I really didn't want to do
this, but what else did I have planned for my birthday? Was I invited to
any parties? Did anybody even really care? It seemed like my birthday, as
far as plans could go, would probably be much more depressing if I didn't
have anything to occupy myself with. Of course, I wasn't eager- I took my
time getting ready, and by three in the afternoon, I was out the door.
The drive, as usual, was long, and while I made my way to the house, I
couldn't help but think about how Amber's mom always wanted me to do some
sort of hard labor, and she always watched me strangely while I did
whatever it was that I was told to do. She had conversations with Amber
and I in which we all drank and joked and talked, and I can remember how
when she had had a little too much to drink, she would always start giving
me that stare again, and once went as far as to feel my arms and call me
handsome...it was always awkward. Luckily she wouldn't be at her house
When I got in, I went straight to the backyard to start watering the
plants- she hadn't been all too specific in what it was exactly that she
wanted me to do, so I figured that a few trims here, a few trims there,
maybe watering all of the grass. I certainly was not going to mow the lawn
or anything, I really didn't want to be there for more than half an hour,
maybe an hour maximum. I went straight to work.
The day was a little hotter than I expected it to be, which made it much
more exhausting. I was going to be extremely happy when I would be able to
go home. I was so focused on trying to get it over with that I didn't even
realize Amber's mother standing in the doorway of the backyard.
"What are you doing here? I thought you had to work." I was a bit
nervous- the last thing I wanted was to be alone with this bitch.
"I got there and they told me I had the day off. I just got here." Her
hands were tucked into her back pockets.
"So do you still want me to work or do you think you can manage because
I really don't want to be here." I know it's rude to say this to anyone,
but at the time, I really didn't care. It did seem to hurt her feelings a
bit, though.
"I guess you can go if you want. I was going to pay you, you know. I
know it's your birthday today."
"Did Amber tell you?"
She smiled and nodded. "If you want to get anything out of this, I
would keep working. You drove a pretty long distance to come here, and
it's sad that you had to waste so much time." She gave me that look
again... that strange look. But in my mind, I shrugged and thought, "fuck
it, I've got nothing on my plate!" She put her hands in her back pockets,
looked me head-on and said, "You must be awfully tired, would you like
anything to drink?"
I nodded. "A beer would be nice, thanks." I turned back to watering the
"I'm on it!" She disappeared in seconds, and my nerves began to calm
down. "Just relax," I thought, "She's just a little weird, probably from
basically being alone all the time. I shouldn't let those looks get to
After about ten minutes, she came back down with an ice-cold bottle of
Coors in her hand, and she passed it to me with a joyful smile, as if she
were a waitress. I thanked her and she went back inside rather quickly.
She probably had paperwork to fill out or something. I stopped watering
the plants and started to check and see if any bushes or trees needed to be
trimmed. They all needed at least a little bit of work, but I was too
exhausted from the heat to do it then. I headed inside to take a quick
break; I crashed heavily onto the living room couch and chugged the beer as
if it were my first taste of any liquid in days. It was gone in probably
under a minute.
I really loved the house- it was set so that the living room displayed a
perfect view of the rest of the city, as the house was placed on a hill in
a forested area. I thought to myself, "It must be nice to have so much
privacy- to be able to walk around the house naked with the windows wide
open, no concerns or worries. To be able to shout at the top of your lungs
and no one can hear you."
After a few minutes of sitting on the couch, I began to feel rather
strange: my penis was slowly becoming more and more erect, as if I were
daydreaming about wild sexual encounters. I began to sweat, and I became
nervous, but tried to keep it cool- I just wanted to do a little trimming
and then I'd be out. But this erection was different than the kind from a
daydream- it was like it had a mind of it's own. Soon it was throbbing,
and I was extremely horny- I just wanted to fuck something, and I really
didn't care what it was. I stopped focusing on my sexual appetite once
Amber's mother walked into the living room and sat down on a chair adjacent
to the couch, facing me.
"How was the beer?" She asked.
"It was... good." I could barely talk, I was so horny!
"You drank it really fast, I'm impressed!" Her face showed a sign of her
seeming to be aware of something that maybe I wasn't.
"Yeah... hey, umm, was there anything... weird... in that drink?"
"Like what?" She had an innocent tone, now.
"I don't know, like..." I paused, but she cut me off with a gasp as she
noticed my crotch- my dick was crawling along my right leg, trying to get
out. It eventually reached about halfway down my thigh.
"Wow, my daughter sure is lucky!" She giggled to herself. I tried to
laugh, too, but I was starting to feel too nervous to do that. I wanted to
leave, but I was paralyzed with nervousness- I felt so clueless as to what
to do. "He looks like he could use some fresh air."
I began to lightly twitch, but trying to make it unnoticeable- this was
how horny I was! "What do you mean?"
"Well, I'm just saying if you want to take it out, you can... I swear,
I won't say a word to Amber. I understand your little.... urges." She put
on a devious smile. I looked at her strangely, but she simply responded
with, "Well, go ahead!"
I slowly began to pull my pants down, and as I did, I simply thought to
myself, "Alright, I'm going to try and make this thing go away by giving
him some fresh air, and then this will all be over." My cock flicked into
the fair like a sword in battle, a little pre-cum squirting out. "I'm so
sorry about this, miss..."
"Oh, please don't apologize. I put some Cialis in your drink, I kind of
thought this would happen!"
"You what?!" I yelled. "Why would you do that?"
"Because I kind of wanted to see you jack off... just to see how you do
it." Her tone of voice was so relaxed, it frightened me. "If you want the
full answer, it's that my husband will shove his cock into any pusy but
mine these days, and I need some action! but don't worry, I don't want to
"What do you want to do?" I asked this slowly.
"Just play... with each other. You'll see. Now come on, start
stroking that cock! I know you want to so bad, you're so fucking horny
right now, I can tell!" I had a hunch that Amber's mother had a bit of a
thing for me, but I never actually thought it would go this far. Thinking
back on it, I really should have known this would happen. I started
jacking off, furiously.
She sat back and watched with focus, watching my fingers rub up and down
my shaft, twisting occasionally, cranking it, watching it grow more and
more hungry. She was silent for quite some time while I masturbated,
probably about fifteen minutes until she broke the silence.
"What do you think of my daughter's butt?"
I shrugged, "It's nice."
"Is it a bubble butt?"
"I would say so," it was a bit hard to talk since my breathing was so
fast at the time.
"It's nice, isn't it? Have you ever grabbed it?" She made a hand
gesture, as if she was clutching a butt cheek.
"Slapped it?"
"Sniffed it?"
"What? No! Who would want to sniff someone else's butt? I don't want
to risk getting my face farted on!" You'd think these gross thoughts would
make my boner vanish, but they didn't.
"Interesting... well where do you think she got that nice big butt of
"I don't know," I said. "Squats?"
"Nope," and with that, she got up in front of me, probably a foot or so
away from my throbbing, aching erection, which would probably take hours to
get down... I just kept on getting hornier. She turned around and slid
her skin-tight jeans off. There, I saw an ass twice as big as Amber's,
more perky and round! It looked jaw-dropping with her butt cheeks
protruding, her thin underwear lost in her butt crack, relatively tan,
even! Amber's ass was as pale as the moon but this... this was the booty
of a porn star! "Genetics," she whispered erotically, and smiled. I
started jacking off much faster, but no where close to fast enough- I
couldn't believe her ass was this good looking, and I couldn't believe I
was jacking off to it! The whole thing seemed like a bit of a dream. "Do
you like what you see?"
I nodded, unable to speak.
"I need you to do me a big favor, if you could..."
"I'll do anything for you if you'll just let me fuck you! I know it's
bad, but you drugged me! Trust me, if I wasn't on anything right now I'd
be gone! But I can't leave! Not until I fuck something, please!" I took
my hand off of my dick and pressed both of them together in a pleading
"I'll consider it, but first, you need to do me this favor: I need you
to check and see how clean my butt is. Sniff it and see if it stinks, and
if it does, do you think you would lick it for me?"
I didn't even respond, I just shoved my head in between those two huge,
beautiful butt cheeks, until my face was fully submerged in her double
bubble booty, her big bad butt that could put a penis in a wheelchair. I
took in the biggest breath I possibly could and...
And HOLY SHIT did it stink! It wasn't sweaty at all, and it probably
wasn't even that dirty, but man, it really smelt like shit; luckily my nose
was protected from the disgusting smell of pure ass by her thin panties. I
couldn't even tell if they were there, though, because they were so thin.
"Get your nose in a little further. I want to really feel you trying to
get into my butt!" I yanked and twisted but I just couldn't cum! I had
always loved butts, but I had never been this up close and personal before,
and if I hadn't been drugged, I probably would've came a long time ago; but
she was a witch, with me under her spell. I pushed in a little further.
Suddenly, she began bouncing her butt cheeks, letting them punch my face
every time it jiggled.
It made the smell a little more potent, since I had a little more
ventilation. The smooth, soft skin of her butt cheeks rubbed against my
face in such an erotic way... now it was starting to become a lot less
disgusting for me, yet I still had to deal with the stink.
"Do me a huge favor and see if you can take my panties off with your
teeth," she whispered in a sexual tone. I did it in a heartbeat, but much
to my regret: all of a sudden, I realized that I was about to shove my face
into someone's naked ass, inhale her butt-stink, and probably have to eat
it out, which I was a little scared to do. The smell really hit me once I
took the panties off, the horrible smell of leftover shit and general
things that one would expect a butt to smell like; she proved to me that
even the most beautiful butts in the world still stink! "Good boy." She
patted me on the head, taunting me, knowing how horny I was and knowing how
badly I wanted to fuck. "Now spread my cheeks apart and get a whiff. Tell
me, does it need to be cleaned?"
I sniffed her gorgeous, bubble butt, and the stink assaulted my nostrils
in the most horrible way, I had to keep from gagging! It reeked! But my
cock was still throbbing, and I was still furiously trying to get it to cum
already. "Yeah!" I said.
"Okay then," she said, and grabbed the back of my head. She forced my
face so far up her ass crack that it seemed as though she was using my face
as toilet paper while she stood and wiped. My nose hit her brown little
asshole, and she yelled, "Start licking!"
I began rubbing my tongue along the rim of her butthole, and luckily, it
seemed to be shit-free, which was good for me, because I really did not
know how much of this I could tolerate! But how could a clean butt stink
so much? It was probably the worst thing I had ever smelt, and she had
made me sniff it! It tasted just as disgusting, but as I licked it, I
noticed that my saliva was making the disgusting scent go away. "That's
better! A nice big double-bubble booty shouldn't stink," I thought.
"Alright, kiss my ass hole goodbye." I was a little confused and stopped
licking. "Kiss it!" Now I did... now this was simply becoming a bit
humiliating. But at the same time, this was really turning me on, the fact
that she was making me literally kiss her ass! "Kiss my butt cheeks, too.
They need some attention." I started kissing them again and again,
masturbating faster and faster. As I did, she bent over, got her phone and
called someone. "Don't stop kissing my booty!" She commanded. I listened
"Hey, it's me. I've got my daughter's boyfriend here and I want to put
him through some training." Training? There was a pause, and then, "Yeah,
try and get here as soon as possible." Pause. "Oh, you're leaving right
now? Perfect! I'll see you soon!" And with that, she hung up. I wondered
who that was...
"Alright butt-breath," she giggled. "You can stop if you want. But
follow me to my room" I walked directly behind her, watching her massive
ass sway side to side, watching her gorgeous butt cheeks jiggle. "Don't
touch yourself for now," she instructed.
That was so fucking hard to do! My cock was rock hard, throbbing,
leaking! The tip was red! It was getting to be torture to leave this
hungry thing alone. "Lay down on the bed," she told me. She placed her
hands on her butt cheeks and gave them a squeeze, as if touching her own
ass got her off; maybe it did...
As soon as I got on the bed, I started to touch myself. "No!" She
yelled, and I stopped. "Not now!" She climbed onto the bed, facing away
from me, giving me just too perfect of an angle to see her ass and all of
it's glory. Even with her legs bent, and her back arched, her butt was
still round, like the letter "C." She let it hover above my massive boner.
Then, she spread her cheeks, sat on it, and let go; her butt cheeks made a
clapping noise, as my cock fully disappeared between them. She began to
rub it along her stinky dirty butt crack. This kept it throbbing.
"Are you enjoying this?" She asked.
"Fuck yeah!"
"Awww, well that's too bad..." All of a sudden...
ppPPPPPPFFFFFFFFRRRRRRTTTT!!!!! A huge, long chainsaw fart shook my dick
with so much force, and actually felt amazing, but all in all, it really
grossed me out.
"What the fuck!" I shouted at her, watching her inhale her own farts and
smiling. "What was that for?"
"It's just a warm up; just relax, you're doing great!." Her saying this
made me scared. I wanted to get up but she was sitting on my legs/
And believe me, there was quite a few more than four. As disgusting as
it was, I was so thankful that she wasn't doing this on my face!
"Alright," she said, "Let's have a little taste." She closed her lips just
past the tip and began giving me an extremely intense blowjob; she wanted
to watch me because she wanted to know how I liked to be jacked off! How
brilliant! And what was even better was that I was starting to feel like I
would cum soon! She even deepthroated my cock; but then, she decided to
take her mouth off, she looked up and started right at me... damn! So
close to a climax! Then she did the most unexpected thing: she leaned in
and french kissed me, filling my mouth with the horrible taste of her shit
and ass-stench! She made out with me for a good twenty or thirty seconds,
making sure that I got the full flavor of her dirty ass crack in my mouth,
before going back down to give me more head. This went on for another ten
minutes or so, and then...
She stopped immediately when the doorbell rang, and I started to feel
nervous. Why when I was so close to the edge? She went to go and answer
the door, and came back with a friend who was probably a few years younger,
an incredible ass, but not nearly as big. She began to strip naked, and so
did Amber's mom. "You need to taste his cock," she said. "You'll like it.
I just farted on it, and wiped it on my butt, so it'll taste pretty good."
The other girl got relatively excited; but why? What kind of sick,
twisted pair of sexual deviants were these people, and how could they
possibly like something as disgusting as farts? In a matter of seconds,
this was pushed out of my mind once the new girl started sucking my cock
like it was a lollipop. She raised her head, looked at Amber's mom and
nodded. "Your butt's really stinky today, I love it! I can taste the
farts! They taste so fucking good!"
"Well don't just suck him off, I have a job for you! I need you to give
him a hand job, and whenever he's about to cum, stop and tell me. You're
the only girl I know who can tell when a guy's on the edge." She got on the
bed and sat on my chest, her gigantic ass facing me, of course.
"Got it," the friend responded.
Suddenly, Amber's mom scooted her fat ass back into my face, and I began
to realize what was going on: my face was about to be sat on! I panicked,
and tried to escape, but she held me down. "Now, if you make this
complicated, my friend Angela here is going to punch you in the testicles
as hard as she can. So, I suggest you stay still!"
Now I was scared. The whole atmosphere went black and all fresh air
faded as I watched her full moon fall right onto my face. I was starting
to suffocate under her enormous ass and my fingers twitched in fear. I
felt as though I would die if I didn't get some sort of air. Angela kept
on jacking me off, though, even though she knew I probably couldn't breath.
She was really good at her job: she used both hands, and had a tactical
technique of squeezing, twisting, and sliding all in one motion, so it
seemed. And she could do it pretty fast. I knew what she was doing: she
was forcing me to cum!
I got really close to the edge, ready to let a fountain shoot up into
the air full of my cum, but suddenly, she let go, and said, "Alright, let
it rip!"
They both laughed, taunting me. "What a loser," Angela said, and
continued with her routine of squeezing, twisting, and sliding. The
stinky, hot, thick, wet fart made me gag, but it was the only air I had,
and so I breathed in all of it. It was the most disgusting thing in the
world! Pure rotten eggs, nothing else! I wanted to puke.
Every time I was about to cum: BBBRRRRAUUUUPPPP!!!!!
This went on for, literally, hours. It ended with Amber's mom farting
in my face again but this time, Angela didn't stop, and this was one of the
most intense orgasms of my life! I had never edged so many times before!
And I came as I breathed in every last particle of that nasty shit wind
that exploded out of Amber's mom's ass. She farted right on my nose that
time. Once I came, I was permitted to go home.
That night, I had a wicked dream of Amber's mom, her beautiful, perfect
butt bouncing on my face, letting off fart after fart while my face was
being shoved in, my hair blowing back with every gust. What was going on
with my head? The next day, I woke up late in the morning and got another
phone call... from Amber's mother.
"Did you enjoy yesterday?" She asked, as if she were an innocent
teenaged virgin.
"Fuck no! You made me do disgusting things! You farted on me! Why
would you do that, you're sick! And on top of it all, you drugged me!"
"Don't try and lie to me- you had a wet dream about my farts last night,
didn't you?"
I gulped, and was silent. How did she know?
"That's what I thought. Now, if you want, you're welcome to come over
again and do the same thing; I'm going to eat a lot of beans and chili this
morning, just letting you know. The front door is always unlocked, and
I'll be home. It's just a suggestion. It must be boring not having Amber
around, and I know that work just makes everything grey. The offer's on
the table. Later in the day, I'm inviting Angela over again and we're
going to be taking turns farting on each other, so it's no big deal if you
don't show. But you're always welcome, okay?"
I paused, shocked, then whispered, "Okay."
"Good. Hopefully I'll see you later. Bye-bye, now!" She hung up fast,
not even giving me the chance to say goodbye. But it didn't matter: We saw
a lot of each other over the course of the next week.
Amber had texted me at the airport and told me to wait for her at her
mother's house for her return. She seemed very excited to be home, and I
was extremely excited, too. I just had a small problem that was on my
mind, and was becoming more and more distressing as I thought of how
humiliating it would be if I had to admit it: I had a fart fetish, now. I
would probably end up watching fart porn, and doing other weird hobbies. I
was also afraid of her mother, sending videos or pictures. Unlike normal
sexting, though, she'd be sending me videos of herself farting on random
people, or maybe even just at the camera. And for pictures, she'd send me
pictures of her taking those same people and sitting on their face, or
forcing their face into her luxurious soft butt. I really hoped that we
didn't have to deal with that.
When I reached the house later that evening, I brought this up to her.
"I totally understand," she agreed. "We don't have to talk anymore,
that's fine with me." After she said this, there was an extended silence.
It was uncomfortable; and I knew that Amber wouldn't be home for another
half hour. I looked at Amber's mother, who seemed really sad that this
pseudo-relationship had to end, since there really was nothing else for
her. It made me feel bad, so I decided to do something to cheer her up.
I layed down on the couch, my head resting on one of the arms.
Amber's mom pulled her pants down as if she were about to sit on the
toilet, let her panties fall too, and plopped her big booty on my nose just
one more time, for old times' sake. By now, I had learned to love the
stench of her butt, and the smell of rotten eggs, if it came from her
beautiful double bubble, smelt just like heaven.
I had just enough time to wash the butt-stink off of my face by the time
the door to a taxi shut loudly outside, and Amber stormed inside. First
she hugged her mother, but then gave me a really tight hug and a
long-missed kiss. "It feels so good to be home!" She shouted,
euphorically, and crashed onto a big soft chair in the living room.
The three of us came together and talked a lot about the happenings of
the past week, minus the fart conditioning, of course. Amber moved from
the chair to my lap, which I always loved, but this time...
It was quiet, but I smelt it right away: she had farted right on my lap!
She'd never done this before. But it wasn't a big deal, as long as it was
just once- any more farts and I'd start to get horny.
ppppffFFFFFTTTT.... bbbbrrrrrfffffffffffffffftttttttt....
tttttRRRRRRRRRFFtttt..... ppppppauuuuUUUUPPP....
They just kept coming, all silent, but each one getting more and more
potent. This was rather strange... but wasn't focused on the oddity of
it, I was focused on the fact that I really hoped that she didn't notice my
cock slowly crawling underneath her butt cheeks. She farted again, still
silent, but my penis could feel it, and in no time, he was at full length,
ready to fuck.
At first, Amber didn't notice it, but after about five minutes of
talking, she leaned over, away from me, and let out a loud chainsaw fart
right on my cock! This one smelt the strongest, and made me nervous. She
got up and examined my thigh. "Alright mom," she said. "Let's see how you
Now I was really confused. "What? Amber, what's going on here? Why
were you farting on my leg? That's gross!"
She giggled. "You're not a good liar." She looked at her mother, "Was
he a handful?"
"At times, but don't worry, he's well-trained. I think I did a pretty
good job!" She gave me an evil grin, which made me shrink back into my
"You knew?" I whimpered.
"Knew? I told her to do it!" She started laughing at me, taunting me.
"But why?"
"Let me explain something to you," she said, while stripping down naked.
Her mom stripped as well, and in less than a minute, they were both
completely nude, standing next to each other, arms crossed. "Girls are
told not to fart their entire lives! Their trained to think that it's just
not okay, and that any girl that farts is disgusting and abnormal! I've
never seen a movie where a woman farts, and that's because society likes to
pretend that it just doesn't happen!"
"We're part of a club," her mother explained, "That thinks this is
bullshit, sexist, and that the rest of the world just needs to grow up and
realize that women aren't perfect!"
"Not at all," said Amber, shaking her head. "So, everyone in the club
makes a pledge to forcibly give all of their boyfriends a fart fetish, so
that they'll appreciate us more. And we also want men to start worshipping
the grossest part of the female body, not just spank it! This is pretty
hard to do; from experience, you've probably figured out that girl farts
smell way worse than any other gas you've ever smelt before!"
"But that doesn't matter, because you're not just her boyfriend anymore;
you're our fart slaves!"
And suddenly both turned around and bent over. "Get ready for a pretty
humiliating next few years, slave!" Amber shouted at me. They shoved my
head in between both of their stinky, giant money-makers, and...