Alone with Kayla
by Mr_.Zodiac

It was late on a Friday night, and I had been hanging out with a couple
of friends on the opposite side of town from where I lived. One of those
friends lived only down the street from me, and we both hung out on our own
occasionally. But although this guy was cool, and he was definitely
considered a close friend of mine, I was way more focused on his older
sister. Her name was Kayla- short black hair, a cute baby face, the
sweetest voice, she was one of the hottest women I had ever really seen,
although I never was allowed to meet her; not until tonight... We were all
high school students, while she was on her first year of college, which
made me sad that I couldn't see her at my school. To make things awkward
between us, her brother (my friend) had told her that I thought she was
hot, which apparently made her feel uncomfortable around me. For this
reason, I made the decision to never talk to her, or even give her eye
contact- I was terrified of her, as wimpy as it sounds. She was hot in the
most intimidating way possible, giving off the impression of being
selective, judgemental, condescending, and someone who would never be
submissive to anyone, probably hard to rape. The big problem that drove me
mad about this situation was that every time I hung out with the two of
these guys, his big sister had to pick him up, and consequently pick me up
too since I lived so close. My heart pounded whenever I heard him say, "My
sister's here." When he said it that night, I panicked as usual in my head
but remained calm on the inside. We got in her car and headed for the
freeway; as usual, the two siblings made small talk for the ride home,
while tried to zone out. About halfway there, the night truly began- I
smelt something utterly awful coming from somewhere, and I knew the smell;
somebody farted. I didn't know which of the two of them did it, but I did
not really care, it just was too much to handle. I rolled down my window
to get some fresh air. Then Kayla did something that made me
uncomfortable- she rolled it back up; she could do that since she was in
the driver's seat. I wanted to be courteous and keep it down, but I was
starting to get nauseated from the smell. Something went through my mind
that I hadn't thought of just then: why did she do that? It's not like it
would make her cold, she wouldn't be affected by it at all, so why did she
do it? Was she trying to trap me in her car and force me to smell what
could possibly be her farts? That idea made no sense, so I threw it out,
hoping that I just wouldn't have to experience it ever again. How could my
friend not smell it, though? I know he would have said something about it,
which means that the smell might not have affected him because it came from
right in front of me: from Kayla's seat. I had to keep from vomiting
though, that would just be too embarrassing. Instead, I continued to zone
out, and simply not pay any attention to where we were going. What I
noticed when I snapped out of it scared me a bit: "Umm, Kayla," I said
softly, "you missed the exit you were supposed to get off at to get to my
house." "I did? Aw shit, well I can't turn around, and I'm already heading
straight to our house; would you be okay with me dropping off my little
brother and just driving you home afterwards?" My heart raced a little, and
I nodded, but when I noticed that she wasn't willing to look back, I said
"sure." She dropped off her brother, I said goodbye to him also. Then,
just before he started walking away from the car, she said, "I'm going to
be going out for food with a few friends, so tell mom and dad I'll be home
in about an hour, okay?" He nodded. Then she looked at me. With our eyes
locked, I began to sweat. "Why don't you sit in the front? It's a lot
more comfortable, trust me." "Okay," I said, nodding stupidly. I went
around the car and sat next to her, closing the door behind me politely.
"Besides," she said, "you seemed pretty uncomfortable back there breathing
in my farts the whole way!" She giggled a little, in a mean, maniacal way.
"Wait, that was you? That's fucking gross! Why would you fart with a
guest in the car! I was fucking choking back there!" I couldn't believe I
was raising my voice to her, especially over something like this. We began
driving. "Relax, shit face. I know you like me, you probably masturbate
to me every night!" I was completely speechless; when she decided that I
simply wouldn't talk, she kept going. "I have to admit, you're pretty
pathetic, you're ugly, you're weak, you barely have any friends, and you're
such a fucking no-life!" Suddenly, she farted again, this one being loud,
wet sounding, and she had to move to the side to do it. It was an eggy
fart, one of the worst I had ever smelt in my life, and I tried to cover my
nose to avoid it, but it got in somehow anyways. "I think you're kind of
cute, though, cute in a funny sort of way. People like you are good for
one thing, and one thing only: fart cushions! "I bet my little bro didn't
tell you my little secret: I love to fart! I used to fart in his face all
the time when we were little kids, and when he started going through
puberty, I started putting a vibrator on his cock, making him super horny
but never being able to cum! I used to blackmail him, that's why he let me
do it." Then she farted again:
This was the loudest and the smelliest one so far, and it was making me
lose consciousness with all of the gas in the car. "I started doing that
every day after school, and now, he begs me to fart on him! Isn't that
I nodded, barely being able to breathe. I'm only counting the farts I
heard, but there were probably so many SBD's she let out too. It was
terrifying and gross, and humiliating to be honest. I mean, how degrading
is it to have to smell a girl's farts? It made me feel small, and weak,
but maybe that was just the methane getting to my head. "My problem is,
I'm getting bored of him. He has a girlfriend to fart in his face too, so
there's really no point in using him anymore. The whole point is to make
so that I don't have to smell my own farts, because they are way too much
for me to even handle! But that's not a hard problem to solve: I can just
forcibly train you to be my new fart slave!" "No way!" I shouted. "I used
to think you were so hot, but you're fucking gross, I'm getting out of
here!" I looked out of the window, with my shirt over my nose like an
idiot, realizing that I saw no street lights. "Where are we?" "In a place
off of a dirt road that no one ever goes on- no one can hear you cry for
help out here, and there is no phone service. We have about an hour to
kill, sooo..."
She did that five times in a row, each one worse than the last, making
my eyes water. Eventually, we stopped, and we were in a place where trees
were covering the car- no one would be able to see us at all... "Well,
you're free to get out here if you want to. You're pretty far from your
house, so it might be kind of hard to get back. Oh yeah, I almost forgot
to tell you: if you don't agree to be my fart slave, I'm telling my family
and the cops that you tried to molest me. They'd all believe me too, they
know you're just a creepy little pervert. I'm giving you a choice. She
farted twice in a row, making my eyes water even more; this was getting too
intense, it smelt like rotten eggs and pure shit! I wanted to cry. "Aww,
are my farts too stinky for you? Well you just might have to get used to
them!" She let out a long, six second dry and loud fart that finally made
me gag. There was no way of making it out alive, I would die of breathing
in too much fucking gas! A girl's gas, too! I couldn't believe how
humiliating this was, I didn't know what to do. "Okay, I'll be your
slave," I told her. "Good," she said. "And look at the bright side: for
several hours a week, or maybe even a day, you're going to get to bury your
face in this..." She folded the seat back, and did the same for mine,
turning the car into a bed, practically. Then, the aimed her butt towards
me, and began to slowly pull off her skin-tight jeans. Underneath those
jeans was the most beautiful butt I had ever seen, and by then, I had seen
a lot of porn! It was the roundest, juiciest, sexiest bubble but I had
ever seen! The sight of it made me extremely hard. As she began to pull
down her thong and show me her perfect little butthole, my dick was
throbbing, probably spitting out pre-cum all over my pants. "Go on," she
said. "Sniff it. I know you want to." I really did not want to, but I
knew exactly what she meant- if I didn't, I'd get something worse; I knew
she she wouldn't be this nice every time, so I just rolled with it. I
buried my head in between her two massive ass cheeks and shook them.
Surprisingly, her butt didn't smell that bad, despite all of the farts, and
my cock only got more and more hard. "I want you to take it out," she
said. "Take what out?" "Your cock, fartface! That puny little cock of
yours! I want you to start jacking off to my ass..." She said it so
seductively, so I managed to do so in a matter of seconds. "It's going to
be hard not to cum, you're really fucking hot!" "I know, baby. Just tell
me when you're close okay?" That was weird: why did she just call me that?
And why did it sound so derogatory, as if I was practically nothing? There
was not enough time to care... probably a minute later I told her, "I'm on
the edge..." ppppPPPPPPSSSSFFFFFFTTtttt!!!!!!
And my penis almost completely retracted, as well as my cum. I gagged,
it was so much worse point blank! I was so close to puking, this was just
too gross. How did I end up here? Why did I end up here, in such a
horrible position, too? "Keep going," she whispered erotically. The very
sound of her voice made me go back to masturbating again, faster, more
furious as I buried my head deeper into her butt crack. "Always tell me
when you're about to cum, though. If not, I'll keep farting until you
actually pass out! I'm being nice by letting you sniff my booty!" "Okay,
okay!" I told her. "Oh, and that's another thing: no talking back,
otherwise I'm going to tilt your head back, press your nose right up
against my asshole and let out the wettest fart possible! Nod if you
understand." I nodded obediently. About five minutes later, I told her,
"I'm on the edge again..."
Again, I immediately became small once the rancid smell hit me. "Now I
want you to spread my cheeks and rub your nose up against my hole, then let
my butt cheeks close on your head." I did as I was told, terrified. I did
not know that she would grab the back of my head and hold it there, and let
out three chainsaw farts right on my nose! "Come on! Keep jacking off, I
wanna see how big you can make that thing!"
This went on for an entire hour; imagine that, the hottest girl you can
possible imagine doing the grossest thing that anyone could ever do to you!
And taunt you by reminding you how pathetic you are and saying how your
dick is so small, but all the while forcing you to jack off! That's what I
experienced, swimming in a sea of farts, unable to breathe properly,
wanting to cum so bad but not being able to because every time I'm about
to, she farts! And they stink worse than anything! After about an hour,
she told me that I could cum but only as she was farting, so I tried as
hard as possible to cum. After that, she began to drive me home. "Aren't
your parents going to wonder why it smells so bad in here?" I asked on the
way there. "No. I live in a... a `feminine household,' so to speak. Me
and my sister and my mom take turns farting on my brother and my dad, it's
been like that ever since I was born, and I'm the oldest child. If my dad
were to use this car tomorrow to get to work, he'd cum right then and there
as soon as the door was opened. Pretty soon, you're going to be just like
that!" "Why me? Why am I the new victim?" "You're nothing special, I turn
all of the guys I meet into fart slaves." She finally dropped me off at the
end of the night. It felt amazing to finally get fresh air, away from what
I had just endured. I came to learn the hard way that she had, by dropping
me off, learned where I lived, my exact house in fact. She also recognized
a sudden change of breathing pattern every time I was about to cum, that
way I never had to tell her eventually. Now, I was her slave, and for who
knows how long? I just dread the day when I find myself picking up the
phone and begging her to come down and fart on my face, then I will be
fully conditioned...